Pnuematic Painter

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Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from

motorcycle tire

Arbegona Tvet College


Making Electric and Pneumatic compressing painter,

pesticide and insecticide sprayer

Prepared by:-

March 2015


Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire


This Electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire as well as using refrigerator compressor has been properly put into five
chapters to enhance comprehensive and concise reading. in this Pneumatic compressing
painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from motorcycle tire is organized sequentially as
follows: chapter one of this work is on the introduction, chapter two is literature review,
chapter three is on design methodology, chapter four design process and chapter five is
about conclusion and recommendation are all of Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide
and insecticides sprayer from motorcycle tire. The result accurate functionality analyzed.

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
First, we would like to thank GOD for helping us in preparing this proposal and in general, for
the knowledge and strength he offered us in our lifetime our friends for their comment and
substantial advice and support to the successful completion of this project.
Finally yet importantly, we would like to thank our departments, friends, who gave us moral and
encouragement while doing this project.

At last but not least we would like to thank family, friends, and we would like appreciate the
community of this college especially new member of staff of vise dean and technology staff,
colleague staff management team especially all college community for their support in
preparation of this project.

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
Painting and spraying are the art, act or process of using or applying paint or, spray pigment,
color, pesticide, insecticide chemicals on other medium to farming surface. by brush or
compressing painters or sprayer it also an expression of ideas and emotion with creation of
certain aesthetic in two dimensional visual languages and also on farming production quality .
Paint and spray purpose is to decorate, protect from pest and insect prolong the life of synthetic
and act as barrier against environment condition.
Compressor painting and sprayer is widely used type of painting spraying that make the painting
and spraying work easier and more attractive accurate especially for MDF or fabricated timbres
than the traditional trend of painting using of brush ,collecting pests by hand
Compressor painting and sprayer plays an important role especially in enterprises, organization
as well as private or individuals who have engaged in metal and furniture work as well as auto
motive industries for wall painting and all unit of industry , to insure health care by killing larva
of mosquito insects and also pest control in farming industry
It also provide a good economical profit save time, more attractive multipurpose and
comfortable product for customers/users condition healthy environment due there is low
wastage of paints and spray, and proper use of tools and help in improving productivity in health
, farming and painting industries thus it will be beneficial in increase in world’s economy.
This project is aimed to fill two main gaps the first one is power outage and the second one is
making compressor painting pest and insect control affordability.

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire

Table of Contents
PREFACE ......................................................................................................................................................... I
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ................................................................................................................................... II
ABSTRACT..................................................................................................................................................... III
List of figures ................................................................................................................................................ VI
List of tables ................................................................................................................................................. VI
Chapter one .................................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 Introduction .................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.1 Painting ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1.2 Pesticide and insecticide ....................................................................................................... 2
1.2 BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY............................................................................................................. 3
1.3 Statement of Problem ......................................................................................................................... 4
1.4 Objective ............................................................................................................................................. 5
1.4.1. General objective ........................................................................................................................ 5
1.4.2. Specific objective ........................................................................................................................ 5
1.5 Scope of the study ........................................................................................................................ 5
1.6 LIMITATION OF PROJECT..................................................................................................................... 6
1.7. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY ............................................................................................................ 6
CHAPTER TWO .............................................................................................................................................. 8
Literature review........................................................................................................................................... 8
2.1. Painting .............................................................................................................................................. 8
2.2. Pesticide and insect side spray .......................................................................................................... 8
2.3 .Using hydraulic fluid pressure to generate a force ............................................................................ 8
2.4. Application of pneumatic pump system .......................................................................................... 10
2.5. Types of Hydraulic System ............................................................................................................... 10
2.5.1.Open and Closed Hydraulic Systems Difference ........................................................................ 11
2.6 Materials and Methods ..................................................................................................................... 12
2.6.1. Materials Selection and Criteria................................................................................................ 12
2.7. Design model ................................................................................................................................... 12
2.8. Structural Design .............................................................................................................................. 12

