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 Shows the influences of the selected Western Classical play or
opera on Philippine theatrical performance in terms of form and
content of story.
 Choreographs the movements and gestures needed in the
effective delivery of a selected piece from Western Classical plays
and opera.
 Improvises accompanying sound and rhythm needed in the
effective delivery of a selected piece from Western Classical plays
and operas
 Performs in a group showcase of the selected piece from Western
Classical plays and operas

Backdrop- a painted cloth hung at the back of
a theater stage as part of the scenery
Broadway Theater

Broadway Theater - professional theaters with 500 or more seats

located in the Theater District and Lincoln Center along
Broadway, in the Manhattan Borough of New York City; along with
London’s West End Theaters, Broadway theaters are widely
considered to represent the highest level of commercial theater in
the English - speaking world

Chariot - a two - wheeled vehicle drawn by
horses, used in ancient racing and warfare

Comedy - a play characterized by its
humorous or satirical tone
Curtain Call

Curtain Call - the appearance of one or more
performers on stage after a performance to
acknowledge the audience’s applause

Decorum - behavior in keeping with good taste and
propriety depiction of amusing people or incidents,
in which the characters.
What is the importance of decorum?

 Business etiquette is important because it creates a

professional, mutually respectful atmosphere and
improves communication, which helps an office
serve as a productive place. People feel better
about their jobs when they feel respected, and that
translates into better customer relationships as well.

What is the concept of decorum?

 The appropriate rendering of a character, action,
speech, or scene. The concept of literary propriety,
in its simplest stage of development, was outlined
by Aristotle.

. from the Greek

Drama - a term coming
word meaning “action,” which is derived
from the verb meaning “to do” or “to act”
Greek Chorus

Greek Chorus - a homogeneous, non - individualized

group of performers in the plays of classical Greece,
who comment with a collective voice on the
dramatic action

Gypsy - a member of a nomadic; European, African, Indian

people of generally dark color complexion, who migrated
originally from India, settling in various parts of Asia, Europe,
and most recently, North America; a chorus dancer, in
Broadway theater

Liturgy - the sacrament of. the Eucharist or the Mass.

Type of play acted within or near the church and
relating stories from the Bible and of the saints.

. dramatic piece with

Melodrama - a sensational
exaggerated characters and exciting events
intended to appeal to the emotions

. or musician, especially
Minstrel - a medieval singer
one who sang or recited lyrics or heroic poetry to
a musical accompaniment for the nobility

What are the characteristics of Neoclassical theater?

 Neoclassical theatre as well as the time period is
characterized by its grandiosity. The costumes and scenery
were intricate and elaborate. The acting is characterized by
large gestures and melodrama.

Opera - an art form in which singers and musicians perform

a dramatic work combining text (libretto) and musical
score, usually in a theatrical setting; incorporates many of
the elements of spoken theatre, such as acting, scenery,
and costumes and sometimes includes dance.

. who writes plays.

Playwright - a person
Playwrights are writers who specialize in telling
stories for the stage.
 The main events of a play, novel,
film, or similar work, devised and
presented by the writer as an
interrelated sequence.
 The plot is the order of events as the
author has constructed the play.

. with tragic events and

Tragedy - a play dealing
having an unhappy ending, especially one
concerning the downfall of the main character

DIRECTIONS: Follow the instructions below as your guide for

1. Watch the play “Noli Me Tangere”.
2. Choose a scene that you like most and act it out together
with your group.
3. You can use any available materials as your costumes and
4. Your grade will be based on the rubrics below.

Props and Costumes 10%
Clarity of Speech 20%
Expression and Body Language 20%
Sounds/Music 10%
Over-all Performance 40%
Total 100%

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