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Research Design

Statistical Analysis


The purpose of statistical analysis in the assessment of Orosite High School's

electrical needs is to:

 Gain a comprehensive understanding of the electricity usage patterns

and characteristics.
 Identify trends, variations, and anomalies in the collected data.
 Quantify and summarize the key features of the data.
 Make predictions or inferences based on the available data.


In this assessment, various statistical techniques can be employed, such as:

 Descriptive Statistics: Utilize descriptive statistics to summarize and

describe the collected data. This includes measures like mean, median,
mode, standard deviation, and range. These statistics provide insights
into the central tendency, variability, and distribution of the electrical
usage data.
 Inferential Statistics: Apply inferential statistics to make predictions or
draw conclusions about the population based on the sample data.
Techniques like hypothesis testing and confidence intervals can be
employed to assess the significance of findings and make
generalizations about the electrical needs of Orosite High School.

Data Set Description:

Provide an overview of the collected data set, specifying the variables that are
vital for assessing the electrical needs. This may include:

 Electrical consumption data: The recorded energy usage data over a

specific period, preferably with timestamps.
 Building or zone identifiers: Information about different buildings, floors,
or zones within the school where the electrical consumption is
 Additional relevant variables: Any additional variables collected during
the assessment that may influence electrical needs, such as the number
of students, weather conditions, or specific activities that require
significant power usage.

Data Gathering Tools and Techniques

1. Data Gathering Tools:
a. Surveys and Questionnaires: Surveys and questionnaires can be used
to understand the patterns of electrical usage among students and
faculty. These tools can include questions about energy consumption
habits, usage patterns, specific electrical needs, and suggestions for
energy-saving initiatives. Surveys can be conducted online or distributed
in printed form to gather a wide range of responses from the school

b. Energy Monitoring Devices: Implementing energy meters and

monitoring systems allows for the real-time recording of electricity
consumption throughout the school. These devices can be installed at
various points of electrical distribution, such as main switchboards,
individual classrooms, administrative areas, and outdoor spaces. They
provide accurate data on energy usage, helping identify peak usage
times, areas of high consumption, and potential areas for energy-saving

c. Interviews and Observations: Direct interviews with facility managers

and on-site observations play a crucial role in gathering nuanced data
on electrical needs. These interviews can help identify specific electrical
requirements, understand the functioning of electrical systems, and gain
insights into potential energy-saving opportunities. On-site observations
allow for firsthand assessment of energy-consuming equipment, lighting
systems, and overall electrical infrastructure.

2. Analysis Methods:
a. Descriptive Analysis: Descriptive analysis involves summarizing and
presenting the collected data in a meaningful way. This can include
calculating averages, percentages, and frequency distributions to
understand the overall usage patterns and trends among students and

b. Comparative Analysis: Comparative analysis involves comparing the

electrical usage data of different areas within the school premises or
comparing it with industry standards. This analysis helps identify areas
of high consumption and energy-saving opportunities by benchmarking
against similar institutions or best practices.

c. Time Series Analysis: Time series analysis involves analyzing historical

data to identify recurring patterns, trends, and seasonality in electrical
usage. This analysis helps in forecasting future electrical needs and
identifying potential areas for energy management improvements.

d. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Cost-benefit analysis involves assessing the

financial implications of implementing energy-saving measures. By
comparing the costs of implementing energy-efficient technologies or
practices with the potential savings in electricity bills, this analysis helps
in making informed decisions about the most viable and beneficial

Tools and Analysis

1. Software and Tools:

Various software and analytical tools are used to process the collected

data and perform data analysis. Some commonly used software and
tools include:
a. Statistical Analysis Software: Statistical analysis software such as SAS
(Statistical Analysis System), SPSS (Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences), or R can be employed for processing and analyzing the
collected data. These software offer a wide range of statistical
techniques, data visualization capabilities, and modeling tools to explore
and interpret the data effectively.

b. Microsoft Excel: Excel is a widely used tool for data processing and
analysis. It provides functions, charts, and data manipulation features

that can be utilized to perform basic statistical analysis, calculate

2. Analysis Methods:
a. Descriptive Analysis: Descriptive analysis involves summarizing and
presenting the collected data in a meaningful way. This method includes
calculating measures of central tendency (mean, median, mode), measures
of variability (standard deviation, range), and creating visual
representations (charts, graphs) to understand the overall patterns in
electrical consumption at Orosite High School.

