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SATISFACTION (Case Study on Ethio-Telecom Chiro Branch)

By:- Tinsea Tamirat

Id No: 2103
Advisor: Yonas. M( MBA)

A Research Paper Submitted to the Department of Marketing Management of

Oda bultum University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for
Bachelor of Marketing Management

April, 2024

Chiro, Ethiopia

First I would like to thank our almighty God, letting us complete this study as effectively as
possible Secondly, I would like to thank my research advisor Yonas. M (MBA) who provided
me with crucial support, spending long hours refining my research study, critiquing my work in
all steps, coaching me in designing the research questionnaire, organizing the data collection and
conducting the data analysis and reviewing all my drafts and providing me his valuable time for
face to face discussions. His professional guidance simplified the pain of this work, enabling me
to navigate this demanding journey to its final stage. His constructive and invaluable suggestions
to improve my research made this project possible. Finally, I would like to express my thanks to
my whole family, parents and friends for their role in spiritual encouragement, moral and
material support is of recognizable one for the completion of this study successfully.

ADS Aim down Sights
ETC Ethio-telecom
CSA Ethiopian Statistical Service
SERVQUAL service quality

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ............................................................................................................... i
list of acronyms and abbreviations ................................................................................................. ii
TABLE Contents ........................................................................................................................... iii
LIST OF TABLE ............................................................................................................................ v
Abstract ........................................................................................................................................... v
CHAPTER ONE ............................................................................................................................. 1
1. INTRODUCTION ...................................................................................................................... 1
1.1 Background ........................................................................................................................... 1
1.3. Statement of the problem ..................................................................................................... 2
1.3. Research question ................................................................................................................. 3
1.4. Objective of the study .......................................................................................................... 3
1.4.1. General objective ........................................................................................................... 3
Jklk,km.1, 4, 2. Specific objectives ......................................................................................... 3
1.5. Significance of the study ...................................................................................................... 4
1.6. Scope of the study .............................................................................................................. 5
1.7. Limitation of the study ......................................................................................................... 5
1.8. Organization of the Study .................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER TWO ............................................................................................................................ 6
2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITRATURE .................................................................................... 6
2.1. What is complaint? ............................................................................................................... 6
2.2.Types of complainers and how to respond effectively .......................................................... 7
2.3. Manage complaints to enhance loyalty ................................................................................ 8
2.4. Understanding customer behavior ........................................................................................ 8
2.5. Customer loyalty .................................................................................................................. 8
2.6. Beyond complaint handling to delighting customers ........................................................... 9
2.7. Benefits of effective complaint handling process ................................................................ 9
2.8. A suggested customer complaint procedure....................................................................... 10
2.9. Basic steps for effective complaint management ............................................................... 10
2.10. Knowledge of complaint .................................................................................................. 11
2.11. Handling customer complaints ......................................................................................... 11
2.12. Commonly used external disputer solution techniques .................................................... 13
2.13. Characteristics of effective internal complaint................................................................. 13
2.14. The effects of complaint handling on customer loyalty ................................................... 14
2.15. Theoretical Literature ....................................................................................................... 15 Definitions of Complaint and Complaint Handling ...................................................... 15
2.16. Empirical Literature ......................................................................................................... 15
2.17 Customer Satisfaction ....................................................................................................... 16

2.18. Service Quality Dimensions ............................................................................................. 17
2.19. Models for Measuring Service Quality ........................................................................ 17
2.19.1. GAP Model ................................................................................................................ 17
2.19.2. The SERVQUAL Model ........................................................................................... 17
2.20. Conceptual Frame Work .................................................................................................. 18
CHAPTER THREE ...................................................................................................................... 19
3. Methodology ............................................................................................................................. 19
3.1. Description of Study area ................................................................................................... 19
3.2. Research design ................................................................................................................. 19
3.3. Populations ......................................................................................................................... 20
3.3.1. Source Population ........................................................................................................ 20
3.4 Sample Size Determination and Sampling Technique ........................................................ 20
3.5. Sources of Data .................................................................................................................. 21
3.6. Variable and measurement ................................................................................................. 22
3.7. Methods of data analysis .................................................................................................... 22
CHAPTER FOUR ......................................................................................................................... 23
4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS ............................................................................................. 23
4.1.1. Demographic Information of the Respondents ............................................................... 23
4.1.3. Ethio Telecom’s Process/ Procedures Used to Solve Customers’ Complaints ........... 32
4.1.4. The Outcomes Ethio Telecom Provided to Compensate the Problem ........................ 34
4.1.5. Complaint Handling Satisfaction................................................................................. 37
4.1.6. Overall Satisfaction ..................................................................................................... 39
4.1.7. Intention to Share Experience...................................................................................... 40
4.1.8. Complaint Actions ....................................................................................................... 57
4.1.9. Descriptive analyses of service quality dimensions and customers ............................ 60
CHAPTER FIVE .......................................................................................................................... 62
5. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ................................................................... 62
5.1. Conclusion.......................................................................................................................... 62
5.2 Recommendations ................................................................................................................... 63
REFERENCE ................................................................................................................................ 65
APPENDIX ................................................................................................................................... 66

Table1: Summary of the Number and Percentage of Respondent by Age and Sex ..................... 23
Table2: Summary of the Number and Percentage of Respondents by Occupational Status and
Educational Qualification ............................................................................................................. 24
Table3: Customers Perception on Staffs Managing the Complaint .............................................. 30
Table4:Ethio Telecom’s Process/ Procedures Used to Solve Customers’ Complaints ................ 33
Table5: Ethio Telecom Complaint Handling and its Outcome ..................................................... 36
Table6 :Lodging a Complaint and Satisfaction of Customers ...................................................... 38
Table7: Ethio Telecom Customers’ Overall Satisfaction on the Company’s Complaint Handling
....................................................................................................................................................... 39
Table8: Customers Intention to Share their Experience with Others ........................................... 41
Table9:Ethio Telecom Customers’ Complaint Action ................................................................. 58

The purpose of the study was to assess how Ethio-telecom is handling customers’ compliant and to
measure the effect of service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction. Differences in the
perception of service quality, customer satisfaction and importance rating among different
customer group are discussed and Descriptive statics was used to analyze data and the
relationship between dependent & independent variables. A total of 70 set of questionnaires
distributed to key account Ethio telecom enterprise customers. The number of questionnaires
used for data analysis was 70 representing a response rate of 67.69 % which is acceptable and
enough for conducting the necessary statistical tests. For the data analysis process, the
statistical techniques were used including descriptive statistics, independent sample mean
statistical analysis. The findings indicated that Ethio telecom was not responding timely for their
compliant, and the accessibility of call center is still not good. The result further indicated that
quality of network is the most prevailing problem, and there are problems in relation to the
process of compliant handling by Ethio telecom. Customers also felt that the company does not
communicate very well about its complaints handling procedure as most of them knew it through
their acquaintances. Thus, the company should communicate customers how they can file their
complaints, improve the accessibility of call center, train employees on complaint handling and
the company should also give timely response for customers’ complaints. The other findings on
the relationship between service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction and showed all
service quality dimensions are strongly or moderately and highly significantly related customer
satisfaction. In addition to this, the customer perceived among different segments are showed
momentous differences among different segments of enterprise customers concerning customer
satisfaction. Since enterprise customer’s perception on the service quality dimensions and
overall satisfaction is at lower rate, it is recommended that the ethio telecom company should
give priority to the customer and due emphasis and prompt response for the customers whose
operation is highly dependent on its services.

Key Words: Complaint, Customer, Ethio-Telecom ,Satisfaction

1.1 Background
According to McGraw hill (2005) complaint is an expression of dissatisfaction customer is must
clearly voice through the complaint, that they make about the service provision for many
companies this may be the sold method of keeping in touch with customers. Complaints can be
make directly to the service provider or perhaps indirectly through an intermediary or a watch
dog body. Complaints by customers referring to instance of what they poor quality service may,
if treated construct vary provide a rich source of on which to base policy for improving service

According to pete Mudie& Angela pirrie,( 2006) handling customer complaint correctly is an
incredibly important part of the overall service experience you deliver often time, a negative
experience that a customer has with your business can be salvaged and turned into an
opportunity to win them over for life but being able to handle negative feedback in a positive
way takes plenty of practice.

Customer complaints are actually helpful to the organization for several reasons. First, they give
the organization chance to recover organizational weakness. In deeded, there is some evidence to
suggest the customers whose complain leads to a successful recovery of that service experience
end up more satisfied than those customers who found the initial service encounter satisfactory.

It also diminishes the risk of bad publicity, either from personal word of mouth or more
damaging leaks through the press to the general public and it provide, information they shall be
useful for development of the service. The handling of complaints shall be resource, it has been
shown that even those customers who have their complaints satisfactory resolved are more likely
to switch service provider than those who had not been dissatisfied in the first place.

According to Mohammed and Ernest,(2009). In this competitive environment telecommunication

technology enable businesses and industry to grow at a faster speed in order to contribute to the
economic development of nation, and telecommunication infrastructure as a factor that multiple
economic growth by providing employment improving business efficiency and contributing
towards international investments. Growing customer’s needs for cheap, accessible and efficient

communication modes leads to phenomenal growth of cellular phone industry. In order to obtain
sustainable competitive advantage, telecom firms are forced to make innovation and do the best
for customer satisfaction (Gronroos, 2004).

The telecommunication sector aids decision making, organizing, influencing, activating,

instructing, providing feedback, promoting interpersonal and business relationship as well as
exchange of information due to the poor performance of many telecommunication firms,
particularly in our country, governments have has to intervene through divestiture and
privatization program from ( pong and Henten, 2004).

