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1ln18CuuC1lCn Cl nAS
2nAS LAn1 LA?Cu1
3WC8klnC Cl nuCLLA8 8LAC1C8 LAn1
4S?S1LMS CCvL8Lu uu8lnC 18AlnlnC
O 1u88lnL CLnL8A1C8

Cne of Lhe chlef alms of Lhe ueparLmenL Cf ALomlc Lnergy ls Lhe developmenL of
nuclear Lnergy for economlc generaLlon as an alLernaLlve source of elecLrlc power
when ln due course Lhe convenLlonal sources wlll be exhausLed ln Lhe counLry
eLroleum prlces are escalaLlng 1he amounL of coal requlred for 400 MWe power
generaLlons of Lhe order of 3 x 10
kCs per day Whereas a nuclear power sLaLlon
of Lhe same capaclLy need only 200 kg of ALomlc luel per day 1ransporLaLlon of
coal of such magnlLude over long dlsLance ls noL economlcal
1he sLraLegy adopLed for lndlan nuclear ower program ls LhaL heavy waLer
power reacLors uslng naLural uranlum would produce power pluLonlum ln Lhe
flrsL sLage 1he pluLonlum produced from Lhese reacLors would be used Lo seL
hlgh breedlng raLlo fasL reacLors Lo produce addlLlonal power pluLonlum ln Lhe
second sLage ln Lhe Lhlrd sLage Lhorlum would be uLlllzed ln boLh Lhe fasL Lhe
Lhermal reacLors whlch would glve unllmlLed source of power
ConsequenLly lL was declded Lo bulld Lwln PW8" (pressurlzed Peavy waLer
reacLor) Lype of power reacLors 1he slLe ls selecLed by a hlghpowered
commlLLee based on Lhe need of elecLrlcal power Lhe poLenLlal of lndusLrlal
expanslon avallablllLy of large quanLlLles of waLer less populaLlon
nA8C8A a small anclenL vlllage ls slLuaLed on Lhe bank of holy rlver Canga ln Lhe
dlsLrlcL 8ulandshahr ln uLLar radesh 1he planL ls abouL 60 km from Allgarh
whlch ls Lhe nearesL populaLlon cenLre
WlLh Lhe synchronlzaLlon of Lhe narora ALomlc ower SLaLlon wlLh norLhern grld
Lhrough flve llnes of 220kv lL has occupled an lmporLanL place on Lhe power map
of Lhe lndla WlLh Lhls yeL anoLher lmporLanL mllesLone ln Lhe lndlan nuclear
program has been achleved as nAS ls an efforL Lowards sLandardlzaLlon of
PW8 unlLs a sLepplngsLone Lo Lhe 300MWe unlLs A slgnlflcanL unlque
feaLure of Lhls pro[ecL has been Lhe evoluLlon of Lhe deslgn sulLable for selsmlc
1he nAS ls a Lwln unlL module of 220MWe each of pressurlzed heavy waLer
reacLors 1he reacLors use naLural uranlum avallable ln lndla as fuel heavy waLer
produced ln Lhe counLry as moderaLor coolanL
1he execuLlon of Lhls pro[ecL lncludlng deslgn englneerlng erecLlon
commlsslonlng operaLlon has been done by Lhe lndlan englneers SclenLlsLs
1he forelgn exchange componenL ls abouL only 10 of Lhe pro[ecL cosL of 8s 723
Crores mosLly for Lhe lmporL of speclal maLerlals equlpmenL
nAS ls Lhe 4
nuclear ower SLaLlon ln Lhe counLry afLer 1arapur ln
MaharasLhra 8awaLbhaLa ln 8a[asLhan kalpakkam ln 1amllnadu nAS ls Lhe 1

lndlgenous nuclear power planL of lndla 1he sLaLlon has Lwo pressurlzed heavy
waLer reacLors wlLh an lnsLalled capaclLy of 220 Mwe each uslng naLural uranlum
as fuel

nAS LAn1 LA?Cu1
8eacLor 8ulldlng houses Lhe 8eacLor rlmary PeaL 1ransporL SysLem ModeraLor
SysLem 8eacLlvlLy SysLem luel Pandllng SysLem some of Lhe Auxlllarles 1he
1urbogeneraLor lLs assoclaLed convenLlonal equlpmenL Lmergency ulesel SeLs
ConLrol ower MC SeLs SLaLlon 8aLLerles LlecLrlcal SwlLch Cear Compressors
Chlllers Maln ConLrol 8oom are locaLed ln 1urblne 8ulldlng 8oLh Lhe unlLs share
common faclllLles such as Servlce 8ulldlng SpenL luel SLorage 8ay (SlS8) oLher
Auxlllary uevlces such as Peavy WaLer upgradlng WasLe ManagemenL laclllLy
nAS has Lwo naLural draughL coollng Lwo lnduced draughL coollng
nAS has Lhe followlng maln parLs
1 AdmlnlsLraLlon 8ulldlng
2 Cverhead WaLer 1ank
3 CanLeen
4 naLural uraughL Coollng 1owers (nuC1)
3 220kv SwlLch ?ard
6 SLack
7 Servlce 8ulldlng
8 Small LCCA 8oom
9 8eacLor 8ulldlng
10 urlflcaLlon 8ulldlng
11 1urblne 8ulldlng
12 ump Pouse

WC8klnC Cl nuCLLA8 CWL8 LAn1
nuclear ower lanLs generaLe elecLrlclLy A 1hermal ower lanL burns coal Lo
produce heaL 1he heaL converLs waLer Lo sLeam whlch ln Lurn drlves Lhe Lurblne
Lhe generaLor Lo produce elecLrlclLy 1he maln dlfference beLween Lhe nuclear
ower lanL Lhe Lhermal ower lanL ls LhaL 1hermal ower lanL geLs heaL
energy by burnlng coal whereas Lhe nuclear ower lanL produces heaL by Lhe
process called llsslon of u233 nuclel 1he heaL produced ls used Lo converL
waLer lnLo sLeam 1he sLeam runs Lhe Lurblne Lhe generaLor Lhe elecLrlclLy ls
generaLed by Lhe generaLor
1he flsslon energy ls LransporLed from Lhe fuel bundle wlLh Lhe help of hlgh
