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lollFor dealing With foods and meals

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Document title: Food Handling Guide CSurplus pat
Document Title with Surplus Foods and MealsGuideline to Dealin

Department name: Food safety management aand

Department Name safety department S Food
- M Shlegacy- - M Shlegacy- - MShare-
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Document classification: s Rayya Hs Ace Kh
s Commandment

Classification Document d -eShar ed r-Sha - dShare
Open Data
etrSec itive Sens tialnConfide
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issue number:
first edition ( 1)
Version Number

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Approval of the document:

Document Approval

Director of the Department of Studies and Food Systems

This document is considered the property of Dubai Municipality and may contain information that may be described as confidential and confidential for the work of the municipality. It is prohibited to copy, copy or transmit the data and information contained in this document or any part thereof

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Only the official, approved version of this document exists electronically on the Dubai Municipality system. You must check the version number and release date before use.

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issue number the

a Yeh Preparation/review team Malkh s aFor modifications

Prepared by: The Dietary Studies and Systems Department team H

1 0/116/2622 Review: Studies Specialist AceDr
R first
Accreditation: Director of the Food Studies and Systems Department YH
Food safety management
Organizational unit: anization unit: gOr
Food Safety Department

Guideline to Dealing with Surplus

Document title: Foods and comment title: Do


Document number: DM-FSD-GU60 cument Ref: Do


the introduction :................................................ .................................................. .................................................. .......................................... 4

Objective of the guide: .............................................. .................................................. .................................................. ........................... 4

Field of application: ............................................... .................................................. .................................................. ................................ 4

Examples of surplus food and meals: .............................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..1

Instructions for maintaining the safety of reused surplus meals: ............................................. ....................................... 0

Examples of new and innovative recipes for some surplus foods and meals: ......................................... ............................................... 7

Carrot leaves pesto.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ............... 7

Vegetarian soup.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ........................... 7

Apple sauce.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. .........................8

Coriander roots/chili.................................................. .................................................. ...............................................9

Shakshuka.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..............................9

Beans with tomatoes.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..................... 16

Sahawiq with cheese.................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ................... 11

the reviewer:................................................ .................................................. .................................................. ......................................... 11

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Food safety management
Organizational unit: anization unit: gOr
Food Safety Department

Guideline to Dealing with Surplus

Document title: Foods and comment title: Do


Document number: DM-FSD-GU60 cument Ref: Do

the introduction :

The issue of food waste is one of the most important challenges facing the world at the present time, as research

has found that the main reasons for food waste at all levels, whether consumer or trader, is the lack of awareness

necessary to reduce waste and make the most of all parts of food used in preparing food or from food. Leftover

food that is not consumed after preparation or cooking (surplus food).

There are large quantities of surplus food and meals that are wasted by food establishments and individuals because they

do not find anyone to help them change the fate of their surplus food and meals. Therefore, this guide came to guide

those concerned in food establishments and consumers on how to deal with these foods and meals in order to redirect the

path of the surplus.

Since the United Arab Emirates is a signatory to the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, and given the negative

environmental, social and economic impacts left by food waste, the Emirate of Dubai is actively searching for feasible solutions to

reduce food waste and the government is making great efforts to find innovative and effective solutions. To reduce the amount of

wasted food, and from this standpoint, this guide was prepared in order to guide food establishments and community members to

develop practical methods in the art of dealing with food and surplus meals, which were created by chefs and cooking enthusiasts

and collected from all over the world.

Objective of the guide:

This document aims to guide food establishments and food consumers to take advantage of surplus food and meals and

use them in preparing alternative and innovative food meals by developing practical methods that guarantee the safety of

food meals prepared from surplus food and enjoy the acceptance and satisfaction of consumers.

Field of application:

Food establishments that prepare and serve food and food consumers in general.