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
CHAPTER THREE .......................................................................................................................................... 14
Methodology............................................................................................................................................... 14
3.1. Method of data collection ............................................................................................................... 14
3.2. Method of data analysis................................................................................................................... 14
3.3. Failure Theory and other possible designing concepts employed .................................................. 15
3.3.1. Failure analysis .......................................................................................................................... 15
3.3.2. Development tools used (software and equipment’s) ............................................................. 15
3.4. Sample Size & Sampling Technique ................................................................................................. 15
3.4.1. Feasibility analyses .................................................................................................................... 15
3.4.2. Technical aspect ........................................................................................................................ 16
3.4.3. Economic Aspect ....................................................................................................................... 16
3.4.4. Social aspect.............................................................................................................................. 16
3.4.5. Environmental aspect ............................................................................................................... 16
CHAPTER FOUR ........................................................................................................................................... 17
THE DESIGNING PROCESS ........................................................................................................................... 17
4.1. Material selection ............................................................................................................................ 17
4.1.1 Design process ........................................................................................................................... 17
4.2. How it this system operates or run.................................................................................................. 18
4.2.1. Technical and operation procedure .......................................................................................... 18
4.3. Part description ................................................................................................................................ 18
4.4 ASSEMBLY AND MAINTENANCE........................................................................................................ 19
4.4.2 MAINTENANCE ........................................................................................................................... 19
4.6. Bill of quantity .................................................................................................................................. 20
Table 3: Labor Cost for manufacturing parts of multipurpose bending machine ...................................... 21
Recommendation and Conclusion .............................................................................................................. 22
Reference .................................................................................................................................................... 23

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire

List of figures
Figure 1 Pneumatic compressing painting system................................................................................ 8
Figure 2 Exiting electric system ......................................................................................................... 9
Figure 3 Pneumatic compressing painter ....................................................................................... 9

List of tables

Table 1 Materials Components/Specifications ......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.

Table 2 Bill of Material for project work ................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Table 3 Labor Cost for manufacturing parts of multipurpose bending machineError! Bookmark not

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire


1.1 Introduction
1.1.1 Painting
Painting is the art, act or process of using or applying paint, pigment, color, or other medium to
solid surface by brush or compressing painter it also an expression of ideas and emotion with
creation of certain aesthetic quality in two dimensional visual languages. The purpose Painting
spraying is to decorate (adding color to space), protect and prolong the life of synthetic and act as
preservation barrier against environment condition.
Basic elements of painting art are color, line, shape, form space and texture. These are tools used
to create artwork.
The need for painting and spraying is to desire for spirituality, coming of guide, desire for
experience, fulfilling the desire for supreme living, cry of soul for supreme life.

There are some benefit of painting reduce stress improve. Memory, emotion intelligence enhance
creativity, improves communication skill.

For main component of paints and are pigment (color), binder (bind the pigment together to
create paint film), solvent (liquid or mixer), and additive (for smell, vision or abrasion, texture
weathering environmental balance). After paints are prepared we need to follow some steps for
painting and those are preparing, divide, layer and touchup.

The two main categories’ of painting based on solvent are the first one is oil based (acrylic or
chemical based and the second one is water based (latex). Oil based paints and usually applied as
primer, under coat and finished coat. In water based paint and spray is soluble in water. There are
different types of paints: - emulsion, satin, matt paint or acrylic, latex, oil based those are
depending on variety of factors including local climate and aesthetic preference. In color system
there are two main type of color primary color those are red, yellow and blue those color are
made of directly by natural pigment not by mix of colors secondary colors are orange green and
purple formed by mixing equal part of any two primary colors. And the last one tertiary color six
colors those are red purple, red-orange blue purple, blue- green, yellow green and yellow orange

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
Painting needs a supply of paints, painting surface (it could be metal, wood or wall surface),
painting jar of water media (brush). Some basic painting tools paint are brush pencil(direct touch
and move) and air brush(compressing technique use for painting soft color)
The factors that affects painting are mode, capacity, brush size aspect ratio, spacing, hardness,
dynamics applied force. Painting media play important role for painting in desired quality as we
have stated above those media like hard media or pencil soft media brush and air media air brush
(compressed air painting) have their own quality but air compressing painting or air brush
painting is a modern and widely used technique now a day.

