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JAMA Psychiatry | Original Investigation

Neurodevelopmental Disorders Among Publicly or Privately Insured Children

in the United States
Loreen Straub, MD, MS; Brian T. Bateman, MD, MS; Sonia Hernandez-Diaz, MD, DrPH; Cassandra York, BS;
Barry Lester, PhD; Katherine L. Wisner, MD, MS; Christopher J. McDougle, MD; Page B. Pennell, MD;
Kathryn J. Gray, MD, PhD; Yanmin Zhu, MS, PhD; Elizabeth A. Suarez, MS, PhD;
Helen Mogun, MS; Krista F. Huybrechts, MS, PhD

Supplemental content
IMPORTANCE Neurodevelopmental disorders are associated with poor health and social
outcomes. Population-based data on incidence, age at diagnosis, and demographic variations
are essential to identify modifiable risk factors and inform the planning of services and
OBJECTIVES To assess the incidence and timing of diagnosis of neurodevelopmental disorders
during childhood in the US and to evaluate differences by population characteristics.

DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS This population-based cohort study used nationwide
data on birth cohorts nested in the 2000-2014 Medicaid Analytic eXtract and the 2003-2015
IBM MarketScan Research Database on 2 070 541 publicly and 1 309 900 privately insured
children enrolled at birth. Data were analyzed between May 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021.

MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES Neurodevelopmental disorders, autism spectrum disorders,

attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, learning disabilities, speech or language disorders,
developmental coordination disorders, intellectual disabilities, and behavioral disorders were
identified based on validated algorithms. Kaplan-Meier analyses were used to estimate the
incidence and timing of diagnosis, stratified by child’s sex, birth year, maternal age at delivery,
and race and ethnicity.

RESULTS The cohorts comprised 2 070 541 publicly insured children (1 045 426 boys [50.5%])
and 1 309 900 privately insured children (667 607 boys [51.0%]) enrolled at birth. By 8 years
of age, 23.9% of publicly insured children and 11.0% of privately insured children received
a diagnosis of 1 or more neurodevelopmental disorders (autism spectrum disorder, 1.6% and
1.3%; attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, 14.5% and 5.8%; learning disability, 1.2% and
0.6%; speech or language disorder, 8.4% and 4.5%; developmental coordination disorder,
0.9% and 0.7%; intellectual disability, 0.7% and 0.1%; and behavioral disorder, 8.4% and
1.5%). Risks were substantially higher among boys (incidence of ⱖ1 neurodevelopmental
disorder by age 8 years for boys vs girls: 30.7% vs 16.7% among publicly insured children and
15.0% vs 6.7% among privately insured children) and White children (30.2% vs 9.1% among
Asian children, 23.0% among Black children, 15.4% among Hispanic children, and 22.7%
among children of unknown race or ethnicity; information on race and ethnicity was available
only for publicly insured children). The association of maternal age and birth year with
incidence of neurodevelopmental disorders varied by outcome. Except for attention-deficit/
hyperactivity disorder, the diagnosis tended to be established somewhat earlier for privately
insured children. The association of race and ethnicity with age at diagnosis varied by
outcome. Co-occurring neurodevelopmental disorders were common, especially among
children with autism spectrum disorder and intellectual disability (>70% had ⱖ1 other

CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE In this population-based cohort study, a relatively high

incidence of and co-occurrence of neurodevelopmental disorders as well as the disparity in Author Affiliations: Author
affiliations are listed at the end of this
incidence and timing of diagnosis by insurance type and race and ethnicity were found. These article.
findings represent important public health concerns and underscore the need for timely and Corresponding Author: Loreen
accessible developmental assessments and educational services to help reduce the burden Straub, MD, MS, Division of
of these disorders. Pharmacoepidemiology and
Pharmacoeconomics, Department of
Medicine, Brigham and Women’s
Hospital, 1620 Tremont St, Ste 3030,
JAMA Psychiatry. 2022;79(3):232-242. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2021.3815 Boston, MA 02120 (lstraub@bwh.
Published online January 5, 2022.

232 (Reprinted)

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Neurodevelopmental Disorders Among Children With Public or Private Insurance in the US Original Investigation Research

