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Department of Education

District of Los Baños
Los Baños Senior High School
Los Baños, Laguna

Los Baños Senior High School

Learner’s Guide Booklet
Purok 6 San Antonio Los Baños, Laguna



Vincent Jose C. Rivera


V. Team Sports: VOLLEYBALL
VI. Dual Sports: BADMINTON
VII. Dual Sports: KARATE DO
Make a list of any supplies that will be required for your event. This should include When people hear the word stress, they react
equipment and items - so think about things like: differently. Some people keep on saying that they feel
> Scorecards stressed out.
> Certificates Stress is a feeling of being under abnormal pressure.
> Posters This pressure can come from different aspects of your day-
> Whistles to-day life. Such as an increased workload, a transitional
> Medals period, an argument you have with your family, or new and
> Awards existing financial worries. You may find that it has a
cumulative effect, with each stressor building on top of one
VI. HEALTH AND SAFETY another. During these situations, you may feel threatened
You should be responsible for the health and safety of your workers, event attendees or upset and your body might create a stress response. This
and any contractors you have working and all the other members of the public in attendance. can cause a variety of physical symptoms, change the way
you behave, and lead you to experience more intense
Assembling your staff is the next step to planning a successful event. By now, you Stress affects us in several ways, both physically and emotionally, and in varying
should understand the scope and size of what you’re hoping to achieve, which will help you to intensities. Research has shown that stress can sometimes be positive. It can make you more
determine how many volunteers or staff members might be appropriate. alert and help you perform better in certain situations. However, stress has only been found to
If you’re planning a sports event for a school or team - why not ask the parents to help be beneficial if it is short-lived. Excessive or prolonged stress can contribute to illnesses such
out and volunteer? If you have a budget set aside for staff, try making your budget go further as heart disease and mental health problems such as anxiety and depression. Some common
by contacting your friends and offer them a small donation in return for their help. symptoms of stress include sleeping problems, sweating, or a change in appetite. Symptoms
Alternatively, you can put the budget into some snacks and make sure you feed your like these are triggered by a rush of stress hormones in your body which, when released, allow
staff on the day. you to deal with pressures or threats. This is known as the 'fight or flight response.
When stress affects the brain, with its many nerve connections, the rest of the body
VIII. PROMOTE YOUR SPORTS EVENT feels the impact as well. So, it is logical to say that if your body feels better, so does your mind.
Make the next step by actively advertising your tournament. Use social media to raise Exercise and any physical activity produce endorphins chemicals in the brain that act as natural
awareness and promote your event - if you have some budget, you could even do some paid painkillers and also improve the ability to sleep, which in turn reduces stress. Meditation,
advertisements to attract new customers. acupuncture, massage therapy, even breathing deeply can cause your body to produce
Advertise the event via email, send out flyers to local schools and clubs, or you could endorphins. And conventional wisdom holds that a workout of low to moderate intensity
even advertise in a local newspaper! makes you feel energized and healthy.
Scientists have found that regular participation in aerobic exercise has been shown to
IX. RESERVE OFFICIALS AND REFEREES decrease overall levels of tension, elevate and stabilize mood, improve sleep, and improve self-
Be sure to reserve the sports officials you will need in the tournament. If you want a esteem. Even five minutes of aerobic exercise can stimulate anti-anxiety effects.
legitimate event, you need legitimate referees and officials.
If applicable, search for and contact local referee organizations at least a couple of months
before your event so that they can send enough officials to cover your event.
Exercise – Working out regularly is one of the best ways to relax your body and mind. Exercise
can also improve one’s mood. Work up to 2 hours and 30 minutes of moderately intense
exercise like brisk walks or 75 minutes of more vigorous exercise like swimming laps, jogging,
or other sports.

Relax Your Muscle - When you are stressed, your muscles get tense. You can help loosen them
up on your own and refresh your body by:
• Stretching
• Enjoying a massage
• Taking a hot bath or shower 5. COMBINATION SYSTEM
• Getting a good night’s sleep Description: This system is used for a large number of teams/competitors. Systems are
strategically combined to dramatically reduce the number of matches but still able to retain
Deep Breathing - Stopping and taking a few deep breaths can take the pressure off you right the quality of the result. For example, in a national open tournament, a large number of
away. You’ll be surprised at how much better you feel once you get good at it. Just follow these competitors are expected to participate. So, the systems used are single elimination on the first
5 steps: 2 rounds then double elimination on the next 2 or 3 rounds and finally, round-robin is enforced
1. Sit in a comfortable position with your hands in your lap and your feet on the floor. You may until a top 2 emerge and compete for the championship.
also lie down.
3. Imagine yourself in a relaxing place. It can be on the beach, in a beautiful field of grass, or With some expert help from Clare Hartley, event organizer of Pentathlon GB, here are
anywhere that gives you a peaceful feeling. 14 steps to help you plan a fun, efficient sports event - whether it be for a football league,
4. Slowly take deep breaths in and out. swimming gala, tennis tournament or other.
5. Do this for 5 to 10 minutes at a time.
Eat Well - Eating a regular; well-balanced diet will help you feel better in general. It may also The first thing you need to do is write down all the details of the event.
help control your moods. Your meals should be full of vegetables, fruit, whole grains, and lean > What is the event for?
protein for energy. And don’t skip any. It’s not good for you and can put you in a bad mood, > What practical elements will you need?
which can actually increase your stress. > Which type of space will you require?
> What is the budget for the event?
Slow Down - Modern life is so busy, and sometimes we just need to slow down and chill out. > What is the purpose of the event?
Look at your life and find small ways you can do that. For example: > What social distancing measures do you have to consider?
• Set your watch 5 to 10 minutes ahead. That way you’ll get places a little early and Having everything down on paper will help you consider all the event’s requirements
avoid the stress of being late. from the very start and give you a clear direction on how to proceed.
• When you’re driving a bike on the road, switch to the bicycle lane so you can avoid
road accidents. II. SELECT DATES
• Break down the school requirements into smaller ones. For example, arrange this Choosing the right date is vital. You want to make sure that they don’t clash with other
from easiest to hardest. local events in your area. You'll also need to ensure you have enough time to pull your
resources together to make the event a success.
Take A Break - You need to plan on some real downtime to give your mind time off from stress.
If you’re a person who likes to set goals, this may be hard for you at first. But stick with it and III. CHOOSE A VENUE
you’ll look forward to these moments. Restful things you can do include: • Your venue should have enough capacity for your needs, should be secure and should be
• Meditation convenient for your attendees to get to, whether it be indoor or outdoor.
• Yoga • Consider if traffic and parking could be an issue beforehand, especially if you have
• Tai chi participants and spectators travelling to attend your event. It’s also important to make
• Prayer sure that you have all of the necessary permissions to hold an event.
• Listening to your favorite music • Always check which services the venue can provide to you that fall within your budget, to
• Spending time in nature potentially take some of the added planning responsibility away from you.

