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The millennium wolves book 2 summary

Many writers and authors battle many questions while working on a book. For me, the most crucial question is, what is the book’s purpose? Is it about sending a message, or is it meant for escapism only? Sometimes, I manage to answer these questions before I even start writing the book, but other times—or rather, most of the time—I figure it out as
I go. The latter approach applies to when I wrote the first book of The Millennium Wolves.

Eight years ago, I sat down and wrote about a woman drawing on a riverbank. I didn’t think much about her character while writing the first chapter, and simply let the words flow and unravel her mystery. It didn’t take long, however; by the third chapter, I knew exactly who she was and what had led her to be that way. cukogucibo I knew that her
name, Sienna, which is the Latin word for an orange-red color, would be a key element of her character, be it her hair color, or her fiery temperament. I also knew she would be the stubborn type, to the point where she infuriated the readers—and me—with her hardheaded behavior. But I also knew that underneath her prickly, feisty exterior hid a
passionate, kind, and loyal woman, who was just a little too young, and a little too lost, to be in the position she would eventually be in: that of an alpha’s lover. This deep understanding of my main character did not apply to the male protagonist of the story, Aiden. Fixing a Flat Character Part of the reason I never gave Aiden too much thought when I
initially wrote the book was my own inexperience as a writer. The Millennium Wolves might not have been the first book I had ever written, but I was still finding my feet. Being nineteen when I wrote it—the same age as Sienna, my protagonist—I found it easier to simply write the book as Sienna saw and experienced the events. After the book was
finished, and even after it was picked up by the Inkitt team and put on Galatea, I still found Aiden to be one of the flattest characters I had ever written, at least from my perspective.
One of my regrets, when it came to this book, was that I had never given him the depth he deserved, instead showcasing him the way Sienna saw him. I always believed he had so much more to offer as a character, especially in the first book, where he meets Sienna and his entire world is turned upside down.
The opportunity to flesh out Aiden’s character, to show his own side of things, came last year, when, in one of my discussions with the Inkitt team, the idea of writing The Millennium Wolves from Aiden’s point of view was put on the table. This was what I’d been waiting for in all the years since the book first gained success through the Galatea app.
This was my chance to redeem some of the qualities I had come to hate about Aiden in hindsight. Now, I could give him the story he deserved, especially since I am now far closer to his age in the book than to Sienna’s. Revisiting Without Rewriting But when I started writing the book from Aiden’s point of view, I suddenly lost confidence in the
project. How could I rewrite the entire story without it feeling like a poor attempt at repeating the original? How could I make it sound just as interesting and authentic as the original book, even though I had to repeat scenes, simply from Aiden’s perspective? These questions followed me the more I wrote the book and were answered on their own;
the storyline might be the same, for obvious reasons, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t play with it, tweak it to fit the version of Aiden I was beginning to flesh out in my head, and add scenes to help the story make even more sense than before. lehorolulo See, the secret behind writing a werewolf romance book from the male protagonist’s point of view is
that there are large spaces between the times the two protagonists meet, and even when they do meet, there might be some hints about what the man was doing before he met up with his lover. I know it sounds complicated, so let me explain. Finding the Spaces In Between In the book, there is a scene where Sienna comes home to find Aiden sitting
with her mother, looking through a photo album. To give the scene more interest in the point-of-view retelling, I wrote what came before Sienna arrived home, where it was just Aiden knocking on the door and being invited in by Sienna’s mother. funufiko Another time, Aiden comes to visit when Sienna isn’t home, but this time it’s only her father
who’s there. This makes for an interesting interaction the readers couldn’t possibly have gotten to read in the original book. That’s not all, however; simply being in the male protagonist’s head, viewing everything from his eyes, gives a whole new depth to certain situations that might’ve seemed casual while reading the original book. yadogasapemuve
In the new book’s case, the question of what Aiden feels when he first sees Sienna at the river is answered in full, rather than leaving the reader guessing. What does a werewolf alpha actually do as part of his job? That, too, will be answered. This is the beauty of writing the same book from a different perspective. It gave me some sort of freedom, in
many ways, because the book is already written, the storyline absolute, and the resolution set in stone. mafelura All I had to think about was filling in the blanks, which gave me free rein to get as deep into Aiden’s head as I wanted. It was an extremely fun process—I had all sorts of revelations about Aiden’s character and the story as a whole. Years
have passed since the last time I thought about Aiden and Sienna’s story, so it was a whole new experience revisiting it and diving back into it as if no time had passed.

