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Project in Social Studies

Submitted by:
Alexiah A. Dela Cuesta
VI – Hugo Perez

Submitted to:
Mr. Gilbert Reyes
1. Emilio Aguinaldo (1899-1901):

• Declaration of Philippine Independence: Emilio Aguinaldo played a pivotal role in leading

the Philippine Revolution against Spanish colonial rule. On June 12, 1898, he proclaimed the
country's independence in Kawit, Cavite, marking a significant milestone in Philippine history
and laying the groundwork for self-governance.
• Malolos Constitution: Under Aguinaldo's leadership, the Malolos Congress drafted and
adopted the Malolos Constitution, which established the First Philippine Republic. This
document provided the framework for the country's governance and reflected the aspirations
of the Filipino people for freedom and sovereignty.
• Establishment of Institutions: Aguinaldo's administration saw the establishment of various
governmental institutions essential for the functioning of the newly independent Philippines,
including executive departments, the judiciary, and the armed forces, setting the stage for the
nation-building process.
• Infrastructure Development: Although limited by the challenges of war and occupation,
Aguinaldo's government initiated infrastructure projects aimed at improving transportation,
communication, and public services, albeit on a modest scale compared to later
• Resistance against American Occupation: Following the defeat of the Spanish forces,
Aguinaldo's administration transitioned into resistance against American colonization,
embodying the spirit of Filipino nationalism and defiance against foreign domination.
2. Manuel L. Quezon (1935-1944):

• Establishment of the Commonwealth: Manuel L. Quezon's presidency marked the

establishment of the Philippine Commonwealth in 1935, a transitional period leading to
independence from American colonial rule. This milestone granted Filipinos greater autonomy
in governance while preparing the country for full sovereignty.
• Quezon City: One of Quezon's most enduring legacies is the establishment of Quezon City
as the new capital of the Philippines, replacing Manila. This planned city symbolized progress
and modernity, featuring wide avenues, parks, and government buildings, reflecting Quezon's
vision for a dynamic national capital.
• National Language Policy: Quezon championed the adoption of Tagalog as the national
language, laying the foundation for Filipino as the country's official language. His efforts aimed
to foster national unity and cultural identity, promoting the use of the vernacular in education,
government, and media.
• Commonwealth Act No. 1: Quezon's administration enacted Commonwealth Act No. 1, which
established the National Assembly and laid down the legislative framework for the
Commonwealth government. This law set the stage for democratic governance and
representation in the Philippines.
• Infrastructure Development: Quezon initiated infrastructure projects to modernize the
country's transportation, communication, and public utilities, including the construction of
roads, bridges, ports, and electrification initiatives, enhancing connectivity and facilitating
economic development.
3. José P. Laurel (1943-1945):

• Japanese Occupation: José P. Laurel's presidency occurred during one of the darkest
periods in Philippine history, the Japanese occupation during World War II. His administration
faced immense challenges as the country grappled with the harsh realities of war, including
shortages, atrocities, and resistance movements.
• Establishment of the Second Philippine Republic: As head of the Japanese-sponsored
government, Laurel presided over the establishment of the Second Philippine Republic, a
controversial entity viewed by many as a puppet regime collaborating with the occupying
forces. His tenure was marked by collaborationist policies and efforts to maintain semblance
of governance under Japanese control.
• Economic Measures: Laurel's government implemented various economic measures aimed
at coping with the challenges of wartime conditions, including rationing, price controls, and
forced labor programs. These policies were often met with resistance and hardship among the
Filipino populace.
• Resistance Movements: Despite being viewed as a collaborator by some, Laurel's
administration faced opposition from guerrilla forces and Filipino patriots who resisted
Japanese rule. The underground resistance movement played a crucial role in undermining
the occupiers and preparing for the eventual liberation of the Philippines.
• End of Japanese Occupation: Laurel's presidency concluded with the defeat of Japan and
the liberation of the Philippines by Allied forces in 1945, marking the end of the tumultuous
period of occupation and paving the way for the country's post-war reconstruction and
4. Sergio Osmeña (1944-1946):

