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Tutoring course for Writing


Chủ đề:

Some people think that video games are advantageous while others believe video games are
harmful to the people who play them.

Yêu cầu:

Discuss both views and give your opinion (Thảo luận cả hai quan điểm và đưa ra ý kiến của bạn)

1. Mở bài:

€ Cách 1: Some people think that playing video games is beneficial to their users while others
say that video games are more disadvantageous (Giới thiệu chủ đề). I will discuss both sides of
this argument in my essay below and give my personal view in the conclusion (Đưa ra định
hướng bài viết).

€ Cách 2: Some people think that playing video games is beneficial to their users while others
say that video games are more disadvantageous (Giới thiệu chủ đề). S

Cách 1: Dễ hơn, tiết kiệm thời gian để tập trung vào thân bài, tránh lặp từ lặp ý.

Cách 2: Mất nhiều thời gian hơn, có khả năng sẽ lặp từ lặp ý.

TOPIC: Some people think it is more important to spend money on roads and motorways
than on public transport systems.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?


Schools are no longer necessary because children can get so much information available
through the Internet, and they can study just as well at home.

To what extent do agree or disagree?



Một đoạn thân bài tốt thường phải thỏa mãn những yếu tố sau: ⎫ Có một ý chủ đạo ⎫ Ý chủ đạo
được triển khai bằng những lời giải thích và ví dụ cụ thể. Ví dụ:


Some people think that video games are advantageous while others believe video games are
harmful to the people who play them.

Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Đoạn 1:

On the one hand, playing video games has some advantages (Topic sentence). Firstly, games
help their players relax and therefore improve their work efficiency afterwards (Sub-idea 1). This
is extremely important for both working people and students who have to deal with increasing
workload nowadays (Supporting sentence). Secondly, playing games also has some educational
purposes (Sub-idea 2). For example, many modern games are designed with English instructions,
and players around the world can play together and communicate in English. This motivates
players to learn English in order to play the games well (Supporting sentences).

Lưu ý: Không cần thiết phải viết câu kết đoạn.

Đoạn 2:

On the other hand, playing video games frequently causes several problems for players (Topic
sentence). ..........................................................................................................................................


Đoạn mẫu:

On the other hand, playing video games frequently causes several problems for players (Topic
sentence). To begin with, such an activity is really addictive and sometimes takes away too much
time, which will make it extremely difficult for people to get out and do exercise (Sub-idea 1).
Consequently, these people are likely to suffer from a lot of diseases, such as back pain or maybe
obesity, due to this lack of physical exercise (Supporting sentence). The second disadvantage of
playing games is that it can distract players, especially young students, from their study or work
(Sub-idea 2). For instance, my younger brother used to spend hours playing games everyday, and
now his scores at school are really low (Supporting sentence).


Khẳng định lại quan điểm, và có thể tóm tắt các ý chính trong bài TRONG 1-2 CÂU.

Ví dụ: Topic:

Kết bài:

● € In conclusion, playing video games is both advantageous and disadvantageous in

many aspects. And in my view, the extent to which each user of video games is affected
is different and more or less depends on how much time he or she spends on those games.
● € In conclusion, it seems to me that the disadvantages of video games are more
significant than the advantages.
● Chú ý: Không đề cập đến những gì đề bài không yêu cầu.

Some people think that video games are advantageous, while others believe video games are
harmful to
the people who play them.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.


Some people think that playing video games is beneficial to their users while others say that
video games are more disadvantageous (Giới thiệu chủ đề). I will discuss both sides of this
argument in my essay below and give my personal view in the conclusion (Đưa ra định hướng
bài viết).

On the one hand, playing video games has some advantages (Topic sentence). Firstly, games
help their players relax and therefore improve their work efficiency afterwards (Sub-idea 1). This
is extremely important for both working people and students who have to deal with increasing
workload nowadays (Supporting sentence). Secondly, playing games also has some educational
purposes (Sub-idea 2). For example, many modern games are designed with English instructions,
and players around the world can play together and communicate in English. This motivates
players to learn English in order to play the games well. (Supporting sentences)

On the other hand, playing video games frequently causes several problems for players (Topic
sentence). To begin with, such an activity is really addictive and sometimes takes away too much
time, which will make it extremely difficult for people to get out and do exercise (Sub-idea 1).
Consequently, these people are likely to suffer from a lot of diseases, such as back pain or maybe
obesity, due to this lack of physical exercise (Supporting sentence). The second disadvantage of
playing games is that it can distract players, especially young students, from their study or work
(Sub-idea 2). For instance, my younger brother used to spend hours playing games everyday, and
now his scores at school are really low (Supporting sentence).

