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Serial No. Content Page No.

1 Executive Summary 3

2 Overview of Sector 5

3 Company Overview 6

4 SWOT Analysis 7

5 PESTLE Analysis 10

6 Five Forces Analysis 12

7 Customer Segmentation 14

8 Customer Journey Mapping 16

9 AIDA Model 18

10 Ansoff Matrix 20

11 Brand Equity Model 22

12 McKinsey 7S Framework 24

13 Value Chain Analysis 27

14 Summary and Conclusions 29


This research paper presents a thorough analysis of Magzter, a prominent digital magazine
platform, utilizing ten strategic models. The aim of this analysis is to provide valuable insights
into Magzter's internal and external environments, ascertain its competitive position in the
market, and understand the key factors influencing its success.

The analysis commences with a SWOT analysis, which examines Magzter's strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It highlights Magzter's strong brand recognition,
extensive digital magazine collection, and global reach as notable strengths. However,
challenges such as intensified competition and evolving consumer preferences pose potential
weaknesses and threats.

Subsequently, the PESTLE analysis explores the macro-environmental factors impacting

Magzter's operations, encompassing political, economic, social, technological, legal, and
environmental aspects. The analysis identifies opportunities in expanding markets, digital
advancements, and shifting consumer behaviors, while also underscoring potential challenges
related to regulatory changes and environmental sustainability.

The Five Forces analysis evaluates Magzter's industry competitiveness by assessing the
bargaining power of suppliers and customers, the threat of new entrants, the threat of
substitutes, and industry rivalry. This analysis reveals that Magzter operates in a highly
competitive environment with a moderate threat of substitutes, but also benefits from its
established position and customer base.

Customer segmentation is then explored to comprehend Magzter's target audience. Through

the analysis of demographic, psychographic, and behavioral characteristics, the study
identifies distinct customer segments, such as avid readers, professionals, and niche interest
groups. This aids Magzter in tailoring its marketing strategies and offerings to meet specific
customer needs.

Furthermore, the customer journey mapping model visualizes the end-to-end customer
experience with Magzter, identifying touchpoints and interactions. This analysis helps Magzter
identify pain points and areas for improvement, ultimately enhancing customer satisfaction
and fostering loyalty.

The AIDA model is employed to examine Magzter's marketing and communication strategies.
It focuses on creating awareness, generating interest, stimulating desire, and prompting action
among potential customers. The analysis highlights Magzter's effective utilization of digital
marketing channels and its ability to engage and convert customers.

The Ansoff Matrix is utilized to evaluate Magzter's growth strategies. This model considers
four strategic options: market penetration, market development, product development, and
diversification. The analysis reveals that Magzter has primarily focused on market penetration
and product development, expanding its existing customer base and introducing new features
and services.

The Brand Equity model assesses Magzter's brand value and perception. It examines factors
such as brand awareness, loyalty, perceived quality, and brand associations. The analysis
underscores Magzter's strong brand recognition and positive customer perception,
contributing to its competitive advantage.

The McKinsey 7S Framework explores Magzter's internal alignment and organizational

effectiveness. This model evaluates seven key elements: strategy, structure, systems, shared
values, skills, style, and staff. The analysis reveals that Magzter exhibits a clear strategic
direction, a flexible organizational structure, and a customer-centric approach, all of which
contribute to its success.

Lastly, the Value Chain Analysis examines Magzter's internal operations and identifies
primary and support activities. This analysis helps Magzter understand its cost drivers, sources
of competitive advantage, and areas for process improvement.

Overall, the analysis of Magzter using these ten strategic models offers a comprehensive
understanding of the company's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as well as
its competitive position in the market. The insights gained from this analysis can guide strategic
decision-making, assist Magzter in capitalizing on opportunities, and mitigate potential risks.


The digital magazine platform sector has experienced significant growth and transformation in
recent years, driven by advancements in technology and changing consumer preferences. This
sector encompasses online platforms that provide users with access to a wide range of digital
magazines, offering convenience and flexibility compared to traditional print publications.