Complaining customers are expressing their dissatisfaction which they may hope results in action
being taken to put this right (Helms and mayo, 2008). This action can be in the form of
compensation, a verbal apology, a written apology, and explanation, willingness to recover
service defect, reduce response time etc. alternatively, they may just be raising awareness of the
problem without having any negative felling toward, the organization and service provider.
Organizations can’t avoid customer complaint permanently but it is possible to minimize it
Ethio-telecom is a state the sole telecom service provider in the country. The Ethio-telecom
service has make rapid step both quality and quantity. However the users at large are found
dissatisfied with quality and quantity of service (Tele Nayarit, 2007). This day’s internet has a
great role for socio-economic and political development of nations.

Most of the organization in these days has treated customer handling procedure as strategic
marketing tools. Service providers are frequently exhorted to strive towards a “zero defects”
service; the ability to “get it right first time” is thought to offer significant benefit to organization
in terms of both customer evaluation & cost of delivery (Schaefer and Christine 2005).

1.3. Statement of the problem

Ethio-telecom was the sole service provider, since they are monopoly government organization.
However the customers of this organization need different service provision, which include
telephone service. But service delivery may have limitation in some extent, this leads to
customer dissatisfaction and complain. The slow speed of connection, constant breakdown of
network, excess payment and ineffective service provision leads to arising complaints. Manager
negligent and lack of initiatives are as much to blame. Generally, Ethio-telecom inability to

provide quality service as poor infrastructure create grievance with in customer mind. Any
organization faces complaint due to failed product/service distributed and consumed interaction
between service provider and service receiver.

The reason why researcher conduct study is that many service providing companies have
developed strategies to encourage Customer satisfaction and loyalty but they have not develop
complaint handling tools as a marketing strategy. The researcher needs to make realize study
and put analyzed recommendation and show the relevant of complaint used as a feed back to
improve complaint handling practice of company. As the previous study conformed, complaint
handling practice has a great role for customer’s satisfaction, attraction and retention. Ethio-
telecom service provision is no longer luxury, but a necessity that will be crucial to every
country’s economic, social and political growth and limitations on the extent to which a service
provide can control the range of different interaction with customers, thus conducting this
research is rational with the aim to search solution, for the following research questions (Koller
and keuer, 2006).

Therefore this research try to asses in customer complaint handling and customer satisfaction at
Ethio Telecom chiro branch 2016 E.C

1.3. Research question

1) What are the types complains usually occur by unsatisfied customers?
2) What are the factors that contribute for the occurrence of the customer complaints?
3) What is the relationship between the service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction
in ethio telecom?
1.4. Objective of the study
1.4.1. General objective
To Assess customer complaint handling of Ethio- telecom on customer satisfaction at Chiro

Jklk,km.1, 4, 2. Specific objectives

 To identify the types of complaints that usually occurs by unsatisfied customer
 To identify the factors that contributed for the occurrence of complaints.

 To determine the relationship between service quality dimensions and customer
satisfaction in ethio telecom.
1.5. Significance of the study
The significance of this paper consists of the following relevant points: Can be used as a base for
other researcher who would study and investigate this title. This would help the company to get
insight about its service provision performance which will trigger the company to conduct
further investigation and pin point fault areas if there is a need to improve their service provision.

Ethio- telecom shall re-examine their service & delivery system in order to cope up with the
dynamism of information and communication technology. Thus senior manager of Ethio-telecom
should adequately understand and be able to measure the impact of information and
communication technology on betterment of their performance in general and customer service
quality in particular.

The result of the study helps employers and managers and any relevant decision makers to be the
role information and communicate technology plays on performance any activities.

The study tries to cover the factors determine the service provision in Ethio-telecom all user,
which are located in chiro. The study proposed important recommendations and strategies for
improving the performance of service delivery. More over the finding of this study would be
beneficial to the stakeholders including:

A. Academicia
The finding of this study was assisted academicians in broadening of the prospectus with
respect to this study hence providing a deepest understanding of the determinant factors
that affect customers’ satisfactions.
B. Ethio- telecom
The findings of this study was help the human resource management of the organization
to predict the factors that affect customer satisfaction and design remedial action to
exploit their better performance

1.6. Scope of the study
This study was confined only to know the handling of complaint in Ehtio- telecom service
delivery. The study examines the Ethio- telecom service performance to handle and assess the
customer‘s complaint in chiro branch. The area of the study focus the service giving organization
which is Ethio-telecom in chiro branch and measure the handling of complaint in service
providing activities. The study also would have customer and service delimitation which are
industrial customers including, university, collage, private agency, banks and individuals are
considers of the study. The ethio-telecom service which include; telephone service with network
connections, fixed line, internet service, mobile card delimitation.

1.7. Limitation of the study

The main focus of the study was conducted only in chiro branch, while further study or the other
region in the country will have significant effects on the comprehensiveness of the study. The
study was failure to appraise all customer complaint and handling methods Ethio-telecom was
applied in chiro branch as far as the company under the study is concern data for analysis
without limitation. There is no constraint on data and information on the macro and sectorial
environment as they are abundantly available in official publication of government ministries,
agencies, and institutions as well as internet.

1.8. Organization of the Study

This study would have organized into five chapters. The first chapter would have been
containing introduction of the study, statement of the problem, research questions, objective of
the study, significant of the study, scope of the study, limitation of the study and organization of
the study. In the second chapter deals with literature review of conceptual and theoretical
frameworks, international, regional and national legal framework that are intended to protect the
right of child. The third chapter deals with research methodology of the study, design of the
study, method of data collection, data analysis, and sample size and sample technique. The fourth
chapter, contained data analysis and interpretation. Chapter five would have been including
conclusion and recommendation

Ethio-telecom service was introducing in Ethiopia by emperor Minilik the II in 1884 when the
construction of the telephone line from Harar to the capital city of Chiro commenced. The
Ethiopian government has policies and strategies with a view to expanding the horizon of
information communication technology to enable the telecommunication sector to play a pivotal
role in the enhancement of the economic development of the country. In line with such initiative,
the Ethiopian telecommunication has been scowling remarkable achievements in the sector
following its engagement technological over haul, modern marketing and development of
business schemes, human resource development and capacity building and promotion of broad
band network project over the past four years. On top of these with the support of foreign
consultants. Ethio-telecom is doing its level best to undertake multi financing activities with a
view to rising nationwide telecom service in both quantity and quality. In 1984 with a large
population but that study does not know ethio-telecom customers. The service provided by ethio-
telecom like network and communication.

This research focuses on, and consists topics defining complaints, types of complainers, manage
complaints to enhance loyalty, understanding customer behavior and beyond complaint handling
to delighting customers and others.

2.1. What is complaint?

According to kotler & keller, (2006) It is an expression of dissatisfaction make to an
organization, managers or other person related to any or more of its products, service or the
manner in which it has deal with any such expression of dissatisfaction. Where a response is
either provide by or on behalf of the organization at which contract is made.

Complain offer business an opportunity to correct immediate problem. In addition they

frequently provide constructive idea for improving product, adapting marketing practices,
upgrading services, modifying promotional mixes and product information. While occasionally
problem as with service of merchandise are to some extent, inevitable dissatisfy customer are not
complain can learn to resolve from mistake. A good recovery can turn angrily, frustrate
customers into loyal one (Graham, 2002).

2.2.Types of complainers and how to respond effectively
According to researchers Allen F. wysocki, Karl W. kepner ,and Michelle W.Glasser,(2015),
complaining customers can be divided into five categories, identify each type is motivate by
different beliefs, attitudes and needs, consider the following definitions of the types of
complainers how one may respond to them and the danger of not handling complaints effectively
A. Meek customer
They will have not complaint
Response; must work hard of soliciting comments and complaints and act appropriately to
B. Aggressive customer
Opposite of the meek customer readily complaints of ten loudly and at length
Response: listen completely ask: “what else?” agree that a problem exists and indicate what will
be due to resolve it and when?
Danger: being aggressive in return. The aggressive customer does not respond will to excuse or
reason why the product or service unsatisfactory.
C. High roller customer
Expects the absolute best and is willing to pay for it. Likely to complaint in a reasonable manner,
unless a hybrid of the aggressive customer.
Response: is interested in results and what you are going to do the recover from the customer
service breakdown. Always listen respectfully and actively and question carefully to fully
determine because ask; “what else?” and correct the situation like the aggressive customer the
high roller customer is not interested in excuses.
D. Rip-off customers
The goal is not to yet the complaint satisfy but rather to win by getting something the customer is
not entitle to receive. A constant and repetitive “not good enough” response to efforts to satisfy
this customer is a sure indicator of a rip off artist.

Response: remain unfailingly objective use accurate quantified data to back up your response be
sure the adjustment is in keeping with what the circumstances consider asking “what can I do to
make things right?” after the right first “not good enough?”

E. Chronic complainer customer

Is never satisfied there is always something wrong. This customer’s mission is to whine, yet
he/she is your customer and as frustrating as this customer can be he/she can’t be dismissed.

Response: extra ordinary patience is required. One must listen carefully and completely and
never let one’s anger get aroused. Unlike the rip off customer most chronic complainer
customers will accept and appreciate your efforts to make things right. This customer wants
apology and appreciates it when you listen tends to be a good customer.

2.3. Manage complaints to enhance loyalty

According to Dell. Howkins& Goodman, (2003) Complaints, like death and takes are inevitable
even market leader encounter them. But each grievance represents a chance to correct a flowed
process, educated a customer and strengthen loyalty. Multiple studies already show companies
with high quality customer service and effective customer complaint handling process can
change a premium as well as increase loyalty. Unless decision makers fully understand customer
complaint behavior and can qualify there turn on investment of complaint handling, they won’t
see the like between complaint handling and loyalty, profits and its unlikely they will never
allocate adequate resources for change.