For Compressor air brush painting power source can be made of electricity or hydraulic power
source system or it can be mechanical as well. In our project we have provided hydraulic power
source and the power is derive from air compressing technique of tire air compressing system
manually (pneumatic) by motorcycle compressor.

1.1.2 Pesticide and insecticide

Pesticides are a chemical that may be used to kill fungus, bacteria, insect, plant disease, snails,
slugs or weeds among others. These chemicals can work by injection or by touch and death may
occur immediately over long period of time.

Basic elements of painting of pesticide are chemicals (almost all are hydrocarbon derived from
petroleum. Most pesticide contains other element the type and number of which depend on the
pesticide desire. Chlorine, oxygen, sulfur, phosphorus, nitrogen and bromine are the most

The main component of pesticides is chemical, spray and water (solvent).

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
Today in arbegona woreda in the small enterprise who have engaged in metal work and furniture
automotive servicing and also farming activity and public, environmental health they have big
problems of processing machine like sound pollution and high cost of material like compressing
cylinder painting and spay technology and in addition to other processing technology. The main
reason for the cause higher cost of large cylinder compressor and also its high electric power
usage compressor painting, spray machine and usual power outage due to different reason they
do nothing and have to stay until power has come we have provided another option for solving
this problem by making use of pneumatic manual compressing as filling of gap and there is
wastage of their precious time as well as money and energies that aimed to do provide work.
With the rise in population and increase in manufacturing activities considering the improvement
in the standard of living the demand for luxury product is increasing day by day. The aim that
community is to provide the information needed to produce same system but lower power usage
and also alternate source of power and replacement for machine and their bodies to manufacture
it on a small scale.
This product is essential for such development. We conclude that advantages of the hydraulic
compressor painting, pesticide and insect side spray equipment/machine are:-
use lower electric power usage and may not need for pneumatic manual one.

by insect sides.
ral growth

- easily introducible to market

of replacing the material

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
1.3 Statement of Problem
As we know painting and spray technologies is import from foreign countries. It is because of it
needs huge investment for production of compressing technologies. Compressors painter and
sprayers need hydraulic or electric system to operate widely used technology for this is electric
system compressor painting and sprayer but due to different reasons for apply of it here in
arbegona city is not economical for the following reasons the first main reason is that there is
usual power outage or power shortage that affect both old and new in new enterprises that
engaged in metal and furniture and also automotive servicing.

We have investigated this while we are visiting enterprises for industry extension training we
have recognized that when there is power disturbance we don’t get any of members of an
enterprises at their working or production place and we have interview them and noticed power
alter or disturb them so we have decided to do something even to narrow some gap of power
outage. In addition to that for new enterprises the cost of painter machine will be another
challenging thing they have to face. And for farmers buying pesticide spray cost is high that
another gap identified. Here is its own advantage to solve affordability problems because even if
it needs additional operator for compressor part it’s low in cost. As we know the cost for electric
fee is also another challenging thing we cannot ignore.

There is also another important thing by using this technology we can replace import substitution
using refrigerator compressor the motors and cylinder therefore we are saving foreign currency.

That’s how we get in to our Electric and project pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide
sprayer we believed in it to overcome time spent staying until electric power has come.

And also for new enterprises the machine is not affordable Due to this reason in this study will
be investigated as it is cheaply available in our country. But still now this plant is not practically
used for such a purpose in our county.

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
1.4 Objective
1.4.1. General objective
Making Electric and pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insect side sprayed from
refrigerator compressor and motorcycle tires for small enterprises, farmers of urban and peri
urban areas and as an option and gap filler due to the time of power shortage by using easily
available and cheap facilitate the supports for new enterprises to overcome the
economic shortage of their life and to advance their entrepreneurship outlooks and their
creativity skills.