In conclusion, playing video games is both advantageous and disadvantageous in many aspects.
And in my view, the extent to which each user of video games is affected is different and more
or less depends on how much time he or she spends on those games. (Đưa ra quan điểm)

282 words


1. Government should invest more money in science education rather than other
subjects to develope the country.

Do you agree or disagree?


It is said that government funding for education should give preference to science-based subjects
over others, in an attempt to help boost a countries future development and progress. Although
an increase in scientific developments can have many benefits to national progress, this essay
disagrees that science is the primary contributor.

There is no question that the advent of modern science has brought with it a number of
improvements to the way that countries and societies function. For example, increases in
electrical and computer based technologies have led to much more streamlined and efficient
workplaces. Computers and computerized machinery can now do the work of what would have
previously been carried out by humans, allowing greater efficiency and higher productivity
output. Another benefit that modern science has granted is the development of renewable energy.
Sources of renewable energy, such as solar and wind generated power, are beginning to help ease
the planet’s reliance on fossil fuels.

That being said, an increase in scientific education and development must not be the main
measure of a country’s progress. It can be seen that the study of many other disciplines of
education can also attribute to a countries progress. Take for example, the Arts and Humanities.
Subjects such as History and Philosophy have allowed us to gain a better understanding of
humanity and can help to gain more insight into how we can move forward as a race. Other
subjects such as the Arts, allow societies and individuals to express themselves creatively
through mediums such as music, film and other art forms. It can be argued that this can also help
to improve the quality of people’s lives and therefore help towards a countries overall

In conclusion, although developments in science have led to many beneficial advantages for
most countries, science alone is not the key contributor to a country’s progress. In my opinion,
most countries would benefit greater from a more well-rounded education, with emphasis on all
disciplines, not only that of science.

2. Some people feel that fashion is like art and a significant part of society, while others
say that fashion is a waste of time and money.

Discuss both views and give your own opinion.


The fashion industry today is an important component of society and people's lives. It is true
that many people care little for clothes and scorn the importance that others attach to them;
however, this does not mean that the significance that people give to fashion is a waste of time and

When one considers that areas of the world suffer from poverty, disease, and inadequate access to
food and clean water, the emphasis attached to fashion by the developed world can seem out of
proportion. Many people would contend that the resources put into developing and creating fashion
would be more ethically spent on creating some level of equality in terms of the right to live a healthy
and happy life. This point is hard to argue with. However, it is also true that people in the developed
world cannot be expected to send all their spending money to people in need and that wanting to
look good is an unalterable human trait.

The fashion industry contributes to the society much like most other industries. It provides jobs and
income to millions of people around the world and the money that changes hands generates taxes
that contribute to the fabric of society. There is more to fashion than trying to look better than others
and excessive luxury. The high level of fashion is indeed a kind of art form and, like other art forms,
there will always be people who appreciate it, want to create it, and want to spend money on it. It is
part of the development of civilization and this is not likely to change.

I, therefore, feel that, although the gap between the rich and the poor sometimes makes it seem that
fashion is a waste of time and money and unethical use of resources, fashion is an important part of
today's society and economic output. This leads me to believe that trying to strike a balance
between selfish greed and a more altruistic way of living should be an individual choice.

3. Crime is a big problem in the world; many believe that nothing can be done to prevent
it. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give your own opinion.


Crime is unquestionably one of the most prevailing and worrying aspects in any society, and its
prevention should be taken seriously. Crime prevention can be executed in various ways, firstly
through a sustained honest presence in the community and secondly through international
A local presence by incorruptible law enforcement authorities may be costly, however, the long-
term investment would pay dividends in the future. A safer region would encourage trade,
investment and set an invaluable example for younger generations. For example, crime has
dramatically been reduced in the Favelas around Rio de Janiero in Brazil. This was achieved
largely through the government committing large funds of money to stationing police
headquarters in and around the slums. These financial expenditures greatly benefited the
Secondly, due to the large-scale severity and the global impact that crime has in some areas of
the world, global cooperation is critical. Operating in a different way would incur significant
financial losses and render any expenditure futile. For example, Somalian pirates in Africa have
reigned terror amongst many ocean transport companies in the area. Only through large-scale
international cooperation was policing the area possible. Therefore, crime reduction can be
attributed to a joint effort between countries.
To conclude, illegal activities are a costly and dangerous fact in the present global economy;
however, through large-scale government investment prevention is an attainable goal. Also,
spreading the expense through international cooperation the resources invested can be
significantly more effective in reducing criminals’ effectiveness abroad.