2.4. Understanding customer behavior

According to Singh (2007) subsequent studies for the last 20 years have confined to confirm
technical assistance research programs initials fining that every problem present an opportunity
to enhance both loyalty and word of mouth. Every grievance offers a chance to correct a process
educate a customer and strengthen loyalty. Armed with facts you can convince organizational
leadership improved profits will came from allocating adequate resources to complaint handling.

2.5. Customer loyalty

According to Seyed (2007) we call this behavior “trained helplessness,” whom adopts the mind
set its future to bother complaining because nobody will change the policy. Therefore complaint
rates appear to be declining in all sectors.

According to (Del. Hawkins, Newman & Goodman, (2003) Word of mouth is a key source of
customers in interviews with the executive, of five major financial service companies. They

confirmed more than 40% of all new clients and in two cases more than 50% of all new clients
came as a result of personal referrals from existing customers.

According to Jeff Toistor (2013) Customer does not complaint for four reasons:

1. It will not do any good

2. It is not work the trouble
3. I do not know where to complaint
4. I am afraid or retribution (then employees or company will counter attack).
All four barriers can be reduced or eliminated via effective communication. It won’t do any
good. This reasons are more difficult to address but can be partially dealt with by stressing to
employee that most complaints are due to a brake process rather than in competent employees.
Therefore, the complaints solicitation shall ask the complainant for suggestions on how to
improve processes.

2.6. Beyond complaint handling to delighting customers

According to Dell. Hawkins and Newman (2003) the same process that handles complaints has
the potential to delight customers further enhancing loyalty technical assistance research
program analyzed five recent surreys from clients in investing banking and insurance in which
customer are ask “have you receive any service that delighting you or is extraordinary? An
ongoing relationship with an individual usually a specific staff person is name also provide only
a moderate lift. Another surprise is friendly 90 second interactions create an emotional
connection that cement the relationship with the customer.

2.7. Benefits of effective complaint handling process

According to Davis anda Orson, (2003); five benefits of and effective complaint handling
process are:

1. Soliciting and satisfying a complaint usually results in a 50% increase in loyalty.

2. Moving a complaint from dissatisfied to completely satisfy raises loyalty 30 to 50% and
produce significant word of mouth the source of 20% to 70% of new customers.
3. Many problems leading to complaints can be preventing via proactive customer

4. An effective voice of the customer process can identify problem prevention opportunities
that can reduce your overall services expense by 10 to 15%.
5. Loyalty can be further enhancing by identifying in expensive delighters.
Aggressively solicit complaints via multiple channels, ensuring the message is in front of the
customer exactly when he/she is most likely to have a question of problem
2.8. A suggested customer complaint procedure
According to Adrian palmer,Clow and Kurtz (2002) consider the following eight steps customer
compliant procedure (or handling customer complaints in you organization:
1. Providing customers with the opportunity to complain
2. Give customers your full and undivided attention
3. Listen completely
4. Ask the key question: “what else?”
5. Agree that a problem exists; never disagree or argue
6. Apologize
7. Resolve the complaint (Ask again: “what else?”)
8. Thank the customer for bringing the complaint to your attention.
As you examine these eight steps, determine which one your organization does most and least
effectively use your answers to determine where you need to improve your customer complaint
2.9. Basic steps for effective complaint management
Designate allocation to receive complaints:-
 Customers need to know where and how to file complaint or make inquires
 Select a place to receive complaints that is visible and accessible to customer.
 Publicize the complaint system to encourage consumers to voice their dissatisfaction and
to make the good intention of the company apparent.
Develop a system for record keeping:-
Prepare farms for recording categorizing and finding complaint recode, design system to perform
function such as the following:
 Communicating complaint data to top management
 Provide market research though complaint trends.
 Enabling management to monitor the efficiency and management system.

Process and record complaint:-
 Login the complaint and any relevant data
 Categorize for reservations and record keeping categorize must be clearly defined and
exclusive of one another
 Assign the complaint to another level of authority, if appropriate.
2.10. Knowledge of complaint
Customer dose not register complaints with only a causal in trust in their disposition.
Complaining involves some in convenience possibly, expense loyal customers with strong
feeling are often involved:-
 Take to the customer it possible by phone or in
 Use letters when necessary, but avoid in personal form letter.
 Take extra time, if needed to help customer with special needs such as language barriers.
Investment and analyze of complaints:-
 Be fair
 Get both side of study
 Keep records in the complaint file of all meeting condensation or finding
 Resolve the problem in a manner consistent with the company policy
 Notify the customer promptly of a purposed settlement.
Analyze the summarize complaints:-
 Circulate the complaints statics and action proposals to appropriate department
 Develop and action plan for complaint presentation.
 Make sure the customer view is given appropriate consideration in company decision
2.11. Handling customer complaints
 Act quickly: is the complaint made during service delivery, time is essence to achieve a
full recovery when complaints are made after the fact many complaint are made after the
fact many companies have established policies or responding within 24 hr. or sooner even
when full resolution is likely to take longer, fast acknowledgement remain very
 Admit mistakes but don’t be defensive: acting defensively may suggest they the
organization has something to hide or is reluctant to fully explore the situation.

 Show that you understand the problem from each customer’s point of views seeing
situation through the customers eyes are the only way to understand what they think has
gone wrong and why they are upset.
 Don’t argue with customer: the goal should be together facts to reach a mutually
acceptable solution not to win a debate or prone that the customer is an idiot. Arguing
gets in the way of listening and seldom diffuses anger.
 Acknowledge the customer’s feelings: either tacitly or explicitly for example, “I am
understood why you one upset”. This action helps to build report the first step is
rebuilding a bruised relationship.
 Give customers the benefits of the doubt: not all customers are truthful and not all
complaints are justified. But customer’s should be treated as though they have avoid
complain unstill clear evidence to the contrary emerges. If also of money are at state loos
in insurance clime or potential law suits, careful investigation is warranted.
 Clarify the step needed to solve the problem: when instant solution aren’t possible telling
customers how the organization plan, to proceed shows that corrective action is being
taken. If also sets expectation about the time involved.
 Keep customers informed of progress: nobody likes being left in the dark. Uncertainty
breeds an anxiety and stress; people tend to be more accepting of disruption if they know
is going on and receive periodic progress reports.
 Consider compensation: when customers don’t receive all come they have paid for or
home suffered serious in convenience and/or loss of time and money because the services
foiled, either a monetary payment or an offer of equivalent service in kind is appropriate.
They types of recovery strategy may also reduce the risk of legal action by an anger
customer service quadrates often lay out in advance what such compensation will be and
the firm should ensure that all guaranties often lay out in advance what such
compensation will be and the firm should ensure that all quarantines and met.
 Preserver for gain customer good will: when customers have been disappointed one of
the biggest challenges is restore their confidence and preserve the relationship for the
future perseverance may be required to defuse customers another and to convince them
that actions one being taken too avoid are currencies of the problems.

2.12. Commonly used external disputer solution techniques
Mediation: is a process in which disputing purities with the help of mediator a neutral third
alternative and try to reach an agreement. The indicator facilitates the process but does not
advise parties, nor impose an outcome.

Arbitration: is a process in which disputing parties present argument and evidence to a

nutrition arbitrator who when decide the matter generally arbitration decision one binding on
the parties.

Private tribunals or councils; are non-legislated adjudicative bodies usually consisting of

more than one individual with special knowledge of the area. The member of tribunals or
council hear arguments and evidence from both particles in a dispute according to
predetermined rules and processed and then make a decision that may be binding on at least
one of the part ices while mediation, arbitration and tribunals are process in which the quality
and quantity of information available for decision making depends almost exclusively on
what the part ices provide, the same is not true of process involving private external
ombudsmen. An ombudsman has the power to investigate complaints on behalf of individual
land thus to collect information in addition to what the part ice may have and tend to be used
after internal processes (including an internal company ombudsmen) have been tried and
founding on internal company ombudsmen have been tried and found unsatisfied by party.
(John L. Graham, 2002).

2.13. Characteristics of effective internal complaint

According to Davis and or son, (2003) handling and external dispute resolution initiative
internal complaint handing and external dispute resolution initiative are distinct approaches
usually designed to operate sequentially (i.e internal complaint handling techniques and
exhausted before trying internal approaches) nevertheless they share many characteristics and
successful program frequently have similar attributes.

o The initiative is well publicized through retail out lets and in advertisement
pamphlets and literature.
o Employees are trained in handling complaints and resolving disputes and are
courteous with customer good, list resented imaginative problems solvers.

o The process is adequately funded and appropriate logistical arrangements are in place
to make it work.
o Regular review and monitoring take place to ensure that the program works and that
continuous improvement occurs.
o The process is free for customer
o The response is speedy
o There is continuous communication with customers throughout the process to keep
them up to data.
o Their time limits for each stage of the process and there are made known to complain
o For example disputes resolution processes there are institutional mechanism, such as:
has independence and neutrality of the redress is ensured and seen to be ensured.
2.14. The effects of complaint handling on customer loyalty
According to Stauss, (2007) Loyalty with complaint handling is the loyalty of that customer who
complains with the service providers' response to the complaint. The model proposed to study
loyalist with complaint handling incorporates all the constructs that Szymonski and
Henarki(2001), analyze in their meta-analysis of loyalty ancients: expectation, performance and
disconfirmation of expectations equity and affect.
A synthesis of literature indicates that complaint handling and/or service recovery has been
identified as a neglected research area (sohnston and mehra, 2002). Most of the studies in the
existing literature are related to laboratory or scenario-based experiment (smith and Dolton,
1998, MC, Collough, 2000). These studies have made a significant contribution to our
understanding of complaint of complaint handling and/or service recovery. However, there is
still a need for solid empirical research regarding the impact of organizational responses to a
customer complaint (Davidow, 2003).
The reason that complaint handling is an important thing should be considered by the customer
in making use of services. Companies that have an open attitude and behavior in accepting and
complaints handling leads to feeling of customer loyalty high.

