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Tick the correct answer.
1 The animals without a body cavity are known as;
a Eumetazoa b Psuedocoelomata c Coelomata d Acoelomata
. . . .
2 Psuedocoelom is a characteristics of;
a Roundworm b Flatworm c Segmented worm d Coelenterates
. . . .
3 Polymorphism is the feature of phylum;
a Porifera b Cinidaria c Annelida d Arthropoda
. . . .
4 Aschelminthes is also known as;
a Protozoans b Eumetazoa c Nematodes d Protoctist
. . . . ancestors
5 Pick out the following which is not included in protostomes?
a Arthropods b Hemichordates c Annelids d Molluscs
. . . .
6 All of the following are coelomates except;
a Deuterostomes b Protostomes c Hemichordates d Aschelminthes
. . . .
7 The name animal is derived from the word;
a Anima b Anemia c Aneme d All of these
. . . .
8 From the followings which is not a characteristics of kingdom animalia?
a Ingestive b Eukaryotes c All animals d Largest
. heterotrophs . . develop from . kingdom
the dissimilar
gametes; large
sperm and small
9 The radial symmetry is found in one of the following;
a Protozoa b Porifera c Cinidaria d All of these
. . . .
10 All the animals of grade radiate are;
a Diploblastic b Triploblastic c Both d Unicellular
. . . .
11 Both radial and bilateral symmetry is found in the phylum;
a Protozoa b Porifera c Echinodermata d None of these
. . . .
12 Coelom develop from the archenteron as outpoching is;
a Psuedocoelom b Enterocoelom c Schizocoelom d None of these
. . . .
13 The animals in which Coelom is formed due to splitting of mesoderm are known
a Psuedocoelous b Schizocoelous c Enterocoelous d Emphicoelous
. . . .
14 Which phyla is not found in series Proterostomia;
a Annelida b Arthropoda c Mollusca d Echinodermata
. . . .
15 In some cases the blastomeres can produce complete embryo, the cleavage will
a Spiral & b Radial & c Spiral & d Radial &
. determinate . indeterminate . indeterminate . determinate
16 The fate of each blastomere is foretold. The cleavage will be as;
a Spiral & b Radial & c Spiral & d Radial &
. determinate . indeterminate . indeterminate . determinate
17 The non-cellular material in most cases in animals;
a Mesenchyme b Sclerenchyma c Chlorenchyma d Mesoderm
. . . .
18 In most triploblasts after embryonic development the three layers are
represented as;
a Separate b Structures c Structures d Their
. layers of . formed from them . associated with . functions in
cells them body
19 The organ system that is well developed in the coelomates is;
a Excretory b Nervous system c Transport d Both a,b
. system . . system .
20 Psuedocoelom develops from;
a Blastopore b Plastoquinine c Blastocoels d Splitting of
. . . . mesoderm
21 The function of Coelom is;
a Increase the b To help in c To provide d None of these
. size of animal . function of . space for .
reproductive development of
system body organs &
22 Coelom is lined by;
a Parietal b Visceral c Mesoderm d Both a,b
. mesoderm . mesoderm . .
23 In acoelomates gut is ------------------ in origin.
a Ectodermal b Endodermal c Mesodermal d None of these
. . . .
24 Sperms are ------------------------- in origin.
a Ectodermal b Endodermal c Mesodermal d None of these
. . . .
25 A sponge of Antarctica which is more than a meter tall is;
a Scolymastra b Euplectella c Spongilla d Leucoselenia
. joubini . . .
26 Venus flower basket is also known as;
a Sycon b Euplectella c Spongilla d Leucoselenia
. . . .
27 Inner layer of sponges are made up of;
a Pinacocytes b Choanocytes c Choanoderm d Pinacoderm
. . . .
28 The internal buds are known as;
a Spicules b Choanocytes c Gemmules d None of these
. . . .
29 The sponge in which sperm develop first are included in the category of;
a Peritandrous b Progynous c Protandrous d All of these
. . . .
30 80% of the food of sponges consists of;
a Detrital b Zooplankton & c Phytoplankton’ d All of these
. organic . small animals . s .
31 The skeleton of sponges is on the form of variously shaped needle like
structures called;
a Stripules b Spicules c Brails d Spines
. . . .
32 The skeleton of sponges is made up of;
a Calcium b Silica c Protein d Both a & b
. . . .
33 Sperm released in water are carried to the mesenchyme in sponges by;
a Amoeboid cell b Stipules c Spicules d Spines
. . . .
34 Gut in psuedocoelomates is made from;
a Ectoderm b Mesoderm c Endoderm d All of these
. . . .
35 In sponges the fertilization takes place in;
a Ectoderm b Mesenchyme c Endoderm d Uterus
. . . .
36 The single main opening of sponge cavity is;
a Osculum b Ostia c Spongocoel d None of these
. . . .
37 Enteron in coelenterates acts as;
a Digestive b Body cavity c Transport d All of these
. cavity . . cavity .
38 Which of the following are motile zooids in cnidarians?
a Polyps b Medusa c Both a,b d None of these
. . . .
39 Exoskeleton of coelenterates is made up of;
a Calcium b Silica c Chitin d Both a & b
. . . .
40 All of the following coelenterates show alternation f generation except;
a Hydra b Obelia c Aurelia d None of these
. . . .
41 All of the following are true foe platihelminthes except;
a Flatworms b Triploblastic c Coeleomate d Bilateral
. . . . symmetry
42 Excretory system of Platyhelminthes consists of;
a Nephridia b Flame cells c Malpighian d Nephrons
. . . tubules .
43 Free living example of Platyhelminthes is;
a Dugesia b Fasciola c Taenia d None of these
. . . .