pressure heavy waLer called rlmary PeaL 1ransporL (P1) 1he P1 SysLem Lakes
away Lhe heaL from Lhe fuel bundles exchanges Lhls heaL Lo Lhe uemlnerallsed
waLer (leed waLer) lnLo Lhe sLeam generaLor Lhe sLeam aL a pressure of 40 48
ls generaLed ln Lhe sLeam generaLor 1hls sLeam ls Lhen LransporLed
Lhrough plpes Lo Lurblne hall where Lhe Lurblne Lhe generaLor are lnsLalled 1hls
sLeam ls Lhen admlLLed Lo Lhe Lurblne whlch runs aL a speed of 3000 rpm 1he
generaLor also runs aL Lhe same speed as boLh are coupled LogeLher wlLh Lhe
coupllng 1he generaLor roLor ls exclLed here wlLh Lhe uC volLage LMl ls
produced aL Lhe sLaLor of generaLor aL 163 kv 1hls generaLed volLage ls Lhen
sLepped up from 163 kv Lo 230 kv by a Lhree phase Lransformer Lhls sLepped
up elecLrlclLy ls Lhen senL Lo Lhe sLaLlon swlLchyard for Lhe furLher Lransmlsslon Lo
Lhe norLhern Crld 1hls sLeam afLer worklng ln Lhe Lurblne ls condensed lnLo a
surface Lype of condenser Lhe condensed sLeam are agaln fed back Lo Lhe
sLeam generaLor Lhrough a chaln of slx reheaLers
nuCLLA8 8LAC1lCn
ln a flsslon reacLlon besldes Lhe Lwo flsslon producLs a few (ln Lhe case of u233
247 on Lhe average) neuLrons are emlLLed 1he prlnclple of chaln reacLlon ls very
easy Lherefore a u233 nucleus ls hlL by a neuLron upon whlch flsslon occurs aL a
hlgh probablllLy 1he neuLrons produced ln Lhls process can cause more flsslons
200 Mev energy ls released each Llme ConsequenLly Lhe process becomes self
susLalnlng no exLernal neuLron source ls needed any longer
lf Lhe neuLrons produced from flsslon lnduce only one new flsslon (because of
escaplng from Lhe sysLem or belng capLured lnslde) we say LhaL Lhe chaln reacLlon
ls of consLanL lnLenslLy lf Lhe neuLrons generaLed from a flsslon reacLlon lnduce
more Lhan one flsslon Lhan more more flsslon reacLlons wlll Lake place ln a unlL
Llme Lhe chaln reacLlon wlll be dlverglng
1he probablllLy LhaL a hlgh energy neuLron emlLLed ln a flsslon reacLlon can
dlrecLly cause flsslon ls qulLe low ln order Lo bulld a sysLem ln whlch fasL
neuLrons susLaln Lhe chaln reacLlon very hlghly enrlched uranlum ls needed
whlch ls very expenslve A more easlly feaslble way ls Lo use maLerlals LhaL slow
Lhe neuLrons down Lo such low energles aL whlch Lhe probablllLy of causlng flsslon
ls slgnlflcanLly hlgher 1hese neuLrons slowlng down maLerlals are Lhe so called
moderaLors WlLh Lhe ald of some adequaLe moderaLor one mlghL as well achleve
chaln reacLlon uslng naLural (07 u233 conLenL) uranlum

lf we slmpllfy Lhlngs a llLLle Lhere are Lwo ma[or requlremenLs LhaL a moderaLor
maLerlal should meeL lL should have as low aLomlc mass number as posslble lLs
neuLron absorblng ablllLy should be as low as posslble ln pracLlce four elemenLs
meeL Lhese requlremenLs WaLer (P
C) Peavy WaLer (u
C) CraphlLe (C)
8erylllum (8e) Among Lhese waLer ls Lhe mosL wldespread moderaLor 1he
properLles of Peavy WaLer are acLually beLLer buL lLs dlsadvanLage ls Lhe very hlgh
lf we sLarL Lo puL LogeLher more more uranlum (of course mlxed wlLh some
moderaLor) Lhe expecLed chaln reacLlon wlll noL sLarL for a good whlle 1he
reason for Lhls ls LhaL ln Lhe case of a small amounL of flsslle maLerlal large parL of
Lhe neuLrons LhaL orlglnaLe ln flsslon wlll leak ouL of Lhe plle Lherefore Lhey wlll
noL be able Lo cause flsslon 8y lncreaslng Lhe amounL of flsslle maLerlal Lhere wlll
be a momenL when we reach Lhe so called crlLlcal mass a self susLalnlng
reacLlon sLarLs lor example for pure meLal u233 (wlLhouL moderaLor) Lhe
crlLlcal mass ls somewhaL less Lhan 30 kg 8ecause of Lhe very hlgh denslLy (192
) Lhls amounL of uranlum makes a sphere whose dlameLer ls abouL 17 cm
AL Lhe flsslon of u233 on Lhe average 23 neuLrons are released buL noL all of
Lhese cause flsslon 1he neuLronlc sLaLe can be characLerlzed by Lhe so called
mulLlpllcaLlon facLor (k) 1hls ls Lhe raLlo of Lhe number of neuLrons ln a neuLron
generaLlon Lhe number of neuLrons ln Lhe precedlng generaLlon (neuLron
generaLlon ls Lhe Llme LhaL elapses beLween Lhe blrLh of a neuLron Lhe blrLh of
neuLrons from Lhe subsequenL flsslon whlch ls caused by Lhe glven neuLron lLs
Lyplcal value ls abouL 109 second for pure u233)
Cbvlously Lhe number of neuLrons presenL ln Lhe reacLor musL be regulaLed or
conLrolled slnce Lhls deLermlnes Lhe raLe of flsslon Lhus Lhe energy released per
second ln order Lo conLrol Lhe chaln reacLlon one should use maLerlals whlch
Lend Lo capLure neuLrons aL a hlgh probablllLy 1he mosL wldespread neuLron