2.15. Theoretical Literature Definitions of Complaint and Complaint Handling
Different scholars have defined complaint based on their points of views. Dingemans (1996:23),
for instance, defines complaint as “any time we fail to meet a customer’s expectation, he has
cause for complaint.” The writer, of course, suggests that such way of definition creates
problems because the customer will be affected a lot as a result of our delay till complaints are
arisen. Instead, organizations need to set mechanisms in which the complaint can be used as co-
operation in achieving its goals.
Similarly, scholars have defined complaint handling differently. For instance, Hart, Heskett, and
Sasser (1990), have given definition for complaint handling relating with its purpose to the
organizations. That is, complaint handling refers to the strategies firms use to resolve and learn
from service failures in order to re-establish the organization's reliability in the eyes of the
Stauss and Seidel (2005), on the other hand, have defined complaint handling as a way of
helping consumers: “Complaint handling stands for operational activities directly aimed at
helping customers resolve their complaints.”

2.16. Empirical Literature

Atalik, O. (2007) explored the common complaints made by Turkish frequent flyers related to
their program membership. From the findings of the study he concluded that customers are the
most important element in the business. The loyalty of the customers can only be won by solving
their problems efficiently, although some organizations need to improve their performance in
this area. However, if complaints are not handled efficiently, problems remain unsolved and
worsen in the organization. He also revealed that the common complaints of members are related
to the availability of free tickets and upgrades of the flight class, the behavior of personnel, card
ownership issues, level and type of priority services offered within the program and the lack of
alliances with other airlines. Tax, S. & Brown, S. (1998) conducted a study on customer
evaluations of service complaint experiences. They found that majority of complaining
customers were dissatisfied with recent complaint handling experiences. They also revealed that
customers evaluate complaint incidents in terms of the outcomes they receive, the procedures
used to arrive at the outcomes, and the nature of the interpersonal treatment during the process.

The results showed that satisfaction with complaint handling has a direct impact on trust and
commitment customers on the company.

Ryngelblum et al (2013) examined the ways companies really answer consumer complaints. The
results of the study showed that companies postpone the solution of complaints in order to
discourage complainants, but once they plead to consumer protection agencies their demands are
satisfied, even when companies do not fully agree with them.

Johnston, R. and Mahra, S. (2002) conducted exploratory study on best practice complaint
management on customer service managers in 40 United Kingdom service organizations. The
study revealed the need for speed resolution, top management involvements, centralized and
decentralized allocations of tasks, develop means of assessing the financial impact of complaints
and the value of improvements. These organizations perceive complaint as part of the approach
to good management.

2.17 Customer Satisfaction

Several definitions and models of customer satisfaction have been proposed by various scholars.
The focus of much of the research is on the “disconfirmation of expectations” theory which
explains that “the customer is satisfied when he or she feels that the product’s performance is
equal to or more than what was expected (confirmation). But if perceived performance falls short
of his/her expectations (disconfirmation), then the customer is dissatisfied” (Oliver, 1980).
Another model of customer satisfaction defines it as “a complete evaluation of accumulated
purchase and consumption experience, which reflects a comparison between the sacrifice
experienced and the perceived rewards” (Iglesias & Guillen, 2004). The sacrifice here includes
monetary costs of purchasing the service as well as intangible costs such as the time and energy
expended to make reservations and arrangements to visit the restaurant. Thus, the premium that
the customer has to pay at a fine dining restaurant is traded off against the perceived rewards he
obtains. Thus, the level of satisfaction increases if the rewards are greater compared with the
sacrifice. Customer satisfaction is defined a collective outcome of perception, evaluation and
psychological reactions to the consumption experience with a product or service (Yi, 1990).
Additionally, Kotler, (2000) also stated that customer satisfaction is a person’s feelings of
pleasure or disappointment resulting from comparing a product’s outcome (perceived
performance) in relation to his or her expectation.
2.18. Service Quality Dimensions
Service quality dimensions could differ depending upon the service industry, to which the scale
was applied, because of differences in the level of social and economic development. Customers
in different countries differently perceive the concept of service quality itself. Consequently, as
mentioned in that quality measurements scale should be adapted to the specifics of an individual
service industry or even an individual service, and that a general scale shouldn’t be used at all.
As suggested in those industry-specific measures of service quality might be more appropriate
than a single generic scale. And also the generic measure of service quality across industries is
not feasible; therefore, future research on service quality should involve the development of
industry-specific measures of service quality.

2.19. Models for Measuring Service Quality

2.19.1. GAP Model
Pursuant to the GAP-model, the organization and the customer may differ as to how they
perceive service performance, and this is caused by the ‘gaps’ in providing the service
(Parasuraman et al., 1988). The researchers identified five gaps.
GAP 1: The customer`s expectations are not known: the buyer`s expectations and the ideas, the
management has regarding that differ.
GAP 2: Wrong service quality standards: the difference between management`s ideas, regarding
customer expectations and the customers` expectation as to its manifestation in the
GAP 3: Service performance gap: the difference between the specifications regarding service
quality and the actual implementation of the service.
GAP 4: When promises do not match delivery: the difference between the qualities of the service
and the qualities of the service as communicated to customers.
GAP 5: When the customer does not receive the expected service: the difference of the quality
that the customer expects and the actually perceived service quality.
2.19.2. The SERVQUAL Model
The most frequently used model in the measurement of service quality is SERVQUAL
(Parasuram et al. 1988). Their model is based on the disconfirmation paradigm, according to
which service quality is the result of the comparison of expected versus perceived performance

of service. The model prior to SERVQUAL is “the gap model” by the same authors. The gap
model presents 5 different gaps which a company should avoid. Gap 5, known as the customer
gap, represents the specific construct measured upon in the SERVQUAL model. SERVQUAL is
grounded in the earlier writings of the expectancy-disconfirmation theory in which quality is
measured from the difference between the expectations and evaluation of the performance. The
results can be categorized as confirmation or disconfirmation and the outcome is the level of
satisfaction (Oliver, 1980; Parasuraman et al., 1985). Meanwhile, the incorporation of
disconfirmation theory in the model indicates the close relation between service quality and

2.20. Conceptual Frame Work

The aim of this section is to summarize the idea the researcher obtained from past literature and
to bring out the contributions for this study area. Thus, purpose of this study is to examine how
tangibility, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy and network quality of services which
are the independent variables can bring effect on the dependent variables, customer satisfaction
and overall service quality at ethio telecom. Based on this the below model is developed. (See
figure 2.3) (source Oliver, 1980; Parasuraman et al., 1985).

Figure 1, Conceptual Framework


Complain Handling Through
Responsiveness This All service delivery
Directions Customer


Network quality

Source Oliver, 1980; Parasuraman et al., 1985

3.1. Description of Study area
The research was conducted ethio telecom Chiro branch. It is located West Hararghe Zone and
far 327 from Addis Abeba. It is located between 9°05’ longitude and 40°52’E latitude. The
woreda is founded at an altitude ranging from 1826 to 1950 m above sea level. The town has
undulating topography and mountainous characteristics with low vegetation cover and sparsely
vegetated landscapes which is highly vulnerable to erosion problems. Drought, shortage of
water, soil erosion, flooding, animal forage scarcity, and lack of income diversity are the main
threats to food security and sustainability. The 2007 national census reported a total population
for this district of 169,912, of whom 87,003 were men and 82,909 were women; none of its
population was urban dwellers (CSA, 2007). The agricultural activities are mainly mixed type
with cattle rearing and rop production undertaken sideways. Major annual crops include
sorghum, maize, bean, barley, teff, wheat, and pea and from cash crops Khat and Coffee are
widely produced. It has a maximum and minimum temperature of 23 and 12°C, respectively and
maximum and minimum rainfall of 1800 and 900 mm, respectively. Rainfall type is bimodal and
erratic in nature. Main rainy season of the study area is from June to September while short
rainy season is from March to May.
3.2. Research design
The study has a quantitative research design. Specifically, correlation technique was utilized on a
cross sectional survey data. The study also followed a descriptive design as it sought to describe
in detail the state of customer satisfaction and service quality in ethio telecom Company. Thus,
descriptive statistics such as frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviations were used to
assess service quality and measure customer satisfaction. To empirically measure the effect of
service quality on customer satisfaction among ethio telecom enterprise customers, a structured
questionnaire survey was used to mainly obtain data to test the main hypothesis that relates to the
correlation of service quality dimensions with service quality and customer satisfaction.

This research was descriptive type of research .It describes the general nature of the data
gathered. The reporting of descriptive statics allows for the describing and comparing of
variables numerically to enable certain conclusion to be reached in terms of the data gathered.

Therefore, by considering the above the descriptive survey is help to see the actual practice of
handling complaint activities live how need is assessed, how and when the handling is evaluated
and it is also assist to gather information regarding to the problem and challenged encountered. It
is used to determine the current status of these handling complaint activities of the organization
through fact finding by using primary data collection and document analysis.

3.3. Populations
3.3.1. Source Population
The Target Population of this study was enterprise key account customers in chiro Town. The
justification for selecting the chiro Town as a location to conduct the survey pertains to the fact
that the majorities of Ethio telecom enterprise customers are concentrated in chiro Town, which
accounts about 47.3% of the total enterprise customers and account for more than 85% of key
account customers. This implies that more than half of the total enterprise key account customers
are from chiro Town. Specifically, more than 60% of ADS L, 35% of fixed line and 80% of post
paid mobile customers are found in chiro Town (Marketing plan for Ethio telecom Enterprise
customers, 2024). So, a sample taken from chiro Town is more likely best represents Ethio
telecom key account customers.