44 Psuedocoelom is character of;
a Coelenterates b Platyhelminthes c Aschelminthes d Annelids
. . . .
45 Nervous system of nematodes consists of;
a Ventral nerve b Dorsal nerve c Lateral nerve d All of these
. cord . cord . cord .
46 Which system is present in nematodes?
a Sac-like b Tube-like c Circulatory d Respiratory
. digestive . digestive system . system . system
47 Pinworm is common name used for;
a Rhabdites b Enterobiuos c Ancylostoma d Taenia solium
. . vermicularis . duodenale .
48 Which of the following system is segmentally arranged in annelids?
a Excretory b Digestive system c Circulatory d Nervous system
. system . . system .
49 Marine example of annelids is;
a Neries b Stylaria c Earthworm d Leech
. . . .
50 ------------------ are the first group of invertebrates which have developed a
closed circulatory system;
a Nematodes b Annelids c Arthropods d Molluscs
. . . .
51 Te organs of locomotion in annelids are;
a Muscles b Hydrostatic c Parapodia d Setae
. . skeleton . .
52 Polychaetes have;
a Tentacles b Palps c Eyes d All of these
. . . .
53 ------------------ are believed to have common origin with annelids;
a Nematodes b Arthropods c Molluscs d None of thse
. . . .
54 Aquatic arthropods respire through;
a Spiracles b Gills c Booklungs d Both b & c
. . . .
55 Main blood vessel of arthropods usually;
a Lies on dorsal b Lies on ventral c Lies on lateral d None of these
. side . side . side .
56 True metamorphosis is not present in;
a Crustacean b Insecta c Arachnida d Myriapoda
. . . .
57 First largest phylum of invertebrates is;
a Porifera b Arthropods c Mollusca d Chordate
. . . .
58 Second largest phylum of invertebrates is;
a Porifera b Arthropods c Mollusca d Chordate
. . . .
59 Mantle in molluscs is present over;
a Head b Ventral muscular c Dorsal visceral d All of these
. . foot . region .
60 Circulatory system is open type in all of the following except;
a Arthropoda b Gastropoda c Pelecypoda d Cephalopoda
. . . .
61 Body is globular in;
a Cake urchin b Sea urchin c Sea cucumber d Brittle star
. . . .
62 Prechordates are another name used for?
a Echinoderms b Hemichordates c Vertebrates d Chordates
. . . .
63 Notochord is present throughout life in;
a Urochordates b Cephalochordates c Chordates d Vertebrates
. . . .
64 Body is eel-like in;
a Cyclostomata b Chondrichthes c Osteichthyes d None of these
. . . .
65 Which of the following fishes containd lungs?
a Lamprey b Perch c Plaice d Dipnoi
. . . .
66 Shell of egg is leathery appearance in;
a Amphibians b Reptiles c Birds d Protherians
. . . .
67 Mammals became dominant in;
a Proterozoic b Mesozoic era c Paleozoic era d Cenozoic era
. era . . .
68 Metamerically segmented animals are belonging to the;
a Annelids b Cnidarians c Molluscs d Echinoderms
. . . .
69 Flam cells are the excretory cells in;
a Flat worms b Segmented worms c Round worms d Arthropods
. . . .
70 In phylum coelenterates special cells Cnidocytes give rise to;
a Polyps b Nematocysts c Gastrozoids d Gemmules
. . . .
71 A free swimming trochophore larva is produced during life cycle of;
a Annelids b Porifera c Coelenterate d Arthropods
. . . .
72 Sphenodon is found in;
a Australia b Taxes c New Zealand d Africa
. . . .
73 Loligo is an animal of phylum Mollusca which is commonly called;
a Slug b Garden snail c Squid d Oyster
. . . .
74 Sepia belongs to;
a Cephalopoda b Gastropoda c Myriapoda d Annelida
. . . .
75 A blue colored respiratory pigment called Hemocyanin is found in?
a Molluscs b Arthropods c Annelids d Cinidaria
. . . .
76 Daphnia belongs to class?
a Insecta b Arachnida c Myriapoda d Gastropoda
. . . .
77 The animal with exceptionally large brain is;
a Star fish b Hydra c Octopus d Sepia
. . . .
78 Syrinx is organ of voice in;
a Amphibians b Birds c Reptiles d Mammals
. . . .
79 The cartilaginous fishes contain scales;
a Placoid b Cycloid c Ganoid d Ctenoid
. . . .
80 Protheria are commonly called;
a Egg laying b Pouched mammals c Placental d None of these
. mammals . . mammals .
81 Example of placental mammal is;
a Dolphin b Kangaroo c Echidna d Opossum
. . . .
82 The presence of notochord is the character of;
a Arthropoda b Chordate c Mollusca d Nematode
. . . .
83 Man belongs to sub-class;
a Protozoa b Protheria c Metatheria d Eutheria
. . . .
Answer key:
1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.C 10.A
11.C 12.B 13.B 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.A 18.B 19.D 20.C
21.C 22.D 23.B 24.C 25.A 26.B 27.B 28.C 29.C 30.A
31.B 32.D 33.A 34.C 35.B 36.A 37.D 38.C 39.A 40.A
41.C 42.B 43.A 44.C 45.D 46.B 47.B 48.C 49.A 50.B
51.D 52.D 53.B 54.D 55.A 56.C 57.B 58.C 59.C 60.D
61.B 62.B 63.B .64.A 65.D 66.B 67.D 68.A 69.A 70.C
71.A 72.C 73.C 74.A 75.A 76.D 77.C 78.B 79.A 80.A
81.A 82.B 83.D
Short questions:
QNO: 1. Why animals are so named for?
Ans. The name animalia was derived from Latin word anima means breath or soul, so they are called
animals.Animalia kingdom includes all the animals.
QNO: 2. What are the general characters of kingdom animalia?
Ans. Animals have following characteristics.
i. Animals are Multicellular.
ii. All animals are eukaryotic.
iii. They have diploid number of chromosomes.
iv. All animals are ingestive & heterotrophs.
v. They develop anisogamously from two different haploid gametes, a large egg and a
smaller sperm.
QNO: 3. Differentiate b/w metazoan and protozoa.
Metazoans Protozoa

