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The honorable judges, the distinguished employees and lecturers, dearest friends,

brothers and sisters, good morning and have a wonderful time dear Ladies and Gentlemen
First of all, let us thank to the God the blessing and guidance so that we can meet each
other today a special event
Ladies and Gentlemen, on this lovely morning, I persolly would like to thank for the
opportunity that has been give to me to deliver a speech about the importantance of social media
There are many people use Social Media. These are the samples of Social Media, they are
Instagram, facebook, whatsapp, line, telegram, twitter etc.
Social Media is used by many people all over the word. Social Media can help people to
be famous. It can help people to sell their products. People can go shopping without going
Social Media is very useful for us, especially for searching some information. We can get
many friends, money popularity, etc. But we have to be careful with social media, too.
My beloved audience, that’s all about my speech for today. Hopefully it will be useful for
us. Thank you for your kind attention and see you again in some other program

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