3.4 Sample Size Determination and Sampling Technique

The sample frame for this study was obtained from ethio telecom Enterprise division sales
Executives data base as of November. The sample frame for this study is 1242 enterprise key
account customers out of these, 70 respondents were selected using a stratified simple random
sampling that use all the basic services from Ethio telecom such as fixed line, mobile and
broadband internet. The samples were taken based on the Krejcie and Morgan (1970) method of
selecting samples. These customers are selected from five major enterprise key account sub
segments such as financial institutions, service enterprises (Public and private), production &
industry organizations, international organizations and embassies and government institutions.
And the below sample size determination equation was applied:
S = 2 *(N-1) + X2 *P*(1-P)]
Where: S = Required Sample size X = Z value (e.g. 1.96 for 95% confidence level)
N = Population Size P = Population proportion (expressed as decimal) (assumed to be 0.5 (50%)
d = Degree of accuracy (5%), expressed as a proportion (.05); It is margin of error

Source for the above formula: Krejcie, R.V. & Morgan, D.W. (1970). As target population is
1242 enterprise key account customers head offices and branches in chiro Town and assuming
that these customers are more or less homogenous in the major aspects critical to the study, a
confidence level of 95 % is sufficient with a margin of error of 5 %. This would yield a sample
size of 70 customers.

The stratified simple random sampling technique was used in the study because ethio telecom
enterprise segment consists of various sub-segments or groups and this helps to increase
representativeness of the sample. This is done by identifying enterprise key account customers
under each stratum namely Government and Administration, Financial Institutions, Services
Enterprise (Private and public), International Organizations, NGOs, and Production and
Industries. Proportional sample size is selected from each stratum using simple random
sampling. Based on this 30, 10, 10, 10, and 10 samples were taken from Services Enterprise
(Private and public), Financial Institutions, International Organizations, Government and
Administration and Production and Industries respectively. From these questionnaires a total of
67% usable response rate is achieved.

Table3.1, Sample Size Proportion

No. of Key account customers Sample taken from each customer (in %)

Production and Industries

Financial Institutions

Financial Institutions
Service (Private and

Service (Private and

Service Enterprises

Service Enterprises
Production and



Embassies and







102 40 1000 50 50 30 10 10 10 10
Total. 1242 70~6% of the target population

Source: Key account department (January, 2024)

3.5. Sources of Data

The study was used both secondary data and primary data sources. The primary data was
obtained from the company’s enterprise customers through questionnaire distribution having

open-ended type questionnaire, while secondary data were obtained from different company
sources, library and other sources such as internet search. Primary data offers tailored and
original information while secondary data gives opportunity to support and check the primarily
collected data with already existed information.
3.6. Variable and measurement
The research variables under study are both dependent and independent variables. Complaint
handling tools used,, independent variable and consumer level of satisfaction is dependent
variables. The measurement researcher use is both open ended question that allow respondent to
answer questions by their own way of clearly and close ended questions that is a kind of multiple
choice and finally handling complains is the measurement variables.

3.7. Methods of data analysis

It is the very importance to look at the data type that researcher was used in the study of the
quantitative data analysis was apply. The tools that the researcher was use are percentages. After
having data analysis corresponding interpretation is making. The interpretation focuses on the
result relevant to issues under consideration.

3.8. Ethical consideration

The ethical approval and clearance was obtained from ethical review committee of Oda Bultum.
Permission was also obtained from the concerned bodies of Chiro town administration and
management body of Ethio-telecom Chiro Branch. Prior to interview, verbal consent was taken
from each individual interviewee. All information that was obtained from the individual was
treated confidential.

3.9. Dissemination of results

The findings was disseminated to different service providing organizations that was a
contribution in the improving of customers’ satisfaction and complaints handling strategy,
specifically for CEO of Ethio-telecom Chiro branch and CEO of Ethio-telecom Eastern region
main office. Copy of the findings of this study was also send to Ethio-telecom offices genuinely
promoting & working on customer complaint handling and customer satisfaction.

4.1.1. Demographic Information of the Respondents
The first part of the questionnaire consists of the demographic information of the participants.
This part of the questionnaire requested a limited amount of information related to personal and
professional demographic characteristics of the respondents. Accordingly, the following
variables about the respondents were summarized and described in the subsequent tables. These
variables include: age, sex, occupational status and educational qualifications of the respondents.

Table1: Summary of the Number and Percentage of Respondent by Age and Sex
Age Male Female Total
No. % No. %
Respondent Respondent %
<25 6 9% 4 6% 10 14
25-34 10 14% 10 14% 20 29
35-44 17 24% 13 19% 30 43
45-54 5 7% 5 7% 10 14
Total 38 54% 32 46% 70 100
Sources: survey questionnaire, 2024

As table 1 revealed, the percentage of respondents in relation to their age and sex, 54% of the
respondents were male and 46% of them were female. Regarding the age of the participants, the
largest group (43%) was in the 35-44 years of age group. As we can see in table 1, the second
largest group (29%) was respondents’ age which ranged 25-34 years, but 14% indicated that they
are either 45-54 or less than 25 years of age.

Table2: Summary of the Number and Percentage of Respondents by Occupational Status and
Educational Qualification
Educational qualification

Occupational Status Primar Secondary higher


N % N % N % Total
Own Business 0 0 4 6% 6 9% 10 14%
Government/Social service 0 0 0 0 30 42% 30
(financial institutions) 43%
Self employed and others 7 10% 9 13% 14 7% 30 43%
Total 7 10% 13 19% 50 58% 70 100
Sources: survey questionnaire, 2024
As we can observe from table 2, the largest groups of respondents (43%) were self-employed;
and also about 43% of them were employed in government institutions, and the rest 14% had
their own business. On the basis of educational qualification, majority of the respondents (58%)
have got college or university education, and 19% of the respondents have completed secondary
education. The remaining 10% have got primary education.
4.1.2. The Customers’ Perception of Their Contact with the Ethio Telecom Staff
Based on the data gathered from the customers of ethio telecom, the researcher has tried to
analyze the customers’ perception of their contact with the ethio telecom staffs who are
managing the complaint. The questionnaire was designed by using Likert Scale where almost all
the statements are measured on a five point scale as strongly agree, agree, neutral, disagree and,
strongly disagree. The information obtained from the questionnaire is summarized and discussed
in table 3.

Table3: Customers Perception on Staffs Managing the Complaint
Customers’ contacts with the Ethio-telecom staff managing the complaint

Strongly % Agree % Neutral % Disagree % Strongly Disagree % Total


The employee(s) seemed to be 10 14 25 36 10 `14 20 29 5 7 70

concerned about my problem

The employee treated me in a 26 37 21 30 5 7 12 17 6 9 70

polite way.

The employees did their best 14 20 16 29 14 20 16 23 10 14 70

to solve my problem

The employees’ behavior while 23 33 20 29 5 7 12 17 10 14 70

handling my complain was fair

Sources: survey questionnaire 2024

As we can observe from Table 3, about 36% of the respondents agreed with the statement ‘The employee(s) seemed to be concerned
about my problem’. However, about 29% of the respondents disagreed, whereas 14% of the respondents became neutral in relation to
the statement and the rest 7% was strongly disagree. Based on the responses, we can infer that more than half of the customers felt that
the staffs gave due attention for their complaints. On the other hand, the majority of the respondents (30%) agreed with the statement
‘the employee treated me in a polite way’; while about 7% of them became neutral and 23% of the respondents disagreed with the
statement. From these we can deduce that if the company wants to give an outstanding customer service, customers should be treated
politely, respectfully and courtesy. In this regard majority of the respondents witnessed that employees are good at handling the
customers while complaining in a polite way.

However, regarding the statement ‘the employees did their best to solve my problem’, 33% and 29% of the respondents strongly
agreed and agreed respectively. In this statement the reactions of respondents were mixed. About 23% of the respondents argued that
they disagree with the statement, whereas about 20% of them became neutral. Moreover, 29% of the respondents agreed on the use of
‘the employees’ behavior while handling my complaint was fair’. Therefore, about 17% of the respondents argued against the
statement, whereas about 7% of them had a neutral position. Treating customers fairly is essential to all products and services that the
company provides. That is, customers should be able to understand well, and they should have the confidence to know that they are
treated fairly, equally and without prior judgment. Based on this result, it seems possible to infer that the customers are happy with the
way how employees handle their complaint.

4.1.3. Ethio Telecom’s Process/ Procedures Used to Solve Customers’ Complaints

In order to understand the perceptions of the customers of ethio telecom towards the process or procedure that ethio telecom is
practicing to solve their complaints on time, the opinion of the respondents were collected and presented in the following diagram,
table 4.

Table4:Ethio Telecom’s Process/ Procedures Used to Solve Customers’ Complaints

EthioTelecom’s process/ Strongly Strongly

S/N procedures used to solve Agree % Agree % Neutral % Disagree % Disagree % Total
customers’ complaint
1 Ethio telecom responded to my 8 11.429 11 15.71 8 11.429 33 47.14 10 14.3 70
complaint in a timely manner

Ethio telecom gave me the 14 20 17 24.29 14 20 15 21.43 10 14.3 70

2 chance to tell my side of the
It was hard to find someone in 14 20 17 24.29 7 10 20 28.57 12 17.1 70
3 the company who would do
something about my problem
4 The processes/ procedures ethio 24 34.286 21 30 10 14.286 11 15.71 4 5.71 70
telecom used to handle my
complaint were fair.
Total 60 85.714 66 94.29 39 55.714 79 112.9 36 51.4 280
Sources: questionnaire 2024

Majority of the respondents (61%) disagreed with the statement ‘Ethio telecom responded to my
complaint in a timely manner’, whereas 27% of the respondents agreed with the timely response
of the company. On the contrary, 11% of male and female respondents became neutral with the
statement. From this, it may be inferred that majority of the respondents do not feel that the
company is responding timely for their complaint. As can be seen from table 4, for the statement
‘Ethio telecom gave me the chance to tell my side of the story’ the response became 50:50. But
with regard to educational level all of primary and secondary completed respondents told that
they disagree with the statement, whereas out of the college/university educated respondents,
61% agreed that the company responded timely, but 27% of them disagreed with the statement.
And 10% of the respondents replied in a neutral manner. The result of the data collected
uncovers the existence of problem in listening to customers’ complaints. With regard to finding
someone who will sort out their problem, 44% of them believe that there is a solution at ethio
telecom while 48% of them disagree. Regarding the fairness of the process 54.4% of them felt
that the process that ethio telecom employed is good but about 20% disagree with the idea.

