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Prof. C. P. Nanda

Dean (Students’ Welfare)

Ga Shak Vishwavidyalaya

Date: 26th August 2023

Subject: Reques ng permission for organising the Freshers Party Batch 2027

Respected Sir,

We are wri ng to formally request permission and support for conduc ng a fresher's Party for junior students
at Ga Shak Vishwavidyalaya. As students of Second year, we are enthusias c about crea ng a smooth transi on for
incoming students and fostering a sense of belonging within our ins tu on. We are organizing this freshers which will
be have es mated 360 a endees including (approx. 250 freshers+ 94 second + and some Teaching staff).

This type of event help to foster strong rela onship and bonding among juniors and seniors. It also help us in peer to
peer interac on and elevate the social integra on of every individual.

Program Details:

Name of Event: Freshers' Party

Proposed Date: 27 September, 2023

Requirements (Venue):

 Sabhagriha
 Front yard of Prastu
 Raja bagh


We have es mated a budget of about ₹ 1,37,000 for this event. The budget will cover expenses such as catering,
refreshments, and DJ etc. We have a ached es mated budget for your reference.

It’s a kind request to you to grant permission for the same.

Further we assure you that no damage will be caused to the college property and reputa on. We will bear full
responsibility for the same.

Thanking You

Yours Truly,

Class Representa ves

BTech Second Year

Contact :

Durgesh Kumar (8949923323)

Gargi Mishra (8707449336)

U am (9785513404)

Hari Om Chaubey (6299030528)

Divyanshi Arya (9810088953)

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