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Tagum City College of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.

Elpidio M. Gazmen compound, Gazmen Road Tagum City

Teacher’s Name: Eda Mae S. Mabala Quarter Domain: 2nd Semester 1st month week 1
Subject Area: Core Subject Date: February 13, 2024
Grade Level: 11 Academic Time 9:30 am -10:30 am


Discipline and Ideas in the Social Sciences

Content Standards  key concepts and approaches in the Social Sciences

Learning Competency  Marxism analyze social inequalities in terms of class conflict

At the end of the discussion, learners should be able to:
 Analyze social inequalities through the lens of Marxism, particularly
I. OBJECTIVES focusing on class conflict.
 Develop empathy towards individuals experiencing social inequalities and
recognize the importance of addressing systemic issues.
 Demonstrate critical thinking skills through discussion and reflection on
Marxist concepts and their application to real-world scenario
A. Topic Marxism
B. References TCCTFI 2024 (CG HUMSS_DIS 11-IIIg-2)

C. Materials  Whiteboard and markers

 Projector and screen (optional)
 Handouts with communication models and diagrams
 Multimedia resources (videos, images, audio clips)

D. Time Frame 2 hours

E. Assessment Test type and Paper Test!
F. Skills Infused Critical Thinking
G. Core Values Equality
a. Prayer and Greetings
b. Energizer – “Name Chain”
c. Checking of Attendance
d. Setting of Classroom Rules
 SMART (Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Reliable and
Tagum City College of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Elpidio M. Gazmen compound, Gazmen Road Tagum City

Time Bounded
 Management
 Creativity

Review of Past Lesson

e. Motivation
Title: Class Conflict Challenge Game
 Divide the class into two teams: "Bourgeoisie" and "Proletariat."
 Present a series of scenarios depicting social inequalities, such as unequal
access to education or healthcare.
 Each team must analyze the scenario from their assigned perspective,
highlighting the class conflict involved.
 Teams earn points for identifying class interests, power dynamics, and
proposing Marxist-inspired solutions.
 The team with the most points at the end wins, fostering engagement and
understanding of Marxism's analysis of social inequalities.

Activity Proper
Title: Analyzing Social Inequalities with Marxism
1. Choose a social inequality you observe.
2. Identify the involved social classes and describe their roles.
3. Analyze how class conflict perpetuates this inequality.
4. Reflect on potential Marxist-informed solutions to address it.
5. Summarize your findings in a brief paragraph.

 What is the relationship between "means of production" and wealth
distribution, and how can you illustrate this?
 What perpetuates social inequalities via bourgeoisie control, and how does
this affect different classes' access to resources?
 What is "false consciousness," and how does it maintain the status quo—can
you provide examples?
 What is the Marxist view on the state's role in inequality, and how does this
differ from other theories?
 What does Marx emphasize about class struggle in history, how does it
challenge progress narratives, and can you provide examples?

 focuses on analyzing social inequalities through class conflict. It emphasizes
the ongoing struggle between different social classes, such as the bourgeoisie
and proletariat, for control over resources and power. This perspective
explores how these conflicts shape economic, political, and cultural
structures within society. By examining class dynamics, Marxism aims to
Tagum City College of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Elpidio M. Gazmen compound, Gazmen Road Tagum City

understand and address the root causes of social inequalities.

Title: Role-Play Activity: Class Conflict Simulation
1. Divide the class into two groups: the "bourgeoisie" and the "proletariat."
2. Assign each group a role: the bourgeoisie represent the wealthy elite, and the
proletariat represent the working class.
3. Provide a scenario, such as unequal access to education, and explain that each
group must argue their position based on their assigned role.
4. Allow time for both groups to prepare their arguments.
5. Conduct a debate where each group presents their perspective on the issue,
emphasizing the role of class conflict.
6. Conclude with a discussion on how class conflict contributes to social
inequalities and potential solutions proposed by Marxism.
IV. ASSESSMENT Instruction: Write a happy face 😊 if the statement is true and write a sad face 😔 if
the statement is wrong.
_____1. Marxism views social inequalities primarily through the lens of class
_____2. According to Marxism, social classes such as the bourgeoisie and proletariat
have conflicting interests over resources and power.
_____3. Marxists believe that social inequalities are perpetuated by the unequal
distribution of wealth and power within society.
_____4. Class conflict is a central concept in Marxist theory, highlighting the
struggle between the ruling class and the working class.
_____5. Marxism advocates for revolutionary change to address social inequalities
and overthrow the capitalist system.
V. ASSIGNMENT Exploring Symbolic Interactionism
1. Spend 30 minutes observing interactions in a public setting.
2. Reflect on the symbols and meanings conveyed during these interactions.
3. Write a 1-2 page analysis paper discussing your observations and reflections.
4. Include examples of symbols, analysis of interactions, and reflections on
Symbolic Interactionism.
5. Submit your paper by [insert due date].

Prepared by:


Front Office Services Instructor

Checked by:


School Principal
Tagum City College of Science and Technology Foundation Inc.
Elpidio M. Gazmen compound, Gazmen Road Tagum City

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