eurodevelopmental disorders (NDDs) are character-
ized by deficits in the development of the central Key Points
nervous system that can affect a child’s memory,
Question How do the incidence and timing of the diagnosis of
language, motor function, and ability to learn, socialize, and neurodevelopmental disorders among children in the US differ
maintain self-control. They frequently co-occur and may be by population characteristics?
associated with severe impairments of functioning in adult-
Findings In this cohort study of more than 3.3 million children,
hood. Neurodevelopmental disorders are clinically diag-
approximately 1 in 4 publicly and 1 in 9 privately insured children
nosed by evaluating the presence of aberrant behaviors or had received a diagnosis of a neurodevelopmental disorder by
delays in achieving developmental milestones and by com- 8 years of age; the risk was considerably higher among boys and
paring such behaviors with those of children of the same age, White children. For most disorders, privately insured children
sex, and culture.1 tended to receive a diagnosis earlier than publicly insured children.
Existing data on the occurrence of NDDs are primarily Meaning Because neurodevelopmental disorders are common
from cross-sectional studies, surveys, or small prospective and risks may be ameliorated with early intervention, identifying
studies.2-13 Although cross-sectional studies provide snap- modifiable risk factors and opportunities for early intervention
shots of a single moment, they cannot easily define temporal is needed.
trends and associations. Surveys can help quickly gather large
data but are susceptible to limitations, such as survey fa-
tigue, nonobjective responses, and low completion rates, vately insured children in the US and to evaluate differences
raising concerns regarding the representativeness of the by population characteristics.
sample. Prospective cohort studies allow for close follow-up
over time and are well suited to document subtle manifesta-
tions of NDDs (eg, abnormal cognitive test scores or behavior
assessments), but they tend to be too small to evaluate the
risk of more debilitating conditions, such as autism spectrum Data Source and Study Design
disorder (ASD), and can be challenged by substantial and We conducted a cohort study of publicly and privately in-
potentially informative losses to follow-up, especially when sured children nested in the 2000-2014 Medicaid Analytic
cohorts are followed up from birth. eXtract (MAX) (the most recent years available at the time of
Because NDDs encompass a variety of phenotypes with study conduct) and the 2003-2015 IBM MarketScan Research
multiple symptoms and severity levels, measurement varies Database (MarketScan). The development of the MAX mother-
considerably across studies, making comparisons difficult, es- child cohort has been described previously.15 A similar ap-
pecially because many studies do not report or insufficiently proach was used for the development of the MarketScan co-
report on the validity of the diagnostic criteria and the algo- hort (for a detailed description of the cohorts, see eAppendix
rithms used.14 Between-study comparisons are further ham- 1 in the Supplement). Linkage to maternal records allowed for
pered by differences in the study population, including the the examination of the association of maternal characteris-
selected age range of children under study, the study period, tics, such as age, diabetes, and hypertension, with NDDs in
and sociodemographic variations that could serve as barriers offspring. Both data sources include rich patient-level infor-
to diagnosis (eg, because of lack of access to specialized health mation on demographic factors; diagnosis and procedure
services).2 claims recorded during inpatient, outpatient, or emergency
Neurodevelopmental disorders are an important public department visits; and outpatient prescription medication
health concern, and studies assessing risk factors at the dispensings. Children were followed up from birth until their
population level are needed to help identify opportunities continuous eligibility ended, the study period ended, they de-
for prevention, early diagnosis, and intervention. Large- veloped the specific NDD of interest, they died, or they reached
scale studies using data on nationwide health care use are their 12th birthday (to harmonize the maximum follow-up
well suited for this purpose. Such data sources provide pro- in both cohorts), whichever came first. The research was
spectively collected, comprehensive real-world information approved by the institutional review board at Brigham and
on demographic characteristics and medical conditions for Women’s Hospital, which granted a waiver of informed con-
population-based cohorts and are free of some of the prob- sent because the data were deidentified. We followed the
lems that affect other types of data (eg, response bias, small Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in
size, and lack of generalizability). Nevertheless, data are col- Epidemiology (STROBE) reporting guideline.
lected for administrative purposes. Thus, when used for
research, algorithms need to be developed and applied to Identification of NDDs
measure health conditions (such as NDDs) that might not Outcomes of interest were the most common NDDs: (1) ASD,
perfectly reflect the patient’s actual status owing to variabil- (2) attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and other hyper-
ity in the quality of clinical diagnosis and recording. Using kinetic syndromes of childhood (ADHD), (3) learning disabil-
information from 2 large population-based health care data- ity, (4) developmental speech or language disorder, (5) devel-
bases and validated outcome algorithms, we sought to opmental coordination disorder (DCD), (6) intellectual
assess the nationwide incidence and timing of the diagnosis disability, (7) behavioral disorder (including disturbance of con-
of specific NDDs and their co-occurrence in publicly and pri- duct and disturbance of emotions), and (8) any NDD (defined (Reprinted) JAMA Psychiatry March 2022 Volume 79, Number 3 233

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Research Original Investigation Neurodevelopmental Disorders Among Children With Public or Private Insurance in the US

based on the presence of any of the specific 7 preceding dis- (±60 days) at the age of first diagnosis of the matching case be-
orders) (eTable 1 in the Supplement). The presence of the cause children with shorter follow-up have less opportunity
individual outcomes was assessed using validated claims- to receive a diagnosis of an NDD. We also evaluated the fre-
based algorithms.16 quency of co-occurring NDDs.
There is potential for informative censoring because indi-
Patient Characteristics viduals who disenroll might be different from those who re-
We considered the presence of co-occurring NDDs, as well as main enrolled. Health policy and economic changes may affect
demographic factors (including child’s sex, geographic re- who qualifies for public and private insurances and for how
gion, birth year, and race and ethnicity). No information on race long people stay enrolled. In addition, children with more
and ethnicity was available in MarketScan; in MAX, race and health issues and/or who are born to mothers with more co-
ethnicity were determined on the basis of information sub- morbidities might be eligible for Medicaid for a longer period
mitted to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services by in- than healthier children. Thus, to assess whether such poten-
dividual states, which was based on information that had been tially informative loss to follow-up was present and might have
collected and coded from Medicaid applications. We also con- been associated with the generalizability of our findings to the
sidered selected maternal and birth conditions previously re- broader pediatric US population, we explored potential varia-
ported to be associated with NDDs to evaluate whether such tions in selected patient characteristics by length of the child’s
crude associations could be replicated in our data, thus sup- enrollment after birth in supplementary analyses (eFigure 3
porting the validity of these data sources for studying NDDs. and eTable 3 in the Supplement). All analyses were per-
Maternal conditions included maternal age at delivery, preex- formed using SAS, version 9.4 (SAS Institute Inc).
isting hypertension, preexisting diabetes, gestational diabe-
tes, and preeclampsia. Maternal age was assessed because
mothers of older age are more likely to experience pregnancy
or delivery complications that in turn might increase the risk
of NDDs, their age might reflect a longer cumulative expo- The cohorts consisted of 2 070 541 publicly insured children
sure to potential risk factors for NDDs (eg, environmental fac- (MAX; 1 045 426 boys [50.5%]) and 1 309 900 privately in-
tors), and they might also be more likely to seek professional sured children (MarketScan; 667 607 boys [51.0%]) enrolled
medical advice to evaluate their child’s behavior. Birth con- at birth. Of these, 54.2% (MAX) and 45.6% (MarketScan) were
ditions included low birth weight, small size for gestational age, continuously followed up for at least the first 2 years of
preterm birth (>28 and <37 weeks’ gestation), very preterm life. The corresponding proportions were 21.8% (MAX) and
birth (≤28 weeks’ gestation), and neonatal hypoxia or as- 14.2% (MarketScan) for 5 years and 8.3% (MAX) and 4.4%
phyxia. The specific variables and their respective assess- (MarketScan) for 8 years. There was no evidence of informa-
ment periods are presented in the Table17 and eTable 2 in the tive censoring due to loss of insurance coverage over time
Supplement. (eFigure 3 and eTable 3 in the Supplement).