• Reconstruction Efforts: Sergio Osmeña assumed the presidency in the midst of post-war
reconstruction following the devastation of World War II. His administration focused on
rebuilding the country's infrastructure, economy, and society, addressing the immense
challenges left by the conflict.
• Rehabilitation Programs: Osmeña's government implemented rehabilitation programs to
assist war-ravaged communities and displaced individuals, providing assistance for housing,
livelihood, and basic services to facilitate the recovery process and alleviate suffering.
• Return to Civilian Rule: Under Osmeña's leadership, the Philippines transitioned from
wartime emergency measures to a return to civilian rule, restoring democratic institutions and
governance structures as the country sought to rebuild and move forward from the ravages of
• Reconciliation Efforts: Osmeña advocated for reconciliation and national unity in the
aftermath of the war, emphasizing the need for healing and cooperation among Filipinos of
diverse backgrounds and ideologies to overcome the trauma and divisions caused by the
• Preparation for Independence: As the Philippines approached its formal independence from
American colonial rule, Osmeña's administration laid the groundwork for the country's
transition to full sovereignty, working to ensure a smooth and orderly process of self-
5. Manuel Roxas (1946-1948):

• Philippine Independence: Manuel Roxas became the first President of the independent
Republic of the Philippines after the country's formal grant of independence from the United
States on July 4, 1946. His presidency marked the culmination of decades of struggle for self-
rule and sovereignty.
• Reconstruction and Rehabilitation: Roxas's administration continued efforts to rebuild and
rehabilitate the nation in the aftermath of World War II, focusing on infrastructure development,
economic recovery, and social welfare programs to address the needs of war-weary Filipinos.
• Economic Policies: Roxas pursued economic policies aimed at promoting industrialization,
trade expansion, and foreign investment to stimulate growth and development in the newly
independent Philippines, laying the foundations for the country's post-war economic
• Land Reform Initiatives: Roxas initiated land reform programs aimed at addressing issues
of land ownership, tenancy, and rural development, seeking to improve the lives of farmers
and promote equitable distribution of agricultural resources across the country.
• Foreign Relations: Roxas navigated the Philippines' diplomatic relations with other nations,
forging ties with allies and partners while asserting the country's independence and
sovereignty in the international arena, shaping its role as a newly independent member of the
global community.
6. Elpidio Quirino (1948-1953):

• Reconstruction and Development: Elpidio Quirino's presidency continued the task of

reconstruction and development in the post-war era, focusing on rebuilding infrastructure,
revitalizing the economy, and addressing social issues to promote stability and progress.
• Rural Development Programs: Quirino's administration implemented various rural
development programs aimed at uplifting agricultural communities, including irrigation
projects, agrarian reform initiatives, and support for small-scale farmers to increase
productivity and improve livelihoods.
• Foreign Policy and Diplomacy: Quirino pursued an active foreign policy agenda,
strengthening ties with other nations and asserting the Philippines' role in regional and
international affairs. His diplomatic efforts aimed to secure support for the country's
development goals and safeguard its interests on the global stage.
• Social Welfare Initiatives: Quirino introduced social welfare programs to address the needs
of marginalized sectors of society, including healthcare services, education initiatives, and
assistance for the poor and vulnerable, demonstrating a commitment to social justice and
• Infrastructure Development: Quirino's government embarked on infrastructure projects to
modernize transportation networks, expand public utilities, and improve connectivity across
the archipelago, laying the groundwork for economic growth and development in the
7. Ramón Magsaysay (1953-1957):

