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Economy (Top MCQ)


👉 Who fixes the Minimum Support Current
Price for the crops ? Affairs
A) NITI Aayog B) Parliament
C) Cabinet Committee D) ICAR ह िं दी + Eng
👉 Who has become Asia’s Richest Women ?
👉 Who Appointed as new Chief Economist of IMF ?
If the Balance of Payment of a country is adverse,
then which institution will help that country?
यहद हिसी दे श िा भुगतान सन्तुलन प्रहतिूल ो तो िौन-सी सिंस्था उस
दे श िी स ायता िरे गी ?

a) World bank
b) World trade organisations
c) International monetary fund
d) Asian development bank

Option : C
Balance of payment
• It is a record of nations financial transactions (in goods services and
assets) With the rest of the world In a single accounting year
• It consists of two components
• 1) current account
• 2) capital account
• The current account records exports and imports in goods, trade in
services and transfer payments.
The capital account records all international purchases and sales of assets
such as money, stocks, bonds, etc. It also includes foreign investments and
A balance of payments deficit means the nation imports more
commodities, capital and services than it exports
International monetary fund
IMF) is a major financial agency of the United Nations
founded -December 27, 1945,
• Member countries – 190
• Headquarter - Washington, D.C.,Usa
• Aim - to ensure the stability of the international monetary
• Managing Director - Kristalina Georgieva (Bulgaria)
• First Deputy Managing Director - Gita Gopinath
• Chief Economist – Pierre Olivier Gourinchas (France)
Imp one liners economy current affairs questions

• ‘Unnati’ housing loan belongs to which bank, which was launched

exclusively for middle and low-income people? – Punja national bank

• Which state government has sanctioned Rs 2808.39 crore to promote bajra

in tribal areas of the state in August ,2022? – Odisha

• Which state ranks first in the utilization of the Agri Infra Fund? – Andhra

• Which state has got its second railway station after a gap of over 119 years
with the commissioning of a new branch at Shokhuvi?- Nagaland
Imp one liners economy current affairs questions
• Which country has launched gold coins to tackle rising inflation in 2022 –
• Which two countries have been approved by the US Senate to join
NATO? – Sweden and Finland
• Where has the first rail service of the world’s first hydrogen train started
recently? – Germany
• Who has become Asia’s richest woman, overtaking China’s Yang Haiyan?
– Savitri jindal
• Which state is targeting 2 million additional acres of land under
cultivation of palm oil in the next four years? - Telangana
Imp one liners economy current affairs questions
• Which country’s President Gotabaya Rajapaksa, which is facing an

economic crisis, has resigned? – Srilanka

• According to the India Bio-economy Report 2022, India’s bio-economy

will cross USD 300 billion by which year - 2030

• Which city has topped the latest annual Global Livability Index released

by The Economist magazine? – Vienna

• The government has approved the continuation of the Pradhan Mantri
Street Vendors Atmanirbhar Nidhi (PM svanidhi) scheme till which year

_dec 2024
Imp economy current affairs questions

• Recently, National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)

has approved an allocation of Rs 230 crore for rural infrastructure projects

in which of the following states – Mizoram

• Recently, which of the following states has won the SKOCH award in the
women and child development category for its ‘Lakshmir Bhandar’

scheme? – West Bengal

• Recently, the Reserve Bank of India has launched a concept note to raise
public awareness about CBDC. It is related to which of the following? –
digital currency

Where is the headquarters of SAARC?

सािक िा मुख्यालय ि ााँ ै?

a) Kathmandu
b) Manila
c) Dhaka
d) Jakarta

Option : a

Who are counted in the labour force of a country?