Statistical Analysis Incidence of NDDs

Data were analyzed between May 1, 2020, and June 30, 2021. By 8 years of age, 23.9% of publicly insured children and 11.0%
All analyses were conducted separately for publicly (MAX) and of privately insured children received a diagnosis of 1 or more
privately (MarketScan) insured children. We used Kaplan- NDDs (Figure 1 and Figure 2). Incidences were 1.6% and 1.3%
Meier analyses to estimate the risk of each outcome through- for ASD, 14.5% and 5.8% for ADHD, 1.2% and 0.6% for learning
out childhood, plotted unadjusted cumulative incidence curves disability, 8.4% and 4.5% for speech or language disorder, 0.9%
with 95% CIs accounting for losses to follow-up (ie, end of en- and 0.7% for DCD, 0.7% and 0.1% for intellectual disability,
rollment or end of data) (Figure 1 and Figure 2), and stratified and 8.4% and 1.5% for behavioral disorder, respectively.
analyses by demographic factors (eFigure 1 in the Supple- For all outcomes of interest, the incidence was much higher
ment). To explore variations in age at diagnosis, we calcu- in boys than in girls (incidence of ≥1 NDD by age 8 years, 30.7%
lated the mean age and 95% CI at which the respective out- vs. 16.7% among publicly insured children and 15.0% vs. 6.7%
comes of interest (ie, NDDs) were first diagnosed, and we among privately insured children), with the strongest discrep-
assessed differences in mean age by insurance type, child’s ancy observed for ASD in both cohorts (2.5% vs. 0.7% among
sex, maternal age, and race and ethnicity (Figure 3; eFigure 2 publicly insured children and 2.0% vs. 0.5% among privately
in the Supplement). Details on how these parameters were insured children; eFigure 1 in the Supplement). Compared with
estimated are shown in eAppendix 2 in the Supplement. children born in the early 2000s, those born in later years had
Characteristics were compared between children with the slightly steeper incidence curves for ASD, speech or language
specific NDD of interest and children without any NDD after disorder, and DCD (incidence of ASD by age 4 years [the high-
1:4 matching by state (because Medicaid eligibility require- est age available in the data for those born in the more recent
ments can vary by state) (Table17; eTable 1 in the Supple- years] among children born before or during 2005 vs those
ment). Children without any NDD were identified using an born during or after 2010: 0.5% vs 1.0% among publicly
extended definition that also included other neurodevelop- insured children and 0.5% vs 0.7% among privately insured
mental, mental, or behavioral disorders (eTable 1 in the Supple- children), suggesting more and/or earlier diagnoses; they
ment). They were further required to still be under follow-up had slightly more shallow incidence curves for ADHD and

234 JAMA Psychiatry March 2022 Volume 79, Number 3 (Reprinted)

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Neurodevelopmental Disorders Among Children With Public or Private Insurance in the US Original Investigation Research