Make Time for Hobbies - You need to set aside time for things you enjoy. Try to do something IV. DETERMINE SPORTS EVENT STYLE
every day that makes you feel good, and it will help relieve your stress. It doesn’t have to be a Now is the time to decide on the type of sports event you want to host.
ton of time -- even 15 to 20 minutes will do. Relaxing hobbies include things like: > Will it be a one-off match, a tournament, a league?
• Reading > How many individuals or teams will you need?
• Knitting > Will you include multiple sports or a single sport?
• Doing an art project > What will the format be?
3. SINGLE ELIMINATION • Playing golf
Description: A tournament that rapidly narrows down a large field to a single distinctive winner. • Watching a movie
It can be played very quickly. • Doing puzzles
General Guidelines: • Playing cards and board games
1. The draw must be set up with brackets and there must always be an even number of brackets
to Talk About Your Problems - If things are bothering you, talking about them can help lower your
the power of 2 (x2). stress. You can talk to family members and friends, and you can also talk to yourself. It’s called
2. Any brackets that are not used by teams will constitute a bye. self-talk and we all do it. But for self-talk to help reduce the stress you need to make sure it’s
3. All byes will be given to the top-ranked or seeded teams. positive and not negative.
4. The top 4 seeds or ranked teams will be spaced in the draw so they will not play each other
until the later rounds. Go Easy On Yourself - Accept that you can’t do things perfectly no matter how hard you try.
5. All games should be numbered to help the organization of the tournament. You also can’t control everything in your life. So, do yourself a favor and stop thinking so much.
EXAMPLE: Seven (7) Team And don’t forget to keep up your sense of humor. Laughter goes a long way towards making
you feel relaxed.

Eliminate Your Triggers - Figure the biggest causes of stress in your life. Is it your job, your
commute, your schoolwork? If you’re able to identify what they are, see if you’re able to
eliminate them from your life, or at least reduce them. If you can’t identify the main causes of
your stress. Make note of when you become most anxious and see if you can determine a
pattern, then find ways to remove or lessen those triggers.


