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Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education


2hrs 30 min


Signature……………………… School……………………………………………………………

(a) Write your name, Index number and class in the spaces provided above
(b) This paper consists of 6 Questions
(c) Answer any five questions in the foolscap provided
(d) Each question carries 20 marks
(e) Read questions carefully.


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1.a. State the Deutero - canonical books of the Catholic bible. (6 mks)

b. Give reasons why the bible is viewed as one complete book and not two different sub- sections.(7 mks)

C. Mention any seven ways in which Christians use the Bible to spread the gospel today. (7 mks)

2.a. Outline six ways how God cared for the Israelites during the Exodus. (6 mks)

b. State seven reasons why the Israelites broke the Sinai covenant. (7 mks)

C. Outline the importance of faith in modern life. (7 mks)

3.a. Identify ways through which King Solomon fulfilled Samuel's prophecy. (7 mks)

b. State seven causes of religious schism between Judah and Israel. (7 mks)

C. Give six life skills one can apply to fight inter-denominational conflicts. (6 mks)

4.a. State six titles given to prophets in the Old Testament. (6 mks)

b. Explain six evils committed by other nations that were to be punished by God according to Prophet
Amos. (6 mks)

C. Mention eight ways how Christians can avoid God's punishment today. (8 mks)

5.a. Describe how the people of sudah renewed their covenant with God under the leadership of Ezra.

b. Outline Nehemiah's reforms in Israel. (6 mks)

C. With reference to Nehemiah's final reforms, give lessons that modern Christians leaders can learn.

(6 mks)

6 (a) Name six places in which sacrifices are carried out in traditional African communities. (6 marks)

(b) Give seven reasons why sacrifices are made in traditional African communities. (7 marks)

(c) State seven roles of ancestors in traditional African communities. (7 marks)


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1.(a)List five titles that Prophet Isaiah used to refer to the futureMessiah. (5marks)

(b)Describe the annunciation of the birth of John the Baptist by Angel Gabriel.(Lukel:5-25) (8marks)

(c)State seven ways in which a Christian couple should respond to the challenge of being childless.(7mrks)

2.(a)State five reasons why Jesus used parables in his teaching. (5marks)

(b)Describe the parable of the good samaritan. (Luke10:29-37). (7marks)

(c)Give seven reasons why some Christians find it difficult to help the needy. (7marks)

3.(a)State the teaching of Jesus on how a Christian should approach God in prayer. (7marks)

(b)Describe the incident in which Jesus healed ten lepers.(Luke17:11-19). (6marks)

(c)Identify seven ways in which Christians demonstrate their faith in God. (7marks)

4. (a)State the teaching of Saint Paul on the proper use of the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the church. (7marks)

(b)Explain how the unity of believers is expressed in the image of the bride. (5marks)

(c)Outline the role of the Holy Spirit in the Church today. (8marks)

5.(a)Outline six roles of a professional code in a workplace. (6marks)

(b)State seven similarities in the traditional African and Christian view on work. (7marks)

(c)Give seven reasons why Christians condemn idleness in the society today. (7marks)

6.(a)Outline eight traditional African practices that promote order and justice in the society (8mks)

(b)State six reasons why Christians in Kenya should vote during the national general elections. (6marks)

(c)Give six ways through which Christians can reduce tribalism in Kenya today. (6marks)

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1. (a)Outline the psalmist prophecy about the future Messiah.(Psalms 41;9 ,110; 1-2) (6 marks)
( b) Describe the activities that took place during the dedication of Jesus in the temple (Luke 2:22-
40) (8mks)
(c) Give six reasons why Christian dedicate their children to God today (6mks)
2. a). Describe the baptism of Jesus in river Jordan by John the Baptist in Luke 3:21-22 (6Marks)
(b) Outline what Jesus said about John the Baptist to his disciples (7mks)
(c) Identify six importance of transfiguration of Jesus to Christians today (6mks)

3. (a)Identify seven teachings that Jesus made to the guests at the Pharisee’s house (Luke 14:15-24)
(b) Describe the parable of the shrewd manager Luke 16:1-15 (7marks)
(c) State six reasons why the disciples found it difficult to believe that Jesus had resurrected (6mks)

