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The four parts of the frontal lobe

From the following poster, expect to know what the frontal lobe is, where it is
located, its multiple functions, and the damages and conditions that can be
caused and how they affect an individual. The prompts explore the anatomy and PREFRONTAL PRIMARY MOTOR PREMOTOR CINGULATE CORTEX
function of the frontal lobe, and its vital role in decision-making, problem- CORTEX CORTEX CORTEX (ANTERIOR)RT
solving, planning, personality development, and voluntary movement. They also
discuss the four main parts of the frontal lobe: the prefrontal cortex, the
primary motor cortex, the premotor cortex, and the anterior cingulate cortex. the biggest component of
located in the posterior located in the frontal lobe's located in the frontal lobe's
Finally, it highlights the importance of understanding the frontal lobe in the frontal lobe and is in
region of the frontal anterior region and is medial region and is involved in
treating various neurological conditions and improving overall brain health. charge of high-level
lobe and is in charge of involved in movement emotional regulation, decision-
cognitive tasks such as
voluntary movement. It planning and coordination. making, and pain perception. It is
decision-making, planning,
regulates muscle action critical in recognizing problems
What is the frontal lobe? problem-solving, and social It is essential for
in many sections of the developing new motor and modifying behavior as
behavior. It also helps with
body, and injury to this abilities and preparing the needed. Damage to this region
working memory, focus, and
The frontal lobe is located at the front of the skull. It is the area of the brain directly area can result in body for movement. can lead to impulsive behavior,
emotional control. Damage
behind the forehead. According to some experts, the frontal lobe accounts for paralysis or weakening Damage to this region emotional instability, and
to this region can lead to
between 25% and 40% of the cerebral cortex in the brain. (Because the brain does on one side of the body. might cause problems with persistent discomfort.
poor judgement, impulsive
not have obvious borders across regions, various research employed different behavior, and a lack of complicated motions and
methods to identify the boundaries, therefore the estimated range is larger.) empathy. coordination.
"Cortex" is a Latin term that meaning "tree bark." The cortex is the brain's wrinkled,
textured outer surface (professional, C. C. medical. (n.d.). This section of the brain
works cooperatively with many other brain areas, giving a wide range of abilities.
What causes frontal lobe damages and what are the three
Anything an individual does that involves thinking or conscious action relies on
abilities contained within his frontal lobe. frontal lobe syndromes.
Functions of the frontal lobe TIVE DISEASES

The frontal lobe controls many things such as voluntary movement,

expressive language, and executive processes. (Queensland Health, n.d.) The frontal lobe may A stroke can cause an Infections including The frontal lobe can
Head trauma from falls or
defines executive functions as a collection of skills that include speech and develop brain tumors, interruption in blood flow meningitis or, can gradually decline as a
car crashes, or TBI, can
language production: Broca's area, located in the frontal lobe, aids in the to the frontal lobe, result of Parkinson's
cause a variety of which can harm cause damage to the
translation of thoughts into language. If this region is damaged it might make disease, Alzheimer's
surrounding tissues as leading to conditions
it difficult to speak clearly. disorders, such as poor frontal lobe . And this disease, or frontotemporal
such as paralysis or
decision-making, altered they spread and exert leads to cognitive dementia. May lead to
weakening of particular
behavior and personality, pressure. And this impairments, motor memory loss, and
muscles, trouble moving
trouble focusing and could affect an behavioral issues, as well
and coordinating, and deficits, and changes in
paying attention, and individual’s cognitive as challenges in decision-
cognitive deficits such as behavior or
movement impairments abilities. making and problem-
MOTOR SKILLS trouble speaking and personality. solving.
making decisions.
1 he primary motor cortex
helps control voluntary
motions such as walking
There are many more causes that could damage the frontal lobe including: (anterior cerebral artery) and acceleration-deceleration closed head
and running, is located in
traumatic brain injuries.
the frontal lobe.
Three frontal lobe syndromes Symptoms of frontal lobe’s damage
In order for people to be
able to compare objects,
2 (1)Dorsolateral: Individuals with dorsolateral syndrome appear
the frontal lobe helps distractible and depressed and also have difficulty reasoning, Personality changes Left hemi spatial neglect
people distinguishing one problem-solving, shifting attention, and maintaining a behavior for
item from another.
the completion of a task. Moreover, their learning rate is slow, and
Because the frontal lobe
they may have reduced working memory/attention and retrieval Visual cues on the left side are
contributes to our emotion and
unnoticeable or neglected if
which results in forgetting some things. More symptoms include behavior, personality changes
only the right side is affected.
FORMING MEMORIES Poor organizational strategies, perseveration, and decreased can occur after damage to this
area of the brain.
All brain areas are related to emotional range. May appear uncaring or emotionally unresponsive.
3 memory, however, the frontal Confabulation
Short-term memory loss::
lobe is very important when it (2)Orbitofrontal: may result in impulsivity and poor inhibition of
Damage to the frontal lobe might ​ leads people to form false
comes to the formation of behavior including inappropriate sexual behavior, inability to inhibit
make it​challenging ​to store​ recollections.
long term memory according verbal outbursts and socially improper behavior. Moreover, having memories ​for a​brief ​period of
UNDERSTANDING AND to research. little empathy for others, hurt people and appear uncaring. In time​.
REACTING TO THE addition, bad habits or addictive behaviors (e.g., start smoking,
FEELINGS OF OTHERS: drinking) and breaking social rules and norms may develop. Loss of voluntary
Poor attention
The frontal lobe is vital 4 (3)Medial frontal syndromes: may result in a lack of insight or
for empathy and is individuals may struggle with
awareness and having decreased arousal in general. Memory ​Difficulties with motor skills (like
considered the emotional poor attention span and are
moving the arms and legs) and fine
control center. functions can be severely disrupted (e.g., Bird et al. 2004), reflecting easily distracted.
motor skills (like​​moving the fingers​).
damage to septal region/basal forebrain structures sometimes
affected by more extensive orbitofrontal lesions. individuals with
SOCIAL Impulsivity: Aphasia
mesial frontal/anterior cingulated damage often demonstrate
UNDERSTANDING restricted emotional responses and appear disengaged from their Individuals take action without Different types of language
environment. More symptoms include little initiation of movement or
5 The frontal lobe controls
speech, lack of interest, blunting, memory, impairment, and leg
thinking about potential
and communication
people’s comprehension of
social norms. weakness (pirau,2023).

