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School INNHS Grade Level 12

Teacher Mrs. Vrenie Joy C. Pedro Learning Area Media and Information Literacy
Teaching Dates January 21-25, 2019 Quarter Fourth


I. Objectives
A. Learning MIL11/12TIM-IVb-5 MIL11/12TIM-IVb-6 MIL11/12TIM-IVb-6 MIL11/12VIM-IVc-7
Competencies/ The learner evaluates the The learner produces and The learner produces and The learner describes the
Objectives reliability and validity of text evaluates a creative text-based evaluates a creative text-based different dimensions of visual
information and media and its/ presentation using design presentation using design information and media.
their sources using selection principle and elements principle and elements
criteria. The learners should be able
The learners should be able to: The learners should be able to: to:
The learners should be able to: a. enumerate the different a. apply the different design a. define visual information;
a. list down the different design principle and elements; principles and elements. b. enumerate sources of visual
selection criteria in text b. evaluate a certain invitation materials; and
information; and using the different design c. discuss the advantages and
b. evaluate a text information principles and elements; and disadvantages of visual
using the different selection c. apply the different design information.
criteria. principles and elements.
II. Content ext Information and Media Text Information and Media Text Information and Media Visual Information and Media
a. Definition, characteristics, a. Definition, characteristics, a. Definition, characteristics, a. Definition, characteristics,
format and types, sources, format and types, sources, format and types, sources, format and types, sources,
advantages and limitations, and advantages and limitations, and advantages and limitations, and advantages and limitations,
value value value and value
b. Text as Visual b. Text as Visual b. Text as Visual b. Visual Message Design
c. Selection Criteria c. Selection Criteria c. Selection Criteria c. Selection Criteria
d. Design principle and Element d. Design Principle and Element d. Design principle and Element d. Design principle and
III. Learning Resources
A. References Hidalgo, L. and Mopera, M. (2015).#MediaTrends: Importance of New Media Technology to Modern Filipinos. Makati City. Don Bosco
B. Materials Powerpoint presentation Powerpoint presentation Powerpoint presentation Powerpoint presentation
IV. Procedures
A. Warm-up/Review Recall the steps on how to What’s Wrong? FACT or BLUFF Present different pictures and
B. Introduction/ evaluate information. (Show five pictures that have (Questions will come from the ask students what information
Motivation violated the design principles.) principles of design.) they can deduce from the
C. Presentation of the Relate students’ answers to the Discuss the different design Relate answers to visual
Lesson/Delivery different selection criteria in principles and elements. information.
evaluating the reliability and Let the students give practical Through a brainstorming
validity of text information. tips on following these design activity, let the students list
principles based on their given down the different sources of
descriptions. visual materials and the
advantages and
Present sample texts showing disadvantages of visual
the different design principles information.
and elements.
D. Practice Through an oral presentation, Let the students evaluate a Let the students present their
let the students list down certain event invitation based on answers in class.
specific situations where each the design principles and
criterion is followed. elements followed.
E. Evaluation Let the students create an
advertising poster about Ilocos
Norte National High School-
Senior High School Department
applying the different design
principles and elements.
V. Remarks
No. of Learners within
Mastery Level (80%)
No. of Learners Needing
Other Remarks
Prepared by:


Teacher III Head Teacher III

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