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MGTMT/WE/ 067/12


APRIL 2024 E.C


Any accomplishment requires the blessing of the God. This work is not any different to that. So
the first thanks goes to Almighty God for giving opportunity, capacity, and guidance of our life.
Next to this we would like to offer the warmest thank to Mr. Samuel sakalo who is coordinator
of land management. Beside this, we extend the deepest thanks to Mr. Ayele Ayza who is staff of
land management. Furthermore, we offer great gratitude to all staff workers of bahil adarash sub-
city office. Finally, we would like to give a great thanks for our advisor Mr. Amisalu Keno. The
completion of this work May not been possible without his generous devotion from early design
of the internship report title and to the final write-up of the report. Thus, we thank him for his
genuine and energetic encouragement, suggestion, insight and guidance to complete this
practical internship report.

We were conducted the internship report in municipality which was started from January 15 to
February 15, 2012 E.C. Land is the ultimate source of wealth and its gift by god in nature and
immovable and inexhaustible property. It’s a scarce resource in this case it’s the major cause to
occur many conflicts. it is without doubt that land dispute are the order of the day in Ethiopia
cases involving hostilities ranging from stranger and neighbors to family relations and friends
keeps surfacing up. This report seeks to explore the way how to resolve related with land dispute
in bahil adarash and how to issue licensing paper for the building purpose in order to prevent
illegal building the bahil adarash municipality uses different techniques to alleviate land dispute
and illegal construction in the town. When resolving urban land conflicts related to boundaries
According to municipality office by using site plan of the conflicting of both parties.

Table of Contents



1. Introduction.............................................................................................................................................1

1.1 Back ground of the internship............................................................................................................1

1.2 Back ground of the organization........................................................................................................2

1.2.1 Goal of the organization.............................................................................................................2

1.2.2 Mission of the organization........................................................................................................2

1.2.3 Vision of the Organization..........................................................................................................3

1.2.4 SWOT Analysis of the Organization..........................................................................................3 Strength of the organization.....................................................................................................3 Weakness of the organization..................................................................................................3 Opportunity of the organization...............................................................................................4 Threat of the Organization.......................................................................................................4

1.2.5 Values of the organization..........................................................................................................4

1.2.6 Organizational structure..............................................................................................................4

1.3 Objectives of the internship...............................................................................................................5

1.3.1 General objective........................................................................................................................5

1.3.2 Specific objectives......................................................................................................................5

1.4 Scope of the internship......................................................................................................................5

2. Description of the internship site.............................................................................................................6

2.1 Location.............................................................................................................................................6

2.2 Climate..............................................................................................................................................6

2.3 Population..........................................................................................................................................6

2.4 Land use............................................................................................................................................7

2.5 Vegetation.........................................................................................................................................7

3. Approaches followed/Materials and Method...........................................................................................7

3.1 Sources of data..................................................................................................................................7

3.1.1 Primary data source....................................................................................................................7

3.1.2 Secondary data source................................................................................................................7

4. Main activities performed and field findings...........................................................................................7

5. Challenges and Opportunities................................................................................................................10

5.1 Challenges of the internship............................................................................................................10

5.2 Opportunities of the internship........................................................................................................10

5.2.1 Community prospective............................................................................................................10

5.2.2 Government prospective...........................................................................................................10

5.2.3 NGO prospective...............................................................................................................11

6. Experiences gained and lesson learned..................................................................................................11

7. Conclusion and Recommendation.........................................................................................................12

7.1 Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................12

7.2 Recommendation.............................................................................................................................12

8. References.............................................................................................................................................13

8.1 Reference in persons........................................................................................................................13



1.1 Back ground of the internship

Land is the ultimate source of wealth and its gift by God in nature and immovable and
inexhaustible property. It’s a scarce resource in this case it’s the major cause to occur many
conflicts. Conflict over land is a serious social problem in rural and urban Ethiopia but especially
in rural Ethiopia. The upsurge scarcity of land in urban center and the un-balanced demand and
supply have made urban land dispute settlement a more sensitive land governance agenda in
Ethiopia. Urban land disputes can occur between and among land users (such as inheritance,
boundaries), neighbors and communities or with the system of land management. It's common,
therefore, for legal systems to provide formal and informal justice institutions each of them
having its own mechanism of dealing with land conflicts.

Unlike the rural land laws, the powers of urban land dispute settlements have not been
adequately regulated under the current urban land laws of Ethiopia. And, urban land dispute
settlement mechanism is one of the land governance issues that lack attention and dwellers often
forced to request the authorities when their land uses right is violated. The main cause to conflict
there is weak land information system and this conflict has its own economic, environmental and
psychological crisis. Among the factors that contribute to these conflicts are population growth
and land scarcity; rising land values; environmental stresses, including from climate change;
weak tenure security; and increasing demand for land and other natural resources.

