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1 Warm up

Work with a partner.

1. Think of some events which you feel have caused an important change in the world (or your
country) in the past year. Explain why you feel they were important.
2. Now think of some changes which have happened in the past ten years. Explain why you feel
these were important.

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2 Collocations
Part A: Match the nouns to the definitions

1. consciousness a. damage to someone’s body in an accident or attack

2. injury b. the state of being awake and being able to think and notice
3. coma c. an illness affecting humans, animals or plants

4. disease d. a deep unconscious state, usually lasting a long time

Now match the verbs to the nouns to create collocations.

fall into / catch / lose / suffer / come out of / contract / sustain / regain

verb 1 verb 2

a coma

an injury

a disease


Do the collocations for each noun have the same or different meanings?

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Part B: Choose a verb from Part A to fill in the gaps. Remember you may have to change the verb

1. The man a coma after life threatening injuries during a serious


2. Several people malaria after being bitten by mosquitoes during the trip.

3. The climber consciousness after hitting his head on a rock, but fortunately, he
consciousness after a few minutes.

4. Although the woman only minor injuries in the crash, she a virus
while in hospital, which meant she had to stay for longer than expected.

5. He has been unconscious for some time, but doctors hope he will eventually the

3 Focus on vocabulary

Part A: Match the words to the definitions.

1. surge (n) a. understand something completely

2. variant (n) b. expect or predict a future situation

3. foresee (v) c. stop changing or moving

4. stabilise (v) d. a sudden increase in the amount of something

5. reminiscent (adj.) e. reminding you of somebody/something

6. transmission (n) f. working hard at something because it is very important to

7. grasp (v) g. the process of passing something from one person, place or
thing to another
8. dedicated (adj.) h. a slightly different form of something

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Part B: From the context, decide if the word in brackets is correct, and if not, replace it with a word
from the same word family.

1. The company saw a in the number of bookings when Covid-19 restrictions were
lifted. (surge)

2. We will take into account all circumstances before making our decision. (foresee)

3. Many viruses are through the air. (transmission)

4. When she retired, she was rewarded for her to the company with a generous gift.

5. He found the exam question very difficult to understand but eventually he it.

6. The doctors were concerned about the patient, but he is now in a condition.

7. Sometimes, manufacturers release several of the same product. (variant)

8. I often about my university days; I really enjoyed that period of my life. (reminiscent)

4 Scanning for information

Quickly read through the text and note why the following years are mentioned:

a. 1984 –

b. 1989 (x2) –

c. 2003 (x2) –

d. 2021 –

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Waking up in a different world

The stories of two people who regained consciousness to find that a lot had changed

A. In February 2021, a British teenager came out F. In Joseph’s case there was nothing to hide;
of a 10-month long coma with no knowledge of everything would be explained in due course.
the Covid-19 pandemic despite having caught the However, at the time his aunt explained, "I just don’t
disease twice. Joseph Flavill, 19, suffered a traumatic know where to start". She claimed that if someone
brain injury after he was hit by a car on the 1st of had told her a year ago about what was going to
March 2020, when there were only 36 known cases happen, she wouldn’t have believed them: a feeling
of Covid-19 in the UK. probably shared by many other people!
B. On the day of the accident, there was little to no
G. Others have regained consciousness after a much
mention of the virus on the front page of most British
longer period of time. American Terry Wallis lost
newspapers. Few people at the start of March could
consciousness and was left in a coma after sustaining
have foreseen how quickly things would change
serious injuries in a car crash in 1984. Coincidentally
over the next few weeks, but in hindsight we know
Wallis was also 19 at the time. Within a year,
that the world was facing an extremely challenging
his coma had stabilised into a "minimally conscious
situation, very different from other pandemics in
state"*, with doctors believing this condition to be
recent times.
C. In next to no time headlines were dominated by
words like ‘threat’, ‘crisis’ and ‘battle’, and the "stay at H. Remarkably though, on the 11th of June 2003, Terry
home" order issued by the British Prime Minister on started talking again. His dedicated family had taken
the 23rd of March marked the beginning of the UK’s him out regularly, and even to special events every
first lockdown. now and again. Scientists believe this may have
D. Over the course of the next year and beyond, people helped him to eventually regain full consciousness.
in the UK saw their lives seriously disrupted. When
I. When he awoke, he was completely unaware of how
Joseph woke up at the start of February 2021, his
much time had passed and had difficulty grasping the
family were unable to be with him in person due to
fact that it was 2003. To him, Ronald Reagan was still
the restrictions in place at the time. Dealing with
president. In reality, Ronald Reagan had left office in
a surge in cases caused by a new variant of the
1989, George W Bush had been elected in 2000 and
virus, the government was desperately trying to buy
the USA had seen two other presidents come and go
time by slowing transmission while accelerating its
in the meantime.
vaccination programme.
E. Joseph’s situation is reminiscent of the 2003 film J. At the time of Terry’s accident, the threat of nuclear
Goodbye Lenin! In which an East German woman war was at the front of many people’s minds in the
falls into a coma in 1989 and regains consciousness USA. He was shocked to hear that the U.S.S.R was no
after eight months in a very changed world, having longer an enemy and that the Berlin wall had fallen.
missed the collapse of communism. The woman’s son He had missed the September 11th attacks two years
tries to hide the situation from her, fearing the shock previously, along with many other significant political
may kill her. events.