The sector has witnessed a shift from traditional print magazines to digital formats, as readers
increasingly prefer accessing content on their smartphones, tablets, or computers. Digital
magazine platforms offer a vast library of publications, covering various genres and topics,
catering to diverse reader interests. These platforms often provide subscription-based models,
granting users unlimited access to a selection of magazines or allowing individual purchases
of specific issues.

One of the key advantages of digital magazine platforms is the ability to access content anytime
and anywhere, offering enhanced convenience and portability. Readers can enjoy their favorite
magazines on the go, without the need for physical copies. Additionally, digital platforms often
provide interactive features, such as videos, audio, and hyperlinks, enhancing the overall
reading experience.

The sector has experienced intense competition, with numerous digital magazine platforms
vying for market share. Key players in the industry include Magzter, Readly, Texture, Zinio,
and Flipboard, among others. These platforms differentiate themselves through their content
offerings, user experience, pricing models, and partnerships with publishers.

The market for digital magazine platforms is influenced by several factors. Technological
advancements, such as the proliferation of smartphones and tablets, have contributed to the
growing popularity of digital reading. Additionally, changing consumer behavior, particularly
among younger demographics, who are more inclined towards digital consumption, has fueled
the sector's expansion.

While the sector presents significant opportunities, it also faces challenges. Digital piracy and
unauthorized distribution of magazine content remain concerns, requiring robust digital rights
management solutions. Publishers also need to adapt their business models and revenue streams
to accommodate the shift from print to digital. Furthermore, the sector must continuously

innovate and provide compelling features and experiences to attract and retain readers in a
highly competitive landscape.

Overall, the digital magazine platform sector continues to evolve, offering readers a convenient
and immersive way to consume their favorite magazines. As technology advances and
consumer preferences evolve, the sector is likely to witness further growth and innovation,
presenting opportunities for both platforms and publishers to thrive in the digital era.


Magzter is a leading digital magazine platform that offers users access to a vast library of digital
magazines from various genres and publishers worldwide. Founded in 2011 by Girish Ramdas
and Vijayakumar Radhakrishnan, Magzter has emerged as a popular destination for digital
reading, revolutionizing the way people consume magazines.

The platform provides a user-friendly interface and is available across multiple devices,
including smartphones, tablets, and computers. Users can explore and subscribe to a wide range
of magazines, gaining unlimited access to their favorite publications. Magzter offers both
subscription-based models, allowing readers to access a selection of magazines, as well as
individual purchases of specific issues.

Magzter has established partnerships with over 5,000 publishers globally, enabling them to
offer a diverse and extensive collection of magazines. The platform covers various categories,
including lifestyle, fashion, sports, business, technology, entertainment, and more. Some well-
known publishers available on Magzter include Conde Nast, Hearst Magazines, Newsweek,
Bloomberg, and Forbes, among others.

In addition to magazines, Magzter has expanded its offerings to include newspapers, catalogs,
books, and comics, further enhancing its content library and catering to a broader audience.
The platform's content is available in multiple languages, allowing readers from different
regions to access localized content.

Magzter has a global presence, with users spanning across 50 countries. The platform's
popularity can be attributed to its seamless reading experience, interactive features, offline
reading capabilities, and the ability to sync content across devices.

As a leading player in the digital magazine platform sector, Magzter faces competition from
other platforms such as Readly, Texture, Zinio, and Flipboard. To stay competitive, Magzter
continues to innovate and enhance its offerings, focusing on user experience, partnerships with
publishers, and technological advancements.

Overall, Magzter has established itself as a prominent player in the digital magazine space,
providing readers worldwide with a convenient and immersive way to access their favorite
magazines. With its extensive content library, user-friendly interface, and global reach,
Magzter continues to shape the future of digital reading and play a vital role in the evolution
of the publishing industry.