This group includes all the Multicellular animals This group includes one celled animals and have
and cells are organized into tissues, organs or no tissue organization.

i.e. complex animals i.e. simplest animals

QNO: 4. Differentiate b/w Parazoa and Eumetazoa.

Parazoa Eumetazoa

i. The simplest of the animals belong to i.The complex of the animals belong to
subkingdom parazoa (Phylum Porifera). subkingdom Eumetazoa.

ii. These animals lack tissues and organized ii. These animals have tissue organized
organs. into organs and organ systems.

iii. They have indeterminate shape. iii. They have determinate shape.

iv. Their bodies are asymmetrical. iv. These include radially symmetrical
i.e. Phylum Porifera(sponges) i.e. Phylum Cnidarians to chordates.

QNO: 5. Compare b/w Radial symmetry and Bilateral symmetry.

Radial symmetry Bilateral symmetry

A type of symmetry or organization in which the A type of symmetry or organization in

body parts of an organism are arranged around which a single division plane divides
central axis in such a way that any division the animal into two equal halves/mirror
passing through the central axis divides the animal images and animal consists of distinct
into equal halves/mirror images. anterior and posterior halves.

i.e. Phylum Cnidaria (Coelenterate) i.e. Phylum Platyhelminthes to chordates.

QNO: 6. Compare b/w Protostomes and Deuterostomes.