According to the result of interview, there are four processes regarding complaints. These are
customer problem handling via call center, enterprise customer problem handling via call center,
customer bill complaint handling and enterprise customer complaint handling via back office.
Customer problem handling via call center A complaint is raised by the customer when a fault
exists on the services which the company offers or when the company fails to meet the service
level agreement of the products it provide to the customers. According to the process document,
the objective of customer problem handling via call center process is to manage complaints
raised by customers related with the organization’s product offerings and services solve those
difficulties on time to bring customer satisfaction as well as to meet the company’s objective.
The process steps are as follows:
 Customer calls the contact center and makes a complaint or describes a problem he or she
is facing.
 The front line first level (call center) will solve the problem if the problem can be solved
at that level.
 If the complaint/problem cannot be solved by first level, the call will be forwarded to
second level.

 If the complaint cannot be solved by second level, then a trouble ticket is created for
further investigation and the customer is informed trouble ticket number assigned for the
 The trouble ticket will be dispatched to the concerned body for resolution.
 When trouble ticket is solved the advisors will close and put as archives.
Customer bill complaint handling
The objective of this process is to manage complaints raised by customers in relation to bill
charges and solve those problems accordingly. The data is collected from point of sales,
enterprise business center and contact center. The processes are:

 Customer can lodge their complaint at point of sales (ethio shops), enterprise business
center and contact center receives complaint from customer regarding bill amount.
 At contact center, point of sales or enterprise business center the complaint will be
analyzed and if it can be solved and the customer will be informed the result.
 If not the compliant will be send to Customer Care and Billing. Customer Care and
Billing receive complaint and investigate the complaint and check the validity of the
claim and if found it to be true Customer Care and Billing will post debit/credit against
customer account.
 Customer Care and Billing informs the result to the customer.

The other two processes, that is, enterprise customer problem handling via call center and
enterprise customer complaint handling via back office are more or less the same as the
above processes. The main difference is the category of the customers. These processes have
been assessed by the concerned body in the company and they are found to be fully

4.1.4. The Outcomes Ethio Telecom Provided to Compensate the Problem

In order to understand the perceptions of customers of ethio telecom towards the compensation
that ethio telecom provided to respond to their complaint, the opinion of the respondents were
collected and presented in table 5. As one can observe from figure 5, when the respondents were
asked to respond about their satisfaction level with ethio telecom in getting response for what
they complained, majority of them (36%) disagreed, while 50% of them agreed on the fact that
they received satisfactory responses from the organization. The remaining 14% of them,

however, responded in neutral manner. Therefore, when the responses are observed regarding
their gender, the result indicated that 66% of male and 34% of female respondents disagreed for
the statement ‘I received satisfactory response from ethio telecom’. However, 30% of male and
54% of female agreed on the statement. Of all the occupation groups, (14%) of them disagreed
on the above statement. The result indicated that ethio telecom could not provide satisfactory and
timely solutions for its customers. However, the result could indicate differences when we see in
terms of gender. That is, male respondents are more dissatisfied than that of females in relation
with their complaints about the service provisions.

The other statement which asks respondents whether ethio telecom solved the problems of
customers as they wanted. As shown in table 5, the result indicated that 29% of the respondents
strongly agreed on the statement, 27% of them agreed, whereas 24% of them disagreed and 8%
of them strongly disagreed and the rest 21% of them responded neutrally. From this one can infer
that majority of them are happy with the way the company addressed their complaints. This
information is depicted on the table 5 below.

Table5: Ethio Telecom Complaint Handling and its Outcome
The outcomes ethio telecom provided to Strongly % Agree % Neutral % Disagree % Strongly % Total
compensate the problem Agree Disagree

I received satisfactory response from ethio 7 10 28 40 10 14.2857 20 28.5714 5 7.14286 70


Ethio telecom worked out my problem in 13 18.57 19 27.1429 15 21.4286 17 24.2857 6 8.57143 70
exactly what I wanted.

Their effort to solve the problem resulted in 14 20 16 22.8571 14 20 16 22.8571 10 14.2857 70

positive outcomes.

The service I got after my compliant from ethio 23 32.86 20 28.5714 10 14.2857 10 14.2857 7 10 70
telecom was fair.

Sources: survey questionnaire 2024

The next question which asked the respondents regarding ethio telecom’s effort to solve the problem resulted in positive outcomes.
Thus, when service recoveries outcome exceed a customer’s expected outcome, according to service recovery literature, positive
disconfirmation is resulted. Accordingly, 37% of the respondents replied as they did not bring positive outcome, but 42% of them told
that it has brought positive outcome, whereas 22% of the respondents replied in a neutral manner. The other question that requested
the respondents whether the service they got after a complaint from ethio telecom was fair or not. Accordingly, 24% of them told they
disagree, whereas 28% of the respondents agreed on the statement. Therefore, the rest 14% of them were found to have neutral

4.1.5. Complaint Handling Satisfaction
Under this section, the respondents were asked whether they were disappointed on the way ethio
telecom handled their complaint or not. As can be seen in table 6, 29% of the respondents
disagreed with the statement, whereas 27% of them agreed, and 21% of them became neutral. On
the basis of gender, about 36% of the male and 58% of the female respondents disagreed in
relation to the statement, whereas 38% of the male respondents and 58% of the female
respondents replied as they agreed with the statement. The result of the study reveals that a great
deal of respondents were disappointed on the way that ethio telecom was trying to handle their

In response to the next question that requests the respondents to rate their perceptions in relation
to lodging their complaints to ethio telecom, they were found to have positive experiences.
Accordingly, 70% of respondents replied in favor of the statement. On the other hand, 24% of
the respondents were observed to disagree with the statement. And the rest 6% of them
responded in a neutral manner, as it can be seen in the following table (Table 6). As shown in
table 6 again, the next statement requests respondents to give their replies in relation to whether
they are very satisfied with the way ethio telecom was working out their complaints or not. And
hence, 41% of them agreed with this statement, and 28% of them disagreed, but still about 9% of
them had a neutral response. From this, it can be deduced that the perceptions of the customers
are unfavorable in relation to the way their complaints are handled by ethio telecom.

Table6 :Lodging a Complaint and Satisfaction of Customers
Customers satisfaction with Strongly % Agree % Neutral % Disagree % Strongly % Total
ethio telecom in general Agree Disagree
The choice for the product / 16 23 19 27 15 21 14 20 6 9 70
service from ethio telecom
was a good decision.
I am satisfied with the ethio 15 21 29 41 6 9 17 24 3 4 70
telecom after my complaint.
So far I have positive 26 37 23 33 4 6 10 14 7 10 70
experiences with ethio
Sources: survey questionnaire 2024

4.1.6. Overall Satisfaction
The general satisfaction of customers on ethio telecom’s complaint handling is presented below in table 7.
Table7: Ethio Telecom Customers’ Overall Satisfaction on the Company’s Complaint Handling
Customers satisfaction with Strongly % Agree % Neutral % Disagree % Strongly % Total
ethio telecom in general Agree Disagree
The choice for the product / 16 22.8571 19 27.1429 15 21.4286 14 20 6 8.57143 70
service from ethio telecom
was a good decision.
I am satisfied with the ethio 15 21.4286 29 41.4286 6 8.57143 17 24.2857 3 4.28571 70
telecom after my complaint.
So far I have positive 26 37.1429 23 32.8571 4 5.71429 10 14.2857 7 10 70
experiences with ethio
Sources: survey questionnaire 2024

As we can see from table 7, about 29% of the respondents disagreed with the statement “The choice for the product / service from
ethio telecom was a good decision”, whereas about 50% of them agreed with the statement. And the rest 21.4% of them were found to
have neutral position. Table 7 also shows that 28% of the respondents disagreed with the statement ‘I am satisfied with ethio telecom
after my complaint.’ whereas about 62% of the respondents replied by agreeing with the idea, and the rest 8.5% of them responded
neutrally. In addition, about 24% of the respondents disagreed with the statement ‘So far I have positive experiences with ethio
telecom’, but about 70% of them agreed with the statement. And the other 6% of the respondents were found to have a neutral
position. Based on the result, it seems to infer that many of the customers do not have positive experiences with ethio telecom;
however, no as such significant differences were observed regarding the satisfaction level of customers after complaints.

4.1.7. Intention to Share Experience
With regard to customers’ intention of sharing their experience, respondents have complaints at
ethio telecom, and as we can see from table 8, about 59% of them responded that they do not tell
positive things about ethio telecom to others, whereas only 20% of the them replied that they are
likely to tell positive things about the company. And the rest 21% of them replied neutrally.
From this we can infer that the majority of respondents are not happy with the complaint
handling practices of the company. As can be seen from table 8, significant number of
respondents (21%) became neutral for the statement they were asked whether they can
recommend ethio telecom services to friends or not. 23% of them replied that they would not
recommend, whereas only 33% of them agreed that they would tell to their friends about ethio
telecom services. Based on the aforementioned responses, we can conclude that customers are
not happy with the services provided by ethio telecom since many of them replied not to
recommend ethio telecom to others.

