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List of 50 Irregular

Preterite Verbs
1. can - poder 26. to have (aux.) - haber
2. to achieve - conseguir 27. to hear - oir
3. to agree - convenir 28. to know - saber
4. to ask for - pedir 29. to laugh - reir
5. to be - estar 30. to organize - organizar
6. to be - ser 31. to pay - pagar
7. to be - ir 32. to predict - predecir
8. to believe - creer 33. to prevent - prevenir
9. to bring - traer 34. to produce - producir
10. to come - venir 35. to propose - proponer
11. to compose - componer 36. to put - poner
12. to contain - contener 37. to redo - rehacer
13. to contradict - contradecir 38. to repeat - repetir
14. to corrode - corroer 39. to retain - retener
15. to decompose - descomponer 40. to run away - huir
16. to die - morir 41. to say - decir
17. to do - hacer 42. to see - ver
18. to dress - vestirse 43. to sleep - dormir
19. to drive - conducir 44. to smile - sonreír
20. to fall - caer 45. to stop - detener
21. to feel - sentir 46. to touch - tocar
22. to fire - despedir 47. to translate - traducir
23. to fit - caber 48. to undo - deshacer
24. to give - dar 49. to walk - andar
25. to have - tener 50. to want - querer

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