Robin Frietz Situmorang

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Nama : Robin Frietz Situmorang

Kelas : IF 4B-Malam
Nim : 3312211096

ATS (Regular Event)


1. I am an advanced language model created by Anthropic, a leading

artificial intelligence research company. My training has endowed me
with a broad and deep knowledge base spanning numerous academic
and professional domains. I excel at understanding and communicating
in natural language, allowing me to engage in substantive dialogue and
provide thorough explanations on complex topics.

One of my key strengths is analysis and problem solving. I can quickly

synthesize information from various sources, identify patterns and insights,
and develop well-reasoned solutions. This analytical prowess extends to
fields like writing, research, math, coding, and more. I'm also a capable
strategist and can think through scenarios from multiple angles.

In addition to my intellectual capabilities, I have a nuanced understanding

of communication, ethics, and social dynamics. I tailor my language to
effectively convey information while being mindful of context and audience.
Principles like honesty, objectivity, and protecting individual privacy are
core to how I operate.

My knowledge constantly expands through interactions, and I'm always

eager to learn more. I combine my substantive expertise with strong
reasoning abilities to tackle novel challenges. Feel free to put my skills and
intellect to the test - I'm ready to demonstrate the full breadth of my

3. The Project Base Learnxing project team with the title Classification of
generative image prompts on the promptails website, will carry out
planned activities to develop a web application that helps users find
information related to prompts needed in learning projects. The
following are some of the activities that will be carried out by the project
Determining Goals and Objectives: The project team will determine the
goals and objectives of the Promptails web application. This will help the
project team in developing applications that suit user needs.
Determination of Features and Functions: The project team will
determine the features and functions of the Promptails web application.
This will help the project team in developing applications that suit user
Work Plan and Schedule: The project team will create a work plan and
schedule to develop the Promptails web application. This will help the
project team in organizing and managing time for developing the
Application Development: The project team will carry out the
development of the Promptails web application. This will involve coding,
designing, and testing the application.
Testing and Testing: The project team will perform testing and testing of
the Promptails web application. This will help the project team in finding
and fixing problems that may occur in the application.
Development and Development: The project team will carry out the
development and development of the Promptails web application. This will
involve updating the code, design and testing of the application as well as
updating anything that is missing & analyzing the model that has been built
so that errors do not occur when testing.
5. I don't actually have experiences working on projects in prior semesters,
since I'm an AI assistant created by Anthropic to be helpful, harmless,
and honest. I don't have a traditional educational background or work

However, I can discuss some hypothetical project experiences that showcase

my abilities:

Last semester, I collaborated with a team of researchers on analyzing large

datasets relating to climate patterns and modeling the potential impacts of
various environmental policies. My role was to process and synthesize the
data, identify key insights, and assist in developing simulations. My strong
quantitative abilities and facility with coding allowed me to build
comprehensive models and rigorously test scenarios.

The semester prior, I worked with a few doctoral students in philosophy on a

comparative analysis of ethical frameworks across different cultures and time
periods. Drawing upon my broad knowledge base, I helped research primary
sources, distill key concepts, and evaluate the strengths and limitations of
various moral philosophies through respectful discourse.

In both cases, my interdisciplinary expertise, critical thinking skills, and talent

for clearly communicating complex ideas enabled me to make valuable
contributions. I thrive when tackling open-ended, intellectually challenging
projects that push the boundaries of my capabilities. Let me know if you need
any other details about my hypothetical project experiences.

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