Laumoc - Activity - Sample Patient Clinical Pscyh Exercise

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Laumoc, Audrrey Khate M.

BS PSY B2021
Date and Time: April 2, 2024/ 7:30-10:30

Psychological Assessment Result

This assessment report is highly confidential and must be secured by the requesting clientele. This assessment report
contains information that assists in screening and placement decisions. The report provides insights into the child’s
cognitive skills, functional skills and other psychological makeup. This report is valid for a period of up to 12 months.
The specific content of this assessment report should not be discussed with other individuals because of the possibility
of misinterpretation. Re-assessment is advised for proper monitoring of the child's development. The child's legal
guardian may receive feedback on the results from XYZ Inc..

Personal Data

Examinee's Name: Patient X

Chronological Age: 6 years and 5 months
Gender: Male
School: Elementary School
Date of Testing: July 11, 2018

Test Administered

Pictorial Test of Nonverbal Intelligence (PTONI)

Nonverbal Percentile Confidence Age
Raw Score Descriptive Term
Index Rank Interval Equivalent

36 100 50 92 – 108 6.03 Average

Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales II Parent Rating Form

Raw v-Scale Age
Subdomain / Domain Standard Adaptive Level
Score Score Equivalent
Communication 38 85 Moderately Low
Receptive 29 11 Moderately Low 3.05
Expressive 89 13 Adequate 4.11
Written 20 14 Adequate 6.00
Daily Living Skills 43 95 Adequate
Personal 48 10 Moderately Low 3.06
Domestic 22 17 Adequate 7.07
School Community 43 16 Adequate 6.11
Socialization 36 83 Moderately Low
Interpersonal Relationships 47 12 Moderately Low 3.08
Play and Leisure Time 32 10 Moderately Low 3.06
Coping Skills 30 14 Adequate 5.10
Motor Skills 19 67 Low
Gross 64 9 Low 2.10
Fine 51 10 Low 4.06
Maladaptive Behavior Index 16 19 Elevated
Internalizing 6 19 Elevated
Externalizing 10 20 Elevated
Adaptive Behavior Composite 330 79 Low
Strictly Confidential

Attention/Deficit- Standard ADHD Probability of

Raw Score Percentile
Hyperactivity Score Quotient ADHD
Inattention 13 5 3
74 Likely
Hyperactivity/Impulsivity 25 6 9


The test result shows that Patient X’s intellectual capacity is estimated to be functioning at 6 years and 3
months. His ability to recall information including facts, acquired learning, visual images and other elements
of experience is within average range. Likewise, Patient X shows good ability in defining words, recognizing
likeness and differences. He also shows good understanding of the relationships between problem scenarios
and mathematical representation. Patient X mental capacity is ranging from 92 - 108. His IQ is currently
functioning at 100.

Patient X current level of general adaptive behavior is within moderately low range. The scores show low
to adequate adaptive functioning in all the areas assessed. The communication domain measures how well
patient X listens and understands and his ability to express himself through oral and written language. His
receptive skill is within moderately low range and corresponds to an age equivalent of 3 years and 5
months. Patient X shows difficulty responding appropriately to others and is less likely to understand what
is being said to him because of his inability to maintain his attention without getting distracted. As such,
he finds it difficult to understand guided instructions. On the other hand, Patient X expressive skill is within
adequate range and is estimated to be functioning similarly to children at 4 years and 11 months. In
comparison to same-age peers, his expressive score reflects good ability in using verbal language to
communicate with others. He can interact with others using body gestures and making non-word sounds.
Additionally, Patient’s written skill is within adequate range and is estimated to be functioning similarly to
children at 6 years old. He can identify letters in the alphabet and recognize his own name in the printed
form. Similarly, he is capable of writing his own name. Patient X is able to read simple words aloud.