1.4.2. Specific objective

 Addressing rural enterprises, farmers and individual.
 Identify effect of power shortage.
 Keep environment and public health.
 Made in simple material.
 Substitute parts of machine raw material.
 Looking for Cost effective available material usage.
 Make small enterprises affordable compressor.
 How to fill the gap of electric power problem (pneumatic one).
 Marketable make material (compressor)easily introducible to market
 Reducing the labor cost due to easy and non-skilled operation system.
 Absence of extra cost power of electricity.
 Easy portable that we can move it wherever it needed.
 Free from electric shock or danger.
 Making environmentally suitable and non-sound effect equipment.
 It can be operated by any one easily and use it wherever.

1.5 Scope of the study

The scope of the research to design and fabrication from motorcycle rubber and refrigerator
compressor compressing painter, pesticide, insect side sprayer using locally available materials.
This research is confined to small enterprise, farmers found urban and peri urban and rural areas
like arbegona , so the study does not capture the does not address medium and macro
enterprises(factories and industries and also it does not address big town where there is plenty

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
option for electricity and adequate power. Again it also does not applied where there is a need for
more pressure like automotive industry since they use more pressure and thick paint that needed
to be applied more pressure.


We don’t finish mechanical system operating replacement for manually operating.
 Absence of well-organized and documented data kept in collage concerning
painting, pesticide, insect side spray technology.
 Rural centered the main focus is to facilitate work activity in rural.
 Shortage of time for mechanical or solar replacement of compressing painter,
 It Consume some energy to operate because it uses additional labor force
throughout the time operation.
 Non single men operating it need two men operating.
 Creation awareness for small and medium enterprise’s and farmers.
 Manual system can be replaced by solar system instead of manual.
 The center of our problem or main target we have focused is power shortage in
arbegona town it may not be applicable in pace where there is sufficient
availability electric power source
 Slightly lower performing than electrical system operator The operation quantity
or performance of work is relatively lower than the exited electric system since it
is dependent on energy driven out using labor


In the light of the stated objective which this project is getting to active the following is
significance of the project.
 It benefits enterprises, farmers and individuals that found in urban and rural areas.
 This project helps to solve problems of shortage in input material.
 It allows small enterprises; farmers can utilize or use compressing system of painter.
 Save the enterprises from payment of extra electric fee.
 Individual engaged in work that utilize compressing painter technology like metal,
furniture, automotive servicing.

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
 It benefits government for creating work opportunity for enterprises by such easy made
 The technology replace brush painting system that is not accurate and it takes more time.
 We believed that this technology have its own value to prevent members of enterprise’s
not to lose their time instead of work and that in turn have economic importance by
saving workers unnecessary wastage of their money on recreation for let time pass for
time of power problems.
 Introduce technology in small scale and replaceable material that helps economic
movement of areas.

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire

Literature review

2.1. Painting
There are different aspects of painting. As it is science or art of expressing or convey some
feeling or information in different ways in some specified place by using paints or inks, colors by
Paints are prepared from chemicals, plants, mineral or color pigments in different ways .there
are different type of paints solid , gaseous, and liquid and based on the source colors have
variable property like viscosity, polarity (water soluble or not) and it contains different binders.
Four main components control property of paints are binder, pigment, filler and additive.
Painting technology or equipment is dependent on type of paint used Pencil brush, brush paint,
air brush.
Media of paint Air brush painter and spray is widely used painter and sprayer now a day because
of its simplicity and accuracy. For ordinary type of compressor painter three main activity takes
place first electric system run hydraulic parts move spin continuously and as the same time air
will be sucked up and move over the cylinder and then through tube provided push paint(throw
out) .