4. DOUBLE ELIMINATION TARGET HEART RATE (THR) is the targeted minimum heart rate (intensity) during
Description: The tournament system is suited for tournaments with a limited time frame. In training/exercise to ensure progression.
this type of system, teams get eliminated after losing twice. Teams will not have a chance to KARVONEN’S FORMULA for 60% THR: THR = RHR + 0.6 (220 – Age – RHR)
compete with every team. For team numbering, a lot will be drawn.
SPEED - The ability to perform a task in the shortest possible time. It is influenced by reaction
8 Team Format: time.
40-Meter Sprint
Purpose – to measure running speed
1. Stopwatch
2. Running area with known measurement (40 meters)
For the Tester
a. At the signal “Ready”, stand behind the take-off line, the tips of the shoes should not go
beyond the line and assumes a crouch position.
b. At the signal “Get Set”, assume an un-crouch position (buttocks up) with both hands on the
starting line.
c. At the signal “GO”, run to the finish line as fast as you can.
For the Partner
1. Set the stopwatch to zero (0) point.
2. At the signal “GO”, start the watch and stop it as the performer crossed the finish line.
Scoring: Record time in the nearest 0:00:01 seconds
POWER - The ability to perform one explosive muscular effort in a short period of time. TOURNAMENT SYSTEMS
Standing Long Jump There are five (5) tournament systems to choose from, depending on the given
Purpose – to measure the explosive strength and power of the leg muscles. situation of the tournament event. Situations such as budget, time frame, etc.
Equipment 1. ROUND-ROBIN SYSTEM (single round or double round)
a. Tape measure/meter stick / any measuring device 2. CHALLENGE SYSTEM (ladder, pyramid, etc.)
For the Tester 4. SINGLE ELIMINATION SYSTEM (Knock-out)
a. Stand behind the take-off line with feet parallel to each other, the tips of the shoes should 5. COMBINATION SYSTEM
not go beyond the line.
b. Bend knees and swing arms backward once, then swing arms forward as you jump landing 1. ROUND-ROBIN SYSTEM
on both feet. Try to jump as far as you can. Description: A tournament that allows each team in the tournament an opportunity to play
c. Do not control the momentum of the jump (continuously move forward) every other team. The winner is the team that has the most points or the highest winning
d. Must land on both feet. percentage at the end of the schedule. (points are earned through wins and losses.)
e. Perform the test twice in succession
For the Partner EXAMPLE: Five Team Format
1. Place zero (0) point of the tape measure and the take-off line. Total
Vs. Team 1 Team 2 Team 3 Team 4 Team 5 RESULT
2. After the jump, spot the mark where the back of the heel or either foot of the tester has Wins
landed nearest to the take line. Team 1 W L W L 2 2nd Runner up
Scoring: Record the distance of the two trials. Team 2 L L L L 0 1st Runner up
Team 3 W W W L 3 4th Runner up
COORDINATION - The harmonious working relationship between the skeletal muscles and Team 4 L W L L 1 3rd Runner up
nerves in one aspect of the movement. Team 5 W W W W 4 Champion
Purpose – To measure the coordination of the eye and hand. 2. CHALLENGE SYSTEM
Equipment Description: A tournament that allows movement to the top by winning and to the bottom by
Sipa (washer weighing 4gms. with 5-inch straw) or 20 pcs losing. The beginning position is not important, winning is. The winner is the player or team
bundled rubber bands/ any similar local materials weighing who ends up in the top position after a specified amount of time. The time should be sufficient
4 gm. to allow those at the bottom of the tournament the opportunity to make it to the top. Positions
Procedure in the tournament are filled on a first-come basis.
For the Tester General Rules:
a. Hit the sipa/rubber bands/similar local material alternately with the 1. Teams cannot refuse a challenge.
right and left palm upward. The height of the material being tossed 2. Teams cannot play against the same team two times in a row.
should be at least above the head. 3. If a team is absent during a particular day the team may be moved to the bottom of the
tournament by teams who are there and below them.
For the Partner EXAMPLES
a. Count how many times the performer has hit the material with the right A. Ladder
and left hand. Rules: Teams are allowed to challenge a maximum of two positions above.
b. Stop the test if the material drops or after two (2) minutes.
c. There shall be three (3) trials. B. Pyramid
Scoring – Record the highest number of hits the performer has done. Rules: Players must challenge and beat someone in
their row before they can challenge someone in the
row above them.
Also, take these steps to avoid sports injuries: BALANCE - The ability to maintain equilibrium in relation to changes in body position.
Use the proper technique: Learn the proper way to move during your sport or activity. Stork Balance Stand Test
Different types of exercise require different stances and postures. For example, in some sports, Purpose – to asses one’s ability to maintain equilibrium.
bending your knees at the right time can help avoid an injury to your spine or hips. Equipment
a. Flat, non-slip surface
Have the proper equipment: Wear the right shoes. Make sure you have the proper athletic b. Stopwatch
protection. Ill-fitting shoes or gear can increase your risk for injury. Procedure
For the Tester
Don’t overdo it: If you do get hurt, make sure you’re healed before you start the activity again. a. Place hand on the hips
Don’t try to “work through” the pain. b. Position the right foot on the side of the knee of the left foot.
c. Raise the heel to balance on the ball of the foot.
Cooldown: Remember to cool down after your activity. Usually, this involves doing the same d. Do the same procedure with the opposite foot.
stretching and exercises involved in a warmup. For the Partner
a. Start the time as the heel of the performer is raised off the floor.
Resume activity slowly: Don’t be tempted to nurse your injury for too long. Excessive rest may b. Stop the time if any of the following occurs:
delay healing. After the initial 48-hour period of RICE, you can start using heat to help relax • The hand/s come off the hips
tight muscles. When you return after letting your body recover, you may need to ease yourself
back into the exercise or sport rather than jumping back in at the same intensity. TEST RESULT REMARK
40-meters Sprint
Call Your Doctor Standing Long Jump
Call your doctor if there are signs of swelling or if it hurts to place weight on the • The supporting foot swivels or moves (hops) in any direction
affected area. If the problem is in the location of a previous injury, seek medical attention right • The non-supporting foot loses contact with the knee
away. • The heel of the supporting foot touches the floor
Contact a healthcare provider if you don’t see any improvement after 24 to 36 hours c. There shall be three (3) trials.
of RICE. Scoring – Record the time taken on both feet in nearest seconds and divide the score to two
Don’t ignore your symptoms. Remember, the earlier you get a diagnosis and (2) to get the average percentage score.
treatment, the sooner you’ll recover and get back in the game.
AGILITY - The ability of the individual to quickly shift or change the direction of the body from
SPORTS EVENT MANAGEMENT one point to another.
Management is a key factor to success in any physical and sports education program. Hexagon Agility Test
A sound implementation is necessary to steer an essential, well-organized, and valuable Purpose – to measure the ability of the body to move in different directions
program. This involves the collaboration of the administering body, the participants of physical quickly.
education classes, and other sports programs. Management involves long-term strategic plans Equipment
and programs: resources, financial, legal, and safety management, public relations, and a. Tape measure
promotions b. Protractor
The organization is the structural planning of roles to implement necessary functions. c. Stopwatch
The total development of an individual is centered on a philosophically sound program d. Chalk or masking tape
structure and activities. Hexagon Size
a. Length of each side is 18 inches
b. Each angle is 120 degrees
For the Tester
a. Stand both feet together inside the hexagon facing the marked side.
b. At the signal “GO”, using the ball of the feet with arms bent in front, jump clockwise over • Strains. Overstretching or tearing muscles or tendons results in a sprain. Tendons are thick,
the line, then back over the same line inside the hexagon. Continue the pattern with all the fibrous cords of tissue that connect bone to muscle. Strains are commonly mistaken for sprains.
sides of the hexagon. • Knee Injuries. Any injury that interferes with how the knee joint moves could be a sports
c. Rest for one (1) minute injury. It could range from an overstretch to a tear in the muscles or tissues in the knee.
d. Repeat the test counterclockwise • Swollen Muscles. Swelling is a natural reaction to an injury. Swollen muscles may also be
For the Partner painful and weak.
a. Start the time at the signal go and stop once the performer reached the side before the side • Achilles Tendon Rupture. The Achilles tendon is a thin, powerful tendon at the back of your
where he/she started. ankle. During sports, this tendon can break or rupture. When it does, you may experience
b. Record the time of each revolution sudden, severe pain and difficulty walking.
c. Restart the test if the performer jumps on the wrong side or steps on the line.
Scoring – Add the time of the two revolutions and divide by 2 to get the average. Record the Fractures. Bone Fractures are also known as Broken Bones
time in the nearest minutes and seconds. Dislocations. Sports injuries may dislocate a bone in your body. When that happens, a bone is
forced out of its socket. This can be painful and lead to swelling and weakness.
Los Baños Senior High School Rotator cuff injury. Four pieces of muscle work together to form the rotator cuff. The rotator
Sports Fitness Readiness Test Result Form cuff keeps your shoulder moving in all directions. A tear in any of these muscles can weaken
the rotator cuff.
Name: ________________________________________ Section: ______________________ Sports injuries treatment
The RICE method is a common treatment regimen for sports injuries. It stands for:
Sex:  M  F Age: _______ Rest, Ice, Compression, & Elevation
This treatment method is helpful for mild sports injuries. For best results, follow the
60% Training (Target) Heart Rate bpm RICE method within the first 24 to 36 hours after the injury. It can help reduce swelling and
prevent additional pain and bruising in the early days after a sports injury. Here’s how to follow
Stork Balance Stand Test RICE, plus a recovery timeline.
RESULT REMARKS Both over-the-counter and prescription medications are available to treat sports
Right Foot injuries. Most of them provide relief from pain and swelling.
Left Foot If your sports injury looks or feels severe, make an appointment to see your doctor.
Seek emergency care if the injured joint shows signs of:
Juggling • severe swelling and pain
RESULT REMARK • visible lumps, bumps, or other deformities
• popping or crunching sounds when you use the joint
• weakness or inability to put weight on the joint
Hexagon Agility Test • instability
Clockwise Counterclockwise Average REMARK
Also, seek emergency attention if you experience any of the following after an injury:
• difficulty breathing
I hereby declare that the above-given physical Fitness Results for dance are, to the • dizziness
best of my knowledge, true and correct. • fever
Serious sports injuries can require surgery and physical therapy. If the injury doesn’t
_______________________ heal within two weeks, contact your doctor for an appointment.
Signature over printed name
Sports Injury Prevention
The best way to prevent a sports injury is to warm up properly and stretch. Cold
muscles are prone to overstretching and tears. Warm muscles are more flexible. They can
absorb quick movements, bends, and jerks, making injury less likely.
A Hammer throw does not actually involve throwing a usual hammer as you think. In
this athletics throwing event, the thrower throws a metal ball attached to a handle and a 40m Sprint Standards for BOYS
straight wire about three feet long. The hammer is thrown from a concrete circle 2.15 meters REMARKS 15-16 yrs. old 17 yrs. old & above
in diameter (just like the shot put) but there is no toe board or stop board. Like the discus and Excellent 4.5 sec. or less 4.0 sec. or less
the shot put, the thrower must stay in a circle until the hammer lands. The thrower rotates Very Good 4.6 - 5.4 sec. 4.1 – 5.4 sec.
several times to gain momentum before releasing and throwing the hammer. Maintaining Good 5.5 – 7.0 sec. 5.5 – 6.5 sec.
balance is important due to the force generated by having the heavy ball at the end of the wire. Fair 7.1 – 8.1 sec. 6.6 – 7.5 sec.
The thrower that throws farthest without committing any violation wins.
Needs Improvement 8.2 sec. or more 7.6 sec. or more

40m Sprint Standards for GIRLS

REMARKS 15-16 yrs. old 17 yrs. old & above
Excellent 5.5 sec. or less 4.5 sec. or less
Very Good 5.6 – 6.1 sec. 4.6 – 5.9 sec.
Good 6.2 – 7.2 sec. 6.0 – 7.0 sec.
Fair 7.3 – 8.5 sec. 7.1 – 8.1 sec.
Official Implements Needs Improvement 8.6 sec. or more 8.2 sec. or more
In all International Competitions, the implements used shall comply with current IAAF
specifications. Only IAAF-certified implements may be used. The following table shows the Standing Long Jump Standards
implement to be used by each sex and age group: Results REMARKS
Implement Girls Women Boys U18 Men U20 Men Senior 201 cm and above Excellent
Shot Put 3.000kg 4.000kg 5.000kg 6.000kg 7.260kg 151 cm – 200 cm Very Good
Discus 1.000kg 1.000kg 1.500kg 1.750kg 2.000kg 126 cm-150 cm Good
Hammer 3.000kg 4.000kg 5.000kg 6.000kg 7.260kg 101 cm – 125 cm Fair
Javelin 500g 600g 700g 800g 800g 55 cm – 100 cm Needs Improvement