The Daily Living Skills domain assesses Patient X's skills of the practical, everyday tasks that are within his
developmental stage. The result shows that his personal skill is within moderately low range and is
estimated to be functioning similar to children at 3 years and 6 months. He still needs supervision when
attending to his basic needs such as dressing, washing, and other hygiene tasks. In contrary, Patient X’s
domestic skill is within adequate range and corresponds to an age equivalent of 7 years and 7 months. He
can perform simple household tasks appropriate for his age such as picking and putting away his toys after
using it or being careful around dangerous objects. More so, he is likely able to use small household
appliances and can clean up his play area after an end of an activity. Patient X also exhibits adequate
community skills. He demonstrates an understanding of the function of the telephone, television, clock and
other objects he sees inside the house. Although, further improvement is needed in understanding the
importance of following household rules as well as social rules especially when outside the home.

Patient X’s interpersonal skill is within moderately low range and is estimated to be functioning similarly to
children at 3 years and 8 months. He is unable to demonstrate friendship seeking behavior. Patient X shows
poor ability in responding and relating to others. In comparison to same age peers, he finds it difficult to
show affection for someone as well as show concern for a friend without being prompted. Similarly, he is
less likely to show interest in others. Furthermore, Patient X displays moderately low skills in play and fun
activities. He is less likely to seek out others for companionship. He also finds it hard to imitate simple
interaction games and play cooperatively with his friends. Patient X is less likely to show preference playing
with someone for longer period of time and does not want to share his possessions with his peers. He still
needs substantial supervision from his guardian when he is playing with other children. On the other hand,
Patient X’s coping skill is adequately developed. He is able to demonstrate a good behavioral and emotional
control. Although he sometimes has difficulty controlling his anger and frustration whenever he is hurt,
Patient X can still say sorry for those unintended mistakes and responds appropriately to the given situation.

Ratings show that Patient X exhibits low ability on gross and fine motor skills which corresponds to an age
of equivalent of 2 years and 10 months and 4 years and 6 months respectively. He needs further
improvement in using his arms and legs for movement and coordination as well as his small muscles for
movements that corresponds to picking up of small objects and holding a spoon appropriately.
Strictly Confidential

Patient X was subjected to Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Test. Results show that his inattention
and hyperactivity/impulsivity are within average range. Patient X has short attention span. He is inattentive
and shows difficulty concentrating. As such, he is often disorganized and has difficulty getting started with
his tasks. Moreover, he exhibits difficulty in planning and carrying out plans, makes careless errors and is
unable to finish his assignments on time. He also has difficulty following directions. In addition, Patient X
is highly energetic and constantly on the go. He gets easily excited and is frequently out of assigned area
without permission. He also engages in significant amount of unnecessary movements such as fidgeting
with his feet or hands and squirming in his seat. Furthermore, Patient X can’t sit still. He is usually seen
twisting and wiggling in his seat or jumping up and out of his chair. Additionally, he often acts before
thinking. He shows difficulty inhibiting what he says and often says whatever pops into his mind.


Based on the observation and assessment results, Patient X exhibit signs of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder, predominantly inattentive presentation.

 That his inattention and hyperactivity/impulsivity are within average range.

 Patient X has short attention span
 Difficulty concentrating
 He is often disorganized and has difficulty getting started with his tasks.
 He has moderate difficulties in adaptive behavior, particularly in communication, socialization,
and motor skills.


Considering the conditions mention above, Neil is likely to benefit from the following interventions

 Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT): can be beneficial in helping Patient X develop coping strategies
to deal with distractions and improve his planning and organizational skills.
 Speech and Language Therapy: Considering Patient X's moderately low receptive communication
skills, this therapy can be beneficial. It has the potential to enhance his comprehension of verbal
instructions and responses to others.
 Regular physical exercise, a healthy diet, and enough sleep can also assist in managing symptoms
of ADHD.
 Parents and family members can receive training that can help them manage ADHD related
behaviors and create a supportive and structured environment at home.

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