Eight years ago, I sat down and wrote about a woman drawing on a riverbank. I didn’t think much about her character while writing the first chapter, and simply let the words flow and unravel her mystery. It didn’t take long, however; by the third chapter, I knew exactly who she was and what had led her to be that way.

I also knew she would be the stubborn type, to the point where she infuriated the readers—and me—with her hardheaded behavior. But I also knew that underneath her prickly, feisty exterior hid a passionate, kind, and loyal woman, who was just a little too young, and a little too lost, to be in the position she would eventually be in: that of an alpha’s
lover. This deep understanding of my main character did not apply to the male protagonist of the story, Aiden. Fixing a Flat Character Part of the reason I never gave Aiden too much thought when I initially wrote the book was my own inexperience as a writer. The Millennium Wolves might not have been the first book I had ever written, but I was still
finding my feet. Being nineteen when I wrote it—the same age as Sienna, my protagonist—I found it easier to simply write the book as Sienna saw and experienced the events.
I knew that her name, Sienna, which is the Latin word for an orange-red color, would be a key element of her character, be it her hair color, or her fiery temperament. I also knew she would be the stubborn type, to the point where she infuriated the readers—and me—with her hardheaded behavior. But I also knew that underneath her prickly, feisty
exterior hid a passionate, kind, and loyal woman, who was just a little too young, and a little too lost, to be in the position she would eventually be in: that of an alpha’s lover. This deep understanding of my main character did not apply to the male protagonist of the story, Aiden. Fixing a Flat Character Part of the reason I never gave Aiden too much
thought when I initially wrote the book was my own inexperience as a writer. The Millennium Wolves might not have been the first book I had ever written, but I was still finding my feet.
Being nineteen when I wrote it—the same age as Sienna, my protagonist—I found it easier to simply write the book as Sienna saw and experienced the events. After the book was finished, and even after it was picked up by the Inkitt team and put on Galatea, I still found Aiden to be one of the flattest characters I had ever written, at least from my
perspective. One of my regrets, when it came to this book, was that I had never given him the depth he deserved, instead showcasing him the way Sienna saw him. I always believed he had so much more to offer as a character, especially in the first book, where he meets Sienna and his entire world is turned upside down.

It didn’t take long, however; by the third chapter, I knew exactly who she was and what had led her to be that way. I knew that her name, Sienna, which is the Latin word for an orange-red color, would be a key element of her character, be it her hair color, or her fiery temperament. I also knew she would be the stubborn type, to the point where she
infuriated the readers—and me—with her hardheaded behavior. But I also knew that underneath her prickly, feisty exterior hid a passionate, kind, and loyal woman, who was just a little too young, and a little too lost, to be in the position she would eventually be in: that of an alpha’s lover. This deep understanding of my main character did not apply
to the male protagonist of the story, Aiden. Fixing a Flat Character Part of the reason I never gave Aiden too much thought when I initially wrote the book was my own inexperience as a writer.
The Millennium Wolves might not have been the first book I had ever written, but I was still finding my feet. Being nineteen when I wrote it—the same age as Sienna, my protagonist—I found it easier to simply write the book as Sienna saw and experienced the events. hufiwihivegijo After the book was finished, and even after it was picked up by the
Inkitt team and put on Galatea, I still found Aiden to be one of the flattest characters I had ever written, at least from my perspective. One of my regrets, when it came to this book, was that I had never given him the depth he deserved, instead showcasing him the way Sienna saw him. I always believed he had so much more to offer as a character,
especially in the first book, where he meets Sienna and his entire world is turned upside down. cinevokigedace The opportunity to flesh out Aiden’s character, to show his own side of things, came last year, when, in one of my discussions with the Inkitt team, the idea of writing The Millennium Wolves from Aiden’s point of view was put on the table.
This was what I’d been waiting for in all the years since the book first gained success through the Galatea app.