b. Regression Analysis: Regression analysis is a powerful method used to

understand the relationship between different factors and the school's
electrical consumption. It helps identify the impact of independent
variables (such as time of day, weather conditions, occupancy) on the
dependent variable (electricity consumption). By performing regression
analysis, it becomes possible to estimate coefficients, determine
significance levels, and assess the strength and direction of the

c. Time Series Analysis: Time series analysis is employed to analyze

historical data and identify patterns, trends, and seasonality in electrical
consumption over time. This method helps in forecasting future
electrical needs based on past usage patterns. By analyzing the time
series data, it becomes possible to understand the underlying patterns
and make predictions for future electrical consumption at Orosite High

d. Cost-Benefit Analysis: Cost-benefit analysis is used to assess the

financial implications of implementing energy-saving measures. It
involves comparing the costs associated with implementing energy-
efficient technologies or practices with the potential savings in electricity
bills. By conducting a cost-benefit analysis, it becomes possible to
evaluate the feasibility and effectiveness of different energy-saving
initiatives and make informed decisions about resource allocation.
Results & Discussions

1. Findings Overview:
Based on the statistical analysis conducted, several key findings have
emerged regarding the electricity usage at Orosite High School. The
analysis revealed patterns and anomalies that are worth highlighting.
For example, it was found that electricity consumption tends to peak
during certain hours of the day, indicating potential areas of high energy
usage and opportunities for load management strategies. Additionally,
the analysis identified specific areas within the school premises that
exhibit higher electricity consumption compared to others, suggesting
potential areas for targeted energy-saving initiatives.

2. Interpretation:
The findings have significant implications for the school's current
electrical infrastructure and energy management practices. By
identifying patterns and anomalies in electricity usage, it becomes
possible to assess the efficiency of the existing infrastructure and
identify potential areas of concern. For instance, areas with consistently
high electricity consumption may indicate the need for equipment
upgrades or more energy-efficient alternatives. Moreover, anomalies in
usage patterns can help identify potential energy wastage or
malfunctions in the electrical systems that require attention.

Additionally, the interpretation of the findings can shed light on the

effectiveness of current energy-saving initiatives and highlight areas
where improvements can be made. For instance, if specific areas show
lower electricity consumption compared to others with similar usage
patterns, it may indicate successful implementation of energy-saving
measures in those areas that can serve as best practices for replication
in other parts of the school.
3.Comparative Analysis:
A comparative analysis of Orosite High School's electrical usage with
standard benchmarks or similar institutions is crucial to identify any
deviations or areas for improvement. By comparing the school's
consumption with industry standards or similar-sized institutions, it
becomes possible to assess its relative performance. If the school's
electrical usage is significantly higher than the benchmarks, it may indicate
inefficiencies or opportunities for energy conservation. Conversely, if the
school's consumption is relatively lower, it can be an indication of
successful energy management practices that can be further enhanced.

Furthermore, the comparative analysis can help identify specific areas where
Orosite High School can learn from the practices of other institutions. By
examining the electrical usage patterns and energy-saving measures
implemented in similar settings, the school can gain insights into innovative
approaches and strategies for further optimizing their energy consumption.

Conclusion & Recommendations.

1. Summary of Insights:
The analysis conducted has provided critical insights into the electrical
needs of Orosite High School. The key findings and patterns identified
through the analysis have several implications for the school's electrical
system. For example, it was observed that certain areas within the school
premises exhibit higher electricity consumption, indicating the need for
targeted energy-saving measures in those areas. Additionally, anomalies
in usage patterns have highlighted potential areas of concern, such as
equipment malfunctions or inefficient energy management practices.
2. Recommendations:
Based on the analysis, several actionable recommendations can be
made to improve the efficiency and sustainability of the electrical system
at Orosite High School. These recommendations may include:

a. Upgrading Infrastructure: Assess the current electrical infrastructure

and consider upgrading it to improve energy efficiency. This could
involve replacing outdated equipment with more energy-efficient
alternatives, installing smart meters for better monitoring and control, or
implementing energy-saving technologies, such as LED lighting systems.

b. Implementing Energy Conservation Measures: Develop and

implement energy conservation measures tailored to address the
specific areas of high electricity consumption. This could involve raising
awareness among students and faculty about energy-saving practices,
optimizing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems, or
implementing smart scheduling and automation systems to control
energy usage during non-peak hours.

c. Revising Usage Policies: Review and revise usage policies to ensure

energy-efficient practices are followed throughout the school. This may
include setting guidelines for the use of energy-consuming equipment,
implementing policies for turning off lights and electronic devices when
not in use, and promoting responsible energy consumption habits
among the school community.

3. Future Considerations:
To ensure the electrical needs of the school are met efficiently and
sustainably, it is important to consider areas for future study and
monitoring. Some suggestions for future considerations include:

a. Long-term Energy Monitoring: Establish a long-term energy

monitoring program to continuously track and analyze electricity usage
trends. This will help identify any changes in consumption patterns over
time and assess the effectiveness of implemented energy-saving

b. Energy Efficiency Training: Conduct training programs or workshops

for students, faculty, and staff to promote energy efficiency awareness
and practices. This can help create a culture of sustainable energy
consumption within the school community.

c. Renewable Energy Integration: Explore the potential for integrating

renewable energy sources, such as solar panels or wind turbines, to
meet a portion of the school's electricity needs. This can contribute to
reducing reliance on conventional energy sources and decrease overall
energy costs.

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