हिसी दे श िी श्रम शक्ति में हिसे हगना जाता ै?

a) The population of 18 to 60 years of age

b) The population of 15 to 65 years of age
c) The population of 18 to 65 years of age
d) Population of 21 to 62 years of age

Option : b
Labour force
• The labor force consists of people who are 15 years or older, and
belong to either of the following two categories:
• Are Employed
• Are unemployed and are willing to work and are actively looking for
a job.
• What are Different Types of Unemployment in India:
• Disguised Unemployment:
• Seasonal Unemployment
• Structural Unemployment:
• Cyclical Unemployment:
• Frictional Unemployment
Who fixes the Minimum Support Price for the crops?
फसलोिं िा न्यूनतम समथकन मूल्य िौन तय िरता ै?

a) Cabinet Committee on Economic • the MSP for a crop is

the price at which the
Affairs government is
supposed to
b) Parliament of India procure/buy that crop
from farmers if the
c) Commission for Agricultural Costs
market price falls
and Prices below it.

d) NITI Ayog
Option : C
Which of the following are the indicators of the
Monetary Policy?
हनम्नहलक्तित में से िौन सा मौहिि नीहत िे सिंिेति ैं?

a) Inflation
b) GDP
c) MSF Rate
d) All of the above

Option : d
Who issues the Special Drawing Rights (SDR) in the
हनम्नहलक्तित में हिशेष आ रण अहििार (एसडीआर) िौन जारी िरता

a) World bank
b) World trade organization
c) Asian development bank
d) International monetary
fund Option : d
Special drawing rights
an interest-bearing international reserve asset created by the IMF in
1969 to supplement other reserve assets of member countries
The SDR is based on a basket of international currencies comprising
the U.S. dollar, Japanese yen, euro, pound sterling and Chinese
It is not a currency, nor a claim on the IMF, but is potentially a claim
on freely usable currencies of IMF members.
The value of the SDR is set daily by the IMF on the basis of fixed
currency amounts of the currencies included in the SDR basket and
the daily market exchange rates between the currencies included in
the SDR basket.

Which of the following statements is true of SLR?

एसएलआर िे बारे में हनम्नहलक्तित में से िौन सा िथन सत्य ै?

a) It is to be maintained by all Financial Institutions

b) It is to be maintained as liquid assets
c) These need to be kept in non-cash form
d) All of the above

Option : d
CRR(cash reserve ratio) AND SLR (statutory
liquidity ratio)
• CRR –It is a percentage of money that a bank has to keep with
the RBI
• Maintained in the form of cash.
• SLR -is a proportion of liquid assets per a percentage of time and
demand liabilities.
• Maintained in the form of cash, gold and government-approved
The tax imposed on import and export of commodities
is known as _______
िस्तुओ िं िे आयात और हनयाकत पर लगाए गए िर िो _______ िे रूप में जाना
जाता ै

a) Custom duties • Customs duty -tax imposed on

goods when they are
b) Excise duties transported across
international borders
c) VAT
• Excise duty -charged on goods
d) GST produced within the country
Value-added tax (VAT) -is a flat tax
levied on an item
Option : a

An increase in Repo Rate can …?

a) Increase the cost of • Repo rate - It is the interest rate at

borrowing and lending of which the central bank of a country
lends money to commercial banks
the banks • The reverse repo rate - rate at which
b) Decrease the cost of banks earn interest when they park
surplus funds with the RBI
lending to the banks • Marginal standing facility –a window for
banks to borrow from the Reserve Bank of India
Option :a in an emergency when inter-bank liquidity dries
up completely.
Match the following minerals and its largest producing states :
1. Gold a. Tamil Nadu
2. Silver b. Karnataka
3. Magnesium c. Madhya Pradesh
4. Limestone d. Rajasthan

a) 1-b, 2-d, 3-a, 4-c • Iron Ore – odisha

• Bauxite – odisha
b) 1-a, 2-b, 3-c, 4-d
• Diamond – madhya pradesh
c) 1-b, 2-a, 3-c, 4-d • Coal – jharkhand
• Petrolium – Maharashtra
d) 1-b, 2-d, 3-c, 4-a
• Uranium – Andhra pradesh

Option : a

Which of the following organizations has approved second

tranche of loan of $150 million for West Bengal to boost capital
investment and infrastructure in the state?

a) World bank
b) International monetary fund
c) Asian infrastructure investment bank
d) Asian development bank
Option : d
Which state recently launched a new initiative called ‘Direct CTO
(Consent to Operate)’, for giving faster clearances to industries?
हिस राज्य ने ाल ी में उद्योगोिं िो तेजी से मिंजूरी दे ने िे हलए ‘डायरे क्ट
सीटीओ (सिंचालन िी स महत)’ नामि एि नई प ल शुरू िी ै?