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Food safety management
Organizational unit: anization unit: gOr
Food Safety Department

Guideline to Dealing with Surplus

Document title: Foods and comment title: Do


Document number: DM-FSD-GU60 cument Ref: Do

Examples of surplus food and meals:

1- Surplus food: It is unprocessed food, which consists of raw food materials or parts thereof that are processed

They are usually disposed of without being useful, but they can be reprocessed to prepare foods from them

Useful and suitable for consumption, including but not limited to:

- Tops and leaves of carrots

- Broccoli stalks and cauliflower stalks

- Pieces of carrots, celery, onions, fennel, turnips, potatoes, or any vegetables

Others are thrown away when cutting those products to obtain the required parts

- Fruits with blemishes or bruises on their peel

- Rice is broken or has morphological defects

- Potato peels

- Green roots and stems of coriander or parsley

- Grated watermelon rind (white part)

- Leftover bread

- Tahini

- Leftover corn flakes

2- Surplus meals: These are ready-made foods that were prepared and were not used due to lack of appreciation

The quantities are incorrect or because they were not able to sell them before, including, for example, no


- Machine roasted chicken

- Soups and sauces

- Authorities of all kinds

- Cooked vegetable dishes that contain liquids or sauces

- Cooked or boiled chicken

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Food safety management
Organizational unit: anization unit: gOr
Food Safety Department

Guideline to Dealing with Surplus

Document title: Foods and comment title: Do


Document number: DM-FSD-GU60 cument Ref: Do

- Boiled pasta

- Fried or grilled fish

- the rice

Instructions for maintaining the safety of reused surplus meals:

1- Surplus meals should be placed in the refrigerator or freezer immediately after completing meal preparation.

2- Surplus food or meals should be placed in transparent food storage containers that are not even deep

It's easy to see what's inside without opening it to preserve taste and reduce cross-contamination.

0- Surplus foods or meals must be placed in shallow containers and a statement must be stated on the container

Its content and cooking date if stored in the freezer.

4- Surplus foods or meals can be stored in the refrigerator for a period not exceeding 0 days

By freezing it after the expiration of the three-day period.

1- To ensure that surplus meals are not forgotten, they should always be placed in the front of the refrigerator.

0- If surplus meals are frozen, they must be defrosted in the refrigerator before heating.

7- All stages of food handling must meet the food safety requirements stated in

Food Safety System (Chapter 2.0), including but not limited to:

- Food sources

- Requirements for handling raw foods, chilled and frozen foods

- Food cooking requirements

- Cooling food after cooking

- Thermal preservation of hot and cold foods (food display in the buffet)

- Reheating food

- Dealing with allergens.

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Food safety management
Organizational unit: anization unit: gOr
Food Safety Department

Guideline to Dealing with Surplus

Document title: Foods and comment title: Do


Document number: DM-FSD-GU60 cument Ref: Do

Examples of new and innovative recipes for some surplus foods and meals:

This guide includes ideas for new and innovative recipes that make use of surplus foods and meals

Various countries of the world, including the following:

Carrot leaves pesto

Serving size: 1 person

the components

- 110 grams of carrot tops and leaves

- 0 grams of basil leaves

- 46 grams roasted pumpkin seeds

- 06 grams of parmesan cheese

- 1 tablespoon lemon juice

- 2 garlic cloves

- A cup of olive oil

- 1 gram of salt

- 1 gram of pepper


1- Add all the ingredients except the olive oil to the blender to obtain a homogeneous mixture. 2- Scrape the

sides of the bowl and slowly drizzle the olive oil over them while beating the pesto.

0- Place a spoonful of the mixture in a glass bowl and add enough olive oil to cover it

Whole pesto. Store in the refrigerator for up to 1 week or in the freezer for 0 months.

Vegetarian soup

This recipe is vegan and is allergen-free, dairy-free, egg-free, and dairy-free

Gluten free, grain free, refined sugar free, soy free.

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Food safety management
Organizational unit: anization unit: gOr
Food Safety Department

Guideline to Dealing with Surplus

Document title: Foods and comment title: Do


Document number: DM-FSD-GU60 cument Ref: Do

the components:

- 266 grams of broccoli stalks, chopped

- 266 grams of cauliflower stalks

- 16 grams of carrot peel

- 16 grams of potatoes

- 2.1 grams of salt

- Water to cover the vegetables


1. Place the broccoli stems, florets, carrot peels, and salt in a medium saucepan. Add quantity

Just enough water until the vegetables are barely covered.