1.2 Back ground of the organization

Wolaita sodo is a nice and beautiful town. Wolaita sodo municipality office there are six
departments these are land development, infrastructure, public participation unit, wasting
management, construction head and housing development. In this office there are 52 workers and
26 workers are male and 26 workers are female. Among this 17 workers are degree graduated, 10
workers are level 3, 12 workers are level 4, 6 workers are Grade 10, 4 workers are Grade 8 and 3
workers are Grade 6.

1.2.1 Goal of the organization
 To create transparency and responsiveness

 To prepare adequate land before needs arise from the people

 To avoid partiality and prejudice and to create justice among the society

 To have modern system of documentation

 Decentralizing all services towards sub-city and kebele

 To provide land which is fulfilled by infrastructure

 To create a single door service

 To create urgent response places which is given in lease form

 Giving remedy for genuine grievance among the society

1.2.2 Mission of the organization

By using effectively and efficiently our national and artificial resources and by developing
integrated approach in the town constructing various infrastructures, beautifying the town,
enabling the town suit for dwelling, investment. In addition by preparing land which would be
serve to deliver social service. Finally, creating a conducive atmosphere in order to enable the
town comfortable for investment and center for culture.

1.2.3 Vision of the Organization

In 2020 the sub-city will have good governance having integrated having development and a
sub-city which suit for investment besides attain in the people in the stage of middle income.

2. Description of the internship site

2.1 Location
Wolayita Zone Dola Municipality

Soddo, one of the oldest towns in the SNNPRS is formed as town 113 years ago as military
center to the south, to make a ‘united one Ethiopia’ by the Emperor Minlik the secondary of

One of the 22 reform cities in SNNPRS & has got a secondary level next to Hawassa. It is the
administrative capital of thee Wolayita zone. In addition the city functions as a center for the
surrounding agricultural land. It is also a major transportation node, being the center of six
national and regional transport router. Trade is the most important lively hood of the resident of
the city.

2.2 Climate

Wolaita zone boloso sore dola city is located 390 KM of south 167 KM of south west of Addis
Ababa and Hawassa respectively. Astronomically the city is located 6049” N latitude and
37045’’ E longitude.
The total area of the city is about 3,200 hectares. The city is divided in to three sub city, 11
kebeles and 99 villages (mender).

2.3 Population

According to the data from city finance Economic Development office recently the total number
of the city’s residents exceed 120,000. However the office says that the number of population is
increasing in high level due to continues rural-urban migration.
To this end, the annual growth rate of the city’s population is 5.4%.
Local Economic Acti8vities
The city is located in the strategic place for the southern Ethiopia at the center and it has 6 outlets
which are connect the north south east and west areas.
Via Hossana Addis Abeba,
Soddo Arbaminch Jinka,
Soddo-Jima via Waka
Soddo Gofa/Sawula,
Soddo-Hawassa via Bedessa Moroch
Soddo-Addis Abeba via Boditi shashamene.
Humbo –Dimtu-Dilla
Thus outlets makes the city one of the commercial and recreation centers for the surrounding
zones and also for the region.

Furthermore it serves as an education center for the surrounding areas. The majority of the
people in the town are leading their livelihood by undertaking small & medium trade. Such as
hotel service, cereal marketing stores, flour mills, pastries, cloth making (Weaving &sewing)
livestock products etc.
Regarding industrial activities, there are no large scale industries in Wolaita zone boloso sore
dola city . Some flour industries have been constructed since the last two or three years.
The existing small-scale industries such as grain mill, wood & metal workshop, block & hallow
concrete production are few in number, which don’t clearly satisfy the present economic
dynamism of the town.
Physical infrastructures
Electric power
The existing power supply system for the town is hydropower supply system from Gilgel Gibe &
Melka Wakena HP stations
From the national Grid at Wolayita Soddo Sub station since 1985 G.C. the power distribution in
the town stepped up by 84 transformers & the total capacity of the power line is 15000 KVA
Soddo has got telecommunication service which is digital since 2000 G.C. By now the telephone
network is divided & distributed by 15CC/cable cabinet/. Each cable cabinet has its own
coverage area network map & skeletal map of primary & secondary map with general & detail
map respectively. Their spatial distribution is fair & touches each part of the town & even for the
expansion areas there can be a new cable cabinet can be installed & mapped. The town also gives
internet services and it connect the town with other world vastly.
Soddo has 16.28 Km concrete asphalt road, 9.9 km gravel road, 5.6 km Coble stone road and 92
km earth road. There are about 10 transport institution that organize the transport arrangement in
to different routes away
From Soddo town & transit transport vehicles through six outlets.
Water Supply

Watery overwhelming of population from different direction. The regional government with
zone administration strongly works for the new project which is donated from World Bank in
order to fulfill the supply of the city is somehow good.
But because of interest of the city water supply.
Social; Infrastructures
Education according to the data from the town administration. Soddo town has fifteen
kindergartens, seventeen primary & two secondary school including Wolayita Soddo Unviersity
and many private and governmental colleges.