4. In the modern world it is no longer necessary to use animals for food, clothing or
medicine. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Give reasons for your answer and
include examples from your own experience.

In cultures all around the world, animal products are used for food, clothes, and also for
medicine. Because of the development of human society and values, I believe that we should try
to limit the use of animals for our own purposes.

With respect to food, people have eaten animals for as long as there have been people. Meat is a
good source of protein and contains some important nutrients that are difficult to get from plants
only. However, animals raised for food are often kept in terrible conditions and suffer a lot.
Moreover, meat is a disaster for the environment as it leads to global warming and the pollution
of rivers.

As for clothing, there is no need to use animals in this way. Modern technology has given us
alternatives to leather and we no longer need fur to keep warm. In fact, fur is mainly worn for
fashion reasons, which is disgusting if you consider that these animals are kept locked in cages
until they are killed just for someone to look “fashionable”.

Finally, using animals for medicine is a common traditional practice in many countries.
However, the majority of this “medicine” has no real effect. For example, rhino horn, which is
supposed to cure many illnesses including cancer, is no different from human hair or fingernails.
Moreover, many of these animals are facing extinction, which turns these mindless traditions
from unnecessary to evil.

Overall, I believe that we should always try to limit the suffering of all creatures and aim for a
world where we do not use animal products. It would be better for the environment and for
ourselves. (273 words)

5. Some people think that newspapers are the best way to learn news. However, others
believe that they can learn news better through other media. Discuss both views and
give your opinion


Newspapers have been considered the most reliable news source for more than a century
but in recent decades newer forms of media have supplanted their influence. Some feel
that these new sources of news are better but in my opinion, newspapers are by far better
because of the amount of time and research that writers put into their articles.
The main reason that many people prefer newer media outlets is that they deliver news
more quickly across a variety of convenient platforms. The most notable example of this
is online news. The vast majority of people get their news from Facebook and other
social media websites which aggregate articles from various online publishers, including
the online version of print newspapers in some cases. The problem here is that websites
are solely concerned with increasing traffic and getting news up as fast as possible. It is a
common occurrence for a website to publish news quickly in order to beat others to the
scoop before it has been properly verified or even thoughtfully analysed. The result is
hordes of people clicking on links to amuse themselves for a minute without casting a
critical eye over the veracity of the news. These articles are then shared online or by word
of mouth and false information spreads rapidly.
Despite the conveniences of online media, the news that is printed in newspapers has
been better researched and verified in most cases. Newspapers frequently devote entire
departments to long-term investigative journalism. A standout example of this would be
the Boston Globe’s years long investigation into sexual abuse by the Catholic church.
They carefully interviewed victims and put together a convincing case which led to long-
lasting reforms and convictions of some individuals. They also published stories on the
topic for over a year which allowed for detailed and thoughtful analysis of the problem,
suggestions for solutions, and articles on wider societal implications. This type of
reporting is anathema to the fervent pace of online media.
In conclusion, even though newspapers are a dying industry I think they are more
informative and trustworthy than the largely online institutions that are replacing them.
This trend is irreversible and will have consequences for the future of democracies
around the world as people become less informed.

6. Some people say that shopping is a favorite pastime for most of young people, while
others argue young people should do some other useful activities. What do you agree

Young people’s approach toward hobbies is changing dramatically, and it is often influenced by
technology and the modern world. At present, shopping as a favourite pastime activity is
becoming extremely popular, especially among youngsters. Admittedly, shopping outlets'
services, lucrative offers, rapid changes in technology, and digital advertisements are playing key
roles in making this trend popular. However, unnecessary shopping is a waste of time and
money, which, I believe, could be better utilised by youths.

