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College of Health and Medical Science

School of Nursing and Midwifery, Department of ECCN
Fundamentals of nursing I final examination for 2nd year ECCN Students

May, 2023

Instructor: Lidia T.

Name: ________________________ ID.NO_________________________

Time allowed: 1 hr

General instructions

 Write your name and ID. No. on the question paper and answer sheet
 Make sure the exam paper contains 8 Pages including the cover page and have 2 parts
o 25 MCQ
o 5 matching
 Write your answer on the answer sheet provided
 Any form of cheating would automatically result in “disqualification” of the exam
 Do not detach the answer sheet
 Switch off your mobile phone before you start the exam.

I .Choose the best answer and write the letter of your choice on the provided answer sheet.
1. The nurse in charge identifies a patient's responses to actual or potential health problems
during which step of the nursing process?
A. Assessing
B. Diagnosing
C. Planning
D. Evaluating
2. A type of assessment performed to identify a life-threatening problem (choking, stab
wound, heart attack)
A. Initial assessment
B. Problem-focused assessment
C. Emergency assessment
D. Time lapsed assessment
3. What is the defining characteristic from the following statement "Constipation related to
insufficient fluid intake manifested by increased abdominal pressure."?
A. Constipation
B. Insufficient fluid
C. Increased abdominal pressure
D. Related to
4. Which of the following manifestation of a patient is categorized as an objective data?
A. Abdominal pain
B. Nausea
C. Headache
D. BP 120/75mmHg
5. Which of the following goal statement is appropriately written by a nurse who identifies
pain as a problem?
A. Client will report pain acuity less than 4 on a scale of 0-10 after 1 hour
B. Client will take pain medication every 6 hours around the clock
C. Client will be pain free
D. Client will have less pain

6. A nurse has determined if the patient has achieved the expected outcomes. Which step of
nursing process is it?
A. Implementation
B. Assessment
C. Evaluation
D. Diagnosis
7. A 4 years old child comes to a health facility with his family. His mother told the nurse
that the child has diarrhea and vomiting of 2 days duration. What is the source of this
A. Primary
B. Secondary
C. Subjective
D. Objective
8. A patient has a nursing diagnosis of Risk for infection. What would be the most desirable
expected outcome for this patient?
A. All nursing functions will be completed by discharge
B. All invasive intravenous lines will remain patent
C. The patient will remain awake, alert, and oriented at all times
D. The patient will be free of signs and symptoms of infection by discharge
9. A nurse is planning care for the client diagnosed with chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease (COPD) who has a respiratory rate of 32breath/ minute, elevated blood pressure,
and fatigue. Which nursing diagnosis is the priority for this client?
A. Ineffective Coping
B. Impaired nutrition
C. Anxiety
D. Ineffective Breathing Pattern
10. What is the normal range of adult respiratory rate in breath per minute?
A. 12-20
B. 15-20
C. 60-100
D. 50-80

11. A heart rate greater than 100 beats per minute in an adult patient is called:
A. Tachypnea
B. Tachycardia
C. Bradycardia
D. Bradypnea
12. A normal systolic blood pressure for a 40 year old client would be:
A. 90
B. 120
C. 80
D. 150
13. What is the difference between the systolic and diastolic blood pressure readings called?
A. Tachycardia
B. Pressure point
C. Bradycardia
D. Pulse pressure
14. A nurse has taken vital signs on a recently admitted 80 year old man who had a stroke.
Vital signs BP=120/70, T=36 0C, Pulse rate= 92, Respiratory rate=34. Which vital sign is
not within normal limits?
B. Pulse rate
C. Temperature
D. Respiratory rate
15. Which of the following is the normal pulse rate range for a well-conditioned Athlete?
A. 100 -160 b/m
B. 60–140 b/m
C. 40–60 b/m
D. 60 to 100 b/m
16. Which of the following type of thermometer gives the fastest reading?
A. Oral thermometer
B. Rectal thermometer
C. Axillary thermometer

D. Tympanic thermometer
17. During an IM injection, how many times should you aspirate or draw back the plunger of
a syringe once the needle has been inserted to see if any blood returns?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4
18. The route of medication administration by which a drug is placed under the tongue to
dissolve is called:
A. transdermal
B. sublingual
C. buccal
D. ocular
19. Which of the following degree of needle insertion is used for the intradermal route of
drug administration?
A. 450
B. 100 to 150
C. 900
D. 250
20. Which of the following is the correct guideline for safe administration of medications?
A. Always administer medications that are prepared by another nurse
B. Always check the drug`s expiration date
C. Always give medications from unlabeled container
D. Nurses who administer medications are not responsible for their own actions
21. A 65 years old male patient comes to emergency with complain of difficulty of breathing
and was diagnosed with some cardiac diseases. What is the preferred body position to
improve this patient’s comfort?
A. Recumbent position
B. Supine position
C. Prone position
D. Fowler position

22. Which of the following route of medication administration have a higher risk of
A. Oral
B. Parenteral
C. Topical
D. Nasal
23. What is the maximum dose of medication to be administered through subcutaneous
A. 1ml
B. 2ml
C. 4ml
D. 5ml
24. Which of the following route of medication administration is used to achieve fast action
of medication in emergency cases?
A. Intradermal
B. Subcutaneous
C. Intramuscular
D. Intravenous
25. The nurse is teaching a parent how to administer ear drops to a 3-year-old child with an
ear infection. What instructions should the nurse give the parent?
A. "Keep the drops refrigerated until just before you administer and apply the drops onto
a cotton ball then insert into the ear."
B. "Pull the child's auricle down and backward to straighten the ear canal before
administration of the drops."
C. "Put the child in upright position immediately after administering the drops."
D. "Administer the eardrops while holding the dropper 5 to 6 cm above the ear canal."

II. Choose the best match from the options provided in the right side for the items in the

left side.

1. Unoccupied or empty bed fully covered A. Open bed

2. Bed made when it is about to be occupied B. Fracture bed

3. Bed made with the patient in it C. Closed bed

4. Bed in which client assume a sitting position D. Operation bed

5. Bed made with firm board attached to it E. Cardiac bed

F. Occupied bed

G. Amputation bed


NAME ________________________________ ID.NO_____________

Part I Part II.

1. 1.
2. 2.
3. 3.
4. 4.
5. 5.

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