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Lab Report 06

Beam with Uniformly varying load (Non-Linear Bending)

Objective:To find the critical buckling load when an I-section strut is subject to a load
application by linear buckling analysis, numerically and analytically.

Problem Statement:
A plate of linear buckling load of static structural I-section strut by linear buckling analysis.
Do simulation on ANSYS Workbench and then validate results by hand calculation.

Input Data:
We draw a I-section beam in ANSYS module. Its length is 100 inches and total depth is 7 inches.
Its width is 4.5 inches. Web thickness of I-beam structure is 0.3 inch. Flange thickness of beam
is 0.38 inch. Flange has a fillet of radius of 0.3 inch.

We assumed structural steel as a material for I-section beam with a value of E=3xE7 psi and
υ=0.3.Our units are US Customary units.

1. Firstly, start with ANSYS Static Structural and link it with Eigenvalue Buckling.
2. Then we open the geometry
3. Then we selected space claim geometry and selected x-y plane
4. Then we draw a rectangle and extruded that rectangle to make a rectangular beam
5. Then we went into meshing selected the fine mesh
6. Then we went into setup model
7. In the boundary conditions we selected fixed sides
8. Then we updated the mesh
9. Then in the meshing we selected fine meshing
10. After that we applied fix support on one side of I-section Beam.
11. After that we apply point load force of 1N on top right side of I-section Beam.

12. Then we click on solve to obtain the numerical solutions.
13. Then in numerical results, we obtained results of deformation from it.

1. Introduction:
Buckling analysis plays a pivotal role in understanding the stability characteristics of structural
elements subjected to compressive loads. The phenomenon of buckling occurs when a slender
member, under increasing axial compression, suddenly deflects laterally due to instability. This
study aims to investigate the critical buckling load of an I-section strut through both numerical
simulation using ANSYS Workbench and analytical calculations. By combining experimental
and theoretical approaches, we seek to gain comprehensive insights into the behavior of the I-
section strut under compressive loading conditions.

2. Theoretical Background:
2.1. Euler's Buckling Formula:
Euler's buckling formula provides a fundamental relationship between the critical buckling load
(𝑃𝑐𝑟Pcr) and the geometric and material properties of a structural member. Euler's buckling
formula is fundamental in understanding the stability of slender structural elements under
compressive loading.It is given by:
 𝐸E = Modulus of elasticity of the material
 𝐼I = Moment of inertia of the cross-sectional area
 𝐾K = Effective length factor
 𝐿L = Length of the strut
2.2. Moment of Inertia (𝐼I) Calculation:
The moment of inertia (𝐼I) is a crucial parameter in Euler's buckling formula as it quantifies the
distribution of the cross-sectional area about the axis of bending. For an I-section strut, the
moment of inertia is calculated by summing the individual moments of inertia of its constituent
parts, namely the flanges and the web. The moment of inertia for rectangular and circular
sections can be determined using standard formulas. Additionally, the presence of fillet radii at
the junctions between the flanges and the web must be considered in the calculations to
accurately capture the geometric properties of the cross-section.
2.3. Effective Length Factor (𝐾K) Determination:

The effective length factor (𝐾K) accounts for the influence of the boundary conditions on the
critical buckling load. The boundary conditions specify how the ends of the structural member
are restrained. Common boundary conditions include pinned (allowing rotation) and fixed
(preventing rotation and translation) ends. The effective length factor is dependent on the
specific boundary conditions and influences the buckling behavior of the column. It is essential
to accurately determine the effective length factor corresponding to the actual support conditions
of the structural member to obtain an accurate prediction of the critical buckling load.
2.4. Buckling Modes:
Understanding buckling modes is crucial in analyzing the stability of structural elements. Euler's
buckling formula assumes a perfectly straight column under axial compression, leading to a
single buckling mode characterized by a uniform lateral displacement along the length of the
column. However, in real-world scenarios, structural imperfections, material nonlinearities, and
geometric irregularities can induce various buckling modes, including flexural, torsional, and
global buckling. Analyzing and identifying the dominant buckling modes are essential for
accurate prediction of the critical buckling load and ensuring structural stability.
2.5. Material Properties:
The choice of material significantly influences the buckling behavior of structural elements. The
modulus of elasticity (𝐸E) characterizes a material's stiffness and determines its resistance to
deformation under applied loads. Additionally, the Poisson's ratio (𝜈ν) describes the material's
tendency to contract laterally when subjected to axial loading. These material properties play a
crucial role in determining the critical buckling load and must be accurately defined in the
2.6. Fillet Radius Effects:
Fillet radii at the junctions between the flanges and the web of an I-section strut affect the
distribution of stress and strain within the cross-section. The presence of fillet radii alters the
geometric properties of the cross-section, such as the moment of inertia, and influences the
buckling behavior of the strut. Accounting for the fillet radius in the calculations is essential to
accurately capture the structural response and predict the critical buckling load.
Understanding these theoretical concepts is essential for conducting a comprehensive analysis of
the critical buckling load of an I-section strut through both numerical simulation and analytical
calculation methods. By considering the interplay of geometric, material, and boundary condition
factors, engineers can accurately predict and assess the stability of structural elements in
practical engineering applications.

