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Fill in the blank: My life is a quest for learning. What motivates you?

(Love, Money,
Acceptance, etc.) Why? I think love, money, and things come and go. However, knowledge can
be a weapon and it’s something that no one can take from you because you can’t unlearn things.

Who are your mentors, both those you know personally and those who inspire you from afar?
My mentors are my family, my friends, and music. I like K-pop bands that I can relate to, and
that talk about topics that I consider important, like self-love and acceptance.

What would others say is your biggest asset? What would they say is your biggest flaw?
I think other people would say my biggest asset is my responsibility and empathy as I think
doing things on time is important, as well as considering the others while making decisions.

See the reflection on page 49 (Chapter 5) of Lunsford. Write a short paragraph about yourself in
the style of the example paragraphs on that page. How would you describe yourself and your
feelings at arriving at college?
Similar to Luis, Juwanna or also known as Juwi comes from a city that is border with the US,
specifically from Nuevo Laredo. She was born and raised there, but thanks to the closeness of the
two countries and cultures, she learned English very well since she was very young. After
finishing her high school she managed to get a scholarship at TAMIU located in her neighbor
city Laredo, Texas. She felt blessed and excited to start a new chapter in her life, but also
nervous about the new challenges that she’ll have to face.

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