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What is advertising

Advertising is a marketing strategy that businesses use to promote their brand,

products and/or services through various media

1. Traditional advertising

Traditional advertising refers to types of advertisements typically done offline.

Newspaper ads, billboards and radio advertising are all advertisement examples
that represent traditional marketing methods. Businesses still use these
traditional advertising platforms to sell products or attract people to their brands.

Digital or new media advertising

1. Online search advertising

-the goal of relevant advertising is to get in front of your audience where they
spend most of their time.

2. Social media advertising

Not only can you personalize your ads to fit your target audience parameters but
also interact with people who’ve engaged with the promotion, it's contextual
advertising at its finest.

3. Print

One of the first and longest-standing types of advertising methods is print. This
promotion method allows you to advertise your brand in physical printed
newspapers, magazines and brochures.

4. Direct mail: Marketers use direct mail to send customers coupons,

promotions and news about their business. Many also include their business
website so users can go online for more information about the offer.
5. Broadcast, video and TV advertising

Videos can advertise your business via a broadcast, an infomercial, a television

advertising commercial or via streaming platforms.

On the one hand, TV advertising is ideal for reaching a larger, more general
market area since it can reach thousands, if not millions, of people at once. On
the other hand, it is hard to know the reach and direct ROI, and sales impact TV
ads have, as tracking is not so straightforward as online advertising.
6. Out-of-home (OOH) outdoor advertising
7. 3 types of outdoor advertising :

Street advertising

07. Cell phone mobile advertising

Cell phone advertising allows you to push notification ads via SMS to your
target customers. You can send a promotion or offer and typically includes a
URL to a landing page or website to take action.

8. Product placement

Product placement advertising leads consumers to make an unconscious

connection between the scene of a movie and a brand

9. Radio and podcast advertising

When it comes to targeting, you can narrow in and advertise to a niche group of
listeners that will find your promotion most interesting and relevant.

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