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Bechtel Limited




5 Dec 97 Amended to include requirements for JJL DB KQ

4 Jan 97 Amended to comply with new JJL DB KQ
Company Procedures
3 Dec 94 To comply with ISO9001:1994 DB PKG CGM
2 Jul 92 To suit changes to other documents DB TEO ML
1 Sept 89 Company Implementation ABH DB KT
0 May 89 Interdepartmental Review DB RK

Company Quality System Procedures Page 1 of 8

Procedure Number QAP-218 Rev 5
Bechtel Limited
Company Quality System Procedure No: QAP-218


1. PURPOSE........................................................................................................ 3
2. SCOPE............................................................................................................. 3
3. REFERENCES................................................................................................. 3
4. DEFINITIONS................................................................................................. 4
5. RESPONSIBILITIES....................................................................................... 4
6. INSTRUCTIONS............................................................................................. 5


The purpose of this Procedure is to ensure that personnel in the company are suitably
trained in accordance with the company Human Resources Instruction No 1, Training and
Career Development.

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Procedure Number QAP-218 Rev 5
Bechtel Limited
Company Quality System Procedure No: QAP-218

For New Delhi Execution Unit (NDEU), this procedure will be followed in accordance
with Bechtel Limited, Manual of Personnel Policies, Section 700 on Training and


2.1. This Procedure shall apply generally throughout the Company.

2.2. The Management Instruction referred to in Section 1.0 is further defined in scope
in the Bechtel Limited Manual of Personnel Policies, Section 700 and Operating
Instructions BL-406. For NDEU, only Section 700 is applicable.

2.3. This Procedure addresses the requirements of ISO9001 Section 4.18 as defined in
the Company Quality Manual QAP-101 Section 8.18.


3.1. National and International Standards

ISO9001:1994 – Quality systems, Model for Quality Assurance in

Design/Development, Production, Installation and Servicing

3.2. Management Documents

QAP-101 Quality Manual

Management Instructions

Human Resources Instruction No 1 Training and Career Development

(Not applicable to NDEU)

Corporate Manual

No 501 Career Development
No 504 Replacement Planning

Manual of Personnel Policies

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Procedure Number QAP-218 Rev 5
Bechtel Limited
Company Quality System Procedure No: QAP-218

700 Training and Development

Orientation Handbook

Operating Instructions

BL-406 Replacement and Career Development Planning

(Not applicable to NDEU)


Company – Bechtel Limited and the EAMS Execution Unit


Responsibilities for training are defined in the Company Manual of Personnel Policies,
Section 700 Training and Development. Primary responsibilities are defined as follows:

5.1. Training and Development Manager

The Training and Development Manager, who reports directly to the Manager of
Personnel and Facilities is responsible for the overall development and
implementation of training.

For NDEU, the responsibilities will be jointly undertaken by the Training

Manager and the Human Resources Manager. The Training Manager, who
reports directly to the Manager of Engineering, is responsible for the planning and
implementation of technical training. The Human Resource Manager reports
directly to the General Manager, NDEU and is responsible for other non-technical
and behavioural training aspects. All references to Training Manager should be
read as Training Manager HR Manager for NDEU.

5.2. Department Managers

Department Managers are responsible for ensuring that they have within their
staffs the skills and resources necessary to support the Company Operating Plan.
They will work with the Training and Development Manager or his/her
representative, to identify the training needs of their organisation and plan and
implement appropriate programmes.

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Procedure Number QAP-218 Rev 5
Bechtel Limited
Company Quality System Procedure No: QAP-218


6.1. Training Plan

The objectives of the current Company Training Plan shall be pursued. This plan
shall be updated annually.

Training plans shall be developed and updated annually for each Department,
concurrent with the development of the annual operating plan.

Department Managers shall ensure that annual budget requests include and
identify funding for the execution of training plans.

6.2. Training and Development Manager

The Training and Development Manager shall:

a. Develop training plans to address Company's training needs.

b. Assist Department Managers in reviewing training needs and planning.

c. Develop and implement in-house programmes.

d. Identify suitable external courses to satisfy training needs that cannot be

effectively addressed in-house.

e. Counsel Department Managers on approaches to training, development and

performance issues.

f. Co-ordinate Graduate Recruiting, Training and Development and act as

Secretary to the Graduate Steering Committee.

g. Arrange for the initiation of new recruits to the Company and for each one to
be given a copy of the Orientation Handbook.

6.3. Department Managers

6.3.1. Department Managers shall assist employees in defining their career

objectives. Additionally they shall identify resources and opportunities and
provide structured long term guidance in career development. Key items
shall be as follows:

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Procedure Number QAP-218 Rev 5
Bechtel Limited
Company Quality System Procedure No: QAP-218

· Identify employee strengths and areas needing further development

· Determine employee's career objectives
· Plan career development activities and allocate funds and resources
· Monitor career development progress

6.3.2. In implementing these key items managers shall do the


· Familiarise themselves with the content and objective of available


· Consider employees' expressed career goals and the organisation's

projected personnel requirements

· When employee career goals lie outside their functional area, consult
with or refer employees to specialists in the appropriate function

· Determine the approval level and prerequisites required for admission

to training programs

· Nominate employees for appropriate training programs and courses

· Monitor employee job performance and provide feedback to employees

· Consult with employees regularly and update or modify training plans

as required

These instructions are further detailed in the following Bechtel Policies:

No 501 and No 504.

Additionally to the above, within the Construction Department, training

of Contract Administrators, Welding Inspector, Non-Destructive
Testing Technicians and Welding Engineer shall be in accordance with
the following Construction documents:

· Contract Training Manual

· Welding Inspection Training Handbook
· Prime Contract Administration Training Program Lesson Plans

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Procedure Number QAP-218 Rev 5
Bechtel Limited
Company Quality System Procedure No: QAP-218

6.4. Training Co-ordinators

Where Department Managers appoint a senior member of their department to co-

ordinate training activities for their departments, the responsibilities of the
Training Co-ordinators shall be:

a. To develop or assist in the development of departmental training plans

b. To monitor and report departmental performance against training plans
c. To assist in the identification of emerging training needs
d. To act as the focal point for training in their departments

The Training Co-ordinators shall discuss with the Training and Development
Manager: training performance, emerging training needs and information on new
initiatives that may have application in other departments.

6.5. Records

All training shall be recorded and files maintained on a continuing basis for
authorised reference and review by the nominated manager on projects or by
departmental managers.

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Procedure Number QAP-218 Rev 5

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