● Extensive Magazine Library: Magzter boasts a vast collection of digital magazines

from a wide range of genres and publishers, offering users a diverse selection of content.

● User-Friendly Interface: The platform provides a seamless and intuitive user

experience, allowing readers to easily navigate and access their favorite magazines
across various devices.

● Strong Partnerships: Magzter has established partnerships with over 5,000 publishers
globally, including renowned names in the publishing industry, enabling them to offer
a comprehensive range of magazines to users.

● Global Reach: With users spanning across 50 countries, Magzter has a broad
international presence, giving it a wide customer base and global market exposure.

● Interactive Features: Magzter incorporates interactive elements such as videos, audio,

and hyperlinks into their digital magazines, enhancing the reading experience and
keeping readers engaged.


● Limited Exclusive Titles: While Magzter offers a vast selection of magazines, it may
have a relatively smaller number of exclusive titles compared to some competitors,
potentially impacting its ability to attract readers seeking unique content.

● Geographic Reach: Although Magzter has a global presence, it may face challenges
in penetrating certain regional markets and expanding its user base in specific
geographic areas.


● Growing Demand for Digital Content: The increasing preference for digital reading
and the rising popularity of mobile devices present opportunities for Magzter to capture
a larger market share and attract more readers to its platform.

● Potential Partnerships: Magzter can explore collaborations with additional
publishers, including niche and specialized publications, to further diversify its content
offerings and cater to specific reader interests.

● Expansion into New Markets: There may be opportunities for Magzter to expand its
geographic reach by targeting untapped markets and tailoring its offerings to cater to
localized preferences and languages.


● Intense Competition: The digital magazine platform sector is highly competitive, with
several platforms vying for market share. Competitors such as Readly, Texture, Zinio,
and Flipboard pose a threat to Magzter's market position and customer acquisition

● Technological Disruptions: Rapid advancements in technology and changes in digital

reading habits may introduce new platforms, formats, or distribution channels, posing
a threat to Magzter's business model and requiring constant adaptation.

● Piracy and Copyright Infringement: The unauthorized distribution and piracy of

digital content remain significant threats to Magzter's revenue streams and the
protection of publishers' intellectual property.

By leveraging its strengths, addressing weaknesses, capitalizing on opportunities, and

mitigating threats, Magzter can maintain its position as a leading digital magazine platform and
continue to meet the evolving needs of its readers and publishers.


Political Factors:

● Government regulations and policies related to digital content distribution and

intellectual property rights.

● Political stability and geopolitical factors impacting international operations and


Economic Factors:

● Overall economic conditions and consumer purchasing power affecting subscription

rates and revenue generation.

● Currency exchange rates and fluctuations influencing international operations and


10 | P a g e
Social Factors:

● Shifting consumer preferences towards digital reading and convenience.

● Demographic trends and changes in target audience preferences and behaviors.

● Social media and online communities shaping reading habits and content sharing.

Technological Factors:

● Technological advancements in mobile devices, internet connectivity, and digital

publishing platforms.

● Evolution of e-reader technologies and innovations in digital content delivery.

● Opportunities for incorporating augmented reality (AR) or virtual reality (VR) features
into the reading experience.

Legal Factors:

● Intellectual property laws and regulations governing digital content distribution,

copyrights, and licensing agreements.

● Data privacy and protection regulations, including user data collection and storage

Environmental Factors:

● Increasing awareness and concern for environmental sustainability, influencing the

demand for digital formats over print publications.

● Green initiatives and sustainability practices in digital publishing operations.

11 | P a g e
By considering these various factors, Magzter can gain insights into the external environment
in which it operates, understand potential opportunities and threats, and make informed
strategic decisions to navigate the dynamic market landscape.


Threat of New Entrants:

The digital magazine platform industry has relatively low barriers to entry, making it
susceptible to new entrants. However, establishing partnerships with publishers and building a
vast content library can be challenging for newcomers. Existing players like Magzter may
benefit from economies of scale, brand recognition, and strong relationships with publishers,
creating barriers to entry.