Table. Select Patient Characteristics After 1:4 Matching by State and Follow-upa

Any specific NDD, No. (%) ASD, No. (%) ADHD, No. (%)
Children with Children Children with Children Children with Children
the outcome without the outcome without the outcome without
Characteristic of interestb any NDDc of interestb any NDDc of interestb any NDDc
Public insurance
Total 71 604 286 416 10 093 40 372 33 259 133 036
Follow-up, mean (SD), y 5.3 (2.1) 5.2 (2.1) 6.8 (2.8) 6.7 (2.9) 7.3 (2.0) 7.23 (2.0)
Maternal age at delivery, 24.8 (5.9) 24.7 (6.0) 25.8 (6.2) 24.7 (6.0) 23.9 (5.5) 24.6 (6.0)
mean (SD), y
Male 47 193 (65.9) 137 567 (48.0) 7703 (76.3) 18 869 (46.7) 23 171 (69.7) 61 979 (46.6)
Female 23 409 (32.7) 146 556 (51.2) 2207 (21.9) 21 181 (52.5) 9678 (29.1) 70 045 (52.7)
Unknown 1002 (1.4) 2293 (0.8) 183 (1.8) 322 (0.8) 410 (1.2) 1012 (0.8)
Northeast 16 899 (23.6) 67 596 (23.6) 2586 (25.6) 10 344 (25.6) 6010 (18.1) 24 040 (18.1)
Midwest 19 721 (27.5) 78 884 (27.5) 2997 (29.7) 11 988 (29.7) 9852 (29.6) 39 408 (29.6)
South 18 597 (26.0) 74 388 (26.0) 2689 (26.6) 10 756 (26.6) 11 066 (33.3) 44 264 (33.3)
West 16 387 (22.9) 65 548 (22.9) 1821 (18.0) 7284 (18.0) 6331 (19.0) 25 324 (19.0)
Year of birth
Before 2006 16 913 (23.6) 84 379 (29.5) 3928 (38.9) 18 752 (46.5) 14 640 (44.0) 61 943 (46.6)
2006-2009 39 143 (54.7) 149 064 (52.0) 4353 (43.1) 15 923 (39.4) 17 675 (53.1) 67 192 (50.5)
After 2009 15 548 (21.7) 52 973 (18.5) 1812 (18.0) 5697 (14.1) 944 (2.8) 3901 (2.9)
Race and ethnicityd
Asian or Pacific Islander 2084 (2.9) 13 488 (4.7) 322 (3.2) 1688 (4.2) 398 (1.2) 5254 (4.0)
Black or African American 19 963 (27.9) 97 518 (34.1) 2660 (26.4) 15 036 (37.2) 10 263 (30.9) 52 515 (39.5)
Hispanic or Latino 9452 (13.2) 40 893 (14.3) 1106 (11.0) 4748 (11.8) 3295 (9.9) 16 655 (12.5)
White 33 071 (46.2) 10 8112 (37.8) 4848 (48.0) 15 402 (38.2) 17 283 (52.0) 49 933 (37.5)
Other or unknowne 7034 (9.8) 26 405 (9.2) 1157 (11.5) 3498 (8.7) 2020 (6.1) 8679 (6.5)
Maternal conditions
Preexisting hypertension 2286 (3.2) 6519 (2.3) 385 (3.8) 933 (2.3) 1012 (3.0) 3077 (2.3)
Preeclampsia 4595 (6.4) 14 408 (5.0) 653 (6.5) 2008 (5.0) 2037 (6.1) 6601 (5.0)
Preexisting diabetes 2642 (3.7) 7238 (2.5) 444 (4.4) 988 (2.5) 1078 (3.2) 3121 (2.4)
Gestational diabetes 136 (0.2) 422 (0.2) 20 (0.2) 57 (0.1) 53 (0.2) 202 (0.2)
Obstetric conditions
Low birth weight 5805 (8.1) 12 016 (4.2) 762 (7.6) 1724 (4.3) 2107 (6.3) 5765 (4.3)
Small for gestational age 2943 (4.1) 8406 (2.9) 364 (3.6) 1134 (2.8) 1104 (3.3) 3626 (2.7)
Neonatal hypoxia or asphyxia 756 (1.1) 2191 (0.8) 108 (1.1) 358 (0.9) 337 (1.0) 1187 (0.9)
Preterm birth (>28 and 10 846 (15.2) 27 244 (9.5) 1521 (15.1) 3788 (9.4) 4306 (13.0) 12 809 (9.6)
<37 wk gestation)
Very preterm birth (≤28 wk 1296 (1.8) 1444 (0.5) 146 (1.5) 210 (0.5) 318 (1.0) 670 (0.5)
No. of specific NDDs, mean (SD) 1.3 (0.6) NA 2.3 (1.1) NA 1.7 (0.8) NA
Private insurancef
Total 32 426 129 704 3847 15 388 8260 33 040
Follow-up, mean (SD), y 5.7 (2.7) 5.6 (2.7) 5.9 (2.4) 5.9 (2.5) 8.5 (1.9) 8.4 (1.9)
Maternal age at delivery, 32.7 (4.7) 32.3 (4.6) 33.1 (4.8) 32.4 (4.6) 32.1 (4.8) 32.2 (4.5)
mean (SD), y
Male 22 229 (68.6) 64 094 (49.4) 3002 (78.0) 7534 (49.0) 5942 (71.9) 16 045 (48.6)
Female 9395 (29.0) 64 461 (49.7) 726 (18.9) 7695 (50.0) 2168 (26.3) 16 710 (50.6)
Unknown 802 (2.5) 1149 (0.9) 119 (3.1) 159 (1.0) 150 (1.8) 285 (0.9)
Northeast 6075 (18.7) 24 300 (18.7) 973 (25.3) 3892 (25.3) 934 (11.3) 3736 (11.3)
Midwest 8649 (26.7) 34 596 (26.7) 825 (21.5) 3300 (21.5) 2140 (25.9) 8560 (25.9)
South 12 901 (39.8) 51 604 (39.8) 1398 (36.3) 5592 (36.3) 4440 (53.8) 17 760 (53.8)
West 4582 (14.1) 18 328 (14.1) 620 (16.1) 2480 (16.1) 699 (8.5) 2796 (8.5)

(continued) (Reprinted) JAMA Psychiatry March 2022 Volume 79, Number 3 235

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Research Original Investigation Neurodevelopmental Disorders Among Children With Public or Private Insurance in the US

Table. Select Patient Characteristics After 1:4 Matching by State and Follow-upa (continued)

