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Sure, here are four mathematical problems involving logic gates in digital electronics:

Problem 1:

Given the following inputs to a logic gate circuit: A = 1, B = 0, C = 1. Evaluate the output of the circuit
for the following expression: Y = (A.B) + C

Problem 2:

Given the following inputs to a logic gate circuit: A = 0, B = 1, C = 1, D = 0. Evaluate the output of the
circuit for the following expression: Y = ( A . B ) + (C . D ).

3. Design a half adder circuit using logic gates. A half adder adds two single-bit binary numbers A and
B and outputs their sum (S) and carry (C). The truth table for a half adder is as follows:

Using this truth table, design a half adder circuit using logic gates such as AND, OR, and XOR gates.
Provide a schematic diagram of the circuit and explain how it works.

4. The figure below shows a logic circuit and its incomplete truth table. Complete the below truth
Sure, here are four critical problems involving Boolean algebra:

Problem 1:

Given the Boolean expression F = A'B'C' + AB'C' + A'BC + ABC, simplify the expression using Boolean
algebra laws and theorems.

Problem 2:

Using Boolean algebra, prove the duality theorem, which states that if a Boolean function F(X1, X2, ...,
Xn) is equal to its complement F'(X1, X2, ..., Xn) \), then the function is identically equal to 1 (True) or 0

Problem 3:

Given the truth table for a Boolean function \( F \), derive the minimized sum-of-products (SOP)
expression using Karnaugh Maps (K-map) and Boolean algebra. The truth table is as follows:

Problem 4:

Using Boolean algebra, prove De Morgan's Laws for two variables and extend it to three variables.
Then, illustrate how these laws are applied in digital logic circuits.

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