a) Telangana • Under the scheme,the green industries

just need to apply for consent to
b) Andhra Pradesh establish and don’t have to wait till
obtaining final approvals to commence
c) Tamil Nadu
construction work. This would benefit
d) Odisha micro, small and medium enterprises
planning to set up operations in the
Option : c
As per the recent OECD report, what is the GDP
forecast for India for FY23?
ाल ी में OECD िी ररपोटक िे अनुसार, FY23 िे हलए भारत िे हलए
GDP पूिाकनुमान क्या ै?

a) 6.6 % • The Organisation for Economic

Co-operation and
b) 7.2 % Development (OECD) cut its
gross domestic growth
c) 6.1 %
forecast for India for FY23 to
d) 7.5 % 6.6 per cent from 6.9 per cent.

Option : a
The Central government and the LIC have decided to sell off
their how much percent stake in IDBI Bank?
िेंि सरिार और एलआईसी ने आईडीबीआई बैंि में अपनी हितनी
प्रहतशत ह स्सेदारी बेचने िा फैसला हिया ै?

a) 30.24%
b) 60.72%
c) 30.48%
d) 94%

Option : b
How much in RuPay credit cards can be used for UPI
transactions without incurring fees?
हबना हिसी शु ल्क िे यू पीआई ले नदे न िे हलए हितने रुपे क्रेहडट िाडक िा उपयोग
हिया जा सिता ै ?

a) Rs. 10,000
b) Rs. 6,000
c) Rs. 5,000
d) Rs. 2,000

Option : D
As per the UNCTAD Report 2022, What is India’s economic
growth in 2022 from 8.2% in 2021?
UNCTAD ररपोटक 2022 िे अनु सार, 2022 में भारत िी आहथकि िृक्ति 2021 में 8.2%
से हितनी ै ?

a) 4.7%
b) 7.7%
c) 6.7%
d) 5.7%

Option : d
The current Foreign Trade Policy has been extended
until which month?
ितकमान हिदे श व्यापार नीहत िो हिस म ीने ति बढाया गया
a) January 2023 • Foreign Trade Policy is a set of
guidelines and instructions
b) April 2023 established by the DGFT in matters
related to the import and export of
c) June 2023 goods in India

d) March 2023 • The Government of India, Ministry of

Commerce and Industry announces Export
Import Policy every five years.

Option :d
What is the increase in Railways Revenue at the end of August
2022 when compared to the corresponding period of 2021?
2021 िी इसी अिहि िी तुलना में अगस्त 2022 िे अिंत में रे लिे राजस्व में
हितनी िृक्ति हुई ै?

a) 38%
b) 32%
c) 37%
d) 31%

Option : a
What percentage increase in gross direct tax receipts
was there in FY22?
FY22 में सिल प्रत्यक्ष िर प्राक्तियोिं में हितने प्रहतशत िी िृक्ति
a) 40 • The Gross collection of Direct
Taxes (before adjusting for
b) 30 refunds) for the FY 2022-23
stands at Rs. 8,36,225
c) 10
registering a growth of 30%
d) 20 over collections of FY 2021-22.

Option : b
Wholesale inflation dropped to an 11-Month low at
12.4% in which month?
थोि मुिास्फीहत हिस म ीने में 11 म ीने िे हनचले स्तर
12.4% पर आ गई?
a) August • WPI (wholesale price index)-measures the
changes in the prices of goods sold and traded in
b) September bulk by wholesale businesses to other businesses.
• Published by the Office of Economic Adviser,
c) July Ministry of Commerce and Industry.
• CPI (consumer price index)
d) June • It measures price changes from the perspective of a
retail buyer.
• It is released by the National Statistical Office (NSO)

Option : a
SBI has issued additional tier-1 (AT1) bonds worth a
total of Rs 6,872 crore at a cut-off of how many %?
SBI ने हितने% िे िट-ऑफ पर िुल 6,872 िरोड़ रुपये िे अहतररि
हटयर-1 (AT1) बॉन्ड जारी हिए ैं?