2.2. Pesticide and insect side spray

There are different type of applying pesticides and insect side spray it include all materials that
are used to prevent , destroy ,repel , attract or reduce pest organism. Insect side, herbicide,
fungicide and rodenticide are some of the more well-known pesticides.
Pesticides are prepared from different chemicals here are some of synthetic pesticide that are
commonly used are DDT, boric acid, malathion DEET, glyphosate…

2.3 .Using hydraulic fluid pressure to generate a force

Hydraulic power provides one of the simplest and most powerful forms of producing
considerable amounts of force within a confined space, using pneumatic and hydraulic fluid
pressure to generate a force. Since the early inventions of low pressure and heavy hydraulic
lifting jacks through to the latest state of the art high pressure hydraulic systems of today,

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
hydraulic power has remained an extensively used and widely respected assistant to mankind’s
drive for even greater power and knowledge.
Pascal’s law states that pressure applied at any point upon a confirmed fluid is transmitted
undiminished in all directions within the fluid or air. This means that by using hydraulic pressure
as a medium a small force can be converted into an appreciable multiple of itself.
The actual fluid pressure involved plays a very important role in this ‘Multiplication of Force’
and in this context there are two features of hydraulic pressure which is essential to remember:
1. Hydraulic pressure is measured as a force per unit of area e.g. Bar (kg/cm2) or PSI (Pounds
per square inch).
2. The hydraulic pressure at any point within the fluid or air is the same in all directions
provided of course that the fluid is static.
The accepted international standard for maximum working pressure in the high pressure
hydraulic tools industry is 700 Bar (10,000 PSI) and the majority of the products offered by Hi-
Force are in line with this standard. As such, a 10 tons capacity cylinder from Hi-Force such as a
HLS101 single acting low height cylinder, has a 10 tons capacity at the maximum working
pressure of 700 Bar (10,000) PSI.
The criteria for establishing the maximum output force of a hydraulic cylinder at 700 Bar
pressure is the size of the effective area of the cylinder bore i.e. the area to which the hydraulic
fluid at a pressure of 700 Bar is being applied. Because of these simple criteria it is possible to
manufacture cylinders in the Hi-Force range from 4.5 tones up to an excess of 1000 tones
The hydraulic pressure is provided by a hydraulic pump that pumps the hydraulic fluid into the
cylinder bore via flexible hydraulic hoses connected to the cylinder quick connect inlet coupling.
Hand operated pumps are the simplest form of pump and consist of a pumping piston, release
valve, and suction and delivery check valves. The pump is operated by closing the valve and then
raising and lowering the handle to pump fluid from the reservoir to the pump outlet connection.
This action produces a steadily increasing fluid pressure generated by the downward leverage of
the pump handle in conjunction with the opening and closing of the suction and delivery valves.
Power pumps replace hand leverage with a motive driven rotational force i.e. electric, air or
petrol engine driven motor.

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
As the hydraulic fluid enters into the bore of the cylinder it forces the cylinder piston to move
upwards. Any resistance to the upward movement of the piston e.g. a load, will result in the fluid
pressure increasing as the operator continues to actuate the pump lever up and down. The fluid
pressure will continue to increase either until the piston overcomes the resistance (load) or moves
upwards until it reaches the end of its designed stroke length or the fluid pressure reaches the end
of its designed stroke length or the fluid pressure reaches the maximum permissible pressure of
700 Bar and the pump safety pressure relief valve is activated preventing over pressurization
above 700 Bar.
What is a synchronized lifting system and how does it differ to a split flow pump?
A synchronized lifting system is an electronic system developed for controlled hydraulic

2.4. Application of Electric and pneumatic pump system

Equipment such as cranes, forklifts, jacks, pumps and fall arrest safety harnesses use hydraulics
to lift and lower objects. Airplanes, they use hydraulic mechanisms to operate their control

2.5. Types of Hydraulic System

Nowadays, pneumatic and hydraulic systems have a wide range of applications in our daily life.
The common applications of the hydraulic system perform lifting, holding and gripping.
Hydraulic systems will transmit power using the pressure of incompressible fluids or air. In most
of the cases, the fluid or air is taken from a reservoir using pumps. These are simple, safe, and
economic systems that can be controlled easily and accurately. Providing constant force
regardless of the speed is an advantage of the hydraulic system.
Open loop hydraulic system and closed loop hydraulic system are the two types of hydraulic
system. In an open loop system, when the actuating mechanism is idle, there will be fluid or air
flow but no pressure. For a closed loop system, when the pump operates there will be pressure
for air or fluids. The fluid will flow continuously between the pump and the actuator without
entering into the reservoir for a closed loop system whereas, for an open loop system, the air or
fluid flows from the actuator to the reservoir and then fresh fluid flow towards the pump inlet.
Open loop systems use a directional control valve and closed-loop system use an additional
pump called charge pump or feed pump. Less heat generation is the advantage of open loop