absorbers are Cadmlum (Cd) 8oron (8)
1he socalled conLrol rods are lmporLanL Lools of conLrol can be found ln every
reacLor 1hese are made of neuLron absorblng maLerlals can be moved beLween
Lhe fuel assemblles lor example lf one wlshes Lo decrease Lhe power of Lhe
reacLor lL ls sufflclenL Lo push a conLrol rod a llLLle lnner 1he conLrol rods are
parLlcularly useful for Lhe shorLLerm conLrol sLopplng Lhe reacLor lor long
Lerm regulaLlon usually borlc acld dlssolved ln Lhe coolanL ls used
1he ma[orlLy of Lhe emlLLed neuLrons leave Lhe place of flsslon wlLhln an
exLremely shorL Llme Powever abouL 064 of Lhem (ln Lhe case of u233) only
leave Lhe flsslon producL slgnlflcanLly laLer 1hese are Lhe socalled JeloyeJ
oeottoos whlch play a vlLal role ln Lhe conLrollablllLy of reacLors
1he flsslon reacLlon of Lhe uranlum233 aLom wlLh Lhe Lhermal neuLron ln Lhe
nuclear reacLor follows

+ 2
+ (Lnergy)

8lnClLL Cl nuCLLA8 8LAC1C8
A nuclear power reacLor ls only a source of heaL Lhe heaL belng produced when
Lhe uranlum aLom spllLs (flsslons) 1he heaL produces sLeam whlch drlves Lhe
LurbogeneraLor produces elecLrlclLy naLural uranlum Lhe fuel used ln Lhls
reacLor conslsLs of Lwo Lypes (lsoLopes) of uranlum namely u233 u238 ln Lhe
raLlo of 1139 lL ls Lhe less abundanL u233 lsoLope LhaL flsslon's produces
energy When a u233 aLom ls sLruck by a slow (or Lhermal) neuLron lL spllLs lnLo
Lwo or more fragmenLs SpllLLlng ls accompanled by Lremendous release of energy
ln Lhe form of heaL radloacLlvlLy Lwo or Lhree fasL neuLrons 1hese fasL
neuLrons whlch fly ouL of Lhe spllL aLom aL hlgh speeds are made Lo slow down
(Lhermallsed) so LhaL Lhey have hlgh probablllLy Lo hlL oLher u233 aLoms whlch ln
Lurn releases more energy furLher seLs of neuLrons ALLalnmenL of self
susLalned llsslon of uranlum aLoms ls called a 'Chaln 8eacLlon' AL Lhls sLage Lhe
reacLor ls sald Lo have aLLalned crlLlcally
1he slowlng down of neuLrons ls achleved by Lhe 'ModeraLor' whlch ls heavy
waLer Peavy waLer ls used boLh as Lhe moderaLor (140 Lones) coolanL (100
Lones) PeaL energy ls LransporLed by coolanL form reacLor Lo Lhe verLlcal
lnLegral uLubes ln shell Lype of heaL exchangers whlch funcLlon as a boller Lo
produce sLeam drlve 1urbo CeneraLor 1he heavy waLer (u
C) ls ldenLlcal Lo
Lhe ordlnary waLer (P
C) as far as Lhe chemlcal properLles are concerned 8uL ln
physlcal properLles Lhere are mlnor varlaLlons (bolllng polnL 1014
C freezlng
polnL 382
C) 1he deuLerlum (u
) ln heavy waLer ls an lsoLope of hydrogen (P
havlng one neuLron one proLon ln lLs nucleus 1he absorpLlon crosssecLlon of
heavy waLer for neuLron ls far less Lhan Lhe ordlnary waLer whlch helps ln
neuLron economy
1he heavy waLer moderaLor ls clrculaLed Lhrough Lhe Calendrla by Lhe ald of low
LemperaLure lowpressure moderaLor sysLem 1he sysLem clrculaLes moderaLor
Lhrough PeaL Lxchangers whlch remove moderaLor heaL 1he cooled moderaLor
ls reLurned Lo Calendrla vla moderaLor lnleL nozzles

1he maln sLeam llnes descrlbed above LermlnaLe aL Lhe common lnleL chamber of
ClLS valve sLeam chesL ln whlch Lwo ClLS valves are housed lnslde sLeam
sLralners lrom Lhe common ouLleL chamber of Lhe ClLS valve sLeam chesL Lwo
loop plpe lead Lhe sLeam Lo Lwo governor valves locaLed on elLher slde of Lhe P
1urblne lrom Lhe governor valves Lwo more loop plpes lead Lhe sLeam Lo Lhe
P cyllnder All Lhese loop plpes are sufflclenLly flexlble Lo allow Lhe Lhermal
movemenLs ln Lhe sysLem wlLhouL creaLlng excesslve forces and movemenLs
1he Lurblne ls a Landem compound horlzonLal lmpulse reacLlon Lype whlch when
runnlng aL 3000 rpm wlll drlve a 233 MW generaLor lL conslsLs of a slngle hlgh
pressure and one double flow low pressure cyllnder 1he hlgh pressure secLlon
has flve secLlons ln one cyllnder SLeam ls bled for feed heaLlng before sLage 4 of
Lhe P cyllnder and for feed heaLlng before sLage 3 and from Lhe exhausL of Lhe
P cyllnder 1he 026 weL sLeam aL pressure of 40 kg/cm2 and 230*C ls
supplled Lo ClLS valves (comblnes lsolaLlng and emergency sLop valves) 1he
Lurblne ls pressure compounded Lo expand Lhe sLeam ln Lwo cyllnders one P
and one L AfLer expanslon ln P cyllnder Lhe sLeam ls exhausLed lnLo Lwo
separaLors cum reheaLers where molsLure ls separaLed and sLeam ls reheaLed Lo
233*C before lL enLers Lhe double flow L Lurblne
1he exhausL sLem from P cyllnder ls led Lo Lhe Lwo molsLure separaLor cum
reheaLers unlLs Lhrough 42*C cold reheaL plpes sLeam from separaLorreheaLer ls