Hexagon Test Standards

Sports injuries occur during exercise or while participating in a sport. Children are
5 seconds and below Excellent
particularly at risk for these types of injuries, but adults can get them, too.
6-10 seconds Very Good
You’re at risk for sports injuries if you:
11-15 seconds Good
• haven’t been regularly active
16-20 seconds Fair
• don’t warm up properly before exercise
21-25 seconds Needs Improvement
• play contact sports
Over 25 seconds Poor
• Read on to learn more about sports injuries, your treatment options, and tips for
preventing them in the first place.
Juggling Standards
Types of Sports Injuries
41 and above Excellent
Different sports injuries produce different symptoms and complications. The most
31-40 Very Good
common types of sports injuries include:
• Sprains. Overstretching or tearing the ligaments results in a sprain. Ligaments are pieces of 21-30 Good
tissue that connect two bones to one another in a joint. 11-20 Fair
1-10 Needs Improvement
Stork Stand Test Standards
REMARKS 15-16 yrs. old 17 yrs. old & above
Excellent 121-150 sec or more 161-180 sec. or more
Very Good 91-120 sec. 121-160 sec.
Good 61-90 sec. 81-120 sec.
Fair 31-60 sec. 41-80sec.
Needs Improvement 1-20 sec. 1-40 sec.


The javelin is something like a spear (implement). It was introduced in the Olympics
There are thousands of sports, and the SKILL REQUIREMENT for each varies greatly;
of 708 BC. This event should be supervised at all times to be sure no one is hurt. Javelin throw
however, there are certain skills that apply to most athletes.
does not use a circle when throwing. The thrower must hold the javelin at the grip part and
should always be maintained above the shoulder level. The javelin must lie before the specified
zone and its tip should hit the ground to become valid. The thrower should maintain his balance
PLYOMETRICS, also known as "jump training" or "plyos", are exercises in which
until the javelin lands on the ground. Once the competition has started, the athletes cannot
muscles exert maximum force in short intervals of time, intending to enhance
use the perimeter for practice purposes.
performance/skill level. This training focuses on learning to move from a muscle extension to
The throw will be considered foul in the following cases:
a contraction in a rapid or "explosive" manner, such as in specialized repeated jumping.
• An improper throw of the javelin in the attempt.
• Thrower goes out of the marking line while throwing (continuous motion)
Examples of Vertical Exercises
BURPEE TUCK JUMPS • The tip of the javelin lies outside the edges of the landing sector. The thrower who throws
farthest inside the landing sector and didn’t commit any violation wins.

Examples of Lateral Exercises SHOT PUT

GRAPEVINE LATERAL FEET DRILL The shot is a piece of spherical iron ball that is thrown from a concrete circle that is
seven feet in diameter. The front of the circle has a metal board called a toe board or stop
board. The thrower cannot touch the top of the stop board or step over it during the throw.
The thrower holds the shot close to his/her neck in one hand.
There are two common throwing techniques:
1. Slide or "glide"
2. Spin or rotational
The goal is to build momentum and finally push or put the shot inside the sector
landing area. The thrower must stay in a circle until the shot has landed or else their throw was
invalid. The thrower throws farthest inside the landing sector and without committing any
violation wins.
TRIPLE JUMP Example of Power Exercise Examples of Balance Exercises
The triple jump is similar to the long jump, it is known as the hop, step, and jump. The OVERHEAD BALL SLAM TIRE DRILL BANDED TRIPLANAR TOE TAPS
jumper will first run down the track gaining speed; at the start of the jump or take-off point
they will jump or spring from one foot and land on that same foot (hop); next they jump again,
at this time landing on the opposite foot (step); lastly, they jump as far as they can and land on
both feet (jump) into the sandpit or landing pit.

The pole vault may be the toughest to master of all field events. Pole-vaulting is quite
similar to the high jump. Vaulters attempt to vault over a crossbar placed on uprights, each Eye-Hand Coordination Exercises
height. They are given three tries, then they land on a large soft mattress for safety. BALLOON TOSSING SMALL BALL DRIBBLE SMALL BALL WALL BOUNCE
The vaulter runs down the track holding a pole at one end. After planting the end of
the pole in a metal box at the ground level, the vaulters propel themselves up and over a high
bar using both a jump and the spring to gain height. They must get over the bar without
knocking it off.


1. Analyze first your strengths and weaknesses through Physical Fitness Tests then use the
THROWING EVENTS result as the basis for your fitness objectives/goals.
It's always fun to see who can throw something the farthest, whether it's a ball or 2. Make your objective S.M.A.R.T. (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, & Time-bound)
even a rock. These events necessitate explosive movements. Power is the component to be Example 1:
considered. Athletics is the place where you can throw stuff for distance as a real sport. There Weakness: 40-meter sprint – Needs Improvement
are four major throwing events outlined below. Objective: After 3 months, I would be able to sprint in 7.5sec. or less.
Example 2:
DISCUS Weakness: Hexagon agility test - Fair
A discus is plate-like or round disc (implement), typically made of plastic with a metal rim. It is Objective: After 2 months, I would be able to perform the hexagon test in 11sec. or less.
thrown from a concrete circle that is about 2.50 meters in diameter. The thrower’s feet cannot
leave the circle unless the discus lands on the sector area or else the thrower will be at fault, SPORTS FITNESS READINESS STRATEGIES
and the throw will not be counted. To achieve maximum distance in the discus, the thrower Planning a program, using the FITT principles:
shall maintain these three components - speed, technique, and strength. The thrower that FREQUENCY - decide how often to train.
throws the farthest inside the sector area and without committing any violation wins. INTENSITY - choose how hard to train.
TIME - decide for how long to train.
TYPE - decide which methods of training to use.
TIME • ICOSATHLON event is its male counterpart of the tetradecathlon. This race consists of 20
TYPE FREQUENCY INTENSITY (duration, events, competed over two days. The first day includes 100m, long jump, 200m hurdles,
of Exercise (days of the week) (level of difficulty) repetitions, or
shot put, 5000m, 800m, high jump, 400m, hammer throw, and 3000m steeplechase. If
you’ve anything left to give, on the second day then tackle 110m hurdles, discus throw,
Objective 1
200m, pole vault, 3000m, 400m hurdles, javelin throw, triple jump, and 10,000m.
Objective 2
Add rows if there are more Objectives
In this second part, we will examine field events, which take place on a large field, as
Team Sports: BASKETBALL opposed to the running track. They can be classified as jumping and throwing categories.
Basketball was invented in 1891 by Dr. James Naismith, a Canadian of Scottish descent
at Springfield College Massachusetts. Under instructions from the head of physical education
at the School for Christian Workers, Naismith was given two weeks to invent an indoor game
Similar to running races, jumping games seem to be part of our childhood life. We tend
that would provide an “athletic distraction” for a rowdy class through the brutal New England
to see how far and high we can jump and who can do it best. There are four athletics jumping
winter. His creation didn’t come easily. His first intention was to bring outdoor games such as
soccer and lacrosse indoors. These games proved to be too physical and cumbersome.
After brainstorming
some new ideas, Naismith
In the high jump event, the athlete must run at the start and must jump over a bar
developed basketball’s
without knocking it over. They land on a big soft cushion. Being able to jump high without
original 13 rules and,
knocking the bar is an advantage to winning the game. In this event technique is important,
consequently, the game of
there are many techniques used for the high jump, but the current, and most successful, is
basketball. The new indoor
called the Fosbury Flop. The Fosbury flop technique involves an approach from almost straight
game was played with a
ahead, then twisting on takeoff and going over the head first with the back to the bar. Jumpers
soccer ball, peach baskets,
then land on their back.
and nine players to a side. This
first contest is believed to
have been played on
December 21, 1891.