The modern world we live in has many new technologies, gadgets, and fashion items, and they
change so frequently that it is almost impossible to remain fashionable, trendy and updated
without shopping regularly. Many people, especially youngsters, go shopping regularly because
they feel those items are necessary for them. Since brands release new items quite often, the
young generation goes shopping frequently. Digital advertisements by big and small brands also
reach millions of youngsters and constantly lure them to get fashionable items to look and feel
good, and sometimes their offers and discounts are quite good to be missed! For instance,
renowned brands like Nike or some small brands often give up to 50% discount which drags
many youngsters to their outlets.

Youths can use their leisure time in more productive activities and hobbies like going out and
doing exercise, socialising with others, getting involved in charity works and taking part in
different outdoor sports. These activities will keep them mentally and physically fit and make a
far more healthy young generation without chronic diseases and obesity. Besides, they can invest
time in reading, which will broaden their imagination and enhance their knowledge. For
example, it is evident that students who like to read a lot do much better in exams and end up
having a better career than those who hardly read books outside of their academic syllabus.

To conclude, I believe that shopping is important when it is restricted to buying necessary items.
But if it becomes an obsession for young people, it is a problem. They should better spend the
money and time doing things that would benefit them in the long run.
Social media, such as Facebook, Twitter, are
replacing face-to-face contact in this century.
Do you think the advantages of this way
outweigh the disadvantages?

Lưu ý: Việc đưa quan điểm cá nhân lợi nhiều hơn hại KHÔNG có nghĩa là người viết buộc phải
viết về lợi với nhiều { hơn. Bài viết hoàn toàn có thể cân bằng số lượng ý giữa lợi và hại mà
không ảnh hưởng đến ý kiến của người viết.
Some universities offer online courses as an alternative to classes delivered on campus. Do you
think this is a positive or negative development?

Distance learning through an online platform is provided for students as an option to replace
traditional classroom at many universities. In my view, such a development, although
detrimental at some point, could be seen as an essential step forward.

On the one hand, this way of learning remotely without being in regular face-to-face contact with
teachers in the classroomis negative from two aspects. First, online students cannot develop
comprehensively like the way other students who attend classes at school do. During online
courses, students can barely make friends or even compete with their peers. This is often linked
to the fact that those learners seem to undervalue the significance of interaction and rivalry with
classmates in an educational environment which, actually, are great stimuli for scholastic
success. Second, participants of online learning programs tend to procrastinate and poorly allot
appropriate amounts of time to complete assignments. This form of studying requires
tremendous self-discipline as well as organization and time management skills while students
usually struggle with balancing their coursework other priorities and easily get demotivated
without direct guidance from instructors.

On the other hand, online learning proves to be a great alternative although traditional
universities are still widely considered as the best way to acquire knowledge and a diploma.
Access to all resources of a traditional course is offered, which empowers learners to freely
choose a wide range of different subjects, from science to economics. Furthermore, lower costs
and the widespread presence of the Internet allow unlimited numbers of participants regardless
of not only their financial background but also current living places. For example, Coursera is a
website that offers a variety of courses at reasonable prices and presents legal degrees for
participants upon completion of each course.

In conclusion, though there are some drawbacks of courses delivered on websites, I believe this
online studying method is revolutionary in contemporary tertiary education systems.

1. People are surrounded by advertising, which has an increasing effect on our lives. Do
you think the positive effects of this outweigh the negative effects?


These days, the extensive reach of advertising is hardly escapable, to the point that
people may find themselves surrounded by commercial promotions every waking
moment. This situation does produce certain positive effects, but from my point of view,
they would be overshadowed by undesirable impacts.

The productive points are largely related to business and commerce. The
pervasiveness of commercials makes delivering personalized advertisements to
potential customers possible, hence expediting their shopping experience. When a
person texts their friends about planning a picnic, they might later see their social media
feed filled with offers for camping supplies. The campers would, therefore, have an
easier time obtaining items needed for their trip. Moreover, the ubiquity of
advertisements even informs people of products that they have yet to realize are
necessary. While many office workers complain about spine and neck problems from
the sedentary lifestyle, some do find a relief for their predicament, after coming across
ads about ergonomic chairs or neck pillows, and buying these products. In a way, this is
a more significant advantage than the first, for it allows businesses to tap into new
customer bases.
However, the fact that advertising is allowed to become widespread does not happen
without disadvantages to people’s lives. Informational overload from oversaturation of
commercial promotions is a rather understandable result, one which opens the door to
negative impacts. When a person browses the Internet for research, the appearance of
advertisements could potentially disrupt their flow, or worse, distract them from the
information they originally need. Students would be able to attest to this, for many a
studying session has been derailed by midway seeing ads and wanting to make
purchases. This, in my opinion, hampers productivity greatly, and offsets the possible
benefits offered by the ubiquity of advertisements.