Laken Lo Lhe L cyllnder hoL reheaL plpes Cne L lnLercepLor valves Lo Lake
care of Lhermal expanslon of Lhe plpes L cyllnder has 3 sLages ln each flow
SLeam ls bled before sLages 234 and 3 of L cyllnder for feed heaLlng 1he
exhausL from Lhe L cyllnder are lead Lo Lhe dlffuser Lo Lhe condenser SLeam
exLracLed from sulLable sLages of P and L Lurblne Lo provlde for 6 sLage
regeneraLlve feed heaLlng wlLh a flnal waLer LemperaLure of 1707*C 1he roLaLlng
elemenL of Lhe Lurblne conslsLs of P and L roLors solldly coupled LogeLher Lo
a slngle shafL 1hls shafL ls rlgldly coupled Lo Lhe roLaLlng elemenL of Lhe generaLor
of Lhe L ouL board bearlng slde 1he LhrusL bearlng ls provlded ln Lhe pedesLal
beLween Lhe P and L ouLer cyllnder
Coollng waLer sprays are provlded aL elLher end of Lhe L cyllnder whlch
auLomaLlcally come lnLo acLlon ln case of excesslve rlse ln exhausL hood
Cland seals are provlded Lo prevenL Lhe leakage of sLeam Lo aLmosphere from Lhe
hlgh pressure ends of Lhe Lurblne and lngress of alr lnLo Lhe Lurblne aL Lhe low
pressure ends beLween roLary and sLaLlonary componenLs Llve sLeam ls Lapped
from Lhe sLeam llne and supplled Lo Lhe L and P Lurblne glands Lhrough
pressure regulaLlng valves
An AC moLor barrlng gear ls provlded for Lurnlng Lhe Lurblne roLors when
sLarLlng up and shuLLlng down so as Lo prevenL roLor dlsLorLlon due Lo unequal
heaLlng and coollng 8ecause of Lhe use of saLuraLed sLeam speclal provlslon has
been necessary Lo llmlL eroslon P caslng ls made of 21/4" Cr 1 Mo sLeel
casLlngs L caslngs are made of mlld sLeel fabrlcaLlon P roLor and L mono
block roLor are made of nlCrMo v sLeel P and L movlng blades are made
of sLalnless sLeel 1214Cr lnLernal passages of Lurblne cyllnders are arranger Lo
avold removal of waLer wlLh sLeam bled off for feed waLer heaLlng and reheaLlng
of sLeam 1he lasL row of movlng blades on Lhe L slde are welded wlLh sLelllLe
sLrlps on Lhe leadlng edges by elecLron beam weldlng Lo proLecL Lhe blades from
eroslon Plgh chrome sLalnless sLeel meLal has been deposlLed on Lhe lnLernal
surface of P cyllnder and ClLS valves seaLs are sLelllLed Lo reduce Lhe effecL of
suspended waLer ln sLeam lmplnglng on Lhese surfaces Lach Lurblne roLor has
been dynamlcally balanced and over speed LesLed aL 20 above raLed speed
1urb|ne o|| system
A slngle oll sysLem serves boLh Lhe Lurblne hydraullc conLrol sysLem and
lubrlcaLlon sysLem uurlng normal operaLlon of Lhe Lurblne Lhe maln oll pump
Lhe lmpeller shafL of whlch ls dlrecLly coupled wlLh Lurblne shafL Lakes sucLlon
from Lhe oll Lank provldes Lhe oll Lo Lhe oll sysLem A porLlon of Lhe maln oll
pump dlscharge drlves Lhe oll Lurblne drlvlng Lhe boosLer pump and dlscharge
lnLo lower pressure header for bearlng lubrlcaLlon oll
Iunct|ons of some |mportant va|ves used
1Comblned lsolaLlng and emergency sLop valve(ClLS)
1he ClLS valves may be elLher operaLed by hand wheel provlded on Lhe Lurblne
operaLlng floor or by elecLrlc moLor remoLely operaLed from conLrol room or from
Lurblne gauge board lL has a slngle seaLed valve and venLure Lype sLeam passage
1he valve seaL assembly lncorporaLes a sLeam sLralner 1he valve body conLalns
an lnLegral bypass valve capable of passlng sufflclenL sLeam for sLarLlng and llghL
ClLS valve ls provlded wlLh bullL ln safeLy feaLure agalnsL Lhe lnadverLenL openlng
of Lhe valve afLer Lhe Lurblne Lrlp When Lhe Lurblne Lrlps boLh Lhe valves close
1hey cannoL be opened agaln even afLer Lhe Lurblne ls reseL unless Lhe ClLS valve
ls lLself reseL by brlnglng lLs handwheel Lo Lhe fully closed poslLlon
1he Lurblne oll of varlous pressures ls used Lo conLrol varlous unlLsLhe oll whlch
ls used Lo drlve ClLS valves ls called 8elay oll
2non8eLurn valves (n8v's) on Lhe Lurblne exLracLlons
non8eLurn valves are provlded ln Lhe bled sLeam connecLlon no 23436 and 7
Lo prevenL Lurblne over speed due Lo back flow of Lhe sLeam lnLo Lhe Lurblne
whlch ls llkely Lo occur durlng Lurblne unloadlng All Lhe n8v's excepL Lhe on bled
sLeam connecLlon no 2 ls of power asslsLed fasL closlng Lype for greaLer
proLecLlon As for Lhe sLeam connecLlon no 3 leadlng Lo P heaLer no 3 Lhls ls
Lapped from cold reheaL plpe connecLed beLween separaLorreheaLer and P
exhausL 1he valves are solenold alr Lo open Lype Solenold valve wlll be energlzed
normally Solenold valve wlll geL deenerglsed Lo draln Lhe compressed Lhe
compressed alr and n8v wlll be closed by sprlng force acLlng unLll Lhe Lurblne
speed falls 1he dlfferenLlal pressure swlLch beLween Lhe deaeraLor and Lhe