This was my chance to redeem some of the qualities I had come to hate about Aiden in hindsight. Now, I could give him the story he deserved, especially since I am now far closer to his age in the book than to Sienna’s. Revisiting Without Rewriting But when I started writing the book from Aiden’s point of view, I suddenly lost confidence in the
project. How could I rewrite the entire story without it feeling like a poor attempt at repeating the original?
How could I make it sound just as interesting and authentic as the original book, even though I had to repeat scenes, simply from Aiden’s perspective? verozuvipeheya These questions followed me the more I wrote the book and were answered on their own; the storyline might be the same, for obvious reasons, but it didn’t mean I couldn’t play with it,
tweak it to fit the version of Aiden I was beginning to flesh out in my head, and add scenes to help the story make even more sense than before. See, the secret behind writing a werewolf romance book from the male protagonist’s point of view is that there are large spaces between the times the two protagonists meet, and even when they do meet,
there might be some hints about what the man was doing before he met up with his lover. I know it sounds complicated, so let me explain. sowa Finding the Spaces In Between In the book, there is a scene where Sienna comes home to find Aiden sitting with her mother, looking through a photo album. To give the scene more interest in the point-of-
view retelling, I wrote what came before Sienna arrived home, where it was just Aiden knocking on the door and being invited in by Sienna’s mother. Another time, Aiden comes to visit when Sienna isn’t home, but this time it’s only her father who’s there. This makes for an interesting interaction the readers couldn’t possibly have gotten to read in the
original book. wapedowinihuni That’s not all, however; simply being in the male protagonist’s head, viewing everything from his eyes, gives a whole new depth to certain situations that might’ve seemed casual while reading the original book. In the new book’s case, the question of what Aiden feels when he first sees Sienna at the river is answered in
full, rather than leaving the reader guessing. hupikalabipo What does a werewolf alpha actually do as part of his job? That, too, will be answered. This is the beauty of writing the same book from a different perspective. It gave me some sort of freedom, in many ways, because the book is already written, the storyline absolute, and the resolution set in
stone. All I had to think about was filling in the blanks, which gave me free rein to get as deep into Aiden’s head as I wanted. It was an extremely fun process—I had all sorts of revelations about Aiden’s character and the story as a whole.
Years have passed since the last time I thought about Aiden and Sienna’s story, so it was a whole new experience revisiting it and diving back into it as if no time had passed. The Millennium Wolves: His Haze is now available to read on Galatea as an exclusive treat for Galatea Unlimited subscribers! Check it out here. We’re Open to Feedback! Do
you have a topic you would like us to cover?
A suggestion for the next big feature? Share your brilliance! Turn your idea into the next sensation! Let us know and join us on Discord! By: GoodNovelCreation time: May 25 2023Update time: May 25 2023771The Millennium Wolves is a captivating supernatural romance that follows the story of Sienna, a 19-year-old virgin werewolf trying to keep
her secret as she navigates through the complexities of her pack. With the Haze, an annual event where werewolves experience intense sexual urges, fast approaching, Sienna's life takes a dramatic turn when she meets Aiden Norwood - the handsome, mysterious Alpha of her pack. fegore As the two are drawn together by an intense desire and a
deep connection, they struggle to maintain their secret attraction while dealing with the various challenges that arise within their pack. With elements of danger, passion, and self-discovery, The Millennium Wolves takes the readers on a thrilling journey, exploring the world of werewolves, their primal instincts, and the balance between their
animalistic nature and human emotions. With its addictive plot and intriguing characters, it's no wonder that this book has garnered millions of views and praise from readers worldwide.IntroductionAre you a fan of forbidden romance, mystical creatures, and heart-pounding drama?