The current situation where advertising is pervasive in people’s lives, while not
necessarily having as many drawbacks as it does advantages, is hardly desirable,
seeing how the benefits are significantly outweighed by the negative impacts. If such a
circumstance cannot be effectively alleviated, it would be necessary to come up with
measures to lessen the detrimental effects.

2. Young people are often influenced in their behaviors by others in the same age group.
Some argue that peer pressure is important while others feel it has distinct

Do the disadvantages of peer pressure outweigh the advantages?

Peer pressure refers to the influence young individuals experience within the same age group,
affecting their behaviors. This essay will critically evaluate the drawbacks and benefits of peer
pressure on young people.

Peer pressure often leads young individuals to engage in risky behaviors. For instance, teenagers
may feel compelled to experiment with drugs due to the effect of their peers who engage in such
activities. The desire to fit in and be accepted can override their better judgment, exposing them
to serious short-term health risks and potential addiction later in life. Moreover, succumbing to
negative peer pressure can adversely affect academic performance, as students may prioritize
social acceptance over their studies. This desire for approval can result in poor grades, limited
educational opportunities, and long-term negative consequences.
On the other hand, positive peer pressure can inspire young individuals to set higher goals, adopt
healthier habits, and strive for academic excellence. Many teenagers are pressured by their peers
to join a study group, leading to improved learning outcomes and academic success. Relatedly,
supportive friends can inspire young individuals to engage in physical fitness activities or pursue
positive hobbies and talents, promoting a healthier and more well-rounded lifestyle. This sense
of camaraderie and mutual encouragement fostered within positive peer groups can contribute
significantly to personal growth and self-confidence. Actively seeking out positive and active
peer groups and engaging in behaviors aligned with one’s personal values can help mitigate the
adverse effects of negative peer pressure while harnessing the advantages of positive influence.

In conclusion, although peer pressure encourages risky behaviors and hinders personal growth,
the motivational and emotional advantage make it a positive on the whole. Ultimately, striking
some degree of balance between independence and positive peer interactions is crucial to
minimizing the disadvantages and embracing the benefits.

3. New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time.

Do you think the advantages of this trend outweigh the disadvantages?

There is little doubt that technological advances have greatly altered the free time activities of
children around the world. In my opinion, this is a decidedly negative phenomenon since the
far-reaching effects of technology on the human psyche are still largely unknown.

Proponents of children using technology contend that it can be used for a variety of purposes.
This applies not only to traditional usages such as sending emails, doing research online, and
watching educational videos but also burgeoning innovations like artificial intelligence. The
recent emerge of applications like ChatGPT now enable all individuals, children included, the
opportunity to make their lives more efficient, productive, and enjoyable. If children are taught
responsible usage habits, then they can take advantage of the many benefits and become more
well-rounded learners and future members of society.

However, the psychological ramifications of habits centered around technology are potentially
severe. Humans have not evolved the ability to properly interact with a digital world and
children are especially vulnerable. A child who becomes addicted to a social media application
such as TikTok might be less physically active and start to see the world through a virtual
perspective. This can lead to the development of mild mental conditions related to anxiety and
self-esteem, or more extreme ones related to disassociation and depression. The evidence for
this is clearly expressed in the often-cited statistics on the rising number of suicide attempts
among teenagers and children since the introduction of social media platforms.

In conclusion, regardless of how technology can be used as a tool, its drawbacks in terms of
general mental health make it a negative overall. Parents must therefore carefully manage their
children’s screen time.
4. It is important for people to take risks, in both their professional lives and personal
lives. Do the advantages of taking these risks outweigh the disadvantages?

Some would argue that taking risks, both in terms of one’s private life and one’s working career, is
advantageous overall. I am generally in agreement with this contention due to the potential for
advancement and growth.