Series Proterostomia (Protostomes) Series Deuterostomia (Deuterostomes)

This includes cleavage or division is spiral and This include cleavage is radial and
determinate. determinate.

Mouth in these animals arises from the blastopore Mouth is formed second at some distance
or from its anterior, margin during development. anterior to the blastopore and
blastopore forms the anus during
embryonic development.

Coelom is formed due to splitting of mesoderm Coelom is formed as out pockets from
(Schizocoelous hypothesis) archenterons( Enterocoelous hypothesis)

. Mesoderm is derived from cells on lips of Mesoderm is derived from walls of

blastopore. developing gut.

For example: This includes phyla Aschelminthes, For example: This series include animals
Annelida and Arthropoda. to phyla Echinodermata, Hemichrdata and
QNO: 7. Differentiate b/w Spiral and determinate cleavage and radial and
indeterminate cleavage.
Spiral and determinate cleavage Radial and indeterminate cleavage

A cleavage in which the lines or planes of A cleavage in which the planes of

cleavage are not symmetrical between poles, cleavage are symmetrical to the polar
instead these are diagonal to the polar axis. axis.

It produces unequal cells around the axis of It produces tiers of cells on top of each other.
All the blastomeres have determined role to play Anyone blastomeres can produce a complete
in the formations of embryo. embryo.
The fate of each blastomere is foretold. The fate of each blastomere is not pre-determined.
QNO: 8. Differentiate b/w acoelomates, Psuedocoelomates and Coelomates.
Acoelomates Psuedocoelomates Coelomates( Eucoelomates)
The animals that have no body The animals that have a false The animals that have a true
cavity or Coelom. body cavity or Coelom. body cavity or Coelom.
Mesenchyma or parenchyma The space between the body wall The mesoderm splits into
fills the space between the and digestive tube is called outer parietal layer which
ectoderm and endoderm. Psuedocoelom. lines the body wall and
the visceral layer which
covers the alimentary
In acoelomates the gut is sac- Psuedocoelom is not true The cavity between the
like. Coelom because it is not lined by parietal and visceral
coelomic epithelium. layer is the true Coelom.
There is no special transport Psuedocoelom has no relation Gut attains more
system. Only excretory system with reproductive and excretory complexity.Neuro-sensory
is developed for the transport of organs. system is well developed
excretory products. along with excretory
system, circulatory system
and reproductive system.
i.e. phylum Platyhelminthes i.e. phylum i.e. Phylum Annelida to
( Flatworms) Aschelminthes(Nematodes) Chordates.
QNO: 9. Define the term Coelom. Also write its origin and advantage.
Ans. Body cavity or Coelom is the true body cavity, which is the space between the
digestive tube and the outer wall.
Origin: The true Coelom is develop between the two layers of mesoderm.
Types of Coelom: Coelom consists of two types.
i. Schizocoelic (Formed by splitting of Mesodermal layer originating
from blastopore)
ii. Enterocoelic (Formed by the outfoldings pinches of archenteron)
Importance of Coelom
Coelom provides space for visceral organs. It contributes directly to the
development of the systems, such as excretory, reproductive and digestive system.
QNO: 10. Write comparison b/w Diploblastic and Triploblastic animals.
Diploblastic animals Triploblastic animals

The body of these animals consists of two layers The body of these animals consists of
of cells i.e. ectoderm and endoderm. three germ layers i.e. ectoderm,
mesoderm and endoderm.

Diploblastic animals show lesser degree of Triploblastic animals show greater

specialization. degree of specialization.

There is no special transport system and most They have specialized organ systems such
substances distributed within the body by as transport system, integumentary and
diffusion. nervous system.

They consist of diffused nervous system and They consist of centralized nervous
single body cavity known as gastrovascular system and tube like digestive system
cavity. consisting of two opening i.e. mouth and
These animals have radial symmetry (Phylum These animals show bilateral symmetry
Cnidarians). (Acoelomates, psuedocoelomates and

QNO: 11. What is a gastrovascular cavity?

Ans. A cavity that has only one opening named as mouth for the entry of food and
water and also for the removal of wastes along with water. This cavity also acts as
sac like digestive system and present in diploblastic animals.
QNO: 12. What is mesoglea and spongocoel?
Ans. Mesoglea: In diploblastic animals, there is a jelly like non-cellular
mesenchyme or mesoglea between ectoderm and endoderm.
Spongocoel: In sponges, there is a single cavity inside the body is known as
QNO: 13. What are gemmules?
Ans. In sponges, reproduce asexually by budding. These buds are usually formed
internal or external. The buds that are formed internally are called gemmules that
develop into new sponges.
QNO: 14. Differentiate b/w Ostia and osculum.
Ans. Ostia and Osculum.
Ostia Osculum

The pores through which the water enters in the The pore through which the water leaves the body
body of sponge are called Ostia. of a sponge is called osculum.