If so, buckle up and let us take you on a journey to the magical world of "The Millennium Wolves" - a bestselling werewolf series that has captivated readers with its awe-inspiring universe and relatable characters. Whether you're an avid fan of paranormal romance or just looking for your next literary escape, The Millennium Wolves" series deserves
your rapt attention. In this comprehensive book review, we will unravel the mysteries, alluring characters, nail-biting suspense, and enthralling allure of this beloved series. So, grab your favorite cup of tea (or pumpkin spice latte), snuggle up in your coziest reading spot, and prepare for a thrilling literary adventure like no other!Author
IntroductionSapir Englard is a talented writer and a successful author, who rose to fame with her sensual and thrilling supernatural romance novel, The Millennium Wolves. Born and raised in the Tel Aviv suburb of Ramat HaSharon, Israel, Englard showed an early affinity for languages and a passion for English pop literature, particularly
supernatural and paranormal romances. She wrote the captivating werewolf fantasy when she was just 19 years old, during her mandatory two-year military service. Despite the challenges she faced in her personal life during that time, Englard diligently worked on her masterpiece, eventually uploading its chapters in draft form. Today, The
Millennium Wolves has surpassed $5 million in sales, becoming one of the most popular and profitable stories on Galatea. Apart from being a brilliant author, Englard is also a classical pianist and is currently pursuing her studies at the Berklee College of Music in Boston.Plot SummaryThe Millennium Wolves by Sapir Englard is a steamy supernatural
romance centered around the life of Sienna Mercer, a nineteen-year-old virgin werewolf who is determined to maintain her purity despite the upcoming Haze, a yearly event when werewolves experience an insatiable sexual hunger. When she meets the mysterious and alluring Alpha of the pack, Aiden Norwood, her resolve is put to the test as she
struggles to balance her desires, fears, and her commitment to her dreams of opening an art gallery. Amidst a dangerous threat looming over their community, Sienna and Aiden navigate the complexities of their growing relationship, keeping their passions a secret while dealing with the expectations of their families, their duties as werewolves, and
their conflicting emotions. This wild and witty tale invites readers to follow the twists and turns of Sienna's quest to remain true to her values and find true love.Analysis of Characters· Sienna Mercer: The 19-year-old virgin she-wolf protagonist of the story, Sienna is strong-willed, self-controlled, and unlike other she-wolves. Her unique approach to
winning over Alpha Aiden sets her apart, making her a compelling character to follow.· Aiden: The domineering Alpha, Aiden is initially captivated by Sienna's refusal to submit to him - a quality that sets Sienna apart from other she-wolves. His intense desire for her leads to their fiery and passionate relationship.· Sienna's Mother: Serving as a
recurring supporting character, Sienna's mother is seen as an annoyance by some readers, while others view her presence as a much-needed comic relief amidst the intense narrative.· Jocelyn White and her Alpha: These secondary characters represent a contrast to Aiden and Sienna's relationship, with their exchanges not being as sexually charged.
This contrast allows the readers to explore different relationship dynamics within the werewolf community.· Other Characters: The novel also boasts a variety of supporting characters who add depth to the story, making The Millennium Wolves an intricate and engaging read.
Hot Dialogues Here's a sneak peek into some sizzling dialogues from The Millennium Wolves, a juicy supernatural romance that's sure to have you hooked.· "Your scent is driving me crazy," Aiden whispered to Sienna as he pulled her closer to him, the intensity of their connection sending shivers down her spine.· "But what if someone finds out about
us?" Sienna questioned, her fear palpable despite the overwhelming desire she felt for Aiden, the pack Alpha.· "I don't care about the consequences," Aiden growled in response, his animal instincts taking over as he pulled Sienna with him, ready to embrace their attraction completely.· "You're the only one who's ever made me feel this way," Sienna
confessed to Aiden during a passionate dance in the moonlight.· "I need you," Aiden whispered into Sienna's ear before transforming into his wolf form, his body pleading for her to surrender to their undeniable connection.These tantalizing dialogues are just the beginning of Sienna and Aiden's passionate tale. Will Sienna be able to resist Aiden's
allure, or will she cave into her deepest desires? Find out in The Millennium Wolves, a wild, hilarious, and thrilling ride into supernatural romance.Themes The Millennium Wolves, authored by Sapir A. Englard, is a highly addictive werewolf romance novel that explores various themes in an intense, passionate, and sometimes cringe-worthy manner.
One of the predominant themes in the novel is the exploration of sexual desires, and the novel does not shy away from explicit and highly erotic scenes between Sienna Mercer, a 19-year-old virgin she-wolf, and Aiden, the Alpha werewolf. As a result, The Millennium Wolves delivers a powerful and thrilling reading experience for those into
supernatural romances.Another significant theme in the story is the idea of individuality and fighting against societal norms.