condenser ensures LhaL Lhe solenold ls reenerglzed
As such Lhe lnLercepLor and emergency valves provlded afLer separaLor reheaLor
Lake care of over speedlng problem as sLaLed above Pence n8v on Lhe bled
sLeam connecLlon no 3 ls consldered superfluous and Lherefore ls noL provlded
AddlLlonal power asslsLed fasL closlng buLLerfly valve ls provlded on bled sLeam
connecLlon no 4 Lo deaeraLor as exLra proLecLlon consldered necessary ln vlew of
large sLored heaL energy ln deaeraLor and provlslon of pegglng sLeam brlnglng
exLra energy Lo deaeraLor no n8v ls provlded ln bled sLeam connecLlon 1 Lo L
heaLer 1 Slnce dlfferenLlal pressure beLween Lhe L heaLer and Lurblne ls Loo
small Lo warranL use of n8v even durlng unloadlng
3ressure 8ellef valve
1he pressure rellef valves are provlded ln reheaLer shells Lo proLecL from lnLernal
excesslve pressure by provldlng 3nos rellef valves on Lhe lefL hand slde of Lhe
reheaL plpes and one no bursLlng dlaphragm Lo bursL aL a pressure of 703
kg/cm2 1he rellef valves are seL Lo open aL a pressure of 60 kg/cm2
ressure rellef valves are usual sprlng loaded and valve openlng pressure ls
ad[usLed by LlghLenlng and loosenlng Lhe sprlng 1he valve ls acLlvaLed by sLaLlc
pressure under Lhe dlsk When Lhe llne pressure exceeds Lhe preseL of Lhe sprlng
Lhe valve ls opened and Lhe excess fluld go ouL of Lhe sysLem lLself
ulaphragm valves offer advanLages noL posslble wlLh oLher Lypes of valves
AbsoluLe lsolaLlon of Lhe worklng parLs from Lhe fluld sLream prevenLs producL
conLamlnaLlon and corroslon of Lhe operaLlng mechanlsm 1hey provlde smooLh
sLream llned passage wlLhouL pockeLs as well as flow conLrols and leak LlghL
closure even wlLh suspended sollds ln Lhe plpe llne
Some lmporLanL devlces ln Lurblne governlng sysLem
1P governor valves
P governor valves regulaLe Lhe sLeam admlsslon Lo Lhe Lurblne 1hese are
opened or closed as per Lhe P senslLlve oll pressure 1hls pressure ls ad[usLed
by Lhe acLlon of cenLrlfugal governor or by Lhe acLlon of speeder gear CenLrlfugal
governor geLs slgnal elLher from Lhe Lurblne speed when Lurblne ls
unsynchronlzed or from Lhe grld frequency when Lurblne ls synchronlzed
Lach P governor valves ls provlded wlLh a sLeam sLralner 1he valve ls provlded
wlLh splndle leak off arrangemenL 1he force of relay oll pressure opens Lhe valve
and Lhe closlng force ls obLalned by powerful sprlngs on dralnlng of relay oll
2L governor valves
1hese valves are of Lhe buLLerfly deslgn 1he L senslLlve oll pressure conLrols
lnLercepLor governor valves L senslLlve oll LransmlLLer unlL depends only on Lhe
speed of Lhe Lurblne 1hese valves are never dlsLurbed by Lhe operaLlon of Lhe
3Speed governor
lL ls of cenLrlfugal Lype lL conslsLs of Lwo welghLs whlch are connecLed by sprlngs
Cn change ln speed cenLrlfugal forces causes Lhe welghLs Lo swlng ouLwards or
lnwards on Lhelr plvoLs agalnsL Lhe Lenslon of Lhe sprlng ln Lurn changes Lhe
poslLlon of P and L plvoL valves mounLed above Lhe speed governor and
Lhereby varylng Lhe P and L senslLlve oll pressure Lo conLrol Lhe openlng of
P and L governor valves respecLlvely
4Speeder gear
1he speeder gear ls mounLed ln Lhe fronL pedesLal lL ls used Lo ralse and lower
Lhe compensaLlng sleeve of Lhe governor plloL valve Lhus varylng Lhe P
senslLlve oll pressure Lo conLrol Lhe degree of openlng of Lhe P governor valves
and Lhereby Lhe ouLpuL of Lhe governor
3 L lnLercepLor emergency sLop valve (LlLSv)"
1hese valves are of buLLerfly deslgn operaLed by a sprlng loaded power plsLon
1he valves are flLLed wlLh mechanlcal sLops aL each end of Lhelr sLrokes 8elay oll
Lrlp valves dlrecLly conLrol Lhese valves
Some lmporLanL parameLers ln Lurblne
1 AL Lhe lnleL of Lhe P Lurblne
ressure 40 kg/cm2
1emperaLure 230*C
MolsLure 026
2 AL Lhe ouLleL of P Lurblne
ressure 6 kg/cm2
1emperaLure 130*C
MolsLure 1112
3 AL Lhe lnleL of L 1urblne
ressure 33 kg/cm2
1emperaLure 233*C

leed waLer sysLem conslsLs of Lhe deaeraLor feed waLer llne from Lhe deaeraLor
Lo feed waLer pumps P draln cooler P heaLers 36 Lhe boller feed conLrol
sLaLlon and lnLer connecLlng valves and plplng beLween Lhese equlpmenLs 1hls
sysLem ensures Lhe conLlnuous supply of deaeraLed waLer Lo Lhe sLeam
1he condensaLe whlch ls exLracLed from Lhe hoL well ls passed Lhrough number of
heaLers and ls flnall sLored ln Lhe deaeraLor uearaLor ls kepL pressurlzed aL 2
kg/cm2by bled sLeam Laken from L Lurblne SLeam also heaLs Lhe feed waLer up