Bargaining Power of Suppliers:

Magzter's success relies on maintaining strong relationships with publishers who supply digital
magazines. The bargaining power of suppliers can vary depending on their size, popularity,

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and exclusivity. Publishers with highly sought-after content may have more leverage,
potentially impacting Magzter's access to exclusive titles and pricing negotiations.

Bargaining Power of Customers:

The bargaining power of customers in the digital magazine platform sector can be moderate.
While customers have various platforms to choose from, the availability of a vast magazine
library and user-friendly interface can attract and retain customers. However, customers can
easily switch to alternative platforms if they perceive better value or a more satisfying

Threat of Substitutes:

The threat of substitutes for digital magazines exists in the form of print magazines and other
digital content platforms such as blogs, news websites, and social media. However, the
convenience, portability, interactive features, and vast content selection offered by digital
magazine platforms like Magzter often differentiate them from traditional print publications
and other content sources.

Competitive Rivalry:

The digital magazine platform sector is highly competitive, with several players vying for
market share. Competitors such as Readly, Texture, Zinio, and Flipboard offer similar services
and compete for publishers and customers. Intense rivalry can lead to price competition,
innovation, and continuous improvement of user experience, benefitting customers but
potentially impacting profitability.

Understanding these five forces helps Magzter assess the competitive landscape, identify
opportunities for differentiation, and formulate strategies to maintain its market position. By
leveraging its strengths, managing supplier relationships, meeting customer demands, and

13 | P a g e
staying ahead of substitutes and competitors, Magzter can enhance its competitive advantage
in the industry.


General Readers:

These are individuals who enjoy reading a wide range of magazine genres and topics. They
may have diverse interests spanning lifestyle, fashion, sports, technology, business,
entertainment, and more. General readers seek a variety of content options and value the
convenience and accessibility of digital platforms like Magzter.

Niche Enthusiasts:

This segment comprises individuals with specific interests and passions, such as photography,
cooking, fitness, gaming, art, or specific hobbies. They are highly engaged in their respective
fields and seek specialized magazines catering to their interests. Magzter can target this
segment by curating a selection of niche publications to cater to their specific needs and

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Professionals from various industries, such as business executives, entrepreneurs, marketers,

and professionals in finance, healthcare, or technology, form this segment. They look for
magazines that provide industry insights, trends, and expert knowledge to stay informed and
up-to-date in their fields. Magzter can offer business and industry-focused publications to cater
to this segment.

Travel and Lifestyle Enthusiasts:

This segment consists of individuals passionate about travel, adventure, and exploring different
cultures. They seek travel and lifestyle magazines that provide destination guides, tips, and
inspiration. Magzter can curate content from renowned travel and lifestyle publishers to engage
this segment.

Academic and Educational Readers:

This segment includes students, researchers, and individuals interested in academic and
educational content. They seek magazines related to science, history, psychology, literature,
and other educational subjects. Magzter can collaborate with educational publishers and
provide access to scholarly magazines to target this segment.

Language-Specific Readers:

Magzter can target readers who prefer content in specific languages, such as English, Spanish,
French, German, or regional languages. By offering a wide range of language options, Magzter
can cater to the diverse linguistic needs of readers around the world.

Segmentation allows Magzter to understand the unique needs, preferences, and behaviors of
different customer groups. By tailoring its marketing strategies, content offerings, and user
experience to specific segments, Magzter can effectively attract and retain customers,
enhancing customer satisfaction and driving business growth.

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● Target Customer Persona: Tech-savvy individuals, aged 25-40, who enjoy reading
magazines across various genres and prefer the convenience of digital platforms.

Key Touchpoints:

● Online Ads: Customers come across Magzter through online advertisements on

websites, social media platforms, or search engine results.

● Website/App Visit: Customers visit the Magzter website or download the mobile app
to explore the available magazine options and features.