4. (a)Explain the teachings of Peter concerning the people of God (1 Peter 2:9-10) (7mks)
( b) Identify seven ways Christians can identify those who are led by the Holy Spirit (7mks)
(c) State seven ways through which Christians in Kenya demonstrate New Testament teaching on
unity (6mks)

5. (a) Outline the Christian teaching on marriage (7mks)

(b) Identify seven causes of Pre-marital sex among the youth (7mks)
(c) Identify six ways in which the church is helping to solve the problem of domestic violence in
Kenya today (6mks)

6. (a) Outline seven teachings of Jesus on wealth. (7marks)

(b) Identify seven ways the church is using to eradicate poverty in the society today (7mks)
(c) Give reasons why Christians should not involve themselves in gambling. (6 Marks)

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1. (a) Explain how the learning of Christian Religious Education promotes the goal of
National unity. (7marks)
(b) List five major prophetic books in the Old Testament. (5 marks)
(c) Give reasons why reading the Bible is important to Christians today. (8 marks)

2. (a) Narrate the incident when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac (Gen
22:1-19) (7 marks)
(b) State seven similarities between the Jewish and traditional African practice of
circumcision (7 marks)
(c) Identify six lessons Christians learn from the incident Abraham was willing to
sacrifice his son Isaac. (6 marks)

3. (a)Identify eight ways through which Samuel promoted the worship of Yahweh in
Israel. (8 marks)
(b) From the story of Naboth’s vine yard explain the commandments which king
Ahab and Queen Jezebel broke. (7mks)
(c) State six challenges church leaders in Kenya face while carrying out their work.
(6 marks)

4. (a) State six differences between true and false prophets in Israel. (6 marks)
(b) Outline the teachings of prophet Amos on the day of the Lord. (7 marks)
(c) Give seven ways through which Christians can avoid God's punishment.
(7 marks)
5. a) Outline seven challenges Nehemiah encountered in rebuilding the wall of
Jerusalem. (7 marks)
(b) State the promises the Israelites made when they renewed their covenant with
God during the time of Nehemiah (Neh 10:28-38). (7marks)
(c) Identify six causes of power struggle in the church in Kenya today. (6marks)

6. (a) List six places in which sacrifices are carried out in traditional African
communities. (6marks)
(b) Outline the role of healers in traditional African communities. (7marks)
(c) State seven roles of the community in the upbringing of children in traditional
African community (7marks)

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1. State seven reasons why Christian Religious education is taught in secondary schools (7mks)

b) Give six reasons why the bible is referred to as the word of God. (6mks)

c) Mention ways in which the Bible is misused in Kenya today. (7mks)

2. Describe the covenant ceremony between God and Abraham in Genesis 15:1-19. (8mks)

b) State seven promises that God made to Abraham (7mks)

c) Explain how modern marriage qualifies to be covenant (5mks)

3. Identify ways in which King Jeroboam contributed to religious schism between Judah and Israel. (7mks)

b) State the role of Judges in Israel (6mks)

c) Identify causes of power struggles in Kenya today. (7mks)

4. Outline the role of prophets in the old testaments (7mks)

b) Describe the call of prophet Amos to become a prophet in Israel (Amos 1:1, 3:8, 7:10 – 15) (5mks)

c) State eight factors that hinder Christians from accepting the call to serve God. (8mks)

5. Describe the dedication of the wall of Jerusalem during the time of Nehemiah. (8mks)

b) Identify reforms carried out by Nehemiah to restore the worship of God in Judah. (5mks)

c) Give seven ways in which the government of Kenya supports church leaders in their work. (7mks)

6. Describe the traditional African understanding of Hierarchy of beings. (7mks)

b) List eight places for worship in Traditional African Communities. (8mks)

c) What change has taken place in the rite of initiation in Kenya today? (5mks)