Ostia are present throughout of the body wall, Osculum is located at anterior end of the body of
hence sponges are names as poriferans. sponges, leading to the cavity inside the body
called spongocoel.
QNO: 15. What are spicules?
Ans. The skeleton in sponges is in the form of variously shaped needle like
structures called spicules.These are formed by calcium carbonate (Calcareous) or
Silicon dioxide (Siliceous).
QNO: 16. Write down the importance of sponges.
Ans. Importance of sponges,
i. The skeleton of sponges is used for washing and bathing.
ii. Sponges are used in surgical operations for absorbing fluids and blood.
iii. Sponges are used for sound absorption in buildings.
Example. Sycon, Euplectella (Venous flower basket)
QNO: 17. What are Cnidocytes?
Ans. Cnidocytes are specialized cells which give rise to nematocysts. Nematocysts
are stinging cells which are used for predation in Cnidarians.
QNO: 18. Define the term protandry?
Ans. Some sponges species reproduce sexually and are hermaphrodite. Sponges are
mostly protandrous; male sex cells develop first.
QNO: 19. Differentiate b/w Polyps and Medusae.
Ans. Polyps and Medusae:
Polyps Medusae

Polyps are cylindrical animals, which in most Medusae are umbrella like and are free
cases are nutritive in function, hence named swimming.

Polyps reproduce asexually and give rise to Medusae reproduce sexually as they have gonads
medusa. and give rise to polyps.
QNO: 20. Define polymorphism. Also give example.
Ans. The phenomenon of occurance of structurally and functionally more than two
different types of individuals within the same organism is known as polymorphism.
Example: It is a characteristics feature of coelenterates.
QNO: 21. Define alternation of generation in coelenterates.
Ans. The life cycle of coelenterates is characterized by the presence of alternation of generation in which
two diploid generations, one free living (Medusae) and one attached stage (polyps) reproduce sexually
and asexually means alternate with each other is called alternation of generation.
QNO: 22. What are coral reefs? How are they formed?
Ans. Living polyps are found on the surface layer of corals where as underneath the mass are dead stony
structures only. These stony masses of calcium carbonates (lime-stone) are called coral reefs.
Location: Coral reefs are found in the coastal waters of Florida, West Indies,
Australia etc.
Types of corals reefs: Fringing reef, Barrier reef, Atoll reef.
QNO: 23. What are Nematocysts? Give their function.
Ans. Nematocysts
Nematocysts are stinging cells embedded in the tentacles and are developed from
Function: Each nematocyst consists of a hollow thread coiled within the capsule and a tiny hair like
trigger projecting outside. When a prey such as Daphnia or Cyclops comes in contact with the cnidocil
the hollow thread of the nematocyst turns inside out, ejects poison and the prey is paralyzed or sometimes
QNO: 24. How Platyhelminthes are reproduced? Mention its types.
Ans. Reproduction in Platyhelminthes.
Asexual reproduction (Regeneration): Asexual reproduction in Platyhelminthes is by Fission in
which the animal constricts in the middle into two pieces, each of which regenerates the missing part.
Sexual reproduction: Platyhelminthes are hermaphrodites, i.e both male and female reproductive organs
are present in the same individual.
QNO: 25. What is hermaphrodite animal? Give an example.
Ans. The animal that consists of both male and female sex organs on the same individual.
Example: Animals belong to the phylum Platyhelminthes.
QNO: 26. Differentiate b/w infestation and disinfestations.
Ans. Infestation and Disinfestations.
Infestations Disinfestations

Infection caused by a parasitic organism within Treatment of infection by removal of parasitic

its hosts is known as infestation. organism from its hosts is known as

QNO: 27. Write adaptations for parasitic mode of life.