2.4 Laodond use

In Wolaita zone boloso sore dola city has many land use land cover such as;

 Commercial

 Residential

 Recreation

 Manufacturing or industry storage

2.5 Vegetation
In wolaita zone boloso sore Dola city very small vegetation coverage in municipality has
vegetation greening areas in the road.

3. Approaches followed/Materials and Method

3.1 Sources of data

The method we have been used in order to collect the data during we did the practical internship.
We have used the two sources of data as jotted down under here. These are:-

3.1.1 Primary data source

 We made an interviews with some member of community
 Communicate with staffs of the organization
 Observation

3.1.2 Secondary data source
 The dead files

4. Main activities performed and field findings

This report focus on urban land conflicts related to boundaries and how to get building license in
Land dispute involves conflicting claims to right in land by two or more parties focused on a
particular piece of land which can be with the existing legal frame work. The major causes for
urban land use conflicts according to Ethiopia in the area were lack of land ownership
documents, double allocation of urban plots, inadequate compensation for landholders and their
children’s inheritance rights, poor land governance, and forcibly expropriating. The other causes
are inadequate planning and non-implementation of planning regulations, and lack of public
participation in urban development agenda. The effects were social, environmental, and
economical to the society. Land dispute may or may not reflect border conflict over land.
According to bahil adarash sub city many conflicts are related to land boundaries.
In wolaita sodo boloso sore dola municipality office they also gives the permission of building
licenses by building office and also In bahil adarash municipality office building officer started
their work in 2006. A building officer is one of a branch of construction office. The building
officer shall determine the category of buildings submitted for his approval in accordance with
the criteria set within the Proclamation number 624/2009 and this Regulation.
The building officer shall decide the compliance or non- compliance of the application with the
urban center and notify the applicant his decision and the reasons thereto, in writing, within three
working days. Building license is an official approval issued by the local government agency that
allows you or your contractor to proceed with a construction or a remodeling project on your
property. It’s intended to ensure that the project plan to complain with local standards for land
use, zoning and construction. In wolaita zone boloso sore dola municipality the building permit
gives by building officer and land management office. If one person wants to get a planning
consent then you must be fulfill different criteria’s. Planning consent is a document verifying the
compliance of a proposed construction plan. It should have a serial number showing the date of
issuance and validity period.
These criteria’s are;

1. Submit the request format for issuance of building officer
2. The person goes to consulting office and submits his ideas after that a consulting office
prepares a design (blue print). Consulting office task also plan, design, supervise and help in
undertaking maintenance of any type of structure according to the needs of the client.
Construction blueprints are two-dimensional drawings that contain all the details that are needed
for a project. These details are needed to request permits, determine the construction schedule,
and eventually do the construction itself.
3. The person makes a soil test by regional construction i.e. the regional construction tests
bearing capacity of the soil.
4. Submit the soil type test and design for building officer
5. The building officer asks the land management information of about the owner like, if there is
a bank loan, bank agreement confirming that a construction could be undertaken, valid debt and
injunction verification issued within the past 12 months from the client.
6. The building officer check the building house height and standard of the house from the
7. Finally, approved the design it serves as a building license this license is available to work
only for 6 months.
Generally, in wolaita zone boloso sore dola town Construction Permit and Control Authority
provides the service of issuance of construction permit by evaluating the requested construction
is designed as per the master plan of the city.
Customers can get the construction permit by submitting complete construction designs and
other required documents in line with the necessary requirements.



2.1. Experiences gained and lesson learned

Internship is one method of making opportunity for us to develop our potential and explore
general office experience as well as helps to know specific organization’s arrangements which
provide us with valuable work experience (both practical and to explore new ideas) and an
opportunities to practice work before graduation. Internship programs are also potentially
valuable to organizations. While we participate in this internship we expect that only practical
and theoretical knowledge will be gained in the internship but after completing of the internship
we were able to realize that we get so many benefits far beyond what we were learnt in normal
class. Throughout the practical internship program, we did not only get a lot of knowledge, but
also we brought attitudinal change due to we had faced many challenges that enabled us to
overcome those obstacles. Furthermore, we have gained a chance to relate our skills in a
professional working environment from different notions which will help us in order to visualize
our future career plan. In generally, we have improved the professional skills on the following
areas as mentioned under here;

 Advance our practical skill

 Enhance theoretical knowledge

 Provide opportunities to develop interpersonal communication skill

 Scale up leadership skill

 Understanding the work ethics skill

 Develop entrepreneurship skill

 Enabled us to build up team spirit

 Improve our understanding of a particular working environment

 Develop our potential and to explore new insights throughout the academically,
professionally and socially

2.1 Challenges of the internship
• Financial problem- because when given to ours birr is not much with currently happen
• Lack of inter personnel communication skill.