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a) Outline Nathan prophesy concerning the Messiah (2Samuel 7:3-17) (6mks)
b) Mention the events that took place on the night Jesus was born. (Lk 2:6-22) (7mks)
c) Give seven ways through which church leaders prepare for the second coming of Christ. (7mks)
a) With reference to the sermon on the plain state seven teachings of Jesus on how human beings should
relate to one another. (7mks)
b) Describe the incident in which Jesus Christ calmed the storm (Lk 8:22-25) (8mks)
c) State five Christian values that can be learnt from Centurion whose servant Jesus healed in (Lk 7:1-10
a) Describe the triumphant entry of Jesus into Jerusalem. (Lk 19:28-40) (6mks)
b) Outline the events that took place from the time Jesus was arrested up to the time he was sentenced to die.
c) c) State seven lessons Christians learn from the suffering and death of Jesus. (7mks)
a) Describe how Peter’s life was transformed on the day of Pentecost. (7mks)
b) Explain how the unity of believers is expressed in the church as the body of Christ. (6mks)
c) How can Christians promote unity in the workplace? (7mks)
a) Outline the sources of Christian ethics. (7mks)
b) State six similarities between the traditional African and Christian view on human sexuality. (6mks)
c) How is responsible parenthood demonstrated by Christians in Kenya today? (7mks)
a) Outline seven Christian teaching on marriage. (7mks)
b) State seven reasons why some young people remain unmarried in Kenya. (7mks)
c) c) In what ways is the church helping to solve the problems of domestic violence today? (6mks)

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Instruction: Answer Any 5 Questions
1. (a) Identify the national goals of education that the study of Christian Religious Education helps to
achieve (7mks)
(b) State characteristics of God demonstrated in Genesis 3 (7mks)
(c) Outline ways in which Christians show respect to God in society today (6mks)
2. (a) Mention seven ways in which God rewarded Abraham’s Faith (7mks)
(b) Describe the incident in which Abraham’s faith was tested by God at Mt. Moriah (7mks)
(c) Identify six important values Christians learn from the life of Abraham (6mks)
3. (a) How did king Ahab fail in upholding the covenant way of life during his rule in Israel (7mks)
(b) Outline signs performed by Elijah to prove that Yahweh was the true God (7mks)
(c) State six reasons why Christians should fight against the spread of devil worship in the society
4. (a) Explain four reasons why prophets in Israel condemned the Israelites way of worship (8mks)
(b) With reference to Amos prophetic ministry identify five evils committed by different nations apart
from Israel and Judah (5mks)
(c) State six social problems that prophet Amos would condemn in Kenyan society if he were present
today. (7mks)
5. (a) Identify the qualities of God from the call of Jeremiah (6mks)
(b) Discuss four circumstances, which led to the exile of the Israelites to Babylon (8mks)
(c) Outline actions Christians take today when they sin against God (6mks)
6. (a) State seven ways in which the African sought reconciliation with God (7mks)
(b) List seven Traditional African practices, which show that life is sacred (7mks)
(c) How are the youth prepared for the adult life in the church in Kenya today? (6mks)

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Instructions: Answer Any 5 Questions

1. (a) Explain four missions of Jesus according to Isaiah. (8mks)

(b) Outline four similarities about each Zachariah’s Benedictus and Mary’s magnificent (8mks)
(c) Identify the lessons Christians learn from the stories of Jesus’ birth (4mks)
2. (a) Describe the healing of the man with a withered hand Luke 6:6-11 (8mks)
(b) Show how Jesus tried to change the Jews attitude to the poor and the despised (7mks)
(c) What lessons do Christians learn from the man with a withered hand? (5mks)
3. (a) With reference to Luke 19:11-27 narrate the parable of the gold coin (5mks)
(b) Give eight reasons why religious leaders opposed Jesus in Jerusalem Luke 19:45-21 (8mks)
(c) Identify seven problems faced by new converts in the church today (7mks)
4. (a) State the criteria used to discern the gift of the Holy Spirit (6mks)
(b) Outline seven teachings of Peter concerning the people of God 1 st peter 2:9-10 (7mks)
(c) Identify seven Christian values that help to promote a just society (7mks)
5. (a) Give reasons why the youth do not like manual work (6mks)
(b) Outline six situations when a strike is justified (6mks)
(c) Identify eight leisure activities common to both Christianity and traditional African communities
6. (a) Explain why poverty was rare in traditional African societies (6mks)
(b) What was the impact of the introduction of money economy in traditional African society (7mks.)
(c) Give ways in which the church is doing to alleviate the status of the poor in the society (7mks)

