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On April 19, 2024, Miami Seaquarium filed a lawsuit in a federal court, seeking protection for
several actions from the Mayor of Miami Dade-County and different people from their office,
which we strongly believe violated the civil rights of our Company.

This decision was not made lightly. We sought dialogue until the very end but were left with
no alternative as we were never afforded a chance to be heard. Despite repeated requests
for a meeting with the Mayor and her office, our right to defend ourselves was continually
denied. We now defer to a federal judge to determine whether our civil rights have been
breached. We maintain that fair treatment and due process are not only our rights but are
essential to safeguarding the wellbeing of all animals under our care at Miami Seaquarium,
cared for by the most professional team.

Miami Seaquarium is a local attraction still legally operating with the approval of federal
agencies for more than 50 years. Millions of people and families have come to this iconic
place throughout the years, to learn and experience the wonders of marine life. Is a place
where more than 200 professional and experienced staff members come every day to give
their time and their heart to take care of all our animals with love and passion.

Our staff, who are deeply committed to the welfare of the animals under their care, have
been totally unfairly placed in an uncomfortable position, due to unexpected statements and
actions from the Miami Dade County, discrediting and disrespecting their work on what we
consider completely baseless and without merit.

These disputes should be resolved amicably between parties, yet now we must rely on legal
resolution, refusing to let political agendas undermine our foundational values and
commitments. For more than 30 years, our mission has been dedicated to our people, our
animals, and the communities we serve.

Miami Seaquarium remains open and operates under a valid lease agreement approved by
the Miami-Dade Council, continuing its operations with all necessary licenses. The USDA
has issued us a federal license, affirming our strict compliance with animal welfare standards.
This license attests to our facility meeting rigorous care and regulatory requirements.
We appreciate the continued support from our community and remain dedicated to our
mission. We trust in the United States' rule of law and have full confidence in our judicial
system to adjudicate this matter fairly. If Miami-Dade County believes it has valid grounds, we
welcome the court's review as a testament to their faith in the judicial system.

We urge Miami-Dade County to respect the legal process and uphold the civil rights
principles that are foundational not only to the community they serve but also to the values of
our nation. We call on Miami-Dade County to respect our legally operating Miami
Seaquarium, the federal agencies granting our licenses, our dedicated staff, and the Miami
community by honoring their commitment to uphold the laws and civil rights of all citizens,
including those at Miami Seaquarium.


Eduardo Albor

CEO of the Dolphin Company

Miami Seaquarium
4400 Rickenbacker Causeway
Miami, FL 33149
(305) 361-5705

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