Ans. Adaptations for parasitic mode of life.
 Cuticle: The presence of resistance cuticle for protection.
 Organs of attachment: Development of adhesive organs such as hooks and suckers for
 Digestive system: The digestive system has become simplified due to increased dependence
on host.
 Life cycle: The life cycle is complicated and presence of more than one host during the life
cycle increases the chances of survival for the species.
QNO: 28. Write down the scientific names of pinworm and hookworm.
Ans. Scientific names of pinworm and hookworm.
Pin worm Enterobius vermicularis
Hookworm Ancylostoma duodenale
QNO: 29. What is metameric segmentation? In which is it present?
Ans. Metameric segmentation:
The body of most worms is divided transversely into a number of similar segments both
internally and externally is called metameric segmentation.
QNO: 30. Differentiate b/w Metamerism and Tagmatization.
Ans. Metamerism and Tagmatization.
Metamerism Tagmatization

Segmental arrangement of body parts in an The specialization of body regions in a metameric

animal. animal.
The compartmentalization of the body has It is best developed in arthropods and some
resulted in each segment having its own annelids.
excretory, nervous and circulatory systems.
QNO: 31. What are hookworms?
Ans. Hookworms:
Hookworm is a parasite of human small intestine. It holds the villi of intestine and
sucks the blood and body fluids. It produces an anticoagulant during feeding. It
leaves the wound bleeding after feeding. It causes severe anemia in children and
retard the physical and mental growth.
QNO: 32. Why earthworm is named as natural plough or importance of earthworms.
Ans. Earthworm as Natural plough:
 Earthworm permits great retraction of air into the soil and improves the drainage capacity of soil
( Burrowing activity)
 It also enables roots to grow downwards through the soil more easily.
 Mixing and churning of soil is brought about when earth which contains inorganic particles is
brought up to the surface from lower regions.
 Earthworm is most active segmented worm in churning the soil, therefore, it is commonly termed
as natural plough.
QNO: 33. What are anticoagulants?
Ans. Anticoagulants are chemicals that inhibit blood clotting.These chemicals are useful in fluid feeders.
QNO: 34. Differentiate b/w beneficial insects and harmful insects.
Beneficial insects Harmful insects

Those insects that are beneficial to mankind are Those insects that are harmful for
called beneficial insects. mankind are called harmful insects.

Honeybees provide man with honey and wax. Many types of mosquitoes, flies, fleas, lice and
bugs transmit disease causing organism to to man
and domestic animals.
Silk worm gives us silk. The common housefly carries disease
causing organism to contaminate food and
cause cholera, hepatitis etc.

Insects larvae are source of food for fish. Some species of trypanosome cause
disease in cattle.
Some insects are predaceous on other harmful A number of insects lay eggs on fruits
insects. and other commercial crops such as
sugar-cane, maize, cotton and vegetables
QNO: 35. Define metamorphosis and its types.
The radical changes during growth and development from larval to adult body plan in insects is known
as metamorphosis.
Complete metamorphosis Incomplete metamorphosis
Complete metamorphosis is a type of insect Incomplete metamorphosis is a type of
development whose egg, larvae, pupa and adult insect development where gradual changes
stages differ greatly in morphology. occur in the insect during the
development from to the adult.

It consists of four stages: It consists of three stages;

Egg , larva, pupa and adult Egg, nymph and adult

QNO: 36. How does transport of gases may take place in arthropods or what are
And. Spiracles:
Most arthropods possess an extensive tracheal system for exchange of gases. This tracheal system is
composed of air tubes called tracheae. Main tracheae open outside through openings called spiracles.
These are developed in terrestrial arthropods.
QNO: 37. What is an exoskeleton/cuticle? Write its function.
Ans. The chitinous exoskeleton:
Arthropods are characterized by having a chitinous exoskeleton. Chitin is non-
living, non-cellular and is secreted by the underlying epidermis. It is a protein
carbohydrate compound and waxy in nature.
Function: It is for protection and serves as lever for the movement of muscles of
jointed limbs. The chitin in the jaws is used for biting and crushing food.
QNO: 38. What is an ecdysis/molting? Write its disadvantage.
Ans. The periodic shedding of old chitinous exoskeleton and replaced with new exoskeleton to allow the
growth of larva is called ecdysis or molting.
Advantage: Exoskeleton of chitin helps them to adapt to a wide variety of habitat.
QNO: 39. What are roundworms? Write their importance.
Ans. Roundworms are present almost everywhere and play an important role in breaking
down organic matter.
A single rotten apple may contain 90,000 worms. Billions thrive in each acre of
QNO: 40. What is an giant squid?
Ans. The giant squid is a largest invertebrate animal reaching a length of 15 meters
(Almost 50 feet) including tentacles or arms.
QNO: 41. Write advantages and disadvantages of Molluscs.
Advantages(Beneficial effects) Disadvantages(Harmful effects)
Many molluscs are great source of food Some molluscs are harmful to man such as
for man i.e. mussels and oysters etc. slugs and shipworms i.e. Teredo,
shipworm that damages wooden parts of
Shell of fresh water mussels are used in The slugs are injurious in gardens and
button industry. cultivations.
Shells of Oysters are mixed with tar for The slugs not only eat leaves but also
making roads in America. destroy plants by cutting up their roots
and stems.
Some oysters also make valuable pearls
e.g. the pearl oyster