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a) Explain why Christian religious education is part of curriculum taught in Kenya (6mks)
b) State six similarities found in both biblical and traditional views on creation. (6mks)
c) Identify eight ways in which people in traditional African communities take care of God`s
creation (8mks)
a) Describe the incident when Abraham was willing to sacrifice his son Isaac.(Genesis 22:1-19)
b) Give differences between the Jewish and the traditional African practice of circumcision (8mks)
c) Outline 5 examples of covenants made in Kenya today (5mks)
a) Explain six ways used by king David to promote the worship of Yahweh in Israel. (6mks)
b) With reference to 1 st king 21 :17-29, Give the forms of punishment prophesied by Elijah to
Ahab and queen Jezebel. (7mks)
c) Give seven ways in which Christians fight corruption in Kenya today. (7mks)
a) Describe the categories of true prophets in the Old Testament. (6mks)
b) Explain the vision of the basket of summer fruits shown to prophet Amos by God (Amos 8:1-3)
c) Identify eight problems experienced by church leaders in their work (8mks)
a) Outline seven occasions when Nehemiah prayed. (7mks)
b) Explain why Nehemiah introduced the policy of separation of Jews from foreigners. (7mks)
c) (List six ways in which the government of Kenya support church leaders in their work. (6mks)
a) Explain the significance of rituals performed after the death of a person in traditional African
communities. (7mks)
b) Give the importance of bride wealth in traditional African communities (6mks)
c) State the factors that undermine the role of medicine men in Kenya today. (7mks)
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a) Outline Micah’s prophecies about the messiah (Micah 5:1-5). (7 marks)
b) With reference to Luke 1:13-17 outline the message of angel Gabriel about John to Zechariah.
(7 marks)
c) Give lessons Christians learn from the incident when Jesus was dedicated. (6 marks)
a) Explain the teachings of Jesus on the Qualities of true discipleship ( Luke 6:20-49). (8marks)
b) Describe the incident in which Jesus forgave the sinful woman (Luke 7:36-50) . (7 Marks)
c) State five lessons Christians learn from the incident in which Jesus forgave the sinful woman.
a) Discuss reasons why Jesus celebrated the last supper with His disciples. ( 7 marks )
b) Give six reasons why Jesus used bread and wine during the last supper. (6 marks)
c) Give virtues that Christians acquire during the celebration of the holy communion. (6 marks)
a) Describe the healing of the Gerasene demoniac in (Luke 8:26-39). (8 marks)
b) State ways in which the Holy Spirit was manifested on the day of Pentecost. (6 marks)
c) Outline the role of the Holy Spirit in the church today . (6 marks)
a) Identify five sources of Christian Ethics. (5 marks)
b) Outline the Christian teachings on Marriage. (8 marks)
c) Give seven advantages of monogamous marriage. (7 marks)
a) State five similarities between traditional African and Christian view on human sexuality . (5 marks)
b) Identify the causes of pre-marital sex among the youth in Kenya today. (8 marks)
c) Give seven reasons why Christians in Kenya condemn homosexuality. (7 marks)

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1. a) State seven differences found in the two accounts of creation in Genesis 1 and 2
b) Outline the responsibilities given to human beings by God in biblical creation stories.
c) List six versions of the bible used in Kenya today. (6mks)

2. a) Narrate Abraham’s attempt to sacrifice his son Isaac. (Genesis 22: 1 -19) (7mks)
b) Mention promises that God gave to Abraham (6mks)
c) Explain why some people in Kenya find it difficult to serve God. (7mks)

3. a) Describe the incident in which King Ahab took Naboth’s vineyard. (7mks)
b) State the challenges faced by prophet Elijah during his prophetic ministry in Israel.
c) Give seven ways in which Christians fight against corruption in Kenya today. (7mks)

4. a) Outline the teaching of prophet Amos on Israel’s election. (Amos 2: 9 -11, 3: 1-2) (6mks)
b) Outline the social injustices condemned by prophet Amos in Israel. (6mks)
c) List ways in which Christians practice their faith in God. (8mks)

5. a) Outline six characteristics of the new covenant as taught by prophet Jeremiah. (6mks)
b) State the evils condemned by prophet Jeremiah during the temple sermon. (6mks)
c) List eight moral values that a Christian can acquire from the life of prophet Jeremiah.
6. a) List eight places of worship in traditional African communities. (8mks)
b) Outline the causes of death in traditional African communities. (5mks)
c) State seven moral values acquired during funeral ceremonies in traditional African
Communities. (7mks)