The 13 Original Rules of Basketball

1. The ball can be thrown in any direction with one or both hands.
2. The ball can be batted in any direction with one or both hands, but never with the fist.
Long jumping, is the least complicated of all field events. It is formerly called broad
3. A player cannot run with the ball. The player must throw it from the spot where he catches
jumping. The long jump has been a popular athletics event since Ancient Greece Olympics. In
the long jump, speed is the most vital ingredient for a successful jump. Jumpers make their
4. The ball must be held in or between the hands. The arms or body must not be used for
approach down the runway at almost top speed, plant a foot on the takeoff board, and leap
holding it.
into the air. Jumpers must plant the forward foot not beyond the take-off board to become
5. No shouldering, holding, pushing, striking, or tripping an opponent.
legal. The most popular long-jumping style is “Hitch-kick,” wherein the runner walks in the air.
6. A foul is striking the ball with the fist.
7. If a side makes three consecutive fouls, it counts as a goal for the opponents.
8. A goal shall be made when the ball is thrown or batted from the ground into the basket and
stays there.
9. When the ball goes out of bounds, it shall be thrown into the field and played by the first
person touching it.
The receiver begins running in the acceleration zone within the exchange zone (30m). In the 10. The umpire shall be the judge of the men and shall note the fouls and notify the referee
relay, runners should not switch hands when carrying the baton. Therefore, if the first runner when three consecutive fouls have been made.
will carry the baton in his right hand, the receiving hand of the second runner will be the left 11. The referee shall be the judge of the ball and decide when it is in play in bounds, to which
hand, the receiving hand of the third runner will be right and the final runner will handle it in side it belongs, and shall keep the time.
his left hand. 12. The time shall be two 15-minute halves with a five-minute rest between.
Rules of a Relay 13. The side scoring the most goals in that time shall be declared the winner.
A team may be disqualified from a relay for:
➢ False Starting
➢ Incorrect baton passing DIMENSIONS OF BASKETBALL
➢ For 4 x 400m illegal switching Basketball Court
➢ Passing of the baton outside the takeover zone Basketball courts come in different sizes based on the level and type of basketball
➢ During the race, an athlete takes or picks up the baton of another team being played. A professional NBA court is 94’ x 50’ | 28.65 x 15.24 m. Courts are comprised of
➢ Deliberately impeding, improperly crossing the lane, or in any other way interfering several foundational components: the baskets, the three-point arcs, free-throw (foul) lines,
with another competitor and the half-court line. Indoor courts are usually made with polished wood (often maple), while
outdoor courts are typically made from paving, concrete, or asphalt.
• DUATHLON events involve a running leg, followed by a bike leg, followed by another
running leg. The standard distance consists of a 10km run, 40km cycle, and 5km run but
sprint, middle- and long-distance variations are commonplace.
• The TRIATHLON is a multi-sport endurance event consisting of three sports: swimming,
cycling, and running. Popular race distances include the sprint distance (750m swim,
20km cycle, 5km run) and Olympic distance (1.5km swim, 40km cycle, 10km run), as well
as the middle-distance or half-Ironman (1.9km swim, 90km cycle, 21.1km run) and full
Ironman distance (3.9km swim, 180.2km bike, 42.4km run).
• The QUADRATHLON is a multisport event that involves four disciplines: swimming,
kayaking, cycling, and running. The swim is always open water, varying in distance from
500m through to the standard Olympic distance (1.5km). This is followed by a kayaking
section ranging from 4.2km to 10km, a cycle (23km-36km), and a run (5km-10km).
• The modern PENTATHLON comprises five different disciplines, requiring a variety of skills
and techniques, including horse riding. Fencing, freestyle swimming (200m), show
jumping, pistol shooting and cross-country running (3.2km) make up the event, attracting
the ultimate all-rounder.
• A TETRATHLON comprises the four disciples of swimming, jumping a horse cross country,
pistol shooting, and cross-country running.
• HEPTATHLONS are seven-event contests usually spread over two days. Positioned as an
all-around test in a variety of disciplines for female athletes, the first day consists of 100m The Goal
hurdles, high jump, shot put, and 200m. The second day comprises the long jump, javelin, Backboard dimensions are 1.8m x 1.22m, with a minimum thickness of 19mm.
and 200m. Competitors earn points for their performance in each discipline and the Backboards can be made of either timber or transparent material and must be fitted with
athlete who receives the most overall points is the winner. padding at all levels above U16. Backboard line-markings should be 50mm in width and either
• This 14-discipline track and field event takes place over two days and is targeted toward black or white, depending on the material of the board. The inner rectangle should measure
female athletes. Day 1 of the TETRADECATHLON features a 60m, long jump, 800m, shot 0.45m x 0.59m.
put, 400m, and high jump. On Day 2, athletes then conquer the 3000m, 60m hurdles, pole
vault, 1500m, weight throw, 200m, triple jump, and 5000m. The winner of the event is
the person with the highest overall score after the two days.
Hurdling is a sport in athletics (track and field) in which a runner sprints and leaps over
a series of hurdles, which are set on a track with a specific distance apart. Runners must stay
in their respective lanes throughout the race. If the runner knocks the hurdles down while
leaping, a runner who trails a foot or leg alongside a hurdle or knocks it down with a hand is
disqualified. The Winner will be the first player who been completed the course without
Dimensions: The standard heights of the hurdles shall be:
Distance Men Men U20 U18 Boys Women/U20 U18 Girls
110m/100m 1.067m 0.991m 0.914m 0.838m 0.762m
400m 0.914m 0.914m 0.838m 0.762m 0.762m
The standard distance shall be:
Goal/hoop dimensions Men – Under20 men and Under18 boys: 110m, 400m
The basketball goal (also known as a ring or hoop) is typically 18 inches Women – Unser 20 women and Under18 girls: 100m, 400m
(45.72cm) in diameter and must be positioned 3.05m from the floor. Nets are typically There should be ten (10) flights of hurdles in each lane, set out by the following table:
white and suspended from the ring. They should be no shorter than 45cm. Men – Under20 men and Under18 boys: Women – Under 20 women and Under18 girls:
Distance Distance Distance Distance Distance Distance Distance Distance
Basketball Ball Size Chart of race starting between last of race starting between last
line -1st hurdles hurdle – line -1st hurdles hurdle –
hurdle finish line hurdle finish line
110m 13.72m 9.14m 14.02m 100m 13.00m 8.50m 10.00m
400m 45.00m 35.00m 40.00m 400m 45.00m 35.00m 40.00m