Any specific NDD, No. (%) ASD, No. (%) ADHD, No. (%)
Children with Children Children with Children Children with Children
the outcome without the outcome without the outcome without
Characteristic of interestb any NDDc of interestb any NDDc of interestb any NDDc
Year of birth
Before 2006 4491 (13.9) 20 395 (15.7) 525 (13.7) 2408 (15.7) 2692 (32.6) 10 629 (32.2)
2006-2009 13 670 (42.2) 57 992 (44.7) 1731 (45.0) 7227 (47.0) 5019 (60.8) 20 101 (60.8)
After 2009 14 265 (44.0) 51 317 (39.6) 1591 (41.4) 5753 (37.4) 549 (6.7) 2310 (7.0)
Maternal conditions
Preexisting hypertension 943 (2.9) 2797 (2.2) 121 (3.2) 332 (2.2) 225 (2.7) 703 (2.1)
Preeclampsia 2807 (8.7) 7458 (5.8) 361 (9.4) 886 (5.8) 694 (8.4) 1835 (5.6)
Preexisting diabetes 978 (3.0) 2910 (2.2) 141 (3.7) 340 (2.2) 270 (3.3) 713 (2.2)
Gestational diabetes 40 (0.1) 169 (0.1) 4 (0.1) 14 (0.1) 5 (0.1) 45 (0.1)
Obstetric conditions
Low birth weight 2512 (7.8) 3958 (3.1) 287 (7.5) 451 (2.9) 457 (5.5) 980 (3.0)
Small for gestational age 1372 (4.2) 3345 (2.6) 149 (3.9) 374 (2.4) 222 (2.7) 626 (1.9)
Neonatal hypoxia or asphyxia 291 (0.9) 895 (0.7) 38 (1.0) 102 (0.7) 58 (0.7) 238 (0.7)
Preterm birth (>28 and 4847 (15.0) 10 316 (8.0) 577 (15.0) 1239 (8.1) 1009 (12.2) 2575 (7.8)
<37 wk gestation)
Very preterm birth 674 (2.1) 632 (0.5) 77 (2.0) 67 (0.4) 96 (1.2) 188 (0.6)
(≤28 wk gestation)
No. of specific NDDs, mean (SD) 1.2 (0.5) NA 2.0 (0.8) NA 1.5 (0.8) NA
Abbreviations: ADHD, attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder or hyperkinetic using an extended definition that also includes other developmental, neurotic,
syndrome of childhood; ASD, autism spectrum disorder or pervasive and personality disorders (eTable 1 in the Supplement). Children with the
developmental disorder; LMP, last menstrual period; NA, not available; specific NDD of interest and those without any NDD were 1:4 matched on
NDD, neurodevelopmental disorder. state and duration of follow-up after birth (±60 days).
a d
The following assessment periods were used for the respective covariates: Race and ethnicity were determined on the basis of information submitted to
first date of LMP minus 90 days to LMP plus 90 days: preexisting the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services by individual states, which was
hypertension; LMP minus 90 days to LMP plus 140 days: preexisting diabetes; based on information that had been collected and coded from Medicaid
LMP plus 140 days to delivery: gestational diabetes; LMP plus 140 days to applications.
delivery plus 30 days: preeclampsia; delivery to delivery plus 30 days: preterm e
Race and ethnicity category “other or unknown” includes the following races
or very preterm birth, low birth weight, and small for gestational age; and and ethnicities: American Indian or Alaska Native, Native Hawaiian or Other
delivery hospitalization: neonatal hypoxia or asphyxia. Last menstrual period Pacific Islander, Hispanic or Latino and 1 or more races, more than 1 race, and
and gestational age at birth were estimated using a previously validated unknown. The category “Hispanic or Latino” includes Hispanic or Latino with
algorithm that is based on diagnostic codes for preterm birth recorded in no race information available, whereas “other or unknown” includes Hispanic
either the maternal or infant claims within the first month after delivery or or Latino with 1 or more races.
birth.17 f
Information on race and ethnicity not available in the privately insured cohort
Cohort includes all children with the specific NDD of interest. (MarketScan).
Cohort consists of a sample of children without any NDD, which is defined

intellectual disability (incidence of ADHD at age 4 years, 1.4% guage disorders were more commonly diagnosed among pri-
vs. 0.7% among publicly insured children and 0.2% vs. 0.1% vately insured children born to older mothers, but a similar pat-
among privately insured children), suggesting fewer and/or later tern was not seen among publicly insured children (incidence
diagnoses. We found no temporal trends for diagnoses of learn- by age 8 years among those born to mothers aged ≤24 years vs
ing disability and behavioral disorder. These birth cohort pat- ≥35 years, 3.3% vs 5.3% among privately insured children and
terns held up for both publicly and privately insured children 8.3% vs 8.1% among publicly insured children). No clear differ-
(eFigure 1 in the Supplement). For publicly insured children, the ences by maternal age were seen for the other outcomes (eFig-
incidence of any NDD was higher for those born to younger ure 1 in the Supplement). We further found strong differences
mothers, (incidence of any NDD by age 8 years among those by race and ethnicity in the public insurance cohort, with all
born to mothers aged ≤24 years vs ≥35 years, 25.7% vs 18.9%), outcomes being least common among Asian children and most
which was largely associated with ADHD and behavioral disor- common among White children (incidence of any NDD by age
der. A similar difference by maternal age for any NDD was not 8 years among Asian vs White children, 9.1% vs. 30.2%),
observed among privately insured children (incidence of any except for intellectual disability, which was most frequently
NDD by age 8 years among those born to mothers aged ≤24 years diagnosed among children of Asian origin (1.5% among Asian
vs ≥35 years, 10.4% vs. 11.7%). Autism spectrum disorder and children vs ≤0.9% among children of other races and ethnici-
DCD were diagnosed more commonly among the offspring of ties) (eFigure 1 in the Supplement).
mothers aged 35 years or older in both cohorts (incidence of ASD
by age 8 years among those born to mothers aged ≤24 years vs Age at Diagnosis
≥35 years, 1.4% vs 2.3% among publicly insured children and Diagnoses were typically made earlier among privately in-
1.1% vs 1.6% among privately insured children). Speech or lan- sured children compared with publicly insured children, but

236 JAMA Psychiatry March 2022 Volume 79, Number 3 (Reprinted)

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Neurodevelopmental Disorders Among Children With Public or Private Insurance in the US Original Investigation Research

Figure 1. Cumulative Incidence Curves for Any Neurodevelopmental Disorder (A), Autism Spectrum Disorder (B),
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (C), and Learning Disability (D) by Insurance Type

A Any neurodevelopmental disorder


Cumulative incidence , %
40 Public insurance
35 Private insurance
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Age, y
No. at risk
Public insurance 1 665 752 1 106 543 784 612 559 445 402 350 280 201 189 471 127 480 81 157 46 682 25 710 9925
Private insurance 913 523 589 023 390 323 260 931 176 368 117 453 78 158 50 897 30 025 14 705 5233 109

B Autism spectrum disorder

Cumulative incidence , %

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Age, y
No. at risk
Public insurance 1 668 213 1 121 673 816 580 599 885 447 810 329 096 236 670 168 404 112 683 67 403 37 933 14 599
Private insurance 914 736 597 292 401 899 270 586 184 368 124 353 84 522 56 372 34 005 16 938 6111 124

C Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Cumulative incidence , %





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Age, y
No. at risk
Public insurance 1 668 213 1 122 741 817 469 596 286 436 647 308 325 211 029 143 531 92 456 53 744 29 745 11 495
Private insurance 914 736 597 835 403 268 271 801 184 685 123 199 82 005 53 441 31 556 15 399 5491 115

D Learning disability

Cumulative incidence , %

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Age, y
No. at risk
Public insurance 1 668 213 1 122 741 819 431 603 483 451 326 331 837 238 389 169 305 112 964 67 445 37 833 14 578
Private insurance 914 736 597 835 403 378 272 247 185 828 125 457 85 289 56 844 34 245 17 016 6140 127

Solid lines indicate cumulative incidences, and dashed lines indicate 95% CIs. (Reprinted) JAMA Psychiatry March 2022 Volume 79, Number 3 237

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Research Original Investigation Neurodevelopmental Disorders Among Children With Public or Private Insurance in the US

Figure 2. Cumulative Incidence Curves for Developmental Speech or Language Disorder (A), Developmental Coordination Disorder (B),
Intellectual Disability (C), and Behavioral Disorder (D) by Insurance Type

A Developmental speech/language disorder


Cumulative incidence , %
12 Public insurance
Private insurance
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Age, y
No. at risk
Public insurance 1 668 213 1 109 792 794 005 575 936 425 746 310 414 221 687 156 829 104 265 62 145 35 032 13 620
Private insurance 914 736 590 546 392 161 263 112 179 081 120 915 82 353 55 051 33 281 16 604 5987 122

B Developmental coordination disorder

Cumulative incidence , %

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Age, y
No. at risk
Public insurance 1 665 752 1 119 223 816 032 601 050 449 761 331 155 238 563 170 113 114 031 68 284 38 467 14 863
Private insurance 913 523 596 246 402 118 271 356 185 124 124 981 85 048 56 800 34 308 17 103 6169 127

C Intellectual disability
Cumulative incidence , %




0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Age, y
No. at risk
Public insurance 1 668 213 1 122 741 819 215 603 155 451 027 331 797 238 668 169 909 113 629 67 919 38 178 14 677
Private insurance 914 736 597 835 403 442 272 321 185 927 125 579 85 473 57 103 34 490 17 177 6202 129

D Behavioral disorder

Cumulative incidence , %

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Age, y
No. at risk
Public insurance 1 668 213 1 122 741 814 859 593 866 437 736 315 934 222 634 155 318 102 122 59 968 33 419 12 787
Private insurance 914 736 597 835 403 025 271 505 184 799 124 394 84 396 56 220 33 875 16 858 6083 128

Solid lines indicate cumulative incidences, and dashed lines indicate 95% CIs.

238 JAMA Psychiatry March 2022 Volume 79, Number 3 (Reprinted)

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Neurodevelopmental Disorders Among Children With Public or Private Insurance in the US Original Investigation Research

Figure 3. Mean Age at Diagnosis of Specific Neurodevelopmental Disorder by Insurance Type

Difference in mean Earlier diagnosis Earlier diagnosis

Mean age at diagnosis age at diagnosis for publicly for privately
Outcome (95% CI), y (95% CI), y insured children insured children
Any neurodevelopmental disorder
Publicly insured 6.31 (6.28 to 6.34) 0.11 (0.02 to 0.20)
Privately insured 6.20 (6.12 to 6.29) 1 [Reference]
Autism spectrum disorder
Publicly insured 5.98 (5.84 to 6.12) 0.27 (–0.13 to 0.67)
Privately insured 5.71 (5.33 to 6.08) 1 [Reference]
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder
Publicly insured 7.16 (7.13 to 7.19) –0.54 (–0.63 to –0.46)
Privately insured 7.70 (7.62 to 7.78) 1 [Reference]
Learning disability
Publicly insured 8.48 (8.39 to 8.58) 0.08 (–0.14 to 0.29)
Privately insured 8.41 (8.21 to 8.60) 1 [Reference]
Developmental speech/language disorder
Publicly insured 4.96 (4.91 to 5.01) 1.43 (1.30 to 1.55)
Privately insured 3.53 (3.42 to 3.65) 1 [Reference]
Developmental coordination disorder
Publicly insured 4.40 (4.25 to 4.56) 0.28 (–0.06 to 0.61)
Privately insured 4.13 (3.83 to 4.43) 1 [Reference]
Intellectual disability
Publicly insured 7.27 (7.09 to 7.45) –0.45 (–1.18 to 0.29)
Privately insured 7.72 (7.00 to 8.43) 1 [Reference]
Behavioral disorder
Publicly insured 7.20 (7.15 to 7.26) 0.39 (0.17 to 0.61)
Privately insured 6.81 (6.60 to 7.03) 1 [Reference]