● Registration/Subscription: Customers register an account and subscribe to Magzter

to access the full range of magazines.

● Browsing Magazines: Customers browse through the extensive collection of

magazines, filter by genre or interest, and read sample articles.

● Magazine Selection: Customers select their preferred magazines and add them to their
library or wishlist.

● Reading Experience: Customers enjoy the interactive reading experience, with

features such as zooming, bookmarking, and search functionality.

● Customer Support: Customers reach out to customer support for assistance with
subscriptions, technical issues, or general inquiries.

● Renewal/Upgrade: Customers receive reminders or promotions for subscription

renewal or upgrading to higher-tier plans.

● Feedback/Sharing: Customers provide feedback on their experience, rate magazines,

and share their favorite articles or magazines on social media.

● Cross-Selling: Customers may be exposed to cross-selling opportunities, such as offers

for related products or premium content.

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Customer Stages:

● Awareness: Customers become aware of Magzter through online ads or word-of-

mouth recommendations.

● Consideration: Customers research and compare Magzter with other digital magazine
platforms, exploring features, pricing, and magazine selection.

● Purchase: Customers register and subscribe to Magzter, selecting a subscription plan

that suits their needs.

● Usage: Customers actively engage with the platform, exploring and reading magazines
based on their interests.

● Post-Usage: Customers continue using Magzter, renewing their subscriptions, and

exploring additional features or premium offerings.

Customer Actions and Emotions:

● Awareness: Curiosity, interest, and information gathering.

● Consideration: Comparing features, reading reviews, and evaluating pricing options.

● Purchase: Decision-making, registration, and subscription.

● Usage: Content exploration, reading, bookmarking, and sharing articles.

● Post-Usage: Renewal decisions, seeking customer support when needed, providing

feedback, and sharing positive experiences.

By mapping the customer journey, Magzter can identify pain points, opportunities for
improvement, and areas where they can enhance the customer experience. This insight can
guide them in optimizing touchpoints, refining features, and delivering a seamless and
personalized experience to their customers, ultimately fostering customer satisfaction,
retention, and advocacy.

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The AIDA model is a widely used marketing framework that describes the stages a customer
goes through in the process of making a purchase decision. It stands for Attention, Interest,
Desire, and Action. Let's apply the AIDA model to Magzter:


Magzter creates awareness and captures the attention of potential customers through various
marketing channels, such as online advertising, social media campaigns, search engine
optimization, and partnerships with publishers. Eye-catching visuals, compelling headlines,
and targeted messaging are used to grab the attention of the target audience.


Once Magzter has captured the attention of potential customers, it aims to generate interest in
its digital magazine platform. This is achieved by highlighting the key benefits and features of
Magzter, such as a vast selection of magazines spanning various genres, convenient digital
access, interactive reading experience, and the ability to read on multiple devices. Engaging

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content, testimonials, and reviews can also pique the interest of customers and encourage them
to explore further.


Magzter aims to create a desire in potential customers by showcasing the value and benefits
they can gain from subscribing to the platform. This includes emphasizing the convenience of
having a wide range of magazines accessible anytime, anywhere, the ability to personalize
reading preferences, discovering new and niche publications, and staying updated on the latest
trends and topics of interest. Special promotions, discounts, or exclusive offers may also be
used to further enhance the desire to subscribe.


The final stage of the AIDA model is to prompt potential customers to take action and convert
their interest into a subscription. Magzter provides clear and easily accessible calls to action,
such as "Subscribe Now" or "Start Reading," along with simple registration and subscription
processes. The user interface is designed to facilitate a seamless transition from browsing to
subscription, minimizing any barriers or friction in the conversion process.

By following the AIDA model, Magzter aims to guide potential customers through the stages
of attention, interest, desire, and action, ultimately leading to successful customer acquisition
and conversion.