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
hydraulic system and precise response of actuation is the advantage of the closed-loop hydraulic
In order to eliminate the presence of foreign contaminants and to assist fluid flow, all open loop
hydraulic circuits will use sealed or pressurized reservoirs. Conventional open loop hydraulic
circuit used a large reservoir to allow air bubbles to escape from the fluid used.
The internal combustion engine, bomb calorimeter, reciprocating air compressor, refrigerating
systems, piston-cylinder arrangements without valves, Rankin cycle (operating fluid is
continuously evaporated and condensed), etc…Are examples of the closed-loop hydraulic
system. Turbine, compressor, pump, boiler, heat exchangers, etc. Are examples of the open loop
hydraulic system?
For simple applications, open loop hydraulic systems are efficient and cheaper. But for complex
applications having independently working multiple subsystems, closed-loop hydraulic systems
will be a better choice.

2.5.1. Open and Closed Hydraulic Systems Difference

Open loop hydraulic systems are suitable for low-pressure applications (below 3000psi) and
closed loop systems can operate under high pressure with less fluid flow.
Closed loop systems have more control options and the direction can be reversed without using
Closed loop systems are more difficult to diagnose and repair compared with open loop systems.
Continuous pressurization of the system is eliminated in the case of an open loop system. Some
designed hydrostatic transmission will be there in closed-loop systems.
Pneumatic compressor painting, pesticides and insecticide sprayer
It is open loop hydraulic loop system of air compressing technology hydraulic system.
It is Air brush system of painting: lightweight pen gun with a larger cup, improved stainless steel
needle and; nozzle, suitable for the kind of spraying required in precision artistic jobs for less-
hand or stencil designing, adaptable using any coloring agent, cup design to hold optimum
quantity, effortless trigger action and hose coupling. Features of air compressor: portable and;
lightweight, thermally protected, Low noise, Auto stop, Pressure-adjustable. Elephant mini-
compressor model as-186 the intelligent solution: the ideal, high-performance equipment for the
airbrush, for beginners and pros, for model-making, ceramic, pottery, cosmetic, fingernails,
helmets, technical illustrations, tanning, tattoos, textile, nail art - studios, working with water

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
colors or just for airbrushing Easy and portable. Very low noise level only approx. Compressor
operates fully automatically and mostly pulsation less, oil less and therefore no polluted air. This
product is comes with complete set no need to get any equipment for this just install and play.

2.6 Materials and Methods

2.6.1. Materials Selection and Criteria
The materials used in the course of this project work are sourced locally and selected based on
their elasticity properties, air caring capacity low energy consumption and availability. The
selected materials and there specifications are shown in the table below

Table 1: Materials Components/Specifications

S. No. Component/Materials Quantities Specification

1 Tail of compressor painting 1 Standard
2 Refrigerator compressor 1 Refregrator
3 Motor cycle tires inner rubber 1 Motorcycle standard
4 Motorcycle air pump 1 Motorcycle standard
5 Circular bolt tightening 1 For no 8 bolt nut
6 Bolt nut 7 No 6
7 Air tire valve extension 2 Motorcycle standard
8 Seals 8 Inside diameter 6

2.7. Design model

The design of this project work is based on pneumatic compressing analysis, materials
availability, energy source and transfer. The following parameters guided during the design and
fabrication of this compressing system painter and spray design.