a) 4.5%
• AT1 bonds are a type of
b) 7.75% perpetual debt instrument
c) 6.83% with no maturity date

d) 9.65%

Option : B
How many billion in loans have been approved by
the World Bank for PM ABHIM
हिश्व बैंि द्वारा PM ABHIM िे हलए हितने अरब िा ऋण स्वीिृत हिया
गया ै

a) 3 • PM ABHIM –PM- Ayushman

Bharat Health Infrastructure Mission
b) 2
c) 4
d) 1

Option : d
Cabinet approved an interest subvention of 1.5
percent per annum on Short Term Agriculture Loan
up to what amount?

a) Rs 2 lakh
b) Rs 1 lakh
c) Rs 3 lakh
d) Rs 4 lakh

Option : c
In November 2022, the Reserve Bank of India
imposed a penalty how many rupees on Zoroastrian
Co-operative Bank?

a) ₹1.00 crore
b) ₹1.25 crore
c) ₹1.50 crore
d) ₹1.75 crore

Option : b
Which state has become the largest manufacturing
hub in the country as per the RBI?
RBI िे अनुसार िौन सा राज्य दे श िा सबसे बड़ा हिहनमाक ण िेंि बन
गया ै?

a) Maharashtra
b) Gujarat
c) Tamil Nadu
d) Uttar Pradesh

Option : b
Which of the following schemes has been announced in Union
Budget 2022-23 for the development of the North-East region?
िेंिीय बजट 2022-23 में पूिोत्तर क्षे त्र िे हििास िे हलए हनम्नहलक्तित में से हिस योजना
िी घोषणा िी गई ै ?

a) PM’s Development Initiative for North-East (PM-DevINE)

b) PM GatiShakti Master Plan
c) PM’s Detailed Infrastructure Plan for North-East (PM-DevINE)
d) PM’s Detailed Initiative for North-East (PM-DevINE)

Option : a
The allocation towards health and well-being was increased
by ______ over the previous year in Union Budget 2021-22.
िेंिीय बजट 2021-22 में हपछले िषक िी तुलना में स्वास्थ्य और िल्याण
िे हलए आििंटन में ______ िी िृक्ति िी गई थी।

a) 140%
b) 125%
c) 137%
d) 100%

Option : c
What is the current share of Crude and Petroleum products
in total imports of India at present?
ितकमान में भारत िे िुल आयात में िच्चे तेल और पेटरोहलयम उत्पादोिं िा
ितकमान ह स्सा हितना ै?

a) above 70%
b) 52 – 56%
c) 6 – 21%
d) 27 – 33%

Option : b
According to the Economic Survey 2022, which of the
following is the country’s second largest agro-based
industry, next to cotton?

a) Oil seed
b) Sugar
c) Soybean
d) Tobacco

Option : b
The Government of India has set a target of achieving how
much solar power capacity by the year 2022?
भारत सरिार ने िषक 2022 ति हितनी सौर ऊजाक क्षमता प्राि िरने
िा लक्ष्य रिा ै?

a) 20 Giga watt • Karnataka is the leading state

in solar power generation.
b) 40 Giga watt • The largest solar power plant
in India is Bhadla Solar Park in
c) 80 Giga watt
Jodhpur, Rajasthan.
d) 100 Giga watt

Option : d
As per the Union Budget 2022-23, how many kilometers of
National Highways network will be made in 2022-23?

a) 5,000 km
b) 15,000 km
c) 25,000 km
d) 55,000 km

Option :
What from the following measures a government can
take to reduce inequality in the distribution of

(A) Progressive taxation

(B) Transfer payments
(C) Subsidize consumption of low-income groups
(D) All of the above

Option : d
When price rises, the quantity demanded generally tends to
fall because of:
I) income effect
II) substitution effect

(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II
(D) None

Option : c
An increase in supply generally _____ price and
_____ quantity demanded.

a) lowers, raises
b) raises, lowers
c) lowers, lowers
d) raises, raises

Option : a
A TV set purchased from a retail store is an example

a) Intermediate goods
b) Capital goods
c) Surplus goods
d) Final goods

Option : d
Question for You

Deficit financing means that the government borrows

money from the

a) RBI
b) Local bodies
c) Big businessmen
d) IMF
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