–2.0 –1.5 –1.0 –0.5 0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0

Difference in mean age at diagnosis (95% CI), y

differences were generally small and nonsignificant. The ex- vs 2.3%), and preeclampsia (6.4% vs 5.0%) (Table17; eTable 2
ception was ADHD, which was diagnosed, on average, half in the Supplement). Children who received a diagnosis of an
a year earlier, and speech or language disorders, which were NDD were more often White (MAX; 46.2% vs 37.8%), male
diagnosed 1.5 years later among publicly insured children (65.9% vs 48.0%), and born preterm (15.2% vs 9.5%), small for
(Figure 3). gestational age (4.1% vs 2.9%), and with low birth weight (8.1%
Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and speech or lan- vs 4.2%) compared with children without NDDs. These asso-
guage disorders tended to be diagnosed slightly earlier (3-4 ciations were observed for all specific disorders and were most
months) among boys than girls, whereas DCD was diagnosed pronounced for DCD.
later, particularly among privately insured boys (1.4 years)
(eFigure 2 in the Supplement). Overall, NDDs were diagnosed Co-occurring NDDs
somewhat earlier in offspring of older mothers, but no con- Co-occurring NDD diagnoses were frequent; 23.0% of the pub-
sistent and clear pattern was observed across specific NDDs licly insured and 17.9% of the privately insured children with
(eFigure 2 in the Supplement). Last, when assessing varia- NDDs had 1 or more other NDD. The highest frequency (>70%)
tions by race and ethnicity among publicly insured children, of co-occurring NDDs was observed for children with either ASD
we found that ASD was consistently diagnosed later and or intellectual disability, with about half the children also re-
ADHD was consistently diagnosed earlier in White children ceiving a diagnosis of speech or language disorder. Similarly,
compared with children with other racial and ethnic back- nearly half of all children with either a learning disability or
grounds. Furthermore, Asian children were typically diag- a behavioral disorder also received a diagnosis of ADHD in
nosed earlier than White children for most outcomes, with the both cohorts (eTable 2 in the Supplement). The most com-
strongest discrepancy for DCD (mean, 2.7 years). Except for mon combinations of NDDs are presented in Figure 4.
ADHD, there was no substantial difference in age at diagnosis
between Black and White children for other specific NDDs
(eFigure 2 in the Supplement).
Patient Characteristics Using large health care databases of private and public insur-
Compared with children without NDDs, those who received ance beneficiaries, we described the incidence, age at first di-
a diagnosis of an NDD were more likely to be born to mothers agnosis, demographic variation, and co-occurrence of spe-
with preexisting diabetes (3.7% vs 2.5%), hypertension (3.2% cific NDDs among children. By the age of 8 years, approximately (Reprinted) JAMA Psychiatry March 2022 Volume 79, Number 3 239

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Research Original Investigation Neurodevelopmental Disorders Among Children With Public or Private Insurance in the US

Figure 4. Most Common Combinations of Specific Neurodevelopmental Disorders (NDDs)

Among Publicly and Privately Insured Children With 2 or More Diagnosed Disorders

ADHD and behavioral


ADHD and speech Publicly insured children

language disorder
Privately insured children

ADHD, speech/language disorder,

and behavioral disorder

Speech language disorder and

behavioral disorder

Speech language disorder

and DCD

ASD and speech language


ADHD and learning



Other combinations
ADHD indicates attention-deficit/
hyperactivity disorder; ASD, autism
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 spectrum disorder; and
Children with ≥2 diagnosed NDDs, % DCD, developmental coordination

1 in 4 publicly insured and 1 in 9 privately insured children in ofthe survey, whereas we report the incidence up to a certain
the US received a diagnosis of an NDD, the risk of which was age for a cohort followed up from birth. The NHIS includes
considerably higher among boys (both cohorts) and White chil- disabilities that can be caused by general medical conditions
dren (public insurance cohort). The risk was largely associ- (eg, blindness and hearing loss) but do not specifically con-
ated with ADHD, speech or language disorders, and behav- tain information about DCD, behavioral disorder, and speech
ioral disorders. Although the incidence was lower for privately or language disorder (other than stuttering or stammering).
insured children, diagnoses were typically made somewhat Beyond the NHIS, other data on NDDs are typically de-
earlier among privately insured children compared with pub- rived from surveys (eg, the US National Survey of Children’s
licly insured children. Co-occurring NDDs were common, Health3 and the National Center for Learning Disabilities
with the highest frequency observed among children with ASD survey4), network programs (eg, the Centers for Disease Con-
and intellectual disability (with >70% of these children hav- trol and Prevention–funded Autism and Developmental Dis-
ing ≥1 other NDD). abilities Monitoring Network5 and the Metropolitan Atlanta
Zablotsky and colleagues2 recently investigated the preva- Developmental Disabilities Surveillance Program6-8), and pro-
lence and patterns of a range of NDDs among children 3 to 17 spective longitudinal or cross-sectional studies.9-13 Corrobo-
years of age using data from the 2009-2017 National Health ration of the observed NDD patterns is challenging owing to
Interview Survey (NHIS), an annual survey intended to pro- differences in study design, outcome ascertainment, assess-
vide nationally representative estimates. The authors re- ment period, and population characteristics. For instance, with
ported an overall prevalence of any NDD (defined as ASD, respect to outcome ascertainment, DCD has previously been
ADHD, learning disability, intellectual disability, blindness, reported in 1.4% to 19% of all children, depending on whether
cerebral palsy, hearing loss, seizures, stuttering or stammer- the definition is restricted to severe coordination difficulties
ing, and other developmental delay) of 16.9% and, similar to that interfere with activities of daily living or based on failed
our results, found that boys, non-Hispanic White children, chil- standardized tests of motor coordination.9-12 Authors of a re-
dren with low birth weight, and children with public insur- cent systematic review reported that, among 110 included
ance were more likely to receive a diagnosis of an NDD. They studies on child neurodevelopment after in utero exposure
reported a prevalence of 13.8% for any NDD among privately to psychotropics or analgesics, outcomes were assessed with
insured children (vs an incidence of 11.0% by 8 years of age 47 different psychometric instruments and 13 diagnostic al-
in our study) and of 21.8% among publicly insured children gorithms, with most studies not reporting or insufficiently
(vs 23.9% in our study). However, direct comparisons should reporting on the validity of these measures.14 Although ad-
be made with caution. The NHIS data were used to estimate ministrative databases have previously been used to assess
the prevalence among 3- to 17-year-old children at the time NDDs during childhood, such studies usually focused on preva-