Lo 120*C When bled sLeam ls noL avallable pegglng sLeam fulflll Lhe purpose
1here are Lhree 30 maln boller feed pumps (8l's) Lwo pumps are requlred Lo
run normally 1hey Lake sucLlon from deaeraLor and dlscharges Lhrough PuC
PP 36Lo sLeam generaLor
SLeam generaLor level ls conLrolled by a seL of feed waLer conLrol valves Lo SC
leed waLer enLers SC aL 171*C belng heaLed by bled sLeam ln P heaLers 1wo
auxlllarles 8l acL as sLand by when maln 8l's are noL runnlng 1he waLer from
auxlllary 8l's bypasses Lhe heaLers Cne emergency feed waLer llne connecLs
auxlllary 8l dlscharge Lo SC ln case of any break ln maln header
Pydrazlne and morphollne ls ln[ecLed ln 8l sucLlon CL dlscharge Lo remove
oxygen and conLrol pP respecLlvely
Maln componenLs of feed waLer sysLem are
1he prlmary funcLlon of deaeraLor ls Lo remove oxygen and oLher non
condensable gases ln Lhe feed waLer and also Lo heaL up Lhe feed waLer wlLh
exLracLlon sLeam Lo lncrease Lhe Lurblne cycle efflclency 1he deaeraLor conslsLs
of a cyllndrlcal horlzonLal sLorage Lank upon whlch ls mounLed Lhe deaeraLor
heaLer and a venL condenser 1he sLeam and gases Lhus llberaLed are venLed
Lhrough Lwo connecLlons ln Lhe sLeam space of venL condenser 1he sLeam and
noncondensable gases are cooled condensed by Lhe maln condensaLe waLer
flowlng ln Lhe Lube slde of Lhe venL condenser
1he above draln condensaLe ls draln Lo deaeraLor sLorage Lank 1he oxygen and
noncondensable gases are leL ouL Lo Lhe aLmosphere Lhrough Lhe venL
condenser 1he deaeraLor wlll reduce Lhe oxygen conLaln ln feed waLer Lo 0003
cm3/llL 1he pressure and LemperaLure of Lhe waLer ln Lhe Lank corresponds Lo
LhaL of Lhe exLracLlon sLeam supply lourpressure rellef valves provlded on Lhe
sLorage Lank Lo proLecL Lhe vessel from over pressure
2P heaLers 36
1hese heaLers are of condenslng and lnLegral draln coollng Lype mounLed
verLlcally 1hese are shell wlLhdrawal Lype hence all connecLlons on shellare
flanges and whereas Lhe connecLlons on Lhe waLer slded are welded Lype 1he
Lubes are 'u' shaped and made by 90/10 cupro nlckel 1he ends of Lhe Lubes are
expanded lnLo forged sLeel Lube plaLe A fabrlcaLed sLeel shell encloses Lhe Lube
bundle and ls flLLed wlLh llghLlng Lrunlon and provlded wlLh a sLeel lnleL venL
draln connecLlon and rellef devlce and sLand plpe connecLlons
3P draln coolers
1he funcLlon of PuC ls Lo Lake heaL ouL of dralns from P heaLer before belng
led Lo Lhe deaeraLor sLorage Lank 1hls ls mounLed horlzonLally on Lhese supporLs
Lwo casLer wheels supporL on shell and one flxed supporL on waLer box 1hls ls
shell wlLh drawel Lype hence all connecLlons on waLer box are welded Lype
1he draln cooler has a nesL of 90/10 cupro nlckel 'u' Lubes 1he ends of Lhe Lubes
are expanded lnLo forged sLeed Lube plaLe 1he Lube bundle ls enclosed ln a
fabrlcaLed sLeel shell 1he shell ls provlded wlLh draln lnleL and ouLleL venL and
rellef devlce mounLlng connecLlons leed waLer flows Lhrough Lhe lnslde of Lubes
and draln on ouLslde
48oller feed pump
1he boller feed pump Lake Lhelr sucLlon from Lhe dearaLor sLorage Lank and
dlscharge Lhe feed waLer Lhrough Lhe hlgh pressure feed waLers heaLers lnLo Lhe
boller 1here are 3 8l's provlded Lo meeL Lhe requlremenL 1hey are 30
capaclLy pumps
SucLlon and dlscharge valves are provlded Lo Lransfer Lhe feed waLer Pydrazlne
and morphhollne are ln[ecLed ln Lhe 8l's Lo remove oxygen and conLrol pP

1he maln condensaLe sysLem ensures Lhe conLlnuous supply of feed waLer Lo Lhe
deaeraLor 1hls condensaLe ls plmped by Lwo maln CL's Lo maln condenser alr
e[ecLor condenser and gland sLeam condenser L draln cooler L feed heaLers
123 and flnally Lo Lhe deaeraLor
1he exhausL sLeam from L cyllnder ls condensed by coollng waLer flowlng
Lhrough Lhe Lubes ln Lhe maln condenser Lhe condensaLe ls pumped by Lhe
condenser exLracLlon pumps Lo Lhe deaeraLor Lhrough Lhe lnLer afLer condenser
Lhe condensaLe ls pumped by Lhe condenser exLracLlon pumps Lo Lhe deaeraLor
Lhrough Lhe lnLer afLer condenser gland sLeam condenser L draln cooler L
feed heaLers 123 1he maln condensaLe LhaL passes Lhrough Lhe lnLer afLer
condenser absorbs Lhe heaL from Lhe sLeam LhaL ls used ln e[ecLorsand Lhe sLeam
geLs condensed Cland sLeam condenser condenses Lhe sLeam LhaL ls used for
seallng Lhe Lurblne glands as Lhe maln condensaLe waLer passes Lhrough Lhe
Lubes uraln cooler recelves Lhe sLeam draln LhaL ls condensed on Lhe shell slde of
L heaLers and ls dralned Lo Lhe condenser by pressure dlfference ln Lhe draln
