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Daily Moon Phase & Zodiac Position True dates of Celtic Quarter days Times of New and Full

Moons Tune into the Moon Guide Gardening with the Moon Solstices, Equinoxes and Eclipses Key dates from the World's Main Calendars


to the

21st year of the Astro Calendar

This edition is again available as a free download to view online or print yourself. It should print well in colour or greyscale on any home printer. To get the calendar go to my website where there are options for downloading or buying a printed and bound copy. Thanks this year to Anne Morel for the illustrations, you can see her paintings of farmyard scenes and more at her website Whereas the Sun takes a whole year to cycle the 12 signs of the Zodiac, the Moon moves very quickly, spending roughly two and a half days in each sign and taking around 28 days to circumnavigate the zodiac. We all know about the Moons effects on the tide and on the biological rhythms of plant and animal life but the Moon also effects us on an emotional level and as it moves through the astrological signs we all of us feel its effect. It is an easy cycle to watch and begin to study on a daily basis and because she moves so quickly things happen that we can easily observe, just as obviously and easily as we can look up into the sky and see her changing phases. Each phase of the Moon is associated with a particular power or purpose and watching it's daily rhythm can enhance and guide us during the month expanding our perception of clock time with an appreciation for cosmic time. The Astro Calendar shows you the Zodiac sign the Moon is in every day and the time that it changes in order to help you Tune into the Moon

The TUNE INTO THE MOON guide and the LUNAR GARDENING guide are on the last page

Muslim holidays can be +/- one day and depend upon the official physical sighting of the New Moon. Jewish holidays begin at sunset on the day preceding the given date. More info on the multicultural dates at Astronomical data is from the US Naval Observatory.

All times are GMT so add one hour during British Summer Time
Visit for additions and amendments to this calendar, more astrological information, birth charts, transits and event timing

l ATTAIN is the motto for Capricorn. Ambitious, serious, hard-working, disciplined and reserved with a strong sense of duty and a cynical sense of humour. The Achievers of the Zodiac.


Jupiter conjuncts Uranus

Saturn Retrograde

The Moon is a totally dark object; The light of the Moon is actually a reflection of the light from the Sun. So on a full moonlit night, we're actually getting sunlight from the other side of the world that's bouncing off the Moon.


Planets positions: Mercury: Sagittarius/Capricorn % Venus Scorpio/Sagittarius % Mars Capricorn/Aquarius % Jupiter Pisces/Aries % Saturn Libra % Uranus Pisces % Neptune Aquarius % Pluto Capricorn % Chiron Aquarius

l KNOW is the motto for Aquarius. . Altruistic, inventive, unconventional and broad-minded., friendship is very important to them. The Reformers of the Zodiac.



04:20 Quarter Day Imbolc Chinese New Year of the Metal Cat / Rabbit

Earthshine is a soft, faint glow on the dark side of the Moon caused by the reflection of sunlight from the Earth and can be best seen during the crescent phases before or after a New Moon.


Planets Positions: Mercury Capricorn/Aquarius % Venus Sagittarius/Capricorn % Mars Aquarius/Pisces % Jupiter Aries % Saturn Libra % Uranus Pisces % Neptune Aquarius %Pluto Capricorn %Chiron Aquarius

l BELIEVE is the motto for Pisces. Drawn to religion, mysticism and spiritual or esoteric pursuits, they are compassionate, and loving and have an artistic temperament. The Dreamers of the Zodiac.



23:22 Sun enters Aries Spring Equinox

19:16 Moon enters Scorpio

The Moon has hardly any atmosphere, wind or weather. Footprints left by Apollo astronauts will remain visible for at least ten million years because there is no erosion on the Moon.


Planets Positions: Mercury Pisces % Venus Capricorn/Aquarius/Pisces % Mars Pisces %Jupiter Aries % Saturn Libra % Uranus Pisces/Aries % Neptune Aquarius % Pluto Capricorn % Chiron Aquarius

l AM is the motto for Aries. The first sign of the zodiac. Fearless and courageous, they will fight passionately for what they want. With their contagious energy and enthusiasm they are frequently the ones to get something off the ground. The Pioneers of the Zodiac.