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The Ansoff Matrix is a strategic tool that helps businesses analyze growth opportunities by
considering two key dimensions: product (what is being offered) and market (to whom it is
being offered). Let's apply the Ansoff Matrix to Magzter:

Market Penetration:

Magzter can focus on market penetration strategies by increasing its market share within
existing markets. This could involve attracting new customers, encouraging existing customers
to use the platform more frequently, or promoting subscriptions to a broader audience. Tactics
may include targeted marketing campaigns, loyalty programs, referral incentives, and
partnerships with publishers to offer exclusive content.

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Market Development:

Magzter can explore market development strategies by targeting new customer segments or
expanding into new geographic markets. This could involve identifying untapped
demographics, such as different age groups, professional sectors, or international markets, and
tailoring marketing efforts to reach and attract these new audiences. It may also involve
localizing the platform, offering language-specific content, and establishing partnerships with
local publishers.

Product Development:

Magzter can pursue product development strategies by introducing new features,

enhancements, or additional services to its existing digital magazine platform. This could
involve leveraging technology advancements to improve the reading experience, implementing
personalized recommendation systems, integrating interactive elements, or providing exclusive
access to premium content. The aim is to offer added value to existing customers and attract
new customers who seek innovative features.


Magzter can consider diversification strategies by expanding into new product lines or services
that are related or complementary to its core digital magazine offering. This could involve
exploring partnerships or acquisitions to broaden its product portfolio, such as offering digital
subscriptions for newspapers, audiobooks, or other digital content formats. Diversification
allows Magzter to tap into new revenue streams and reduce reliance on a single product or

By applying the Ansoff Matrix, Magzter can evaluate and prioritize growth strategies based on
its objectives and market conditions. It helps identify opportunities to expand its customer base,
enter new markets, enhance its product offering, and drive overall business growth.

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The brand equity model is a framework used to assess the value and strength of a brand. One
commonly used brand equity model is the Brand Equity Pyramid, which consists of four key
components: brand awareness, brand associations, brand loyalty, and perceived brand quality.
Let's apply the Brand Equity Pyramid to Magzter:

Brand Awareness:

Brand awareness refers to the extent to which customers are familiar with and recognize a
brand. Magzter can focus on increasing brand awareness by implementing effective marketing
and advertising campaigns across various channels, including online ads, social media, content
marketing, and partnerships with publishers. By consistently promoting the brand and its value
proposition, Magzter can ensure that potential customers are aware of its existence and

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Brand Associations:

Brand associations are the unique attributes, qualities, and values that customers associate with
a brand. Magzter can shape and reinforce brand associations by consistently delivering a high-
quality digital magazine platform with a wide range of genres, convenient access, interactive
features, personalized recommendations, and an enjoyable reading experience. By consistently
delivering on its brand promise, Magzter can build positive associations and differentiate itself
from competitors.

Brand Loyalty:

Brand loyalty reflects the level of customer attachment and commitment to a brand. Magzter
can build brand loyalty by fostering a strong relationship with its customers. This can be
achieved through personalized communication, exclusive offers, loyalty programs, excellent
customer service, and actively engaging with customers on social media platforms. By
nurturing customer loyalty, Magzter can encourage repeat subscriptions, referrals, and positive
word-of-mouth, which further strengthens the brand.

Perceived Brand Quality:

Perceived brand quality refers to the customer's perception of the overall quality and value
provided by a brand. Magzter can enhance perceived brand quality by consistently delivering
a superior digital magazine platform with a user-friendly interface, fast and reliable
performance, a vast collection of high-quality magazines, and continuous improvement based
on customer feedback. By exceeding customer expectations and consistently providing a high-
quality experience, Magzter can reinforce its brand as a trusted and reliable source for digital

By focusing on these four components of the Brand Equity Pyramid - brand awareness, brand
associations, brand loyalty, and perceived brand quality - Magzter can strengthen its brand
equity. This can result in increased customer preference, positive brand perception, customer