QNO: 42. What is Hemocyanin?

Ans. Hemocyanin is a respiratory pigment of blue in colour in circulatory system of
QNO: 43.Define the terms mantle and madreporite.
Ans. Mantle and Madreporite.
Mantle Madreporite
The body of molluscs is covered by a Madreporite is a sieve like plate
glandular epithelial envelope called present on the aboral body surface of
mantle which secretes calcareous shell. echinoderms through which water enters
The shell is protective and useful for into canals of water vascular system.

QNO: 44. Define water vascular system in echinoderms.

Ans. Water vascular system in echinoderms:
Water vascular system is a complex system of tubes and spaces surrounding the mouth
and passing into arms and tube feet. The water circulates trough these canals
through a sieve like plate called madreporite present on the aboral body surface.
QNO: 45. Differentiate between sac-like and tube like digestive system.
Sac-like digestive system Tube-like digestive system
Digestive system having only one cavity Digestive system having mouth at the
in the body which has only one opening anterior end and the anus at other end
for the entry of food and water and also is known as tube-like digestive system.
for the removal of wastes along with
water is known as sac-like digestive
Diploblastic animals have sac-like Triploblastic animals have tube-like
digestive system. digestive system.
QNO: 46. Name two larvae found in echinoderms.
Ans. Bipinnaria larva
Brachiolaria larva
QNO: 47. How echinoderms are are related to hemichordates?
Ans. Resemblance b/w echinoderms and hemichordates
 Both belong to series Deuterostomia.
 Having a same plan for formation of Coelom and retention of blastopore as the
site for future anus.
 Both posses Mesodermal endoskeleton.
 Both have same origin of mesoderm form the cells close to blastopore.
QNO: 48. Define the terms Nerve cord and Notochord.
Ans. Nerve cord and Notochord.
Nerve cord Notochord
Nerve cord is a hollow tubular cord Notochord is a rod-like semi-rigid body
which is a part of nervous system of the of vacuolated cells which are filled
animal and is present in embryo as well with proteinacoeus material and is
as in adults. present in embryo of chordates.
QNO: 49. Write basic characters of chordates.
Ans. Basic characteristics of chordates:
 All chordates posses notochord.
 All chordates having central nervous system that is dorsal in position and is
 All chordates develop paired gill openings in embryonic stage.
QNO: 50. Differentiate b/w Anamniotes and amniotes.
Ans. Anamniotes and Amniotes.