3. Methodology:
3.1. Numerical Simulation:

The I-section strut was modeled in ANSYS Workbench using the provided geometric
parameters. Material properties were defined to match those of structural steel. A linear buckling
analysis was performed by gradually applying compressive loads to determine the critical
buckling load.
3.2. Analytical Calculation:
 Cross-sectional Properties Calculation: The moment of inertia 𝐼I for the I-section strut
was calculated based on the provided dimensions and considering the fillet radius.
 Effective Length Factor Determination: Considering the boundary conditions (e.g.,
pinned or fixed ends), the appropriate effective length factor 𝐾K was determined.
 Application of Euler's Formula: Euler's buckling formula was applied using the
calculated moment of inertia, effective length factor, and other relevant parameters to
determine the critical buckling load analytically.
3.3. Comparison of Numerical and Analytical Results:
 The results obtained from the numerical simulation in ANSYS Workbench and
analytical calculations should be compared to assess their agreement. Any discrepancies
or similarities observed between the two approaches need to be analyzed in detail.

4. Results:
4.1. Numerical Simulation:
The critical buckling load obtained from ANSYS Workbench simulation was 𝑃𝑐𝑟=𝑋Pcr=X lbs.
4.2. Analytical Calculation:
 Cross-sectional Properties:
 Moment of inertia 𝐼I = Y 𝑖𝑛4in4
 Effective Length Factor:
 Considering [insert boundary conditions], 𝐾=𝑍K=Z
 Buckling Load Calculation:
 Utilizing Euler's formula, 𝑃𝑐𝑟=𝐴Pcr=A lbs.
Calculate the Moment of Inertia (𝐼I) of the Cross-Section:
• Moment of Inertia of Web (𝐼webIweb):
=2791.91 mm4Iweb

• Moment of Inertia of Flange (𝐼flangeIflange):
Iflange=2×(121×9.652×11969.38+114.3×9.652×5888.95) 𝐼flange=2×(27785.89+54344.53)
𝐼flange=2×82130.42=164260.84 mm
Total Moment of Inertia (𝐼totalItotal): 𝐼total=𝐼web+𝐼flange
=167052.75 mm4Itotal
Determine the Effective Length Factor (𝐾K):
Since both ends of the strut are pinned, 𝐾K is assumed to be 1.0.
Apply Euler's Buckling Formula:
Pcr=(1×2540)2π2×200×103×167052.75 𝑃cr=9.8696×200×103×167052.756451600
Pcr=64516009.8696×200×103×167052.75 𝑃cr=3.935×1096451600
𝑃cr=610.09 N
The critical buckling load of the I-section strut is 610.09 N610.09N.

Firstly, start with ANSYS Static Structural and link it with Eigenvalue Buckling.

Then we open the geometry:

Then we selected space claim geometry and selected x-y plane.

Then we draw a rectangle and extruded that rectangle to make a rectangular beam.

Geometry and Meshing: The I-section strut geometry, including dimensions and fillet radii,
was modeled in ANSYS Workbench. A suitable mesh was generated to discretize the geometry
for accurate analysis. Then we updated the mesh .Then in the meshing we selected fine meshing

Material Properties: Material properties corresponding to structural steel were defined,

including the modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio.
Boundary Conditions and Load Application: Appropriate boundary conditions, such as fixed
or pinned ends, were applied to the strut model. A compressive load was incrementally applied,
and a linear buckling analysis was performed to determine the critical buckling load.
 Then we went into setup model
 In the boundary conditions we selected fixed sides
 Then we updated the mesh
 Then in the meshing we selected fine meshing
 After that we applied fix support on one side of I-section Beam.
 After that we apply point load force of 1N on top right side of I-section Beam.
 Then we click on solve to obtain the numerical solutions.
 Then in numerical results, we obtained results of deformation from it.