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1. (a) Show how prophet Isaiah presented the servant of Yahweh (7mks)
(b) Describe the birth of Jesus (luke2:1-20) (8mks)
(c) How do Christians in Kenya mark the birth of Christ? (5mks)

2. (a)How did John the Baptist prepare the way for the messiah?. (8mks)

(b) Describe the baptism of Jesus in river Jordan (Luke3:21-22) (7mks)

(c)What lessons do Christians learn about Jesus from his baptism? (5mks)

3. (a) How did Jesus celebrate the last supper with his disciples (Luke 22:15-23) (8mks)
(b)How did Judas betray Jesus (Luke: 22:47-53)? (6mks)
(c) Why was it difficult for the apostles to believe that Jesus Christ had resurrected? (7mks)

4. (a) Identify the gifts of the Holy Spirit according to saint Paul (1Cor12:7-11)? (7mks)
(b) Describe how the unity of believers is expressed in the symbol of Body of Christ. (7mks)
(c) Explain how churches discipline those who cause disunity in the church today. (6mks)
5. (a) Outline sources of Christian ethics (6mks)

(b)State the factors that lead to sexual immorality among the youth today (8mks)

(c)Give guidelines that can help boys and girl to lead responsible sexual lives (6mks)

6 (a) Give the characteristics of responsible parenthood (8mks)

(b) Family life today is faced with innumerable problems. List some of them (6mks)

(c) Give reasons why people work (6mks)

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1 (a) Identify eight activities performed by God in the second account of creation Gen 2:4b-25 (8mks)

(b) Outline the responsibilities given to human being in the Genesis stories of creation (6mks)

(c) How does the church solve the problem of evil in the society today (6mks)

2 (a) Mention seven ways in which god rewarded Abraham’s faith (7mks)

(b) Outline ways in which Moses showed his obedience to god (7marks)

(c) Outline six commandments that show how Christians should relate with one another. (6mks)

3 a.Outline the activities of king jeroboam which made the Israelites in northern king from God
b. Identify the failures of king David (6 mks)
c. Why are Kenyans attracted to the church today (7mks)
4 (a) Explain four differences between prophets in the Old Testament and traditional Africancommunities.
(8 marks)
(b) Give reasons why God was going to pass judgment in Israel and other nations. (6 marks)
(c) What is the relevance of prophets Amos’ teaching on judgments to Christian today (6 mks)
5 (a) Outline instances when Jeremiah encountered suffering. (8 mks)
(b) Give reasons why it was important to rebuild the walls of Jerusalem .(7mks)
(c) What lessons can Christians learn from Jeremiah’s letter to the exiles? (5mks)
6(a) What are the requirements that one should have to become an elder in Traditional African Society (6 mks)
(b) Outline seven responsibilities of priest in Traditional African Community (7mks)
(c) What are the challenges faced by the old people today? (7mks)

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1 a. State six Jewish expectation of the messiah? (6mks)
b. With reference to the incident when Jesus was dedicated, state what Simeon and Anna said
about his life? (7mks)
c. Give seven activities which the youth may involve in the church today. (7mks)

2 a. Outline seven teachings of Jesus from the sermon on the plain on true discipleship. (7mks)
b. Narrate the healing of the paralytic man (Luke 5:17-26) (8mks)
c. State five ways Christians can assist the physically challenged members of the society (5mks)

3 a. Describe nine events that took place when Jesus was put on the cross. Luke. 23: 33 – 46.
b. Give five reasons why Pilate sentenced Jesus to death yet He was innocent. (5mks)
c. What is the importance of Jesus death to Christians today? (6mks)

4 a. With reference to the day of Pentecost, outline Peter’s message to the People. (7mks)
b. What seven solutions did St. Paul give on causes of disunity in the Corinthian church?
c. In what six ways can Christians prevent division in Church in Kenya today (6mks)

5 a. Outline eight factors a Christian should consider when choosing a leisure activity. (8mks)
b. Why is leisure important to an individual? (7mks)
c. Explain five Ways drug addicts be assisted to overcome the problem. (5mks)

6 a. Identify six practices in traditional African societies that promoted law, order and justice?
b. Give seven reasons for the need of law, order and justice in the society. (7mks)
c. Explain the factors which hinder effective maintenance of law and order in the society today