Table8: Customers Intention to Share their Experience with Others
Customers intention to share their Strongly % Agree % Neutral % Disagree % Strongly % Total
experience with others Agree Disagree

I am likely to tell positive things 20 29 21 30 15 21 14 20 0 0 70

about ethio telecom to others.
I would recommend to my friends 6 9 33 47 15 21 16 23 0 0 70
to ethio telecom services.
If my friends were planning to 15 21 29 41 6 9 20 29 0 0 70
purchase a product or service ethio
telecom offers, I would advise them
to try.
I would advise my friends not to 0 0 28 40 11 16 24 34 7 10 70
deal with ethio telecom.
Sources: survey questionnaire 2024

For the next question that asked respondents whether they are interested to advise their friends to purchase goods or services from
ethio telecom. Only 61% of them agreed with the statement, but 29% of them disagreed, and the remaining 9% of them were observed
to have a neutral position. Asked in another way as to whether the respondents advise friends not to deal with ethio telecom, majority
of them (44%) of them disagreed with the statement, whereas 40% of them agreed with it, and in similar with the above statement,
16% of them indicated a neutral response. From this we can infer that significant number of customers do not advise their friends to
purchase or not to purchase goods or services from ethio telecom as a result of the complaints.

4.1.8. Complaint Actions
In this section, the result that deals with customers who were asked what they do when they
encounter service failure is presented. And many of them (51%) told that they keep silent.
However, 20% of them responded that they will not keep silent, and about 29% of them were
observed to have responded neutrally. In terms of gender, therefore, majority of male (50%) told
that they do not take any action, and about 40% of them responded that they take actions when
they encounter service failures. When we see female respondents, the result is different. That is,
about 54% of the female respondents replied that they take actions; whereas 42% of customers
responded that they will not take any actions.

If we see the responses in relation to education level, 53% of the respondents agreed, 36%
disagree and about 12% had neutral position. Therefore, almost all those in primary education
status responded that they will take actions, whereas about 62% of those completed college told
that they will not take action, but about 35% of them responded that they will not keep silent
when they have complaints on the company. This indicates that many of the respondents chose to
be silent though a different result was observed when it was seen in relation to gender.

Again, customers were asked whether or not they bad mouth on ethio telecom negatively when
they are dissatisfied with the services, and 68% of them were found to have agreed and 23% of
them were disagreed on the statement. In addition to this, as we can see on table 9, the customers
found to be not happy to lodge their complaints to ethio telecom management. Thus, 50% of the
respondents agreed, but 29% of them disagreed with the idea of submitting complaints to the
management. On the other hand, out of the respondents, 40% of them agree and 44% disagree
with the action of complaining to front line employees. Sometimes customers may divert their
complaints to media than directly telling the company about its service failure. Accordingly, out
of the respondents 33% of them have interest to divert to media, whereas about 44% of them
responded as they do not choose to complain to media. From this we can infer that many of the
customers of ethio telecom were in a position to lodge their complaints to the front line
employees rather than diverting their complaints to the media.

Table9: Ethio Telecom Customers’ Complaint Action

Complaint actions taken Strongly % Agree % Neutral % Disagree % Strongly % Total

when customers are Agree Disagree
dissatisfied with the
Taking no action 15 21 21 30 20 29 14 20 0 0 70

Bad mouth the company 15 21 33 47 6 9 16 23 0 0 70

Complain to ethio telecom 15 21 29 41 6 9 20 29 0 0 70

Complain to front line 8 11 20 29 11 16 24 34 7 10 70

Divert complaint to the 6 4 23 33 10 14 25 35 6 9 70

Source: Survey Questionnaires 2024

For the open ended questions, customers mentioned that the means to file complaint is not easy
especially the call center though it has shown improvement but the agents’ treatment found to be
very good. They also mentioned that it took longer period of time to recover the service
especially for the fixed line telephones. Majority of respondents mentioned that poor quality of
network for mobile and internet is being observed. They also pointed out that starting from
recent times it is even worsening and this has become their major cause for complaints. In
addition to the above reasons, some of the respondents mentioned that they complained for ethio
telecom due to bill exaggerations.

Regarding the means to file their complaints, majority of the respondents told that they send
their complaints through the call center (994), whereas, some of them replied that they prefer to
go to shops to get fast responses since they can meet the management if it is not solved
immediately. When the respondents asked as to how they knew the means to complain, about
44% of them mentioned that it is though their friends and families, while 37% of them told
through media (radios) and 14% don’t remember how they knew it. The respondents were also
asked to reply about the causes of their complaints. And figuratively, 77% of them told that it is

due to poor quality of service/goods and 8% of them responded as the cause is billing mistakes,
and the rest 15% of the respondents replied that their reasons are other than these.

In order to support the data collected through the questionnaire, the interview that was
conducted with the eight employees of the company will be presented in this section. Thus,
interview questions were delivered to the selected eight employees of the company, ethio
telecom, to get information about their perceptions and practices in relation to complaints and its
managements as follow. There is no recorded definition on what are complaints or not but the
researcher has been told that staffs are well communicated on how to handle complaints.
Complaint handling, according to respondents, is important to provide quality of service.
Without the feedback of customers, the company may not know how good the service is. It is
also good to know if the company is addressing as per the needs of customers on time. From the
interview, it was also found out that complaints are recorded in the company for further action or
analysis. Thus, the company records the call reasons and analyzes why customers are calling and
suggests the concerned stakeholders to take actions. Top managements give attention to the top
customers’ complaints. As a result there is uninterrupted weekly meeting to solve the issues
raised. If they found it difficult to solve on time they escalate to the next higher management to
take actions.

Recently customer service division organized get together event for staffs and discussion has
been held with them on how to achieve customer satisfaction by providing better service. To
motivate staffs best performers have been awarded in that occasion. Besides, due to the nature of
the job staffs will be transferred to other divisions after some time so that they will not get bored.
Earlier, the performance level of the call center was not good, that is, it was easily accessible due
to shortage of manpower and the lack of technology but recently it is becoming better and better
and even the performance level has reached around 70%. Regarding the system friendliness
about four languages (Amharic, English, Affan Oromo and Tigrigna) is being used. So,
customers have the choice on what language they can ask information or file their complaint
when they encounter service failure. Before new products or services launched to the market,
training will be given to contact center advisors so that customers can call and they can get the
necessary information. This minimizes the complaint that comes due to lack of information.

With regard to the means to file complaints, customers can call freely 994 (residential
customers), 70 (key account customers), or they can go to shops. Customers are encouraged to
call to the call center that wasting their time by going to shops. Staffs working at the call center
will get the necessary training before they start their tasks. The training includes the vision,
mission and values of ethio telecom and also on customer management. There is also on job
training for the problems they encounter. Survey is undertaken on the service provisioning and
satisfaction of customers. Regarding the complaint management there is a trouble ticket survey
to check if the case is closed or not. It is only ethio telecom internally who handles the
complaints. Regarding the problems they face in handling complaints, there are significant
numbers of customers who make a call to the call center for the reasons which is not related to
the company’s operation. This has a great impact on the queuing of genuine calls and it has an
impact on the satisfaction of customers. Internally, sometimes they face difficulty in
understanding the sense of urgency of the problem when there is service disruption. As a result,
they have a plan to sign an operational level agreement with stakeholders which is expected to
solve the problem.

4.1.9. Descriptive analyses of service quality dimensions and customers

Table10. Summarizes the score of service quality dimensions and customer satisfaction score by
using the descriptive analysis. The frequency mean and the interpretation of mean scores of
customers’ perception toward service quality of Ethio telecom enterprise customers are presented
in the below table.
Dimension of Service Strongly % Agree % Neutral % Disagr % Strongly % Total
quality Agree ee Disagree

Tangible 6 9 21 30 20 29 23 33 0 0 70
Reliability 10 14.3 16 22.9 6 8.6 47 67 1 1.43 80
Responsiveness 15 21.4 29 41.4 6 8.6 20 29 0 0 70
Assurance 8 11.4 26 37.1 0 0 29 41 7 10 70
Empathy 6 8.57 23 32.9 10 14 24 34 7 10 70
Network quality 0 21.4 0 29 70
0 15 0 20 35 50
Customer Satisfaction 0 14.3 0 54 70
0 10 0 38 22 31.4
Source: Structured Questionnaire Survey (2024)

As presented in Table 10, customers’ perception of tangibility was rated high comparatively
(41%). This may indicate that most Ethio telecom customers agree that the company has up-to-
date equipment, appealing facility and neat appearance of employees. Reviews of documents
also show that the company currently has modern equipment such as 3G &4G,5G, modems,
IPCC, MSAG, ERP, CRM and better data center (Ethio telecom, 2024).

Customers rating of reliability item also show that there is dissatisfaction on the items (68%).
This reflects the consistency and dependability of Ethio telecom performance in providing
service as promised and by time that has shown weakness. On the contrary, the same respondents
mildly agree that Ethio telecom keeps customer records accurately. Also, assurance and empathy
dimensions are among the most highly rated service quality dimensions (48% and 42
respectively) followed by tangibility (39%). These shows customers have neutral opinion about
the service quality of Ethio telecom with regards to these dimensions.

From all service quality dimensions, the lowest score (highest disagree) is shown on the network
quality (59%). This implies that customers’ perception of the technical service quality of ethio
telecom is unsatisfactory. Respondents’ perception about the broadband internet speed and
uninterruption of different services is low or agree scores (22 %and 21% respectively). Also
ethio telecom customers mildly agree that Ethio telecom have adequate network coverage and
good quality of voice during the call and the score of responsiveness was the lowest next to
network service quality dimensions (21.4%). This reflects the consistency and dependability of
Ethio telecom is not up to the expectations of customers in terms of providing prompt services
and readiness in handling customers request within reasonable time. Analysis of individual
service quality item shows that convenient business or operating hours, up-to-date equipment,
and employees’ appearance shows the highest mean score in the study.