Firstly, risk-taking can expedite one’s career goals. Many workers decide early on that they are
content with their position in society and therefore often fail to actualize their potential. Others,
however, attempt various business enterprises and transition from field to field in order to find a good
match. Although this may lead to short-term setbacks, in the long-term such ambitious individuals
are far more likely to become very successful in life. Assuming that these risks are taken early in
one’s career, there is a strong likelihood that they will eventually profit the risk-taker in question.

Moreover, an individual who takes risks will also develop more mature personal relationships. In
more conservative countries, many young people do not begin to have serious romantic
relationships until after university. The result of this is that they are often immature and it can lead to
poor and naive choices in terms of marriage and parenting. In contrast, a person who takes risks in
their personal life and enters into various relationships throughout high school and university will
become a better judge of character. Their allegedly risky behavior can then serve as the foundation
for personal growth and increased maturity.

In conclusion, taking risks can be a catalyst for tremendous growth and is therefore advisable. The
disadvantages of risk-taking can also be mitigated in most contexts by not being inordinately

5. Many large supermarkets are being built today while the number of small shops is
decreasing. Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?

The increasing number of large supermarkets has called into question their value for locals
relative to smaller shops. In my opinion, though supermarkets are more convenient, local
people benefit more from supporting their community rather than large conglomerates.

The obvious benefits to supermarkets relates to their convenience. They allow consumers to
select from a wide variety of products that are consistently available, clearly labelled, fresh,
and reasonably priced, depending on the supermarket in question. This contrasts with local
shops which are necessarily smaller and therefore cannot stock as many products. These
smaller stores are also more likely to run out of goods and charge higher prices. A
supermarket can typically operate on smaller profit margins because of the volume of
shoppers, which then allows them to offer discounts and special deals. All these factors
combine to explain the inevitable dominance of large chain supermarkets over local retailers.

Regardless, by contributing to small shops, consumers fund those in their immediate

community and deprive large companies of outsized profits. The money spent at a
supermarket barely trickles down to the local area, through subsistence wages for
employees, while the majority of the profits go to distant corporate executives and
shareholders. Over time, these large companies have amassed considerable capital, as in
the case of a company like Walmart, and now generate disproportionately large sums of
money for a handful of individuals while paying minimum wage to most workers and
leveraging their distribution power to slash rates with their suppliers. In effect, this means
that the people producing and selling the food are not reaping the rewards of their efforts.

In conclusion, the modern conveniences of supermarkets do not outweigh their pernicious

economic impact. Buying from a local shop is one way to better disperse power within a

Topic: Some people believe that all wild animals should be protected (1). Others say that
few wild animals should be protected instead (2). Discuss both views and give your opinion.

People have different opinions about saving and protecting wild animals. A group of people
believe that all wild animals should be protected while others think that we should only preserve
several ones. The following paragraphs will discuss both views in detail, but I personally believe
that all wild animals should be conserved.

For a number of reasons, some people believe that not all wild animals should be
preserved. Firstly, they believe that the overpopulation of wild animals could become a threat to
our existence. For example, should the population of Zebra and Wildebeest in Africa be
protected, then the existence of these animals might become overpopulated, and as a result, they
might explore the farming areas in Africa. Secondly, conserving wild animals requires a large
amount of money. They believe that these funds should be allocated for humanity issues, as
many Third World countries are still struggling against starvation and deathly diseases.

However, others think that all wild animals must be protected. The main reason behind this
view is that all wild animals play a key role in the ecosystem. Should one of these animals be
extinct, then the ecosystem would be unbalanced, and it might have a catastrophic effect on the
environment. Another reason is that the existence of these wild animals is beneficial for human
beings. Scientists have found out that some wild animals could be used as a medical treatment,
such as the blood of a snake which can be used to heal skin diseases. There is another reason that
forms the opinion that all wild animals are important and should be equally protected. The reason
explains that if we protect some selected wild animals, others might get extinct and then we will
damage the biodiversity of the world.

In conclusion, a number of people believe that we should protect all wild animals, while
others think that we should only preserve some of them. Both groups have their own
opinions, but I strongly believe that we should conserve all wild animals.
Topic: The computer is widely used in education and some people think that teachers will
not play important roles in the classroom. Do you agree or disagree?
In today global society, people are more aware of the importance of education in their life and
then, they are highly likely to focus on developing it. Coming with the hasty growth of
technology, children today have easier access to modern equipment than their parent generation.
No doubt that the computer plays a vital position, and is more influential. Some people advocate
that there is no need for teachers. In my view of point, teachers are the indispensable element
in education.