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loyalty, and ultimately, sustainable growth and competitive advantage in the digital magazine


The McKinsey 7S Framework is a management model that analyzes various internal aspects
of an organization to assess its overall effectiveness and alignment. Let's apply the McKinsey
7S Framework to Magzter:


Magzter's strategy encompasses its overall approach to achieving its business objectives in the
digital magazine market. This may include factors such as its market positioning, growth

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strategies, partnerships with publishers, pricing models, and customer acquisition and retention
strategies. The strategy should be aligned with the company's vision, mission, and long-term


The structure of Magzter refers to its organizational design and how roles, responsibilities, and
decision-making processes are structured. This includes factors such as the division of
functions, reporting lines, teams, and departments within the company. A well-defined
structure ensures clear communication, efficient collaboration, and effective coordination
across the organization.


Systems refer to the processes, procedures, and workflows that support the operations of
Magzter. This includes technology infrastructure, digital platforms, content management
systems, customer support systems, data analytics, and performance measurement systems.
Well-designed and integrated systems are crucial for smooth operations and delivering a
seamless user experience.

Shared Values:

Shared values represent the core beliefs, principles, and cultural norms that guide the behavior
and decision-making within Magzter. It encompasses the company's mission, vision, corporate
culture, and ethical standards. Magzter's shared values should align with its strategic objectives
and promote a customer-centric approach, innovation, teamwork, and continuous


Skills refer to the competencies, knowledge, and capabilities of the workforce at Magzter. This
includes the expertise in digital media, technology, marketing, content curation, customer

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service, and data analysis. Magzter should ensure that its employees possess the necessary
skills to execute the company's strategy effectively and adapt to the evolving digital landscape.


Staff represents the human resources of Magzter, including the recruitment, development, and
retention of employees. It involves hiring individuals who align with the company's values and
possess the required skills, as well as providing training, professional development
opportunities, and a supportive work environment. Engaged and motivated staff are essential
for the success of Magzter.


Style refers to the leadership style, management practices, and communication within Magzter.
It includes the leadership approach, decision-making processes, collaboration methods, and the
overall tone and culture of the organization. The leadership style should foster open
communication, empower employees, encourage innovation, and promote a customer-centric

By assessing and ensuring alignment among these seven elements - strategy, structure, systems,
shared values, skills, staff, and style - Magzter can enhance its organizational effectiveness,
improve operational efficiency, and create a strong foundation for achieving its business
objectives in the competitive digital magazine market.

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Value Chain Analysis is a strategic tool used to identify and analyze the activities within a
company that create value for its customers and contribute to its competitive advantage. Let's
apply the Value Chain Analysis to Magzter:

Inbound Logistics:

Magzter's inbound logistics involve the activities related to sourcing, acquiring, and managing
the digital magazine content. This includes partnerships and agreements with publishers,
content acquisition processes, content quality control, and digital rights management. Efficient
inbound logistics ensure a diverse and high-quality collection of magazines for customers.


The operations of Magzter encompass the management and delivery of its digital magazine
platform. This includes activities such as digital content storage, content organization and
categorization, development and maintenance of the mobile app and website, user interface

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design, and platform performance optimization. Smooth operations enable seamless access and
a user-friendly experience for customers.

Outbound Logistics:

Outbound logistics in Magzter's value chain involve activities related to delivering the digital
magazine content to customers. This includes the distribution of magazines to subscribers,
ensuring timely access to new releases, personalized recommendations, and synchronization
across multiple devices. Efficient outbound logistics ensure that customers can access and
enjoy their chosen magazines hassle-free.

Marketing and Sales:

Magzter's marketing and sales activities are crucial for attracting and acquiring customers. This
includes digital marketing campaigns, social media promotions, search engine optimization,
targeted advertising, and partnerships with influencers or publishers. Sales activities involve
the subscription process, pricing strategies, discounts, and customer support for inquiries and
conversions. Effective marketing and sales efforts drive customer acquisition and revenue

Customer Service:

Customer service activities are aimed at ensuring customer satisfaction and loyalty. This
includes responsive customer support, assistance with subscriptions and technical issues,
handling customer feedback and complaints, and continuously improving the customer
experience. Excellent customer service fosters customer loyalty, positive word-of-mouth, and
repeat subscriptions.

