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NAME: Avelino Fernan C.

Dela Cruz
DATE and WEEK NUMBER: JAN 18, 2024 (WEEK 1)

Work Immersion Details

Work/s Observed and/or Tasks Given (List down all)

● Oriented by Ma’am Grace.

● Given an explanation on how they work.
● Ma’am Grace Introduced to the Divisions and staff.
● Avelino was asked to create a resume.
● Avelino was assigned to a division.

Based on this week’s observations and task accomplishment, how can you use your new learnings
once you have become a professional? Provide specific examples.

Avelino’s experience was quite enjoyable. The staff were kind to him, respected him and treated
him as an intern, Sir Ricco called Avelino to come to him and observe his job first hand as he
tended to the requests of the people. Ma’am Iyler informed Avelino on the things their department
is responsible for doing. She gave him some documents and an annual report to read in order to
get familiarized with their work and their accomplishments. Avelino had learned alot from observing
them. They helped their co workers when they have no work left to do, treated them with respect
and finished their work on time why managing their work loads.

SUBMITTED BY: Avelino Fernan C. Dela Cruz

Avelino Fernan C. Dela Cruz

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