Firstly, education needs the interaction between students and teachers whereas computers
are solely a machine. Computers with the connection to LAN allow children to explore a great
world of knowledge, which can be done with some steps, click on websites. However, this one
only brings out an answer selected by a result from key words which comes from thousands of
resources. In terms of official sources, reports or researches of professors are the vivid
illustration here compared to unreliable ones like comments in plenty of forums. Moreover, the
language on the internet generally consists of colloquial words and even jargon words.
Therefore, studying via computers might make students confuse, disturb and take long time.

Besides, educators have many arduous responsibilities more than just teaching. In fact,
students usually spend a half of their time at school, and teachers are a model with their
characteristics, and tend to influence greatly students. Furthermore, nowadays, children are
often precocious and have complex and erratic behavior than before. This can be responsible for
the fact that teachers is not only a lecture but also a friend and consult students about troubles, as
well as orient them towards a good direction.

To sum up, the education-oriented mission is an important task for leaders. It is much more
effective if using computers as a good way with the teachers’ guidance.
2. The more advanced society becomes technologically; the more people begin to depend on
computers and other forms of technology for everyday existence.
To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?

The advantages of technology are discussed below:

1. Increased food output: We depend on food for our living. With the introduction of
methods and techniques of cultivation, human-beings are able to increase food output. The
modern irrigation technologies have helped to cultivate lands that were otherwise
considered barren. The agriculture equipment such as tractor helps the farmer in his
2. Increased industrial output: As a result of introduction of technology in the process of
producing goods, there has been tremendous increase in the industrial output. The
automation of industries processes has resulted in processing tasks effectively and
efficiently. Large industries make good use of engineering technology for large scale
production of goods.
3. Business growth: Technology has positively impacted business activities involving
manufacturing, selling, marketing, distribution, recording, etc. Technology has touched
almost every sphere of business activities. Businesses need to make wide variety of
mathematical calculations for various purposes such as counting, estimation cost and
profit, etc. Prior to the introduction of calculators, all these mathematical calculations were
done manually. With the introduction of computers, large business data are effectively
processed and stored in computers. The growth of eCommerce business is an excellent
example of how Information Technology can benefit our life.
4. Comfort: Technology had made human life comfortable. Everything that we see and use
in our daily life is the gift of technology. The clothes we wear, the house we live, the car
we travel, the bridge and flyovers, the mobile phone we carry, the fan, etc. are all
examples of successful implementation of technology.
5. Better utilization of resources: Modern tools and equipment has helped us to utilize the
natural resources at optimum level. For example, the irrigation technologies has enabled us
to make better utilization of water resource in the field of agriculture. Hydel power plants,
thermal power plants, nuclear power plants, etc. uses natural resources to generate power.
6. Ease in travelling: The invention of wheel is perhaps the most important technological
discovery in human history. Automobiles, trains, etc. are powered by engine and run on
7. Improved communication: Printing press, internet, telephone, email, and other
communication technologies has helped us to communicate on global scale.
8. Education: Virtual classes are a delivered at many schools. E-learning is a relatively new
concept. Students make use of internet technology to download important study materials
in the form of text, audio and videos.
9. Healthcare: Technology has revolutionized the healthcare industry. The
various diagnostic tools such as x-ray machines, blood pressure monitoring machine,
glucose level measuring machine, etc. has made possible accurate diagnosis of health
related problems. Accurate diagnosis of disease results in faster and effective treatment of
the patient.
10. Emerging technologies: Emerging technologies such as Information Technology, bio-
technology, artificial intelligence, etc. are among the most important technologies of
modern times. The introduction of computers, internet, smartphones, etc. have deep impact
on common people. Much research are being conducted in the field of artificial
intelligence intelligence.
What are the disadvantages of Technology?
The disadvantages of Technology are discussed below:
1. Pollution: Too much use of technology has resulted in an increase in waste products into
the environment. This has caused pollution. The discharge of industrial wastes into the
environment diminishes the quality of soil, water, air , etc. The vehicle emission is among
major causes of air pollution. Excessive use of pesticides in farming has caused soil
2. Faster depletion of natural resource reserves: Modern equipment are very powerful.
They can quickly extract huge quantity of natural resources. However, the total reserves of
natural resources are depleting as a result of quicker extraction of natural resources.
3. Production of unwanted products: Technology has also opened doors for the production
and demand of unwanted products or unnecessary products.
4. Wastage of time in non-productive activities: Some people waste immense time and
energy in doing non-productive activities. For example, internet technology has enabled
people to browse the internet for information. However, some people get addicted to
internet activities such as browsing, gaming, etc., and waste time and energy.
5. Excessive dependency: We are dependent on technology for all of our task. People are
excessively dependent of modern gifts of technologies such as cars, computers,
smartphones, etc. They feel helpless if any of these technological equipment, machinery or
tool fail to perform. We have adopted technology in our life to an extent that it is
impossible to think of performing our day-to-day tasks without the help of technology.
Topic: Some people believe that all wild animals should be protected (1). Others say that
few wild animals should be protected instead (2). Discuss both views and give your

