Portfolio Refection Paper

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The Concept of Growth

When I first arrived at Riverview Community High School, I was clueless as to who I would be when I left. I

now know that I was lucky to attend this school with these people around me. Throughout my time here I have

formed connections with my peers and teachers that I will carry with me throughout the rest of my life. This

environment has not been perfect by any means, but it has taught me the kind of person that I want to be. I have

witnessed kindness from teachers who genuinely care about my education and work with me when I am

struggling. I have persevered through hardship, being put through situations I never dreamed I would be able to

handle. I have completed assignments that seemed overwhelming, I have joined sports that made me push

myself to the point of breaking, then get back up to start again. These experiences have taught me that the only

limits of my potential are the ones I set for myself. I want to be the kind of person who goes beyond reaching

their goals.

As a first-year student I had little experience with the real world. I was timid and self-doubting. My goal was to

make it through each day interacting with people as little as possible. I think the biggest turning point for me

was February of freshman year when I joined rowing. Rowing showed me that I am more capable than I

thought. It taught me the value of hard work and gave me a place to fit in and grow my confidence. The first

year was about survival. The second year I entered each day with one goal in mind: be happy. Do whatever I

can to create happiness for myself and others. I treated my grades like a challenge being presented to me. The

goal was to get the best grade I could. This mindset helped me complete my assignments and stay on point. I

continued with a similar mindset during my junior year. I found new enjoyments through painting in my auto

class. I decided for myself that I can do anything that I am willing to work for. Now I stand facing the end of

my senior year. I have taken each lesson and stacked them atop each other, building myself up from the ground

into an unmovable mountain. Today I am informed and hardworking, with the knowledge that I can do


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