Men & Boys Boys ages 14-15 Boys & Girls Children ages 5-8
ages 15 & up Women & Girls ages 9-11
Ages 12 & up
Object and Rules of Basketball
• Basketball is a game between two teams of five players where the object is to score points
through your team’s hoop. The team with the most points at the end of the game is the winner.
Each team tries to prevent their opponent from scoring by stealing the ball or blocking a shot. The RELAY
• Each game is started with a jump ball. Although this is a Team Event, it is still a Track event, so, we will include this in this
• SCORING: discussion.
➢ 2 point - a field goal shot or lay-up made from anywhere during play inside the 3 pts The relays involve four runners per team. There are two standard events, the 4 × 100-
arc. A lay-up is the closest shot you can make. and 4 × 400-meter relays. They are both included in local meets, in Olympic Games, and IAAF
➢ 3 point - a shot made from anywhere outside the 3 pts arc. World Championships. The first runner in the 4 x 100- meter relay begins the race in starting
➢ Free-throw - 1 point is awarded to an unguarded shot taken from behind the free- blocks. The next three runners receive the baton in the 30 meters passing and receiving zone.
throw line while the clock is stopped.
ENDURANCE ATHLETES or Long-Distance Runners have 90 to 95 percent slow-twitch Other Rules and Terminologies
muscle fibers. According to American Council on Exercise, slow-twitch fibers are slighter and • Man-to-Man - a defensive strategy where everyone guards a player.
less powerful but more resilient to fatigue than fast-twitch fibers. So, they rely on oxygen to • Zone defense - a defensive strategy where everyone guards an area instead of a player.
function properly. Slow-twitch muscle fibers are well suitable for long-duration aerobic • Traveling - you cannot run with the ball without using a dribble.
activities. • Three seconds - during regular play, offensive players may remain in the lane or “paint” for
DISTANCE RUN Events: 800 meters, 1,500 meters, 3,000 meters, & Marathon only three consecutive seconds.
Marathon Distances: 5km, 10km, 15km, 20km, 25Km, 30km, and 42km. • Foul-out - under professional rules (NBA) a player must leave the game after committing six
fouls. In High School and College, you are allowed 5 fouls.
Body position of a distance runner • High school games last for 32 minutes with 4 quarters. Each quarter will run for 8 minutes.
• When you are on offense, your team has 10 seconds to dribble the ball up over half-court
once you play the ball in bounds.
• Assist: A pass that immediately precedes and sets up a scored basket.
• When you are on offense, your team has 10 seconds to dribble the ball up over half-court
once you play the ball in bounds.
• Over and Back: A violation on which a team has brought the ball into the frontcourt and then
lets it return to the backcourt. Therefore, anytime you cross into the frontcourt, you cannot
The Track Oval pass or dribble back over half.
Track events are played in an oval. It has eight lanes and the innermost lane measures
400 meters. The seven other lanes are appropriately marked to indicate the 400-meter Fouls
distance and the exceeding land measurement. A foul is any time you make a contact with another player in a moving defense = draw
The surface of the oval is even and leveled, covered by a mixture of sand and cinder, a charge: if you push somebody then that is a foul. A violation for the offense (offensive foul)
some are a combination of asphalt and synthetic rubber. The modern running tracks are made who slams into a defender while standing still in a guarding position, both feet and torso facing
out of synthetic rubber-like materials. the opponent.
Personal Foul: involving illegal player contact with an opponent. Technical foul:
involves players who are displaying unsportsmanlike conduct.
If the person with the ball is up in the air and you foul him, he gets to go to the free-
throw line and shoot two baskets.
However, if the shot was being taken from a three-point range, the player will take
three shots, one after making a successful field goal.
If a player has accumulated six fouls that person is ejected from the game. That means
they will not be able to play in that game again.