Anamniotes Amniotes
Those animals that do not develop from Those animals that develop from the
foetal membrane or amnion are called foetal membrane or amnion are called
Anamniotes. amniotes.
It includes class Pisces (fishes) and It includes class Reptilian, Aves
Amphibia. (birds) and Mammals.
QNO: 51. Differentiate b/w tunicates and craniates.
Ans. Tunicates/Craniates:
Sub-phylum Urochordata Sub-phylum Cephalochordata
In urochoradata the notochord and nerve In cephalochordata the notochord and
cord is present only in the free nerve cord extend along the entire
swimming larval stage. length of the body and persist
throughout the life.
The adult urochordates are sessile and These animals posses cranium in which
enclosed in a covering known as tunic brain is contained (Craniates).
Example: Molgula Example: Amphioxus
QNO: 52. Differentiate b/w sting rays and electric rays.
Ans. Sting rays/Electric rays:
Sting rays Electric rays
In the sting ray the tail is long and The electric rays have certain dorsal
whip-like and has sharp spines, which muscles modified into powerful electric
can inflict very dangerous wounds. organs which can give severe shocks and
stun their prey.
QNO: 53. Write economic importance of Sharks.
Ans. Economic importance of Sharks:
 Sharks are used as food by man.
 Sharks skin leather is used for making articles.
QNO: 54. Write adaptations in fishes for aquatic mode of life.
Ans. Adaptations for aquatic mode of life:
 Stream-lined body (Boat shaped): The stream-lined body offers little
resistance to water while swimming.
 Swim bladder: Swim bladder helps the fish to float high or sink lower in
 Fins: Fins are used for swimming and keeping balance.
 Circulatory and respiratory system: Both systems are well adapted for aquatic
mode of life.
QNO: 55. Give three characters of class Amphibia.
Ans. Characters of class Amphibia:
 Respiration takes place by gills in larva and by lungs and skin in adults.
 Sexes are separate. Fertilization is external. Larval stages are present.
 Cold blooded animals.
QNO: 56. Differentiate b/w cold blooded and warm blooded animals.
Ans. Cold blooded / Warm blooded animals:
Cold blooded animals Warm blooded animals
These are the animals whose body These are the animals that can maintain
temperature varies as the external the body temperature higher than the
temperature changes. They have low environmental temperature. They have
metabolic rates and need external source high metabolic rates and generate their
of heat. own body temperature.
Example: Fishes, Amphibians and Reptiles Example. Birds and Mammals
QNO: 57. What are the Reptilians and avian features of Archaeopteryx?
Ans. Features of Archaeopteryx:
Reptilian characters of Archaeopteryx Avian characters of Archaeopteryx
Long tail like lizard with vertebrae. Presence of feathers on the body.
Claws are present in the wings. Fore-limbs modified into wings.
Teeth are present in sockets of jaws. Presence of beak.
QNO: 58. Give characters of Dipnoi as an ancestor of Amphibians.
And. characters of Dipnoi as an ancestor of Amphibians:
Fossil evidence from the Devonian period of earth history suggests that fishes
belong to group lobe fins (Dipnoi) came to line in shallow fresh water. Some of them
crawled from one pool to another and
Therefore spent time on land. This gave rise to the group that is recognized as
amphibians which are the first vertebrates to come on land.
QNO: 59. Give any four characters of class Reptilia.
Ans. Four characters of class Reptilia.
 Reptiles developed copulatory organ for internal development.
 The shell of egg is leathery that prevent embryo from injury.
 They have dry scaly skin that is major adaptation for terrestrial life.
 Reptiles develop three protective layers;
 Amnion (Around embryo), Allantois (Store waste), Chorion (Below shell).
QNO: 60. What is swim bladder and syrinx?
Ans. Swim bladder and Syrinx:
Swim bladder Syrinx
Swim bladder is hydrostatic organ in Syrinx is situated at the lower end of
bony fishes. trachea near the origin of two bronchi
in class aves.
Function: Swim bladder can change the Function: Syrinx is the organ of voice
gravity of fish by filling itself with (Vocalization) in birds.
gas. The fish can float high or sink
lower in water by it.
QNO: 61. Differentiate b/w Protheria, Metatheria and Eutheria.
Ans. Protheria/Metatheria/ Eutheria:
Protheria Metatheria Eutheria
Protheria includes egg laying Metatheria includes pouched Eutheria includes placental
mammals. mammals. mammals.
Protherians have fur on body Matatherians have abdominal In Eutherians, maximum
and female has mammary glands pouch the marsupium where development of young ones
to feed the youngs. they feed their young ones. takes place in the body of the
mother and the young that are
born are fully developed.
Protherians have cloaca and The young born are immature During development a structure
cloacal opening instead of and are carried by the mother in known as placenta is formed
separate opening for digestive the marsupium, where they are through which the foetus is
system and urinogenital system. fed on milk produced by the nourished.
milk glands of mother till they
develop to their maximum.
Example: Duckbill platypus and Example: Kangaroo, Opossum, Example: Man, Whale,
Spiny anteater or Echidna Tasmanian wolf, Wombat etc. Elephant, Horses, Rats, Mice,
Bats, Dolphin etc.
QNO: 62. Define the terms Marsupium and Placenta. Also give their role.
Marsupium Placenta
Marsupium is an abdominal pouch in Placenta is an organ in mammals that
female of pouched mammals (Class connects a developing embryo to
Metatheria). surrounding maternal tissue in placental
mammals (Class Eutheria).
Role: The young one after birth is Role: Foetus obtains nutrients, give off
transferred to marsupium by the mother wastes and exchange respiratory gases
to rear the through milk. with mother through placenta.
QNO: 63. What are cotylosaurs?
Ans. The reptilian ancestors from which it is believed that mammals have evolved are

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