First Saved Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Last Saved Wednesday, March 13, 2024

Product Version 16.0 Release

Save Project Before Solution No

Save Project After Solution No

 Units
 Model (A4)
o Geometry
 Solid
o Coordinate Systems
o Mesh
o Static Structural (A5)
 Analysis Settings
 Loads
 Solution (A6)
 Solution Information
 Results
 Material Data

o Structural Steel NL
Unit System Metric (mm, kg, N, s, mV, mA) Degrees rad/s Celsius

Angle Degrees

Rotational Velocity rad/s

Temperature Celsius

Model (A4)
Model (A4) > Geometry
Object Name Geometry

State Fully Defined



Type DesignModeler

Length Unit Meters

Element Control Program Controlled

Display Style Body Color

Bounding Box

Length X 103. mm

Length Y 106. mm

Length Z 500. mm


Volume 1.2562e+006 mm³

Mass 9.8613 kg

Scale Factor Value 1.

10 | P a g e

Bodies 1

Active Bodies 1

Nodes 14775

Elements 2166

Mesh Metric None

Basic Geometry Options

Parameters Yes

Parameter Key DS

Attributes No

Named Selections No

Material Properties No

Advanced Geometry Options

Use Associativity Yes

Coordinate Systems No

Reader Mode Saves Updated File No

Use Instances Yes

Smart CAD Update No

Compare Parts On Update No

Attach File Via Temp File Yes

Temporary Directory

Analysis Type 3-D

Decompose Disjoint Geometry Yes

Enclosure and Symmetry Processing Yes

Model (A4) > Geometry > Parts

11 | P a g e
Object Name Solid

State Meshed

Graphics Properties

Visible Yes

Transparency 1


Suppressed No

Stiffness Behavior Flexible

Coordinate System Default Coordinate System

Reference Temperature By Environment


Assignment Structural Steel NL

Nonlinear Effects Yes

Thermal Strain Effects Yes

Bounding Box

Length X 103. mm

Length Y 106. mm

Length Z 500. mm


Volume 1.2562e+006 mm³

Mass 9.8613 kg

Centroid X -3.259e-015 mm

Centroid Y 53. mm

Centroid Z 250. mm

Moment of Inertia Ip1 2.244e+005 kg·mm²

Moment of Inertia Ip2 2.1175e+005 kg·mm²

12 | P a g e
Moment of Inertia Ip3 25270 kg·mm²


Nodes 14775

Elements 2166

Mesh Metric None

Coordinate Systems
Model (A4) > Coordinate Systems > Coordinate System
Object Name Global Coordinate System

State Fully Defined


Type Cartesian

Coordinate System ID 0.


Origin X 0. mm

Origin Y 0. mm

Origin Z 0. mm

Directional Vectors

X Axis Data [ 1. 0. 0. ]

Y Axis Data [ 0. 1. 0. ]

Z Axis Data [ 0. 0. 1. ]

Model (A4) > Mesh
Object Name Mesh

State Solved


13 | P a g e
Display Style Body Color


Physics Preference Mechanical

Relevance 0


Use Advanced Size Function Off

Relevance Center Coarse

Element Size 8.80 mm

Initial Size Seed Active Assembly

Smoothing Medium

Transition Fast

Span Angle Center Coarse

Minimum Edge Length 8.48530 mm


Use Automatic Inflation None

Inflation Option Smooth Transition

Transition Ratio 0.272

Maximum Layers 5

Growth Rate 1.2

Inflation Algorithm Pre

View Advanced Options No

Patch Conforming Options

Triangle Surface Mesher Program Controlled

Patch Independent Options

Topology Checking No


14 | P a g e
Number of CPUs for Parallel Part Meshing Program Controlled

Shape Checking Standard Mechanical

Element Midside Nodes Program Controlled

Straight Sided Elements No

Number of Retries Default (4)

Extra Retries For Assembly Yes

Rigid Body Behavior Dimensionally Reduced

Mesh Morphing Disabled


Pinch Tolerance Please Define

Generate Pinch on Refresh No

Automatic Mesh Based Defeaturing On

Defeaturing Tolerance Default


Nodes 14775

Elements 2166

Mesh Metric None

Static Structural (A5)

Model (A4) > Analysis
Object Name Static Structural (A5)

State Solved


Physics Type Structural

Analysis Type Static Structural

Solver Target Mechanical APDL

15 | P a g e

Environment Temperature 22. °C

Generate Input Only No

Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Analysis Settings

Object Name Analysis Settings

State Fully Defined

Step Controls

Number Of Steps 1.

Current Step Number 1.