cooler Lhe heaLer's draln glve Lhe senslble heaL Lo Lhe maln condensaLe L
heaLer 1 geLs Lhe exLracLlon from L Lurblne before sLage 3 PeaLer 23 geL Lhe
exLracLlon from Lhe L Lurblne before sLages 43 respecLlvely WaLer seallng
provlded aL Lhe valves packlng of some of Lhe valves ln Lhe condensaLe sysLem
dlrecLly connecLed Lo Lhe condenser Lo avold lngress of aLmospherlc alr
1he deaeraLor heaLer ls a spray and Lray unlL exLernal venL condenser
guaranLeed Lo reduce Lhe oxygen Lo less Lhan 0003 cm3/llL Lhe operaLlng
pressure of waLer ln Lhe deaeraLor sLorage Lank ls 302 kg/m3 1he deaeraLor
condensaLe ls sLored ln Lhe deaeraLor sLorage Lank whlch has a capaclLy of 240
cm3 aL normal operaLlng level 1he capaclLy of sLorage Lank aL very low level le
cenLerllne of Lank ls 140 cm3 8eacLor Lrlp ls lnlLlaLed aL very low level ln
deaeraLor sLorage Lank and afLer some Llme delay maln 8l ls Lrlpped and
auxlllary 8l sLarLs Lo feed waLer Lo Lhe sLeam generaLor for decay heaL removal
Along wlLh Lwo 100 CL's Lwo auxlllary CL each raLed for 27 m3/hr have been
provlded Cnly one pump ls requlred Lo operaLe aL a Llme however redundanL
pump has been provlded as a sLand by conslderlng slngle componenL fallure 1he
ACL's Lake sucLlon from condenser hoL well and dlscharge lnLo Lhe maln
condensaLe header 1he ACL supply waLer Lo deaeraLor Lo malnLaln lLs level ln
Lhe evenL of reacLor Lrlp or a Class lv fallure
1he condenser ls a slngle pass surface Lype wlLh four lnleL waLer boxes and all Lhe
waLer are provlded wlLh venL and draln connecLlon Manholes are provlded for
malnLenance and Lube plugglng faclllLy 1he coollng waLer lnleL and ouLleL are
connecLed Lo Lhe waLer boxes Lhrough expanslon [olnLs for arresLlng vlbraLlons
and allowlng Lhermal expanslon wlLhouL generaLlng undue sLresses 1he
condenser ls mounLed rlgldly on Lhe foundaLlon Lo Lake care of Lhe dlfferenLlal of
Lhe Lhermal movemenL beLween Lhe Lurblne exhausL and Lhe condenser shell
Lxpanslon [olnL ls provlded aL Lhe common exhausL of Lhe double flow L
Lurblne A LranslLlon plece connecLs Lhe Lurblne exhausL Lo Lhe condenser shell
holdlng Lhe Lube bundle known as Lhe condenser neck AdequaLe space ls
provlded ln Lhe condenser neck for all Lhe low pressure exLracLlon llnes Lo pass
Lhrough lL nozzles for makeup reclrculaLlon and demlnerallsed waLer are
provlded aL Lhe neck secLlon of Lhe condenser so LhaL lncomlng waLer ls
deaeraLed 1he Lubes are provlded wlLh a genLle slope Lowards Lhe ouLleL waLer
boxes for dralnlng faclllLy 1he condenser ls provlded wlLh a hoL well havlng
sLorage capaclLy of 40 Lonnes wlLh normal level Lhese correspond Lo Lwo mlnuLes
full power flow 1he coollng waLer cools Lhe noncondensable gases along wlLh
Lhe sLeam 1he lower porLlon of Lhe Lube bundle ls separaLed Lo permlL Lhe
coollng of Lhe alr vapour mlxLure AdequaLe spaces have been provlded for Lhe
reclrculaLlon of Lhe gases 1hls secLlon of Lhe condenser ls connecLed Lo Lhe
sucLlon of Lhe e[ecLor
Some lmporLanL devlces ln condensaLe sysLem
1Maln condensaLe exLracLlon pumps
lL ls a mulLlsLage cenLrlfugal barrel pump of secLlonal Lype ower ls supplled
Lhrough a flexlble coupllng 8arrel whlch ls lowered on Lhe plL and bolLed on Lhe
foundaLlon base frame 1he dlsLrlbuLor caslng ls mounLed on Lhe barrel flange
wlLh 'C'rlng requlred for seallng 1he sucLlon and dellvery connecLlons are
locaLed on dlsLrlbuLor caslng above whlch bearlng sLool ls flxed 1he pumps are
capable of dellverlng 1111m3/hr aL a dellvery head of 123m of waLer columns
1he arrangemenL for lubrlcaLlon of Lhe pumps ls selfconLalned 1he glacler LhrusL
bearlng are radlal bearlng are fllled ln Lhe oll baLh of Lhe bearlng cooled by
coollng colls whlch are lnsLalled ln Lhe bearlng houslng 1he oll level gauge ls
mounLed on Lhe ouLer bearlng houslng from whlch Lhe oll level lnslde Lhe bearlng
houslng can be read 1he bearlngs are cooled by nonacLlve low pressure waLer
1he CL moLors are raLed 66kv for dlrecL on llne sLarL and supplled wlLh class lv
power supply 600W 240v space heaLers are provlded ln each moLor for
ellmlnaLlng Lhe molsLure from Lhe alr durlng shuLdown
2Auxlllary condensaLe exLracLlon pumps
1here are Lwo pumps 23 duLy 1hese pumps are verLlcal mulLlsLage cenLrlfugal
barrel Lype and are provlded wlLh deep groove ball Lype LhrusL bearlng for whlch
are coollng waLer ls requlred 1he drlve of Lhe pumps ls affecLed by a elecLrlc
moLor Lhrough a flexlble coupllng Cn Lhe boLLom secLlon of Lhe dlsLrlbuLor caslng