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1. a) Identify the five poetic books in the Bible. (5marks)

b) State the meaning of the Biblical accounts of creation in Genesis chapters 1 and 2. (7 marks)
c) With reference to the story of the fall of human being in Genesis 3, state seven effects of sin on
Adam and eve. (8 marks)

2. a) Describe the covenant making ceremony between God and the Israelites at Mount Sinai. (Exodus 24:1-8)
b) State six reasons why God called Abraham (6 marks)
c) Give six reasons why some Christians find it difficult to serve God. (6 marks)

3. a) state seven characteristics of local Canaanite religion (7 marks)

b) Outline seven achievements of David as King of Israel. (7 marks)
c) Give reasons why Christian in Kenya build churches. (6 marks)

4. a) Identify six characteristics of false prophets in the Old Testament. (6

b) Describe the call of Amos to become a prophet of God in Israel. (7 marks)
c) State ways in which Christians help the church leaders to perform their duties effectively (7 marks)

5. a) Give six reasons why Jeremiah was not willing to accept the call of God to become a prophet (6 marks)
b) Outline the stages followed in the renewal of the covenant during the time of Nehemiah. (7 marks)
c) Write down seven problems that Christian leaders in Kenya face in their work today. (7marks)

6. a) Give the responsibility of the living towards God (8 marks)

b) Outline six ways through which a marriage partner is chosen in Traditional African Community (6 marks)
c) State the conditions under which divorce may be allowed in the Traditional African Society. (6 marks)

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1. a) State Nathan's prophecies about the Messiah (2nd Samuel 7:3-17). (7marks)
b) What do Christians learn about the person and mission of John the Baptist from the message of
angel Gabriel to Zechariah. (7marks)
c) Identify six ways in which Christians respond to childlessness in marriage today. (6marks)

2. a) State six reasons why Jesus called twelve disciples in His ministry. (6marks)
b) Describe the transfiguration of Jesus Luke 9:28-36 (8 marks)
c) Identify six methods used by Jesus to spread the gospel (6 marks)

3. a) With reference to the story of the rich man and Lazarus, explain the teaching of Jesus on the proper
use of wealth. (Luke 16:19-31). (7marks)
b) Narrate the parable of the talents Luke 19:11-27 (7 marks)
c) Give six ways in which Christians misuse their wealth today (6 marks)

4. a) Identify Jesus teaching about the role of the Holy Spirit. (7marks)
b) Outline the characteristics of the people of God according to 1 Peter 2:910. (7marks)
c) Give six ways through which Christians can promote unity among themselves in Kenya today.
5. a) Explain Christian teaching on Human sexuality. (8marks)
b) Identify seven causes of homosexuality in Kenya today. (7marks).
c) Give five reasons why the church is involved in the fight against HIV and AIDS. (5marks).

6. a) Identify seven similarities between traditional African and Christian teachings on marriage. (7marks)
b) Outline six ways in which responsible parenthood is demonstrated by Christians today. (6marks)
c) State seven ways in which the church can help single parents. (7marks)

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1. (a) State how the teaching of C.R.E promote National unity. (7 marks)
(b) Outline eight reasons why the Bible had to be compiled into its present
form by early Christians. (8 marks)
(c) State the ways in which the church is spreading the word of God today.
(5 marks)
2. (a) Explain the significance of the night of Exodus to the Israelites. (7 marks)
(b) State seven circumstances under which covenants were made in the African
traditional societies. (7 marks)
(c) Give six importance of the Ten Commandments to Christians today.
(6 marks)
3. (a) Identify eight creations that God made using the divine command “let there
be” Gen 1. (8 marks)
(b) Explain the Biblical teaching on the origin of sin in the world. (7 marks)
(c) Give five reasons why Christians should forgive others. (5 marks)
4. (a) Describe the suffering prophet Jeremiah underwent during the prophetic
ministry. (7marks)
(b) Discuss seven relevance of Jeremiah’s suffering to Christians today.
(c) Explain six ways in which Christians suffer for their faith today. (6marks)
5. (a) Why was Samuel against kingship in Israel? (8 marks)
(b) Explain the importance of King David as an ancestor of Jesus Christ.
(7 marks)
(c) Identify qualities of a good modern leader can emulate from King David.
(5 marks)
6. (a) Relate the incident where Abraham was told by God to sacrifice his son at
Mt. Moriah. (7marks)
(b) Give reasons why Abraham failed to sacrifice his son at Mt. Moriah?
(c) Identify how Christians express their faith in God. (7marks)