• Anti-Corruption Campaign: Ramón Magsaysay is renowned for his crusade against

corruption and abuse of power in government, spearheading efforts to promote transparency,
accountability, and integrity in public service. His administration implemented reforms to
combat graft and ensure ethical governance.
• Land Reform: Magsaysay prioritized land reform as a key policy agenda, seeking to address
landlessness and inequality in rural areas by promoting land distribution, providing support for
agrarian reform beneficiaries, and empowering farmers to improve their economic status.
• Social Justice Programs: Magsaysay's government introduced social justice programs
aimed at addressing socio-economic disparities and promoting inclusivity, including initiatives
to provide housing, healthcare, education, and employment opportunities for marginalized
• Infrastructure Development: Magsaysay invested in infrastructure projects to enhance
connectivity and promote regional development, focusing on building roads, bridges, schools,
and health facilities to improve accessibility and quality of life in underserved areas.
• People-Oriented Governance: Magsaysay's leadership style emphasized grassroots
engagement and responsiveness to the needs of the people, fostering a sense of participatory
governance and empowering citizens to actively participate in decision-making processes.
8. Carlos P. Garcia (1957-1961):

• Filipino First Policy: Carlos P. Garcia advocated for the "Filipino First Policy," which prioritized
the interests of Filipino businesses and industries over foreign interests. This policy aimed to
promote economic nationalism and protect local enterprises, encouraging self-reliance and
national development.
• Austerity Program: Garcia's administration implemented an "Austerity Program" to address
fiscal challenges and promote fiscal discipline. This initiative involved prudent spending,
budgetary restraint, and measures to balance the national budget, aiming to achieve financial
stability and sustainable economic growth.
• Rural Development: Garcia focused on rural development initiatives to uplift agricultural
communities and improve the livelihoods of farmers and rural residents. His administration
supported agricultural modernization, provided assistance for rural infrastructure, and
promoted cooperatives to enhance productivity and income in the countryside.
• Cultural Promotion: Garcia championed cultural promotion and preservation, recognizing the
importance of heritage and identity in nation-building. His administration supported initiatives
to celebrate Filipino arts, culture, and traditions, fostering pride and appreciation for the
country's rich cultural heritage.
• Foreign Relations: Garcia pursued an active foreign policy agenda, strengthening diplomatic
ties with other nations while asserting the Philippines' sovereignty and independence. His
administration sought to enhance international cooperation, promote regional stability, and
advance the country's interests in the global arena.
9. Diosdado Macapagal (1961-1965):

• Shift in Independence Day: Diosdado Macapagal initiated the change of Philippine

Independence Day from July 4 to June 12, aligning it with the date of the proclamation of
independence in 1898. This symbolic move aimed to emphasize Filipino nationalism and
commemorate the country's struggle for freedom.
• Land Reform: Macapagal pursued land reform initiatives to address issues of land ownership,
tenancy, and rural poverty. His administration implemented laws and policies aimed at
redistributing agricultural land to tenant farmers, promoting social justice, and fostering
equitable development in the countryside.
• Economic Liberalization: Macapagal advocated for economic liberalization to stimulate
growth and development, promoting trade liberalization, deregulation, and market-oriented
policies. His administration sought to attract foreign investment, expand export industries, and
modernize the economy to achieve sustainable prosperity.
• Social Justice: Macapagal championed social justice and equity, prioritizing programs to uplift
the poor and marginalized sectors of society. His government implemented social welfare
initiatives, including healthcare, education, and housing programs, to improve the quality of life
and promote inclusivity.
• Foreign Policy: Macapagal pursued an independent foreign policy that emphasized non-
alignment and active engagement with other nations. His administration sought to strengthen
ties with neighboring countries and foster cooperation in regional and international affairs,
promoting peace, stability, and mutual prosperity.
10. Ferdinand Marcos Sr. (1965-1986):