sucLlon and dellvery nozzles are locaLed 1he moLor ls 183 kW 413v class lll
power supply 1he speed of Lhe pump ls 2890 rpm
3Alr e[ecLor condenser
1he removal of alr from maln condenser ls accompllshed by sLeam alr e[ecLor wlLh
lnLer and afLer condenser lor boLh Lhe servlce alr e[ecLor a common lnLer afLer
condenser has been used Lhe draln from Lhe lnLer afLer condenser shell slde
whlch ls condensaLe of sLeam used for alr removal ls connecLed lL Lo maln
4Cland sLeam condenser
Cland sLeam condenser ls locaLed ln Lhe maln condensaLe clrculL nexL Lo Lhe alr
e[ecLor condenser and mounLed horlzonLally 1he maln condensaLe ouLleL from
Lhe alr e[ecLor condenser passes Lhrough Lhe gland sLeam condenser where lL
absorbs heaL from Lhe sLeam drawn from Lhe Lurblne gland seals 1he gland
sLeam condenser ls provlded wlLh Lwo vapour exLracLors (fans) Lo exLracL mlxLure
of alr and sLeam ln leakage Lhrough Lhe Lurblne shafL for malnLalnlng a negaLlve
pressure ln Lhe sLeam pressure of Lhe gland sLeam condenser As Lhe sLeam
comes lnLo conLacL wlLh Lhe Lubes lL geLs condensed and Lhe alr and non
condensable gases are drlven ouL Lo Lhe aLmosphere bL Lhe fans of Lhe gland
sLeam condenser
A parL of Lhe sLeam condensaLe passes Lhrough Lhe bypass of Lhe CSC 4101/hr of
CL exhausL passes Lhrough Lhe CSC and Lhe remalnlng 7001/hr ls passed Lhrough
Lhe bypass of CSC
3L uraln cooler
1hls a shell and Lube heaL exchanger uslng Lhe maln condensaLe as coollng waLer
1he maln condensaLe passes Lhrough Lhe Lube slde and Lhe draln from Lhe L
heaLer 1 pass Lhrough Lhe shell slde glves away heaL Lo Lhe maln condensaLe
before belng dralned Lo Lhe condenser hoL well
6L heaLer 1
1hls ls a plaln condenslng Lype heaLer havlng no draln coollng secLlon and locaLed
aL 100m elevaLlons ln Lhe Lurblne bulldlng SLeam enLers Lhrough Lwo connecLlons
provlded ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe shell lmplngemenL baffles are provlded ln Lhe paLh
of Lhe lncomlng sLeam 1he heaLer has nesL of admlralLy brass 'u' shaped Lubes
Lhe ends of Lhe Lube are expanded lnLo shell Lube plaLe Lo whlch Lhe waLer box ls
welded A rellef valve ls Lhere on Lhe shell slde whlch ls seL Lo rellef aL 33kg/cm2
1he shell ls provlded wlLh connecLlons from sLeam lnleL venL draln and lnleL from
L heaLer 2 wlLh dlspense flLLlng
7L heaLers 23
1hese are of condenslng and lnLegral draln coollng Lype mounLed horlzonLally
1he maln condensaLe flow Lhrough Lhe Lubes of Lhese heaLers ln four passages
commenclng aL Lhe maln condensaLe lnleL lL flrsL flow Lhrough Lhe draln coollng
secLlon and around Lhe ouLer Lubes lnLo Lhe reLurn Lhrough Lhe cenLer Lubes Lo
Lhe feed waLer ouLleL 1he four passes are shaped as quadranLs 1he sLeam enLers
Lhe heaLer ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe shell and lL ls dlrecLed across Lhe Lubes by a serles
of Lhe baffles ln a LorLuous paLh
1he sLeam condensed on Lhe Lubes flow lnLo Lhe boLLom of draln coollng secLlon
where lL ls carrled over Lhrough cuLouLs ln Lhe baffles 1he deslgn ls same as for
L heaLer 1 1he draln from L heaLer 3 ls sprayed Lhrough a dlspenser lnLo L
heaLer 2 and draln from L heaLer 2 ls sprayed lnLo L heaLer 1

1he clrculaLlng waLer ls supplled by Lhree verLlcal mlxed flow Lype 'klrloskar'
pumps drlven b 960kW 66kv 8PLL moLors aL 493 rpm Lach pump ls capable of
supplylng 13830m3/hr aL LoLal head of 89m
Condenser coollng waLer sysLem ls a closed loop conslsLs of one naLural drafL
coollng Lype Lower for each unlL from where cold waLer flows by gravlLy Lhrough
Lunnel Lo Lhe pump house Lach coollng waLer pump Laklng sucLlon from Lhe
sump of pump house dlscharges waLer Lhrough moLorlzed buLLerfly valve ln Lo a
common header whlch spllL lnLo Lwo headers up Lo Lurblne bulldlng and Lhen
each headers spllL lnLo furLher lnLo headers and Lhus four headers feed cold waLer
boxes of Lhe condenser each header havlng a moLorlzed buLLerfly valve
lour header from Lhe ouLleL waLer boxes are comlng ouL and have warm
condenser dlscharge waLer and each header havlng a moLorlzed buLLerfly valve
Agaln Lhese four headers form Lwo headers by [olnlng Lwo headers ln one header
1he Lwo headers carrylng condenser warm waLer ls sprayed ln Lhe naLural drafL
Lower basln 1he clrculaLlng waLer sysLem requlre some amounL of blow down ln
order Lo malnLaln Lhe concenLraLlon of dlssolved sollds and alkallnlLy of Lhe waLer
wlLh ln llmlL

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