Neptune Retrograde

Mercury Direct


Planets Positions: Mercury Aries % Venus Pisces/Aries % Mars Pisces /Aries % Jupiter Aries % Saturn Libra % Uranus Aries % Neptune Aquarius/Pisces % Pluto Capricorn % Chiron Pisces

l HAVE is the motto for Taurus. Materialistic, sensual, loyal, practical and resourceful with their feet firmly on the ground. The Builders of the Zodiac.






Because of the way the light from the Sun falls on the Moon and is observed by us here on earth, the Full Moon and New Moon seem to last longer than the other phases. The Moon is at any particular phase for just an instant, it happens and then it is past.


Planets Positions: Mercury Aries/Taurus % Venus Aries /Taurus % Mars Aries/Taurus % Jupiter Aries % Saturn Libra % Uranus Aries % Neptune Pisces % Pluto Capricorn % Chiron Pisces

l THINK is the motto for Gemini. lntelligent, quick witted and changeable with a sense of mischief. The Communicators of the Zodiac.

Neptune Retrograde


Bank Holiday ROI

Saturn Direct

17:16 Sun enters Cancer Summer Solstice

Bank Holiday UK

What would you like to see in next years calendar? Email your suggestions to JUNE
Planets Positions: Mercury Taurus/Gemini/Cancer% Venus Taurus/Gemini % Mars Taurus/Gemini % Jupiter Aries/Taurus % Saturn Libra % Uranus Aries % Neptune Pisces % Pluto Capricorn% Chiron Pisces

l FEEL is the motto for Cancer. Emotional, sensitive, imaginative and empathic, home and family are vey important to them. The Nurturers of the Zodiac.


d lIL

Though several flags have been symbolically planted on the moon, no government makes a claim to any part of the Moon's surface. The Outer Space Treaty, restricts use of the Moon to peaceful purposes, explicitly banning weapons of mass destruction and military installations of any kind. A second treaty, the Moon Treaty, was proposed to restrict the exploitation of the Moon's resources by any single nation ( its full of many of the minerals that we need and use on Earth ) but it has not been signed by any of the space-faring nations.


Planets Positions: Mercury Cancer/Leo/Virgo % Venus Gemini/Cancer/Leo % Mars Gemini % Jupiter Taurus % Saturn Libra % Uranus Aries % Neptune Pisces % Pluto Capricorn % Chiron Pisces

l WILL is the motto for Leo. Born leaders, dramatic and playful with a strong sense of pride and dignity, but magnanimous to those less fortunate than themselves. The Performers of the Zodiac.



Bank Holiday ROI

20:37 Lughnasa / Lammas


Jupiter Retrograde

The orbit of the Moon around the earth is oval in shape. The Moon comes closer to the earth and then goes away from the earth. A New or Full Moon it may be anywhere between the closest or farthest point from the earth, changing from month. to month.


Planets Positions: Mercury Virgo/Leo % Venus Leo/Virgo % Mars Gemini/Cancer % Jupiter Taurus % Saturn Libra % Uranus Aries % Neptune Pisces/Aquarius % Pluto Capricorn % Chiron Pisces

l ANALYSE is the motto for Virgo. With an eye for detail and a discriminating mind, they like order in all things and are neat, clean and precise in their habits. Although modest they get a lot of satisfaction from making themselves useful to others. The Perfectionists of the Zodiac.



Pluto Direct


The same side of the Moon always faces the Earth as the Moon's rotation period is synchronous with its revolution period around the Earth.


