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Mahdawi, Arwa. “One in Three Men Thinks Feminism Does More Harm than Good.

Surprise, Surprise | Arwa Mahdawi.” the Guardian, March 5, 2022.

Sordell, Amelia. “Can We Stop Bashing Men and Calling It ‘Feminism’?” Medium, March
21, 2023.

Nuzzo, James L. “Feminism’s Negative Impact on Men’s Health.” The Nuzzo Letter, July 26,

Approximately 32% of men globally express the belief that feminism has a detrimental
impact, and a parallel sentiment is observed regarding the perceived endangerment of
traditional masculinity, with 33% holding this view. In contrast, women exhibit lower
concurrence rates, with 20% asserting that feminism does more harm than good and
25% expressing concern about the jeopardy to traditional masculinity.

The sentiment that "feminism" has been co-opted is acknowledged, prompting hesitancy
among self-identified feminists to vocalize their stance due to the immediate
assumption of harboring anti-male sentiments. This hesitation stems from the
paradoxical juxtaposition of advocating for gender equality while contending with the
perception of harboring animosity towards men. It is crucial to recognize that
fostering a collaborative environment involving both genders is essential, given men's
integral role in propelling economic and societal progress. Nevertheless, a divergence
is noted wherein certain discourses within feminist circles appear to isolate and brand
men as universally toxic in the pursuit of parity.

An example is a video encounter where a young woman asserts that "all white men are
“Search Results For: " :: Stop%20and%20Search :: ".” Justia Law. Accessed January 23,

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