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Altruism and

regret: A
Sayaka Miki
Alba Campomanes Dacosta
1. What is altruism?
2. Madoka Magica explanation
3. Sayaka´s role and relatioships
4. Her motive
5. Hidden regret
6. Realization

7. Final stage
What is altruism?
Acording to Cambridge´s Dictionary,
altruism is the willingness to do things
that bring advantages to others, even
if it results in disadvantage for
Madoka Magica Exolanation
Madoka Magika is a 2011 anime from the guionist Gen
Urobuchi where he tries to give the traditional magical
girl genre, ususally sweet and idealised a dark twist.
This anime sells the image of a classical ¨Mahou
Shoujo¨ making the obcure twist unexpected, making a
reflection on how nothing can be that fascinating
without paying with something in return
Sayaka´s role and relationships At the begining of the show
we can see Sayaka as the
most confident out of the

As the show continues, we

Kyusuke is her childhood best friend and
can see little by little the
decreasing of that
Hitomi and Madoka are her closest friends
whom she will distance from as the show
goes on
With Tomoe´s death, Sayaka
begings taking the heroeine
Sakura Kyoko starts as her rival to end
up being one of Sayaka´s most important ´s rol, giving her greater
companions pressures.
Her motive
Once she parts ways from her friends when they finish
school we see that she is heading to a hospital, the one
wherer Kyusuke is.
Later on, we are told that Kyusuke used to play the violin
but suffered an arm injury that broke his musical career.

As the show continues, she wishes for Kyusuke to

recover and be able to play the violin again, thinking she
did it in an altruistic way.
Hidden Regret

As the show continues Sayaka finds out that her friend Hitomi has a crush on Kyusuke and talks with her about it.

As Hitomi and Kyusuke start dating, Sayaka feels more betrayed every day whereas she forces herself to pretend like she does not
care about her childhood crush not liking her back.

She also seems to start acting on her own more often, giving us the key to find out her true feelings of regret because she used her
one time chance on someone who did not care to talk with her after he got better.

When a heated battle is taking part between the presentation´s main character against her rival Kyoko we discover throght Sayaka that
their soul gem has this name because once a magical girl gets their wish, their soul gets separated from her body: They are only an empty

This drives Sayaka crazier than before: She no longer cares about her body or what happens to her
Final Stage
Once she reaches her limit she falls for the negativity of
her regret and recent events that made her repent from
taking these decisions: She no longer finds a reason to
protect humanity.

Once every part of this reaches it´s peak, she becomes

a whitch: The representation of everything that keeps a
human away from total happiness.

Sayaka died because of her desire of helping someone

she used to love.
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