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Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

Ministry of Education.
Jazan University.
College of Applied
Medical Sciences.

First Semester, 144 H. (202 -1 A.D.)

Department: Shared Courses Unit

Level: rd, th

Subject/Code: Fundamentals of Biostatistics / 222 STA

Homework, Gr614

Day Date
Starting Time End Time 11:59pm
Time Allowed Minutes

Student's Information
Student's Name:
Jana Refaie
Student's Number: 202207088

Last Day for submission on blackboard: 18.09.2023 (Monday) at 11:59 PM

Answer the following questions. (= 2 x 5=10 Marks)


Primary Health Center Z released the following report in 2011 regarding radiologic

Radiologic Always Often Sometimes Rarely Never

Procedures 5 4 3 2 1 Wm Rank Interpretation

X-ray 27 51 19 13 10
CT Scan 15 28 42 30 5
Endoscopy 29 47 30 7 7
Ultrasound 77 36 4 2 1
Overall mean

1. fill the Interpretation fields

2. What is the value of N? ___________

3. What procedure was found as the highest? ________________

4. Write a general statement about the data obtained.





Examine very well the table and the columns x and y then answer the

Male Female deviation of Deviation of

x y
x y dx=(Xi-M) dy=(Yi-M) (dx)²=(Xi-M)² (dy)²=(Yi-M)²
32 40
29 37
27 28
30 16
18 12
31 32
21 32
28 26
25 25
23 23
24 21
15 33
n= n=
Mean x Mean y

1. Fill all needed columns dx, dy, (dx)², (dy)² with numbers

2. Sdx=

3. Sdy=


5. C.V for X=


7. Which data X or Y has more variability

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