• Infrastructure Development: Ferdinand Marcos initiated ambitious infrastructure projects

aimed at modernizing the Philippines' transportation, communication, and energy sectors. This
included the construction of roads, bridges, airports, seaports, and power plants, which aimed
to spur economic growth and development.
• Martial Law: Marcos declared martial law in 1972, citing the need to restore law and order
and combat insurgency and rebellion. This period saw the implementation of various reforms
and initiatives under the New Society Movement, although it was also marked by human rights
abuses, censorship, and political repression.
• Batasang Pambansa: Marcos established the Batasang Pambansa, a unicameral legislative
body, as part of the shift to a parliamentary system under martial law. This institution served
as the national legislature during his regime, consolidating executive power and enabling the
enactment of laws to implement his agenda.
• Green Revolution: Marcos launched the Green Revolution to modernize and improve
agricultural productivity, aiming to achieve self-sufficiency in food production. This initiative
involved the introduction of high-yielding crop varieties, irrigation projects, and support for
agricultural mechanization to boost farm output.
• Infrastructure Projects: Marcos spearheaded iconic infrastructure projects such as the San
Juanico Bridge, the Cultural Center of the Philippines Complex, and the Manila International
Airport Terminal 1. These projects symbolized the regime's vision of progress and modernity,
although they were also criticized for their cost and alleged corruption.
11. Corazon Aquino (1986-1992):

• People Power Revolution: Corazon Aquino became President following the People Power
Revolution, a peaceful uprising that toppled the authoritarian regime of Ferdinand Marcos. Her
presidency symbolized the restoration of democracy and the triumph of people's power over
• Land Reform: Aquino implemented the Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program (CARP), a
landmark land reform initiative aimed at redistributing agricultural land to tenant farmers and
promoting rural development. CARP sought to address historical injustices in land ownership
and empower farmers to improve their lives.
• Constitutional Reform: Aquino promulgated the 1987 Constitution, which established a new
democratic framework for the Philippines, enshrining principles of human rights, social justice,
and decentralization. The constitution provided the legal basis for instituting democratic
institutions and promoting good governance.
• Economic Liberalization: Aquino pursued economic liberalization policies to open up the
Philippine economy to foreign investment and trade. Her administration implemented
measures to deregulate industries, privatize state-owned enterprises, and attract foreign
capital, aiming to stimulate economic growth and development.
• Peace Negotiations: Aquino initiated peace negotiations with various insurgent groups,
including the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) and the Communist Party of the
Philippines (CPP). While these efforts did not lead to lasting peace agreements during her
presidency, they laid the groundwork for future peace processes.
12. Fidel V. Ramos (1992-1998):

• Economic Reforms: Fidel V. Ramos implemented economic reforms aimed at liberalizing and
modernizing the Philippine economy. His administration pursued privatization, deregulation,
and trade liberalization measures to attract foreign investment, spur growth, and address fiscal
• Infrastructure Development: Ramos launched the "Philippines 2000" infrastructure program,
which aimed to modernize the country's infrastructure networks, including transportation,
telecommunications, and energy systems. This initiative sought to enhance connectivity,
promote regional development, and support economic expansion.
• Peace Process: Ramos pursued peace negotiations with various insurgent groups, including
the Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) and the National Democratic Front (NDF). His
administration achieved significant breakthroughs, including the signing of peace agreements
such as the 1996 Final Peace Agreement with the MILF.
• Telecommunications Liberalization: Ramos spearheaded the liberalization of the
telecommunications sector, which led to increased competition, improved services, and
expanded access to communication technologies. This initiative played a crucial role in
enhancing connectivity and facilitating economic development in the Philippines.
• Social Reforms: Ramos initiated social reform programs aimed at addressing poverty,
inequality, and social exclusion. His administration implemented initiatives to improve
education, healthcare, and social services, with a focus on uplifting marginalized communities
and promoting inclusive growth.
13. Joseph Estrada (1998-2001):