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1. a) State Jeremiah’s prophesies about the Messiah. Jeremiah 23:5-6. (6 marks)
b) With reference to the incident when Jesus was dedicated to God at the age of forty days,
outline seven revelations of Simeon and Anna about His life. (7marks)
c) State seven lessons Christians learn from the incident when Jesus was dedicated. (7marks)

2. a) Describe the raising of Jairus’s daughter. (6 marks)

b). Outline Six lessons that Christians learn from the raising of Jairus’ daughter. (6marks)
c) Give eight ways in which the church cares for the sick in Kenya today. (8marks)

3. a) State the meaning of the parable of the Sower as explained by Jesus in Luke 8:11-15. (7marks)
b) Give seven reasons why Jesus referred to the Pharisees as hypocrites. (7marks)
c) Write down six factors which hinder people from accepting the call of salvation. (6marks)

4. a) Outline the characteristics of the people of God as taught by Peter in 1 Peter 2:9 – 10. (7marks)
b) Identify seven gifts of the Holy Spirit. (7marks)
c) Outline the importance of the Holy Spirit to Christians today. (6marks)

5. a) Explain six ways in which males and females related in traditional African context. (6marks)
b) State eight uses of leisure today. (8marks)
c) Give six factors that promote drug abuse among youths in Kenya today. (6marks)

6. a) Outline seven ways of acquiring wealth rightfully. (7marks)

b) Give six reasons why Christians are opposed to genetic engineering. (6marks)
c) Explain the Christian attitude to bribery and corruption. (7marks)

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1. a. Give seven reasons why C.R.E as a subject is incorporated into curriculum in Kenyan
schools today. (7marks)
b. Give ways through which the study of CRE builds our relationship with GOD (6marks)
c. Describe the translation of the Bible from the original languages to Kenyan languages.
2a. Describe how the Sinai covenant was sealed. (7marks)
b. State six conditions given by God to the Israelites during the renewal of the Sinai
covenant. (6marks)
c. Why do Christians find it difficult to follow the laws of God? (7marks)
3a. How did king David promote the worship of Yahweh in Israel? (7marks)
b. Explain the factors that led to David’s successor’s failure in their leadership. (7marks)
c. Identify reasons why political leaders in Kenya have failed to perform their duties
effectively. (6marks)
4a. Give eight reasons why God called prophets in the Old Testament (8 marks)
b. Identify five visions of prophet Amos. (5 marks)
c. Explain how the church helps to bring back members who have fallen from their faith.
5a. Describe the e vils condemned by prophet Jeremiah during the temple sermon. (6 marks)
b. Describe stages followed during the renewal of the covenant at the time of Nehemiah. (8marks)
c. Mention ways in which Christians can assist victims of disasters. (6 marks)
6a. Identify five ways of choosing a marriage partner in traditional African Society. (5marks)
b. What changes are taking place in property ownership in traditional African communities?
c. Why is the church opposed to wife inheritance? (7mks)

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1 a) Outline Isaiah’s prophesy concerning the Messiah according to Isaiah 61:1-2

b) Describe the annunciation of the birth of John the Baptist Luke 1:5-25
c) State seven ways in which a Christian couple should respond to childlessness

2 a) Describe the incident when Jesus was rejected at Nazareth in Luke 4: 16 – 30

b) Identify reasons why Jesus faced opposition from the Pharisees in Galilee in Luke (5: 12,
6, 11)
c) Identify six problems Christians face while spreading the gospel in Kenya today

3a) Outline seven instruction that Jesus gave to the seventy two disciples when He sent them
on a mission (7mks)
b) Identify six methods used by Jesus to spread the gospel
c) State ways in which the government is contributing towards evangelization process in
4a) State seven teachings about Jesus from Peter’s speech on the day of Pentecost
b) Identify the teaching of Jesus on the role of the Holy Spirit (8mks)
c) Outline ways in which Christians promote unity in Kenya today

5a) Outline seven responsibilities of Employers to their employees

b) State seven consequences of denying employees’ rights
c) State factors that contribute to unemployment in Kenya

6a) Give reasons why it is important to have laws in a country (7mks)

b) List seven rights of a Kenyan citizen (7mks)

c) State six roles of Christian youth during a National Election (6mks

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