FORMING Diagnosis and treatments of frontal lobe injury Frontal lobe MRI scan
The complicated interaction Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and computed tomography (CT or
between executive 6 CAT) scans can be used to detect frontal lobe strokes and infections. An
function, memory, and other MRI creates a detailed picture of the brain in two or three dimensions by
tasks helps to shape an combining magnetic fields and radio waves. A CT scan, on the other hand,
individual's primary traits. creates a 3D picture from numerous X-rays. By revealing signs of brain tissue
REWARD-SEEKING loss (atrophy), these scans can detect particular types of frontal lobe disease,
BEHAVIOR AND such as dementia or traumatic brain injury.:
MOTIVATION: treatments:
The frontal lobe contains a Treatment strategies for frontal lobe injury differ ​depending on the cause​.
7 large number of dopamine- Antibiotics, ​for example, can be​used to treat infections. ​Brain tumors can be​
sensitive neurons, which removed ​surgically or​​treated with chemotherapy​.
contributes to sensations of
fulfilment and motivation. Rehabilitation: This entails strengthening and improving remaining motor
ATTENTION Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy: Assists people in ​better understanding their
negative​​thoughts and behaviors and​provides more efficient coping
The frontal lobe manages
concentration in order 8 strategies. This can be beneficial for ​survivors of frontal lobe brain injuries​
who are dealing with personality changes and other cognitive disabilities.
for people to pay
Physical Therapy: As we mentioned above, Injury to the motor ​cortex on the​
opposite ​side of the brain​causes the absence of voluntary motor control in
the opposite side of ​the body​. Physical therapy can support individuals in
dealing with hemiparesis or hemiplegia using specific exercises.
Therefore, it influences what you should and should not
do or say, how to act and how not to act.
Furthermore, the frontal lobe is one of the most critical References:
Beynon, R., Sterne, J. a. C., Wilcock, G., Likeman, M., Harbord, R., Astin, M., Burke, M. D., Bessell, A., Ben-Shlomo, Y., Hawkins, J., Hollingworth, W., & Whiting, P. (2012). Is MRI better than CT for detecting a vascular component to dementia? A

and important parts of the brain. It controls and manages systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Neurology, 12(1).
Pirau, L., & Lui, F. (2023). Frontal Lobe Syndrome

numerous talents that individuals employ in their daily

In StatPearls. StatPearls Publishing c=AU; o=The State of Queensland; ou=Queensland Health; ou=; ou=; (n.d.). Brain Map Frontal Lobes. Queensland Health.,order%20to%20achieve%20a%20goal
MSc, O. G. (2023, October 24). What Does The Frontal Lobe Do. Simply Psychology.
lives. The frontal lobe is the most unique lobe since it has A developmental perspective on executive function - (n.d.).
a lot of complicated functions. Fuster, J. M. (n.d.). Frontal lobe and cognitive development - brain cell biology. SpringerLink.
professional, C. C. medical. (n.d.). Frontal lobe: What it is, function, Location & Damage. Cleveland Clinic.
Healthline Frontal lobe damage Available from: (accessed 23.12.2020)

Nadeen Farouk 232435

Maryam Shawky 237299
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