• Estrada Administration: Joseph Estrada's presidency focused on pro-poor policies and

populist initiatives aimed at addressing poverty and social inequality. His administration
launched programs such as "Kapayapaan at Kaunlaran" (Peace and Development) to promote
peace and development in conflict-affected areas.
• Economic Challenges: Estrada's presidency faced economic challenges, including the Asian
financial crisis, which adversely affected the Philippine economy. His administration
implemented measures to mitigate the impact of the crisis, including fiscal reforms and social
assistance programs for affected sectors.
• Infrastructure Projects: Despite economic difficulties, Estrada's government initiated
infrastructure projects aimed at improving transportation, public utilities, and urban
development. These projects included road construction, flood control systems, and housing
programs, albeit with varying degrees of success and controversy.
• Social Services: Estrada's administration prioritized social services, including healthcare and
education, through programs such as "Oplan Alis Disease" (Operation Eradicate Disease) and
"Sagip Edukasyon" (Save Education). These initiatives aimed to improve access to essential
services and address pressing social needs.
• Land Reform: Estrada continued the implementation of agrarian reform programs aimed at
redistributing agricultural land to landless farmers and promoting rural development. His
administration sought to address land tenure issues and empower farmers through land
distribution and support services.
14. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo (2001-2010):

• Strong Republic Nautical Highway: Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo initiated the Strong Republic
Nautical Highway project, which aimed to improve inter-island connectivity through the
establishment of roll-on/roll-off (RoRo) ferry routes. This project facilitated easier transport of
goods and people between islands, promoting economic integration and development.
• North Luzon Expressway (NLEX) Extension: Arroyo's administration oversaw the extension
of the North Luzon Expressway (NLEX), which improved transportation links between Metro
Manila and Central Luzon. The NLEX extension reduced travel time and congestion,
enhancing connectivity and facilitating economic growth in the region.
• Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps): Arroyo launched the Pantawid Pamilyang
Pilipino Program (4Ps), a conditional cash transfer program aimed at reducing poverty and
promoting human capital development. This initiative provided financial assistance to eligible
families, contingent upon fulfilling conditions such as sending children to school and availing
healthcare services.
• National Roads Improvement and Management Program (NRIMP): Arroyo's government
implemented the National Roads Improvement and Management Program (NRIMP) to
rehabilitate and maintain national roads and highways across the country. This program aimed
to improve road quality, enhance safety, and support economic activities through better
transportation infrastructure.
• Botika ng Barangay: Arroyo launched the Botika ng Barangay program, which aimed to
provide affordable and accessible medicines to underserved communities through community-
based drugstores. This initiative addressed the lack of access to essential medicines in remote
areas, promoting better healthcare outcomes and affordability for marginalized populations.
15. Benigno Aquino III (2010-2016):

• Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Program: Benigno Aquino III's administration initiated the
Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Program to facilitate infrastructure development through
collaboration between the government and the private sector. This program aimed to address
infrastructure gaps and promote sustainable economic growth through innovative financing
and project delivery models.
• Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth) Expansion: Aquino expanded the
coverage of the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PhilHealth), aiming to provide
universal healthcare coverage to all Filipinos. This expansion of PhilHealth's services helped
improve access to healthcare and reduce out-of-pocket expenses for medical services.
• K-12 Education Reform: Aquino implemented the K-12 Education Reform, which extended
the basic education cycle by adding two additional years of senior high school. This reform
aimed to enhance the quality of education, improve student readiness for higher education or
employment, and align the Philippine education system with international standards.
• Department of Health (DOH) Hospital Upgrading Program: Aquino's administration
launched the Department of Health (DOH) Hospital Upgrading Program to improve healthcare
facilities and services nationwide. This initiative involved upgrading and modernizing public
hospitals and health facilities to provide better quality care and meet the healthcare needs of
the population.
• National Greening Program: Aquino initiated the National Greening Program (NGP), which
aimed to reforest and rehabilitate degraded forestlands, protected areas, and watersheds
across the country. This environmental conservation program sought to address deforestation,
promote biodiversity conservation, and mitigate the impacts of climate change through
sustainable forestry practices.
16. Rodrigo Duterte (2016-present):