Sources: The Guardian, BBC News, MT Technology Review

*minimally conscious state - a mental state where the person is not in a coma and there is some
evidence of consciousness

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5 Reading comprehension

Read the sentences and decide if they are true (T), false (F) or not given (NG). Give reasons for your

1. On the 1st of March 2020, many headlines in British newspapers were about Covid-19.

2. A "stay at home" order was in place in the UK when Joseph Flavill came out of the coma.

3. In the film Goodbye Lenin! a man tries to hide the truth from his mother.

4. Joseph Flavills’s family thought it would be difficult to explain the pandemic.

5. Doctors believed that Terry Wallis would regain consciousness eventually.

6. Terry Wallis and Joseph Flavill were the same age when they were involved in serious accidents.

7. Three different US presidents were in office while Terry Wallis was in a coma.

6 Time expressions

Part A: Find an expression in the text which means.

1. analysing the past with the knowledge that one has now (para. B) →

2. so quickly that it is surprising (para. C) →

3. do something in order to delay an event or a decision (para. D) →

4. during (para. D) →

5. at the right time and not before (para. F) →

6. occasionally (para. H) →

7. during the period between two events (para. I) →

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Part B: Fill in the gaps with an expression from Part A.

1. I didn’t know a word of the local language when I moved to the country, but I managed to learn
the basics .

2. She doesn’t really like football, but she watches a match with her friends.

3. Buying this car seemed like the right decision at the time, but I should have bought
a smaller one.

4. My English class finishes at 5pm, but my bus doesn’t leave until 7pm. I’m not sure what I’ll do

5. His life changed dramatically the next 5 years; he moved to a new city, finished
his degree and found his dream job.

6. Please be patient. Your request will be dealt with .

7. I’m not ready yet! Can you go and talk to her for a minute to me some .

Part C: Discuss the questions

1. Describe something you do every now and again. Why don’t you do it more regularly?
2. What would you like to do over the course of the next few years?
3. Think of a decision you would have made differently in hindsight. Why didn’t you make that
decision at the time?
4. Have you ever tried to buy time when you wanted to delay something? Were you successful?

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7 Talking point

In pairs, discuss the questions below.

1. How would you begin to describe the Covid pandemic to someone who knew nothing about it
2. How much has the world changed since Terry woke up in 2003?
3. Do you know any other accounts of people who have regained consciousness after a long period
of time? Is so, what happened?
4. Terry Wallis was in a minimally conscious state between 1984 and 2003. How much do you think
the following had changed in that time:

• Entertainment (e.g. music, film, magazines)

• Technology (e.g. phones, computers, communication)
• Social issues (e.g. racial equality, gender equality)

8 Writing – optional task / homework

Write a short account of the change or event, aimed at somebody who doesn’t know anything about
it. You should write 200-300 words. Choose one of the following:

• an change or event you discussed during the warm-up task

• an change or event you discussed during the talking point

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1. Warm up

5 mins
This stage gets students thinking about the topic of change over time. Encourage them to discuss as many ideas
as possible with their partner and optionally share the ideas as a whole class.

2. Collocations

10 mins
This stage introduces some medical collocations which will appear in the article
Fall into a coma and come out of a coma have opposite meanings.
Suffer an injury and sustain an injury have the same meaning (but suffer is more likely to be used with serious
Catch a disease and contract a disease both mean to "get" a disease, but the principal difference is that catch
suggests a transmissible infection, while contract can refer to a wider variety of diseases, including those that are
not contagious.
Lose consciousness and regain consciousness have opposite meanings.

1. → b. 2. → a. 3. → d. 4. → c.

Part B

1. fell into ≀ suffering / sustaining

2. contracted
3. lost ≀ regained
4. sustained / suffered ≀ caught
5. come out of

3. Focus on vocabulary

10 mins
Part A
Ensure pronunciation of target vocabulary is correct. Pay attention to syllable stress on foresee and transmission.

1. → d. 2. → h. 3. → b. 4. → c. 5. → e. 6. → g. 7. → a. 8. → f.

Part B

1. surge 2. foreseeable 3. transmitted 4. dedication

5. grasped 6. stable 7. variants 8. reminisce

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4. Scanning for information

5 mins
Students should be encouraged to scan through the article quickly, so a strict time limit should be set for this task.

a. Terry Wallis was injured in a car accident

b. Ronald Reagan left office. Woman falls into a coma in Goodbye Lenin!
c. Release of the film Goodbye Lenin! Terry Wallis started talking again
d. Joseph Flavill came out of a coma

5. Reading comprehension

10 mins
Pair check, then whole class feedback. Encourage students to support their answers with evidence from the text.

1. False. "On the day of the accident, there was little to no mention of the virus on the front page of most British
2. Not given.
3. True. "The woman’s son tries to conceal the situation from her, fearing the shock may kill her."
4. True. " the time his aunt said "I just don’t know where to start".
5. False. "...with doctors believing his situation to be permanent"
6. True. "Coincidentally Wallis was also 19 at the time."
7. False. "Ronald Reagan had left office in 1989, George W Bush had been elected in 2000 and the USA had seen
two other presidents come and go in the meantime." (so four different presidents were in office)

6. Time expressions

10-15 mins
Part A
Students look through the text again to find time expressions. Explain that "over the course of" must be followed
by a time period.
Check students have filled in the gaps correctly in Part B and answer any questions about using the terms before
moving on to the discussion in part C. Monitor the discussion carefully to ensure the expressions are being used

1. in hindsight
2. in next to no time
3. buy time
4. over the course of
5. in due course
6. every now and again
7. in the meantime

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Part B

1. in next to no time 2. every now and again 3. in hindsight 4. in the meantime

5. over the course of 6. in due course 7. buy ≀ time

7. Talking point

5-10 mins
Students discuss the subjects mentioned in the article and discuss changes over time.

8. Writing – optional task / homework

20 mins or homework
Encourage students to use some of the time expressions in their writing if possible.

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