Technology Development:

Technology development plays a crucial role in Magzter's value chain. This includes
continuous investment in technology infrastructure, development of new features and

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functionalities, mobile app optimization, data analytics capabilities, and cybersecurity
measures to protect customer data. Technological advancements enable Magzter to stay
competitive and provide an innovative and secure digital magazine platform.

Firm Infrastructure:

Firm infrastructure encompasses the support functions that enable the smooth functioning of
Magzter as a business. This includes management, finance, human resources, legal, and
strategic planning activities. A strong firm infrastructure ensures efficient resource allocation,
effective governance, and strategic decision-making.

By analyzing each of these value chain activities, Magzter can identify areas where it can
optimize processes, enhance customer value, and gain a competitive edge. This analysis helps
Magzter understand its internal operations, prioritize investments, and align its activities to
deliver an outstanding digital magazine experience to its customers.


In summary, Magzter is a digital magazine platform that offers a wide range of magazines
across various genres to its customers. Through the analysis of different strategic frameworks,
we have gained insights into the company's position in the market and its potential for growth.

The SWOT analysis revealed Magzter's strengths, such as its extensive collection of magazines
and strong brand reputation. It also highlighted weaknesses, such as potential competition and
the need for continuous innovation. Opportunities include the growing digital media market
and potential partnerships, while threats involve market saturation and evolving customer

The PESTLE analysis provided an understanding of the external factors influencing Magzter.
The digital media sector's rapid growth, technological advancements, and increasing
smartphone penetration present significant opportunities. However, factors like regulatory
changes and economic instability can pose challenges.

29 | P a g e
The Five Forces analysis shed light on the competitive landscape, highlighting the bargaining
power of publishers and customers, as well as the threat of substitutes and new entrants.
Magzter needs to focus on differentiation, customer loyalty, and strategic partnerships to
maintain a competitive edge.

Customer segmentation analysis emphasized the importance of understanding and targeting

specific customer groups based on their preferences, demographics, and reading habits. This
enables Magzter to tailor its marketing strategies and provide personalized experiences.

The AIDA model outlined the customer journey from capturing attention to driving action.
Magzter's marketing efforts should focus on creating awareness, generating interest,
stimulating desire, and prompting customers to subscribe to its digital magazine platform.

The Ansoff Matrix explored growth strategies for Magzter, including market penetration,
market development, product development, and diversification. It is crucial for Magzter to
consider these strategies to expand its customer base, enter new markets, enhance its product
offering, and diversify its revenue streams.

The Brand Equity Model highlighted the importance of brand awareness, brand associations,
brand loyalty, and perceived brand quality. Magzter can strengthen its brand by increasing
awareness, building positive associations, fostering loyalty, and delivering a high-quality user

The McKinsey 7S Framework analyzed various internal aspects of Magzter, including strategy,
structure, systems, shared values, skills, staff, and style. Ensuring alignment among these
elements is crucial for the effective functioning and success of the organization.

The Value Chain Analysis identified the key activities that create value for Magzter and
contribute to its competitive advantage. By optimizing inbound logistics, operations, outbound
logistics, marketing and sales, customer service, technology development, and firm
infrastructure, Magzter can enhance its offering and customer experience.

In conclusion, Magzter operates in a dynamic and competitive digital magazine market. By

leveraging its strengths, addressing weaknesses, capitalizing on opportunities, and mitigating
threats, Magzter can continue to grow its customer base, provide an exceptional user
experience, and maintain a strong position in the industry. Understanding customer segments,

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implementing effective marketing strategies, and continuously innovating will be vital for its
sustained success.

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