• Build, Build, Build Program: Rodrigo Duterte launched the ambitious "Build, Build, Build"
program, which aims to accelerate infrastructure development across the Philippines. This
program encompasses various large-scale projects including roads, bridges, airports, railways,
and public transportation systems, with the goal of stimulating economic growth, reducing
congestion, and improving connectivity nationwide.
• War on Drugs: One of Duterte's flagship initiatives is his controversial war on drugs, which
involves aggressive law enforcement actions targeting illegal drug trade and drug-related crimes.
This campaign has drawn both praise for its efforts to combat crime and criticism for alleged
human rights abuses and extrajudicial killings.
• Free Tuition in State Universities and Colleges (SUCs): Duterte signed into law the Universal
Access to Quality Tertiary Education Act, providing free tuition in state universities and colleges
(SUCs) across the Philippines. This initiative aims to make higher education more accessible to
economically disadvantaged students, reducing financial barriers to education and promoting
social mobility.
• National ID System: Duterte's administration implemented the Philippine Identification System
(PhilSys), a national identification system aimed at providing a unified and secure identification
card for all Filipino citizens and resident aliens. The PhilSys seeks to streamline government
transactions, improve service delivery, and enhance national security and governance.
• Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL): Duterte signed the Bangsamoro Organic Law (BOL), which
established the Bangsamoro Autonomous Region in Muslim Mindanao (BARMM). This landmark
legislation aims to provide self-governance and empowerment to the Bangsamoro people,
addressing decades-long conflict and promoting peace and development in the region.
17. Ferdinand Marcos Jr. (2021-present):

• Agriculture and Agrarian Reform: Subsequently serving as the Secretary of Agriculture,

Marcos launched initiatives which aims to improve domestic agricultural output and production,
while expanding measures to further establish a farm-to-market approach in providing
agricultural products to local markets and far flung areas.
• Insurgency: To harmonize the Bangsamoro peace agreements of the 1976 Tripoli
Agreement, the 1996 Final Peace Agreement and the 2014 Comprehensive Agreement on the
Bangsamoro, the Office of the Presidential Adviser on Peace, Reconciliation and Unity
facilitated the participation of the Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF) in the Bangsamoro
Transition Authority (BTA). On August 14, Marcos appointed new members of the BTA, and
included Abdulkarim Misuari and Nurrheda Misuari, son and daughter of Moro National
Liberation Front leader Nur Misuari, in an effort to unite former warring members of the MNLF
and the Moro Islamic Liberation Front under one Bangsamoro autonomous government.
• Communist Policy: Amid the weakening of the communist fronts by the military, in May
2023, Marcos directed the "recalibration" of the NTF-ELCAC to shift its previous "aggressive"
policy and become "bringers of peace". Marcos appointed Vice President Sara Duterte as co-
vice chair of the NTF-ELCAC. As part of his administration's peace initiatives, in November
2023, Marcos granted amnesty to former rebels of the Communist Party of the Philippines-
New People's Army-National Democratic Front (CPP-NPA-NDF), Moro Islamic Liberation
Front (MILF), and Moro National Liberation Front (MNLF); he also granted amnesty to
members of the Rebolusyonaryong Partido ng Manggagawa ng Pilipinas/Revolutionary
Proletarian Army/Alex Boncayao Brigade (RPMP-RPA-ABB).
• Drug Policy: Marcos declared his intention to continue the war on drugs of the Duterte
administration. By September 13, Marcos explained that the war on illegal drugs is "of internal
matter", opting to leave it out of his First State of the Nation Address; he said a working group
was still formulating policies for his anti-drug campaign, with a focus on prevention and
• Disaster Resilience: After a 7.0 magnitude earthquake hit Luzon a few weeks after his
presidential inauguration, Marcos rejected creating an executive department dedicated to
disaster resilience, agreeing with his sister, Senator Imee Marcos, who said that creating a
disaster response body under the Office of the President instead would "save the government
a lot of money". In April 2023, Bongbong Marcos signed an executive order creating a disaster
preparedness and response task force.

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