1. Ball Handling 2. Passing 3. Shooting
• Dribbling • Chest pass • Free throw
• Non-dribble • Bounce pass • Jump shot
• Overhead pass • Bank shot
• Baseball pitch • Layup
Did you Know that: • Tip-in
Jamaican sprinter Usain Bolt is the fastest man in history with a world record time • Dunk
of 9.58 seconds and the fastest woman is history is Florence Griffith-Joyner with a world
record time of 10.49. Like all other skills, all these fundamental basketball skills require a lot of practice and
drills. Here are some “Non-dribble Ball Handling Drills” for you to try and have a better
perspective of training to become a good basketball player:
NOTE: Hand quickness, keeping the head up, and ball control should be emphasized during all Individual Sport: ATHLETICS TRACK EVENTS
ball handling drills. Athletics is composed of sports involving running, walking, jumping, and throwing. It
is a group of sports divided mainly into what is popularly known as track and field and it has
BASKETBALL DRILLS been played centuries ago in a sports competition. In 776 B.C, Greeks started to promote track
Basketball drills are exercises used by teams and individual players to improve their and field and it opened the Olympic Games. Since then, it has been staged every four years
fundamental skills. Common among youth players and professional teams alike, basketball until 394 A.D. Athens revived the Olympic Games in 1896. After that, the Olympic Games is a
practice drills teach on-court skills such as dribbling and ball handling, footwork, shifting stage every four years.
momentum to the opposite direction, passing, shooting with proper form, defensive In the early stage, the Greeks’ participation in athletics was intended to show the
movements, and offensive rotation. strong body and skills of the soldiers. The beauty of the games caught the attention and interest
of more than 5000 people. Olympic Games became very competitive and in 1923 women were
included in the event. The competition was under the support of the Amateur Athletics Union.
Track and field were introduced to the Filipinos by the Americans. It was warmly
EXAMPLES OF BALL HANDLING DRILLS accepted as one of the events for the competition. Athletics, as part of the local competition,
I. AROUND THE WORLD DRILL was governed by the Philippines Athletics Track and Field Association. It followed the rules of
Ball Requirements: one basketball per person. the International Amateur Athletic Federation as a world governing body for track and field
Direction: With feet together, players pass the basketball around their bodies. Start with the athletics. Because of its worth and value, it was included as a subject in Physical Education.
ankles, to knees, to the waist, to the head.
II. FIGURE-EIGHT LEG WRAPS DRILL Can you be both a sprinter and a distance runner? Not really. For sure, you can do both
Ball Requirements: one basketball per player. activities for recreational purposes and overall fitness. However, your training routine and your
Direction: With feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, players pass the basketball genetics shall eventually determine what you are best at.
behind their left leg with the right hand. The left hand then takes the basketball and passes it
behind the right leg. Variation: This drill can also be performed with a dribble. SPRINTERS are innately gifted with a larger number of fast-twitch muscle fibers. It permits them
to execute explosive movements and participate in high-intensity exercise for a short period of
III. FIGURE-EIGHT QUICK DROPS DRILL time. According to the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), the same goes for
Ball Requirements: one basketball per player. powerlifters, bodybuilders, and other strength athletes. Fast-twitch fibers can produce more
Direction: With feet slightly wider than shoulder-width apart, players should hold the force in a shorter time than slow-twitch fibers. Also, sprinters are naturally more muscular and
basketball between their legs with one hand in front of their bodies and the other hand behind have a bigger build than long-distance runners.
their bodies. Players should drop the ball while switching hands from front to back. Players The relatively short sprint distances, ranging up to 400 meters, require a sustained top
must catch the ball before it hits the floor. speed. Originally all sprinters start from a standing position, but in the 1880s the crouch start
was invented, and it became a rule that sprinters must start with both feet and both hands on
Team Sports: VOLLEYBALL the track. The introduction of the adjustable starting block aided the quick start which is critical
Source: Advantage Press, Inc. © 2013 in the sprints.
Volleyball is a popular sport which can SPRINT Events: 100 meters, 200 meters, and 400 meters
be played both indoors and outdoors. It appeals
to people of all ages and skill levels. It is fast- Body position of a sprinter
paced, with constant jumping and running, and
thus provides a strenuous aerobic workout. It
also requires mental alertness and quick,
precise physical reactions. In 1964, it was
officially recognized as part of the Olympic
B. Kata Competition HISTORY OF THE GAME
Kata (literally: “form”) is a Japanese word describing detailed patterns of movements Volleyball originated in Massachusetts in 1895 when the director of a local YMCA used
practiced either solo or in pairs. Each is a complete fighting system, with the movements and the bladder of a basketball for a ball and a tennis net as the first volleyball net. The game was
postures of the kata being a living reference guide to the correct form and structure of the regulated by the YMCA until 1928 when the United States Volleyball Association was founded.
techniques used within that system. Karate Katas are executed as a specified series of a variety
of moves, with stepping and turning, while attempting to maintain perfect form. All karate HOW VOLLEYBALL IS PLAYED
style has similar or related katas: The name “volleyball” is not an entirely accurate description of this sport. The object
Shotokan Katas Wado-Ryu Katas of the game is hit the ball over the net in such a way that the opposing team cannot return it.
Shito-Ryu Katas Goju-Ryu Katas Volleyball is played on a court about 30 feet wide by about 60 feet long. The net is
three feet high and spans the width of the playing area. The top of the net is positioned about
Kiai is a Japanese term used in karate for a short-spirited shout, that is used to focus eight feet (in men’s volleyball) from the floor or playing surface. The modern volleyball is about
energy when performing an attacking or defending move. The term kiai is a combination of Ki the size of a soccer ball and weighs between nine and ten ounces.
(life force), and Ai (meaning to blend or harmonize). Kiai is a focused short shout that The game is played by two opposing teams, with six players on each team. Once the
concentrates physical, mental, and emotional power into one point, at one time, but more ball is put into play, it is “volleyed” back and forth between the teammates up to three times
importantly, it helps develop a strong spirit. before it is hit over the net or until it falls to the floor, is hit out of bounds or a team commits
a foul. The same player may not make a hit twice in a row. Even if the ball hits a player by
Shotokan Heian Shodan Kata accident, it counts as one of the three touches allowed per side. However, if a player blocks a
Heian Shodan translates as 'Peaceful Mind – level one'. In many ways, the symbolic spike, the block is not considered a “hit.”
significance of the 'Heian' series represents the spirit and attitude that accompanies Karate-Do
as a Martial Art, so these five katas; Heian Shodan, Heian Nidan, Heian Sandan, Heian Yondan, SCORING SYSTEMS
and Heian Godan; that make up the series are truly significant, both fundamentally and RALLY POINT SCORING
philosophically. Watch for your guidance The team winning a rally scores a point. When the receiving team wins a rally, it gains
a point and the right to serve, and its players rotate one position clockwise. The best three of
HEIAN SHODAN KATA five games will win matches. Each non-deciding game will be won by the team that first scores
25 points with a minimum two-point advantage. If there is a deciding game, it will be won by
the team that first scores 15 points with a minimum two-point advantage.

Only the serving team may score a point, except in the deciding game when rally-point
scoring is used. When the receiving team wins a rally, it gains the right to serve (also scoring a
point in the deciding game), and its players rotate one position clockwise. Rotation ensures
that players play at both the net and the back zone of the court.
A team wins a game by scoring 15 points with a two- point advantage and wins the
match by winning the best of three or five games. In the event of a 16-16 tie, the team scoring
the 17th point wins a non-deciding game with only a one-point advantage. In a deciding game
there is no point cap.
Almost all have changed from “Sideout Scoring” to “Rally Point Scoring.” Rally scoring
looks very similar to a side-out game, with the main difference being a point scored every time
the ball is blown dead.

Volleyball requires a REFEREE, who generally has the final word regarding points in
dispute, an umpire who assists the referee, a scorekeeper, a timekeeper and linesmen. Even
though there may be officials present during a game, players who commit fouls are expected
to call out their own mistakes.
One of the basic positions in volleyball is called the “ready position.” The knees are
slightly bent with hands at waist level and elbows near the body to allow the player to
concentrate on the ball.


A good serve for beginners to use. It is simply another way of getting the ball over the
net. The ball is held in one hand and hit by the heel of the other hand. The underhand serve is Yoko geri kekomi – side trust kick Uchi mawashi geri – round house kick
generally not as effective as the overhand serve. Two Types of Karate-do Competitions
THE OVERHAND SERVE A. Kumite (Sparing) Competition
The most popular and effective serve. It is similar to a tennis serve. The ball is thrown The object of the Game
into the air so that it rises a few feet above the server’s head. As the ball comes down, the right The object of Karate is to earn points by utilizing striking, kicking, and throwing
arm (if you are right-handed) is raised up and back while the elbow comes forward. The arm is techniques to score points. At the end of a Karate Kumite, the competitor with the most points
then extended at the elbow and the server hits the ball with the heel of the hand. is declared the winner (or before the end if they reach an eight-point lead over their opponent).
As well as being a combative physical activity, Karate is highly skilled and tactical, and all
THE PASSING competitors are required to have a high level of skill, experience, speed, and dexterity to be
A difficult move for many beginning players. This skill looks successful in Karate competition.
easier than it is when performed. Once the ball is served, the player
who will pass the ball gets into position under the ball with knees Competitors and Equipment
bent, hands up and fingers cupped. All the fingers and the two Competitors are placed into categories according to their weight and maybe their age
thumbs contact the ball, but the ball does not touch the palm of the in the case of junior competitions. All competitors in Karate Kumite competitions are required
hand. to wear a traditional Karate suit known as a “gi” and this should be plain and without stripes
or embroidery. Instead of wearing the belt color that signifies their rank, one contestant wears
a red belt and the other a blue belt to help distinguish them.