• We are afraid to ask any thing for the first time workers of the organization- because it’s the
first time of ours practical work.

• We cannot observe active files because of all files have in the organization are dead files.
• Lack of appropriate data- there is no organized data.
• We cannot get well skilled man power in land administration and surveying at host
• There is no full material and some employers have not response and willingness to appreciate
this internship program.
• Shortage of time- when given the internship time to ours is much short so its difficult to get
much knowledge to ours.
• Due to the transfer of all documents to the main center of the municipality, not enable get any
document currently.

2.2 Opportunities of the internship

2.2.1 Community prospective
From community prospective there are people who abide by the rule and regulation of the
municipality on the other hand the resident have mixed feeling about legality. The community
delighted when someone built a house, but do not give emphasis how the building is done
(whether legally or illegally) so when measure is taken on illegal building. The rest of the
community become sad and also ignite objection on the concerned institution. This is due to lack
of awareness among the society.

2.2.2 Government prospective

The land department in nature is exposed for rent seeking activities to combat rent seeking
tendency cannot be achieved without the integrated effort of officials. All illegal activities has to
do with land officials wit out collaboration of different officials, the illegal activities cannot be
disseminated in all area. The government has its own role for illegal land holding system.

2.2.3. NGO prospective
Different NGO offer support municipal government by coordinating working groups and
providing accurate information from their community prospective. The provisions of training and
professional developments are the major contribution in the municipality.


4.1. SWOT Analysis of the Organization

4.1.1.Strength of the organization

 The government gives due attention for land management

 Having different proclamation documents

 Having experienced workers

 Irrespective of their capacity employees willingness

 The attempt of the municipal to optimal use of land resource

4.1.2 Weakness of the organization

 The redundancy between active and dead files in different places

 Scarcity of materials in each department even stationary materials

 Traditional way of documentation

 Works not linked with technology

 Role ambiguity between cadaster and development unit

 Uncoordinated duty among different sectors and lack of coordination

 Due to the transfer of all documents to the main center of the municipality, not enable to
give response for the clients.

 Lack of well-versed employee that has to do with the job

 Lack of training for employees and compelled to do their work traditionally

 Punctuality problem

 Communication constraint

4.1.3 Opportunity of the organization
 The goal is trying to computerize all activities.

 Having different legal documents which aid the duties and responsibilities of the

 Issuing different trainings to degree level at varies university.

4.1.4 Threat of the Organization

 Corruption

 Different strategies which are generated by brokers

 Partiality which has to do with ethnic attitude

 Uneven distribution of trained land management employee

 Lack of willingness among the society to combat illegal construction

4.1.5 Values of the organization

o Responsibility

o Participation

o Readiness to change

o Commitment

o Service for society

4.2.6 Organizational structure


Infrastructure Public Wasting
Land development
participation management

4.3 Objectives of the internship

4.3.1 General objective
The main objective of this report is to understand how urban land disputes settlement mechanism
and how to obtain building license in case of municipality

4.3.2 Specific objectives

 To improve our skills on the urban land dispute settlement mechanism and obtain
building license.
 To know how to resolve the land related disputes with in each boundaries.
 To increase our communication skills within each of clients.

4. Scope of the internship

The internship report would emphasize on the urban land dispute settlement mechanism and how
to obtain building license in case of wolaita zone boloso sore dola which was an outcome of one
month period of time.



5.1 Conclusion
On the whole of this internship was a useful experience we have gained new knowledge, skill
and met with many people. It enables us to develop holistic view of the internship activities and
understanding the context of the observation. The internship activities give us skills and uses as
like to bridge the gap between theory and practice and also to know about how to resolve such
kind of land conflicts. In Dola municipality office building license is given by the department of
building officer and building license is mandatory requirement to build house someone without
building license no one can built house.

Land surveying courses are back bone of land management but in our internship area there is no
skilled man power who graduated by land administration and surveying to address the problem.
Within our belief land administration and surveying graduated human resource is mandatory to
reduce this land related conflicts.
5.2 Recommendation
We would like recommend something regarding when see during our internship activities;

 Lack of its transportation service in the organization, we recommend the government gives
attention and prepare its own service and the worker respect the time and accomplished any
tasks in right time
 There is file redundancy because of there is active files and deed files in different places, we
recommend to aggregate these file with in the hand of one office then it’s easy to give fast
responses to the client.
 We hadn’t take the course research method in the department of land administration and
surveying in 3rd year 1st semester, we recommend that if the department of land
administration and surveying deliver the course research methodology in2 nd year 2nd semester
we are able to delineate the difference between internship and research.
 We recommend for land administration and surveying office should give enough time to ours
to get much knowledge during internship activities.

>wiki>site plan


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