Step End Time 1. s

Auto Time Stepping Program Controlled

Solver Controls

Solver Type Program Controlled

Weak Springs Program Controlled

Solver Pivot Checking Program Controlled

Large Deflection Off

Inertia Relief Off

Restart Controls

Generate Restart Points Program Controlled

Retain Files After Full Solve No

Nonlinear Controls

Newton-Raphson Option Program Controlled

Force Convergence Program Controlled

Moment Convergence Program Controlled

Displacement Convergence Program Controlled

16 | P a g e
Rotation Convergence Program Controlled

Line Search Program Controlled

Stabilization Off

Output Controls

Stress Yes

Strain Yes

Nodal Forces No

Contact Miscellaneous No

General Miscellaneous No

Store Results At All Time Points

Analysis Data Management

Solver Files Directory

Future Analysis None

Scratch Solver Files Directory

Save MAPDL db No

Delete Unneeded Files Yes

Nonlinear Solution Yes

Solver Units Active System

Solver Unit System Nmm

Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Loads
Object Name Fixed Support Pressure

State Fully Defined


Scoping Method Geometry Selection

Geometry 1 Face

17 | P a g e

Type Fixed Support Pressure

Suppressed No

Define By Normal To

Magnitude Tabular Data

Tabular Data

Independent Variable Z

Coordinate System Global Coordinate System

Graph Controls

X-Axis Z

Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Pressure

Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Pressure
Z [mm] Pressure [MPa]

0. 0.

500. 4.

Solution (A6)

18 | P a g e
Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution
Object Name Solution (A6)

State Solved

Adaptive Mesh Refinement

Max Refinement Loops 1.

Refinement Depth 2.


Status Done

Post Processing

Calculate Beam Section Results No

Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution (A6) > Solution Information
Object Name Solution Information

State Solved

Solution Information

Solution Output Solver Output

Newton-Raphson Residuals 0

Update Interval 2.5 s

Display Points All

FE Connection Visibility

Activate Visibility Yes

Display All FE Connectors

Draw Connections Attached To All Nodes

Line Color Connection Type

Visible on Results No

Line Thickness Single

19 | P a g e
Display Type Lines

Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution (A6) > Results
Total Equivalent Elastic
Object Name Equivalent Stress
Deformation Strain

State Solved


Scoping Method Geometry Selection

Geometry All Bodies


Total Equivalent (von-Mises) Equivalent Elastic

Deformation Stress Strain

By Time

Display Time Last

Calculate Time


Suppressed No


Minimum 0. mm 3.5905e-003 MPa 3.7074e-008 mm/mm

Maximum 1.206 mm 301.06 MPa 1.5095e-003 mm/mm

Minimum Value Over Time

Minimum 0. mm 7.1819e-004 MPa 7.4119e-009 mm/mm

Maximum 0. mm 3.5905e-003 MPa 3.7074e-008 mm/mm

Maximum Value Over Time

Minimum 0.24086 mm 83.713 MPa 4.1856e-004 mm/mm

Maximum 1.206 mm 301.06 MPa 1.5095e-003 mm/mm

20 | P a g e

Time 1. s

Load Step 1

Substep 4

Iteration Number 5

Integration Point Results

Display Option Averaged

Average Across

Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution (A6) > Total Deformation

Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution (A6) > Total Deformation

Time [s] Minimum [mm] Maximum [mm]

0.2 0.24086

0.4 0.48172
0.7 0.84301

1. 1.206

Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution (A6) > Equivalent Stress

21 | P a g e
Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution (A6) > Equivalent Stress
Time [s] Minimum [MPa] Maximum [MPa]

0.2 7.1819e-004 83.713

0.4 1.4364e-003 167.43

0.7 2.5137e-003 292.99

1. 3.5905e-003 301.06

Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution (A6) > Equivalent Elastic Strain

Model (A4) > Static Structural (A5) > Solution (A6) > Equivalent Elastic Strain
Time [s] Minimum [mm/mm] Maximum [mm/mm]

22 | P a g e
0.2 7.4119e-009 4.1856e-004

0.4 1.4824e-008 8.3713e-004

0.7 2.5942e-008 1.465e-003

1. 3.7074e-008 1.5095e-003

Material Data
Structural Steel NL
Structural Steel NL > Constants
Density 7.85e-006 kg mm^-3

Specific Heat 4.34e+005 mJ kg^-1 C^-1

Structural Steel NL > Isotropic Elasticity
Temperature Young's Modulus Poisson's Bulk Modulus Shear Modulus
C MPa Ratio MPa MPa

2.e+005 0.3 1.6667e+005 76923

Structural Steel NL > Bilinear Isotropic Hardening
Yield Strength MPa Tangent Modulus MPa Temperature C

250 1450

23 | P a g e

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