2. Leave the pot to boil, then reduce the heat, cover the pot, and leave on low heat for 26 minutes

0. Add everything to the blender and blend until smooth

4. Taste and adjust seasoning if necessary.

Apple sauce

Crushed apples cooked with sugar to make a sauce that can be used in cakes and as a substitute

For butter.

the components:

- 266 g bruised apples

- 0 g cinnamon

- 8 gm brown sugar


1. Remove the peel from the apple and remove the stems and core

2. In a saucepan, mix apples, water, sugar and cinnamon

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Food safety management
Organizational unit: anization unit: gOr
Food Safety Department

Guideline to Dealing with Surplus

Document title: Foods and comment title: Do


Document number: DM-FSD-GU60 cument Ref: Do

0. Cover and simmer over medium heat for 11 to 26 minutes or until the apples are tender

4. Leave it to cool, then mix it until it is combined to reach the desired sauce consistency

Coriander roots/chili

the components:

- 116 grams of coriander roots/twigs

- 16 grams of parsley

- 1 grams of jalapeno pepper

- 1 grams of toasted almond slices

- 26 grams of Parmesan cheese

- 21 ml lemon juice

- 1 teaspoon chopped garlic cloves

- 16 ml olive oil

- 1 gram of salt

- 1 gram of pepper


1-Add all ingredients with a splash of olives to a blender until a homogeneous mixture is formed, scraping

sides of the bowl and slowly pour in the olive oil while whisking the pesto.

2-Season the pesto with salt/pepper and place in a clean bowl. Pour enough olive oil

To cover the pesto and place it in the refrigerator.

Innovative recipes from surplus mandi sauce


the components:

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Food safety management
Organizational unit: anization unit: gOr
Food Safety Department

Guideline to Dealing with Surplus

Document title: Foods and comment title: Do


Document number: DM-FSD-GU60 cument Ref: Do

- Excess soggy sauce

- 0 eggs
- 1 teaspoon ghee/butter/oil

1. In a non-stick frying pan, put a tablespoon of ghee/butter/oil

2. Add the excess mandi sauce and leave until it becomes thick in consistency

0. Add the eggs, mix with the sauce, and reduce the temperature until the eggs are cooked. 4.

Pour into a serving dish and serve hot with your choice of bread.

To add more flavors to the dish, you can add cubes of bell pepper while cooking the sauce

Mandi, as well as grated mozzarella or cheddar cheese after the eggs are cooked.

Beans with tomatoes

the components:

- Excess soggy sauce

- A can of beans

- Half a teaspoon of ground cumin

- Green coriander or parsley as desired

- Olive oil/sesame oil/butter


1- In a non-stick frying pan, put the excess mandi sauce and leave it until it becomes thick in consistency. 2-

Add the beans after mashing with half a teaspoon of ground cumin and mix the ingredients

Leave it on low heat for a few minutes, then turn off the heat.

0- Pour the mixture into a serving dish and sprinkle olive oil/sesame oil/butter on top

The dish is garnished with coriander or parsley and served with Egyptian bread.

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Food safety management
Organizational unit: anization unit: gOr
Food Safety Department

Guideline to Dealing with Surplus

Document title: Foods and comment title: Do


Document number: DM-FSD-GU60 cument Ref: Do

Sahawiq with cheese

the components:

- Excess soggy sauce

- Salty feta cheese

- olive oil

1- Place the excess Mandi sauce in the blender and add one to two tablespoons of cheese with it

Salty feta.
2- Beat the ingredients in a blender until combined, then pour them into a serving bowl and decorate with drops of

Olive oil and served with hot tanoor bread.

the reviewer:

- Food Safety System 2626, Dubai Municipality

- Abu Dhabi National Hotels Company

- Innovative recipes from talented cooking enthusiasts

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