Planets Positions: Mercury Leo/Virgo/Libra % Venus Virgo/Libra % Mars Cancer/Leo % Jupiter Taurus % Saturn Libra % Uranus Aries % Neptune Aquarius % Pluto Capricorn % Chiron Pisces


l HARMONISE is the motto for Libra.. Anything that clashes upsets them, whether it's people or a colour scheme. Charming and diplomatic with a flair for bringing people together, they work best within a partnership. The Peacemakers of the Zodiac.


All Hallows Eve Bank Holiday ROI

Tides are created because the Earth and the moon are attracted like magnets to each other. The Moon tries to pull at anything on the Earth to bring it closer, but the Earth is able to hold onto everything except the water. Because of this pulling some of the Earth's rotational energy is stolen by the Moon, causing our planet to slow down by about 1.5 milliseconds every century.


Planets Positions: Mercury Libra/Scorpio % Venus Libra/Scorpio% Mars Leo % Jupiter Taurus % Saturn Libra % Uranus Aries % Neptune Aquarius % Pluto Capricorn % Chiron Pisces

l DESIRE is the motto for Scorpio. lntensely emotional and strongly aware of the darker side of human nature, they experience life at its deepest levels. The lnvestigators of the Zodiac.



18:27 Samhain

Neptune Direct


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NEW MOON always rises at sunrise the FIRST QUARTER at noon. FULL MOON always rises at sunset the LAST QUARTER at midnight.


Planets: Mercury Scorpio/Sagittarius % Venus Scorpio/Sagittarius/Capricorn % Mars Leo/Virgo % Jupiter Taurus % Saturn Libra % Uranus Aries % Neptune Aquarius % Pluto Capricorn % Chiron Pisces

l KNOW is the motto for Sagittarius. Enjoying the good things of life while retaining a strong sense of moral values, they help to formulate the laws that allow a fair and just society. The Optimists of the Zodiac.


Uranus Direct


Jupiter Direct


Planets Positions: Mercury Sagittarius % Venus Capricorn/Aquarius % Mars Virgo % Jupiter Taurus % Saturn Libra % Uranus Aries % Neptune Aquarius % Pluto Capricorn % Chiron Pisces


When the Moons in Its a good time for .... Starting projects, acts of bravery and courage Practical tasks, working with the earth, doing routine jobs Communication of all kinds, multi-tasking, short journeys Tuning into your centre, love, emotional or nurturing experiences Creativity, becoming more extroverted and daring Self analysis, tiding up the mess in your home or in your life Relating, random acts of beauty, but not for making major decisions Discovering your inner power, making money, making love Socializing, examining your conscience, making long journeys Serious work, concentration and realising your full potential ..... and in the garden.... Ploughing, harvesting, cutting hay Planting root crops, cold weather crops and for transplanting Ploughing, harvesting, weeding, lawn mowing and destroying pests Planting, the most productive all the signs Weeding and mowing only, not planting Ploughing, cultivating, weeding and destroying pests Planting and cultivating grains and flowers especially All planting, the 2nd most productive sign Cultivating and harvesting, not for planting Grafting, pruning and planting trees

Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Invention, making changes in your life and putting time in with friends Cultivating, harvesting and destroying weeds and pests Contemplation, meditation, but also for illusion and self deception All planting & transplanting, especially root crops and fruits


New Moon Second Quarter

New ideas are created, setting the tone of what is to come

Sow plants that mature with the edible part growing above ground and form seeds on the outside of the plant

Whatever was started at the New Moon is now beginning to manifest Sow plants that mature with the edible part growing above ground allowing you to change or alter situations, a time to check that things and form seeds on the inside of the plant are going the way that you want them to We reap what we sow, the Full Moon is the culmination of past efforts, a time of success and fulfilment depending on the efforts of the past cycle Sow plants with the edible part growing below ground, also good for perennials, biennials, bulbs and transplanting because of the active root growth

Full Moon Last Quarter

A time now to focus on the unconscious rather than the conscious, to This the best time to cultivate, harvest, transplant and prune but not rest and reflect and prepare for the coming new moon to plant, mow lawns in the third or fourth quarter to retard growth

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