240 JAMA Psychiatry March 2022 Volume 79, Number 3 (Reprinted)

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Neurodevelopmental Disorders Among Children With Public or Private Insurance in the US Original Investigation Research

lence rather than cumulative incidence or on a single or a small tial modifiable risk factors such as nutrition, drugs of abuse, and
group of conditions.18-22 other in utero drug exposures. The available information on en-
vironmental factors during critical periods of development and
Strengths and Limitations growth, coupled with information on the timing of the diagno-
This study has some strengths. We used large established nation- sis of health outcomes, should also support research related to
wide population-based birth cohorts of publicly and privately the Developmental Origins of Health and Disease hypothesis.25
insured children (linked to their mothers), which are broadly Our findings that publicly insured children tended to receive a
representative of the entire pediatric population in the US. diagnosis of NDDs somewhat later than privately insured chil-
This allowed us to directly compare the incidence of specific dren and that there were substantial racial and ethnic discrep-
NDDs ascertained using previously validated algorithms between ancies in both incidence and age at diagnosis—even within a co-
these 2 insurance types and to explore diagnosis patterns up to hort where all children are publicly insured, and thus, expected
12 years of age, given the longitudinal nature of the data. to be quite similar in terms of socioeconomic status—point to-
Despite these strengths, our study is subject to some limi- ward disparities in health service access and use, as has previ-
tations. Owing to a significant lag time in the availability of ously been reported for ASD,26,27 as well as to the overdiagno-
Medicaid data, nationwide data were available up to 2014 at sis and/or underdiagnosis of these disorders in certain racial and
the time the study was conducted. Our data therefore repre- ethnic groups. As a next step, it will therefore be important to
sent the most recent nationwide estimates available for the explore potential associated factors, such as culturally differ-
Medicaid-insured population. We chose a similar study pe- ent perspectives on child behavior, communication barriers, and
riod for the MarketScan cohort to facilitate the comparison be- differences in access to care. The difference in age at diagnosis
tween publicly and privately insured children. Second, when across cohorts could also point to differences in the distribu-
conducting research using data on health care use, we infer ab- tion of underlying causes and in the severity of NDDs between
sence of the condition based on absence of a recorded diag- publicly and privately insured cohorts. For instance, genetic
nosis. Neurodevelopmental disorders that were not recorded causes might be associated with potentially more severe NDDs
or did not meet our highly specific definition were missed, that are apparent early in life, whereas environmental causes
which could have resulted in an underestimation of the true (such as childhood infections, malnutrition, and maltreat-
incidence. On the other hand, relying on diagnostic codes alone ment) could be associated with NDDs that are less severe and
might have led to inclusion of children with diagnostic codes diagnosed later in life. Understanding the exact mechanisms as-
for NDDs who would not have been classified as having the out- sociated with the discrepancies in the timing of diagnosis will
come based on clinical guidelines.23 However, the use of stricter be an important focus for future work. The substantially higher
algorithm requirements with high positive predictive values incidence and the tendency to earlier diagnosis in boys vs girls
reduced the potential for the inclusion of coding errors, ruled- is not necessarily associated with higher susceptibility of boys
out diagnoses, and minor developmental issues and allowed to these disorders but might be partially due to symptoms pre-
us to focus on more clinically significant conditions. Finally, senting differently in boys and girls, which may be associated
while we examined co-occurrence of multiple NDDs, we were with both parental health care–seeking behaviors and clini-
not able to assess whether diagnoses of different NDDs were cian diagnostic behaviors. For instance, girls tend to have more
perhaps manifestations of the same underlying disorder. subtle symptoms of ADHD that are harder to identify. Conse-
quently, these girls might be underdiagnosed and treated in-
sufficiently, which could further cause additional issues in the
future (eg, development of mental health disorders).28,29
Conclusions The high incidence of NDDs, coupled with racial and so-
Our findings have research, clinical, and policy implications. This ciodemographic disparities, underscores the importance of
study demonstrates the feasibility and advantages of using birth raising awareness of providing universal and timely access
cohorts nested in health care databases to study NDDs. It has to psychological and educational services to ensure that di-
laid the groundwork that will enable research to increase our agnosis, intervention, and support can start as soon as pos-
understanding of the role of factors such as maternal morbidi- sible for all children with NDDs, with the goal of preventing
ties and advanced paternal age (which has been suggested to and/or mitigating long-term developmental deficits and eco-
be associated with higher risk of ASD24) and to identify poten- nomic or other burdens on the family and society.

ARTICLE INFORMATION Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Harvard Medical Center for the Study and Treatment of Depressive
Accepted for Publication: November 8, 2021. School, Boston, Massachusetts (Bateman); Disorders, Department of Psychiatry and
Department of Epidemiology, Harvard T.H. Chan Behavioral Sciences, Feinberg School of Medicine,
Published Online: January 5, 2022. School of Public Health, Boston, Massachusetts Northwestern University, Chicago, Illinois (Wisner);
doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2021.3815 (Hernandez-Diaz); Center for the Study of Children Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology,
Author Affiliations: Division of at Risk, Department of Psychiatry, Alpert Medical Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern
Pharmacoepidemiology and Pharmacoeconomics, School of Brown University, Women and Infants University, Chicago, Illinois (Wisner); Lurie Center
Department of Medicine, Brigham and Women’s Hospital, Providence, Rhode Island (Lester); Center for Autism, Massachusetts General Hospital,
Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, for the Study of Children at Risk, Department of Lexington (McDougle); Department of Psychiatry,
Massachusetts (Straub, Bateman, York, Zhu, Pediatrics, Alpert Medical School of Brown Harvard Medical School, Boston, Massachusetts
Suarez, Mogun, Huybrechts); Department of University, Women and Infants Hospital, (McDougle); Department of Neurology, University
Anesthesiology, Perioperative and Pain Medicine, Providence, Rhode Island (Lester); The Asher of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, (Reprinted) JAMA Psychiatry March 2022 Volume 79, Number 3 241

© 2022 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.

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Research Original Investigation Neurodevelopmental Disorders Among Children With Public or Private Insurance in the US

Pennsylvania (Pennell); Division of Maternal-Fetal among children in the United States: 2009-2017. neurodevelopmental disorders in children.
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