Other prescribed equipment are:

• Rubber mats 8m x 8m x 2cm
The proper setting position consists of both hands on the
ball, with the pointer and thumb making a triangle, your feet should
• Judges’ flags 3 pairs of red & blue
be staggered with a slight bend in your knees and your shoulders • Scoreboard
over your toes when receiving the ball. • Mouthguard (personal by each player)
THE SPIKE A player earns a point whenever they successfully executed a proper technique of:
The spike is one of the most difficult plays in volleyball: a player has to run, jump and • Punching their opponent’s head or torso (front or back) - 1point
hit the ball to a specific spot on the other side of the net. However, it is the best offensive move • Kicking their opponent’s torso (front or back) – 2 points
in volleyball, and it should be learned. Generally, a spiked ball is hit with an open hand. • Kicking their opponent’s head (front or back) – 3 points
• Combination of two techniques (ex. block & strike) – 2 points
VOLLEYBALL DRILLS TO IMPROVE BASIC SKILLS • Combination of three techniques (ex. block, tackle & strike) – 3 point
TOSS UP SETTING DRILL If any of the above strikes landed forcefully, no points shall be awarded. Skin-touch rules were
Place one foot slightly ahead of the other, then toss the ball above their heads. Try to applied.
make as many tosses as possible without a mistake. And every time, try to make more
repetitions than the previous attempts.
The ban on martial arts was finally lifted in 1902 when Shintaro Ogawa, the PASSING DRILL
Commissioner of Education recommended that martial arts should be included in physical Toss the ball in the air while in “ready position” and perform “passing” to oneself as
education in the first middle school of Okinawa. many as possible without a mistake. And every time, try to make more repetitions than the
Funakoshi was invited to Japan in 1922 to give a demonstration of Karate at the First previous attempts.
National Athletic Exhibition in Tokyo, which was organized by the Ministry of Education. After
this demonstration, he decided to remain in Japan. DOWN BALL HITTING DRILL
The style name Shotokan was given to Funakoshi’s karate by his students. Shoto, was Position the ball in front of the hitting shoulder, then strike the ball against the floor
Funakoshi’s pen name as a writer, meaning ‘pine waves,’ and Kan, means ‘school’ so, those using the entire area of the hitting hand.
who trained at Funakoshi’s ‘school’ became known as the Shotokan.
In 1948 Funakoshi established the Japan Karate Association and he remained the Dual Sport: BADMINTON
head of the JKA until he died in 1957. HISTORY
Badminton could be traced back to more than 2000 years ago to the ancient game
FUNDAMENTAL KARATE-DO TECHNIQUES called battledore (bat or paddle) and shuttlecock (also called “bird” or “birdie”), similar games
were played for centuries across Eurasia countries such as Greece, Egypt, China, India, and
According to “A Brief History of Badminton from 1870 to 1949” written by Betty Uber,
modern badminton was created by British military officers by around 1850s in British India, at
that time, a net was added to the game and because it was very popular in the garrison town
of Poona, the game was known as Poona.
By around 1870s, Retired British army officers brought the game back to England from
India and it became a very popular sport. In 1873 the Duke of Beaufort introduced the sport at
his country estate, “Badminton House” in Gloucestershire, since then this sport was called
Age uke – Gedan uke – Chudan ude uke – Chudan uchi uke – Badminton.
upper block downward block middle inward block middle outward block
BADMINTON RACKETS are light in weight and don’t weigh
more than 100 grams. The frame of the Racket can be made
of common metals like steel or aluminum. Sometimes
rackets are made of alloys, tough carbon fiber, ceramic, or
boron. Its length does not exceed 680mm and width does
not exceed 230 mm.

Mae geri kekomi – Mae geri keage – front snap kick SHUTTLECOCKS has sixteen feathers fixed in a cork base
front trust kick enveloped in a thin leather sheet make a shuttlecock.
Interestingly, the best Badminton Shuttlecocks are made
from feathers from the wing of a goose. The shuttle weighs
between 4.74 to 5.50 grams.

BADMINTON NETS span the entire 20’ (6.1 m) width of the court and are placed over the
doubles sidelines, even when singles games are played. The net has a height of 5’1” (1.55 m)
at the edges and sags slightly at the center resulting in a height of 5’ (1.52 m). Badminton nets
are split into a 1:1 ratio with a 30’ (76 cm) opening below the mesh and an equal surface above.

Yoko geri keage – side snap kick Ushiro geri – back kick
Net shot and recover forehand/backhand
1. Start off with a split step in the center of the court about 1 meter behind the service line.
2. The feeder throws the shuttle over the net aiming to land it halfway between the front
serve line and the net
3. The player will need to chasse forward and play the net shot
4. Return back to the middle and end with the split step
5. The feeder then throws the next shuttle

Push defense forehand/backhand

1. Start off with a split step in the center of the court about 1 meter behind the service line.
BADMINTON COURTS are 6.1 meters wide and 13.41 meters long. This is used for doubles and 2. The feeder throws the shuttle straight over the net.
mixed doubles. A singles badminton court is 5.2 meters wide and 13.41 meters long. The singles 3. The player will need to drive the shuttle past the front service line and into the mid-court.
court has a smaller width because the side alleys are not used in singles and are considered out 4. The feeder then throws the next shuttle
of bounds.
Dual (Combative) Sport: KARATE DO
What’s in the name? Kara means empty, Te means hand, and Do means way.
Therefore, Karate-do means “the way of the empty hand.” This phrase can be interpreted two
ways, literal and philosophical. Literally, it simply means fighting without a weapon on hand.
Philosophically, it means karate-do practitioners or Karatekas must build themselves a
character of humility and without desires.


The first-ever form of martial art in the record was Vijramushti of India over 1000
years ago. An Indian Prince named Bodhidharma, also trained as a warrior turned to become a
monk, was invited to China by Emperor Wu of the Liang Dynasty about 520 A.D.
He traveled to the Shaolin Temple where he found that the monks there were
physically unfit. He devised a series of martial arts exercises; Shih, Pa, Lo, Han, and Sho; which
later became Chuan Fa, also known as Shaolin Shadow Boxing. Shaolin Monks, traveled from
China to spread Buddhism and their fighting system. It was readily accepted in the kingdom of
One of the most devout followers of the Buddhist religion was the Son of Sho En, ruler
1. Serve – long or short
of Okinawa, Sho Shin, the prince of Okinawa. Became the King at the age of just 13 in 1477.
2. Forehand
The first thing he did during his reign was to ban all weapons. This ban was continued by the
• For right-handed players: A stroke hit when the shuttle is on the right side of the body.
Satsuma clan. Those who studied Martial arts now have to do so without any form of
• For left-handed players: A stroke hit when the shuttle is on the left side of the body.
3. Round the Head – An overhead stroke played on the left or backhand side of the body.
In 1609, Japan invaded Okinawa, and further the ban on weaponry, and placed a ban
4. Smash – A hard hit overhand stroke with a fast downward path. It is the main attacking
on the practice of martial arts, and so, martial arts training became shrouded in secrecy. Over
the next 300 years in Okinawa, three main branches of self-defense became evident. These
5. Drive – A powerfully hit forehand or backhand stroke which just clears the top of the net.
were Shuri-te, Naha-te, and Tomari-te, named after the Okinawan towns within which they
Difficult to return due to the shuttle’s straight-line trajectory.
developed. They were known collectively as Okinawa-Te or Tode.
6. Clear – A stroke which sends the shuttle high over the opponent’s head and drops near
Gichin Funakoshi was born in 1868 and began studying martial arts at a very young
the backcourt boundary line. It may be hit with and overhand or underhand stroke. Can
age, under Anko Itosu and Yasutsune Azato. The ban on martial arts still stood, and so
be used as offensive or defensive play.
Funakoshi would often have lessons with his instructors at night time, so as not to be
7. Drop Shot – The shuttle is stroked over the net so it drops very close to the net.

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