On the other hand, the respondents rating for providing the service as promised, the level of
customer satisfaction rating is the lowest service quality items in this study (85% disagree). In
addition to this, the mean score for providing prompt service, internet speed and uninterruption
of services shows among the lowest rating. Generally, Table 10, indicates the customers’
perception of service quality dimensions and satisfaction level is found to be low especially for
network quality and customer satisfaction.

5.1. Conclusion
The purpose of the study was to assess how Ethio-telecom is handling customers’ compliant
and to measure the effect of service quality dimensions on customer satisfaction in Chiro by
using the SERVQUAL instrument. Customer satisfaction is an experience-based assessment
made by customers how far their expectations about the overall functionality of the services
obtained from the company. With regards to customer satisfaction measurement, the results
demonstrated that customers are not satisfied with the performance of Ethio Telecom.

The interpretation of this result could be that Ethiopian customers are dissatisfied with the
service performance or their dissatisfaction results from their expectation of greater service
performance by comparing the Ethio Telecom’s service delivery with other world class
telecom operators’ performance. The result also demonstrated that customer satisfaction level
differs among the specific demographic groups. Within the age groups, the young people are
more satisfied than the other age groups. T

he high satisfaction of the young people could result from the fact that the negative impact of
the service failure on their activities is low as they are mostly students. On the other hand the
middle age people are less satisfied with the service. This could be due to their greater
familiarity with mobile technologies and are more demanding. The male customers showed
more satisfaction than the female counterpart. The high satisfaction of the male customers
could be due to the positive impact of the services on their functional activities.

The unemployed customers demonstrated more satisfaction than the employed ones and the
higher satisfaction of the unemployed group could be due to low knowledge of mobile
technologies. With regards to factors that influence satisfaction, of service representatives to
provide solution for customers is the most significant of all the handling customers’
compliant attributes in Ethiopia. This means that the customers perception of attendants
ability to provide solution strongly influence their perception of the handling customers’
compliant provider and influences their satisfaction level.

Ability to get 70 attendant quickly is found to be the second most significant handling
customers’ compliant attribute implying that this attribute is significantly related with
overall satisfaction and strongly influences their perception of handling customers’ compliant
and their satisfaction level. Attitude of the attendant, network availability, overall customer
care service and billing also has strong influence on overall satisfaction. The result also
demonstrated that the combination of the Complaint Handling attributes has strong influence
on satisfaction. The finding demonstrated that there is positive significant relationship
between the combinations of Complaint Handling modified SERVQUAL dimensions and
customer satisfaction. This means that the overall service quality dimensions have significant
impact on customer satisfaction.

5.2 Recommendations
Based on the above conclusions, the following recommendations can be forwarded:

 Ethio telecom should work hard to improve the satisfaction of customers, since more than
half of the respondents expressed their level of satisfaction as dissatisfied,
 Since the results showed different customer satisfaction levels among the various
demographic groups, Ethio Telecom has to strive to better understand these market segments
and adopt marketing strategies to better satisfy their different needs.
 To increase customer satisfaction, Ethio Telecom should focus on improving Complaint
Handling attributes by investing on competent and marketing oriented service
representatives, investing in equipment to enhance call quality and coverage, offer reasonable
pricing and price discounts, and enhance customer care through routine personnel training
and provision of better customer-friendly equipment.
 To increase customer satisfaction, Ethio Telecom should focus on improving the ability of its
customer service representatives to provide prompt solution for customers by investing on
competent and marketing oriented service representatives and through providing routine
personnel training.
 Ethio Telecom should not just rely on profit margins as a good indicator of business
performance. Rather, it should develop strategies that better capture customers‟ perceptions
of its service offerings and these strategies can complement the internal 45 perceptions of
service offering. Customer satisfaction strategy helps companies to compare their

performance against customer standards, compare customer standards against internal
process and identify opportunities for improvement.
 Reliability is the most predictor of customer satisfaction. So ethio telecomm should improve
the reliability of handling customers’ compliant.
 The company should maintain a balance between increasing number of users and
technological innovations and organizational capacity to deliver quality service for
customers.  There is a need to bring improvement on the different quality aspects of mobile
network such as call quality and network coverage.
 Ethio Telecom should try to give individual attention, have customer’s best interest at heart
and its personnel particularly those working in customer service counters need to understand
the specific requirements of the customers, since these quality features are highest
determinants of satisfaction. Hence focus should be directed to enhancing the performance of
front line staff, and emphasis should be placed on selection and training of frontline
 Ethio Telecom need to be more marketing oriented, to choose the personnel who interact
with the customer, to regularly collect information about customer needs, thus ensure
customers satisfaction. Competition in the handling customers’ compliant could promote the
telecommunication sector performance and service delivery. Besides bringing modernization
and innovative services, competition in these segments of the telecommunications with
effective regulatory agency could promote innovation, update technology and lower cost of
service for the operator and lower price for the mobile users, improve the service provision of
the incumbent operator and thereby facilitate the achievement of other public policy

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Questionnaire to be filled by Customers of Ethio Telecommunication
Dear Respondent I am a graduating student at Oda Bultum University in the department of
marketing management. As partial fulfillment for graduation Bachelor of Art (BA) Degree in
Marketing Management, I have to conduct a research on Assessement Of Customer Complaint
Handling On Customer Satisfaction. The information that you provide is kept secret and used
only for academic purpose, so you are requested to give your answer for the following questions.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Instruction :-

6. Please put ( √ ) mark on the provided space

7. Do not write your name
8. Give attention and carefully fill the correct answer
Part one: Personal information
1. Sex Male Female
2. Educational level
primaryeducation High school and below
+1 +2
10 or 10 completed certificate/diploma First degree and above
None educated
3. Monthly income level
Below 1000 1001-1500 1501-2500 above 2051
4. What type of service do you get form Ethio-telecom now?
Mobile Public Fixed line internet
5. How do you see the service delivered in Ethio-telecom?
Excellent Very good good poor very poor

6. Have you faced any service failure in Ethio-telecom ?

Yes No
7. If your answer for question number 6 is yes what type of service failure you faced?
8. Have you complained on the service failure that you have faced?
Yes No
9. If your answser for question number 8 is No, why you not complained?

10. If your answer for question number 8 is yes, how did you complain about the problems
you faced?
By telephone By email face to face
11. How easy or difficult was it to get in contact with the company to make your complaint?
Very easy Easy Difficult Very difficult
12. Have Ethio telecom suggetion box?
Yes No
13. Who do handl your complaint in Ethio-telecom?
Complain handling office Manager Counselor
Employee Any department
14. Are the company aware of your complaint?
Yes No
15. When do you express your complaint?
Alawys Sometimes never
16. Do the ethio-telecom encourageyour complaints?
Yes No
17. if your answer for question No 16 is ‘yes’ how they express their encouragment with
your complaints?
F. By correcting their mistake
G. By compensate
H. By motivating you to continue you are complaining if there is a problem
I. By tanks you only
For the following questions, please put tick mark ( ) in the box that corresponds to
your opinion. Neutra







Your contacts with the ethio telecom staff

Managing your complaint
1 The employee(s)seemed to be concerned about my problem.
2 The employee treated me in a polite way.
3 The employees did their best to solve my problem.
4 The employees’ behavior while handling my

Complaint was fair.

Ethio telecom’s process/procedures used to solve

Your complaint
5 Ethiotelecom responded to my complaint in a timely manner.
6 Ethiotelecom gave me the chance to tell my side of the story.
7 It was hard to find someone in the company who would do
something about my problem.

8 The processes/procedures ethiotelecom used to Handle my

complaint were fair.

The outcomes ethio telecom provided to

Compensate the problem
9 I received satisfactory response from ethio telecom.
10 Ethiotelecom worked out my problem in exactly what
I wanted.
11 Their effort to solve the problem resulted in positive
12 The service I got after my compliant from ethio
Telecom was fair.
How satisfied you were with the complaint handling
13 I was disappointed about the way the ethiotelecom handled
my complaint.
14 Lodging my complaint to ethiotelecom was a positive
15 I am very satisfied with the way the ethiotelecom worked out
my problem.
Your satisfaction with ethiotelecom in general
16 The choice for the product/service from ethiotelecom was a
good decision.
17 I am satisfied with the ethiotelecom after my complaint.
18 So far I have positive experiences with ethio telecom.

Your intention to share your experience with others
19 I am likely to tell positive things about ethiotelecom to
20 I would recommend to my friends to ethiotelecom
21 If my friends were planning to purchase a product or
service ethiotelecom offers, I would advise them to try.
22 I would advise my friends not to deal with ethio
Which of the following complaint actions would you
Take when you feel dissatisfied with the service?
23 Taking no action
24 Bad mouth the company
25 Complain to ethio-telecom management
26 Complain to frontline employees
27 Divert complaint to the media
Part II Perceived Importance of Service Quality Dimensions
The following set of statements relates to your feelings about the strategic importance of each
feature of Ethio telecom Service quality dimensions for your company. Circling “7” means you
consider the feature highly important, circling “1” means it is highly unimportant.
Importance of Service Quality Dimensions for



your company Important





Tangibles: the physical appearance of the

service, equipments, facilities, tools &the staff.
Reliability: the ability to perform the promised
service in an adequate & reliable manner.
Responsiveness: capacity to solve the customer
problems & serve customers quickly.
Assurance: Knowledge& courtesy of
Empathy: care & personalized attention given by
the company to the customer.
Network quality: voice quality, good internet
speed & uninterrupted services.


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