Sienna's refusal to follow the traditional route of werewolf females to woo their Alpha displays her strong-mindedness and determination to be her true self, despite the expectations of her pack. This theme resonates with many readers who have felt the pressure to conform to societal expectations.In conclusion, The Millennium Wolves delves into
themes of erotic desires, individuality, and defying norms in an enthralling and intensely passionate manner, making it an unputdownable read for fans of the supernatural romance genre.SymbolismIn this tale of werewolves and primal urges, the symbols reflect the complex nature of the characters and their world. The dark forest and the riverbank
present contrasting elements, symbolizing the duality of the protagonist, Sienna, as she struggles with her primal instincts and her determination to remain chaste. Additionally, the haunting and disturbing drawings that Sienna creates are symbolic of her inner turmoil and the impending Haze. Through the use of symbolism, Englard effectively
conveys deeper meanings that go beyond the surface-level story, allowing readers to engage with the novel on a more profound level.Writing StyleSapir Englard's writing style in her bestselling werewolf fantasy series, The Millennium Wolves, is undeniably captivating and immersive. Written in the English language when she was just 19 years old,
Englard demonstrates her proficiency and creative flair by skillfully weaving a tale filled with passion, lust, and supernatural intrigue. Her narrative is both descriptive and engaging, allowing readers to fully visualize the characters and their thrilling adventures.Englard's friendly and relatable tone adds to the overall appeal of the series. By allowing
the reader to connect with the young, virginal protagonist Sienna Mercer and her encounters with the powerful Alpha Aiden Norwood, Englard enables them to experience the characters' emotions and become invested in their story. Package this with the innovative use of sensory elements on the Galatea platform, and it is easy to understand how
The Millennium Wolves has surpassed $5 million in sales. Englard's unique and addictive writing style is undoubtedly a major factor behind the success of her steamy werewolf saga. Final VerdictIn conclusion, The Millennium Wolves is a captivating and thrilling journey that will keep you on the edge of your seat. With its richly developed characters,
intriguing plot, and vividly described world, this novel is a must-read for fans of the werewolf and paranormal romance genres.The story follows Sienna, a 19-year-old werewolf with a secret: she's the only virgin in the pack.
Determined to maintain her self-control during the Haze, she finds it increasingly difficult when she encounters Aiden, the alpha. The series takes readers on a rollercoaster ride of passion, suspense, and drama.While some readers have praised the series for its suspenseful and engaging werewolf love story, others have criticized it for its inconsistent
writing, immature characters, and excessive focus on sex scenes. The series has also been compared to Twilight and Fifty Shades of Grey, with some readers finding it a refreshing take on the werewolf romance genre, while others believe it falls short.If you're a fan of the werewolf and paranormal romance genres and are curious about this series,
you might want to give The Millennium Wolves Series a try and form your own opinion. Nonetheless, don't miss out on the opportunity to explore this world of passion, suspense, and werewolves - start reading now!FAQsQ: What is The Millennium Wolves book series about?The series is a supernatural romance that revolves around a 19-year-old virgin
werewolf named Sienna Mercer and her intense romantic relationship with the Alpha, Aiden Norwood.Q: Who is the author of The Millennium Wolves?A: The author is Sapir Englard.Q: How popular is this series?A: The Millennium Wolves garnered over 125 million views on the Galatea app, making it one of the most well-known supernatural
stories.Q: What are the main themes in the book?A: The book contains themes of lust, desire, sexual fantasies, and werewolf traditions.Q: Is there any explicit content in the book?A: Yes, the book contains mentions of rape, attempted rape, and underage sexual activity involving a minor character.Q: Who are the main characters in the book?A: The
main characters are Sienna Mercer, a 19-year-old virgin werewolf, and Aiden Norwood, the powerful Alpha werewolf.Q: What is the central plot?A: The plot focuses on the romance between Sienna and Aiden as well as the dangers threatening their pack.Q: What is "The Haze" mentioned in the book?A: The Haze is a state in which a werewolf past the
age of 16 experiences a strong, recurring urge to mate.Q: Are there any funny or cringe-worthy lines in the book?A: Yes, some readers find certain descriptions and dialogue in the book amusing or cringe-worthy.Popular Novels You May LikeTAGS OF RELATED BOOKS & NOVELS

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