People have different opinions about saving and protecting wild animals. A group of people
believe that all wild animals should be protected while others think that we should only preserve
several ones. The following paragraphs will discuss both views in detail, but I personally
believe that all wild animals should be conserved.

For a number of reasons, some people believe that not all wild animals should be
preserved. Firstly, they believe that the overpopulation of wild animals could become a
threat to our existence. For example, should the population of Zebra and Wildebeest in Africa
be protected, then the existence of these animals might become overpopulated, and as a result,
they might explore the farming areas in Africa. Secondly, conserving wild animals requires a
large amount of money. They believe that these funds should be allocated for humanity issues,
as many Third World countries are still struggling against starvation and deathly diseases.

However, others think that all wild animals must be protected. The main reason behind
this view is that all wild animals play a key role in the ecosystem. Should one of these
animals be extinct, then the ecosystem would be unbalanced, and it might have a catastrophic
effect on the environment. Another reason is that the existence of these wild animals is
beneficial for human beings. Scientists have found out that some wild animals could be used as
a medical treatment, such as the blood of a snake which can be used to heal skin diseases. There
is another reason that forms the opinion that all wild animals are important and should be
equally protected. The reason explains that if we protect some selected wild animals, others
might get extinct and then we will damage the biodiversity of the world.

In conclusion, a number of people believe that we should protect all wild animals, while
others think that we should only preserve some of them. Both groups have their own
opinions, but I strongly believe that we should conserve all wild animals.
Topic: TV is harmful for children. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this

Over the past forty to fifty years, television sets have become standard pieces of equipment in
most homes, and watching television has become a common activity for most families.
Obviously, this must have an effect on children’s development. Although there are many
excellent programs for young viewers, I would argue that television can have a detrimental
influence on children for three main reasons.

First of all, certain types of programs can have a harmful effect on children’s emotional and
behavioural development. Police stories and action movies, for example, often contain a great
deal of violence. People are beaten up and killed with

guns, knives and even cars. Seeing this, some children might think that these things could easily
happen to themselves at any time and therefore become frightened. Moreover, some might begin
to think that violence is a normal, acceptable form of behaviour because they see it so often on
television. As a result, they may become aggressive and may hurt both themselves and their

Second, television can impair children’s reading ability. Reading requires skills and brain
processes that watching television does not. If children watch television for too many hours each
day, they do not have the chance to practice the skills that they need in order to learn how to

Finally, television may impact children’s schoolwork in other ways. If they spend too much time
watching television, they may get behind in their homework. In addition, if they stay up to watch
a late-night movie, they may fall asleep in class the next day. Consequently, they will not learn
their lessons and they could even fail in school.

To summarize, if children watch too much television or watch the wrong programs, their
personalities can be harmed. Furthermore, their progress in school can be affected. It is vital,
therefore, that parents should find out what programs their children are watching and take
appropriate steps to counteract any harmful effects. This should include turning off the television
so that their children will study.
1. The eBook edition - Answers to All TOEFL Essay Questions (ISBN: 5551350088) is also
2. From the master of IELTS Complete Writing.
3. IELTS Band 9 essay. IELTS-Blog.

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5. IELTS Unlocked.Wordpress
7. IELTS Mentor
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