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NIM : 043979744
MATA KULIAH : Bahasa Inggris (MKWI4201)


a. Ragam bahasa yang dipakai adalah informal or casual language (casual and informal
conversations) yang digunakan dalam percakapan sehari-hari dalam situasi tidak resmi
atau nonformal. Alasan mengapa ragam bahasa yang dipakai tergolong informal karena
banyak menggunakan contracted words (kata yang digabung) seperti what’s, didn’t,
wasn’t dan lain-lain. Selain itu, percakapan yang dimaksud juga memakai filler
words (kata pengisi) yang hanya digunakan dalam situasi informal seperti ‘oh hey’,
‘yeah’, ‘oh’ dan lain-lain.
b. Topik yang menjadi pokok percakapan antara Jane dan Helen adalah pengalaman
wawancara yang dilakukan Jane. The topic of the conversation is Jane’s job interview.

2. I work to improve the quality of food safety in an office that has a food factory. The location
of my office is in Banten. I used to drive my motorbike to and from work every time I
worked. In my office, especially in my workspace, there is a long desk without a partition
which is filled with three people each, each of whom gets assets from the office. The assets
are one monitor, one CPU, one keyboard, one mouse, one chair and several important
documents that must be neatly arranged in the document storage cupboard. The most
interesting part of this office is the factory part because I can walk around the factory to
see the various food manufacturing processes and communicate with the factory staff. I am
happy every time I walk around the factory because many different products are produced
so that I can see the various uses of different raw materials, attractive packaging, see the
abundance of production, hear the sound of machines operating, as well as the smells of
the various materials used during the production process.

3. a. The sender: Jonathan Stewart, Manager

b. The receiver: All Employees
b. Content: Farewell Ceremony at 10 a.m. on the 25th of August in Conference Room A

4. (salutation)
Dear Sir/Madam,
My name is Agus Priatampan, I am a grade 12th student and live in Jakarta.
(isi/content/body email)I am interested in applying for the My City Got Talent
competition but I could not find the application forms in your website. Can you please let
me know where I can download the forms?
Thank you for your help.

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