Pneumatic pressure analysis/Governing equation:

2.8. Structural Design

The provision of elastic rubber material allows pushing more air to paint at top. Also the
provision of the bottle between rubber, air compressor and painter tube is to allow air balance

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
structure of the furnace is cylindrically designed. This cylindrical structure is so desired,
technically due to effectiveness balanced air distribution within the all system. The structure is
explicitly detailed in the drawing below.

Figure 1, Pneumatic compressing painting system

Figure 2 . electric compressing system

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire


3.1. Method of data collection

We have used primary data gathering method which is directly by making interviewing the
enterprises about their gap, problems on their work in order to fill in such a way they can be
profitable. while visiting and talk to them about how can we help them we have seen affection
of power problem for most part of metal and furniture works like cutting , welding ,hole-drill ,
softening and painting it need to be seen for another alternate option that use low electric power
or as an option for time where there is no electric power using pneumatic by manual system type
and helps to support . after we have seen this we have investigated some other farmers and
enterprises to see the range of problems how wide it is then as indicated in value chain analysis
done on 2013 in sidama tvet college bureau indicate the gap of painting that is widely seen here
in arbegona as it is the town which indicated or located here far away for main cities and that’s
why there is less power distribution and damage of power supply facility scheme by falling trees
and man-made problems.
Painting and sprays as indicated as gap for farming, metal work in value chain analysis we have
choose it as it can be overcome in short capital and easy made locally available materials Even if
it consume some additional labor support. This pneumatic compressor Electric and painting,
spraying can play its own big role for this since it doesn’t use electric power.

3.2. Method of data analysis

There are some alternative methods of overcoming or solving the problem of painting and spray
that replace the existing method.
1. Using solar system: - it is another best option for replacing electric system of exiting
method its advantageous for that it doesn’t need labor support to operate. But it need
additional cost of solar panel, wires power store in additional to full compressor painting,
pesticides and insect sides sprayer parts cost with cylinder.
2. Mechanical supply system: -it can be done operate by pedal system like in bicycle it use
both exercise and paint at same time it’s also taken to be optional case for the problem
and it uses to create design for system that can give compressed air source to painter. It

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
may not need cylinder but it needs slightly complicated system need skilled person than
the rests it may use gears and pedal system and use labor support to operate.
3. Electric and pneumatic compressor painting, pesticides and insect sides sprayer :-as well
indicated and described we have given more priority for it since it economical since its
cheap and affordable , material availability easy made and work , not need skilled person
,and install as well as it can modified in such away works mechanically by providing
some systems.

3.3. Failure Theory and other possible designing concepts employed

3.3.1. Failure analysis
As rubber materials are designed for carrying specified amount of air pressure so care must be
taken not to fill air than rubber can hold or accommodate since plasticity of rubber is specified
and more pressure will results in fail of both rubber and plastic bottle.
This system need to drive sufficient and uniform air supply since lower air supply cannot allow
right painting.
Allowable stress that inner rubber tube to function safely
Tensile strength is 200PSI or 14kg/cm2 more stress than this will result in failure of rubber make
it functional any more.
The dimension of inner rubber tube is 2 mm thick 15 L or 0.015 m3 diameter 10cm.

3.3.2. Development tools used (software and equipment’s)

The tools that used to support the process of installation and producing are:-cutter we have used
to cut the valve with piece of rubber out of used motorcycle tires.
Small circular bolt ties:-for tying inside bottle cover.
Drill: - for provide piece of hole on bottom of bottle

3.4. Sample Size & Sampling Technique

3.4.1. Feasibility analyses
Cost analysis based on these the design and manufacturing of certain planter cost analysis
should be done in order to be competitive. On the type of the cost minimizing and maximizing
efficiency of product and machine is the main objective of our project. In this project the total
cost consists of the material cost and labor cost.

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
3.4.2. Technical aspect
Most materials needed for this project are locally available and easy assemble and dis-assemble
without skilled personnel’s easy to operate and it uses non complicated system of operating and

3.4.3. Economic Aspect

Economic aspect of this project or equipment design is what most advantage we have considered
in addition to that of low electric cost as described in technical aspect of the project and since
material are available. Not only availability but also replacement for part is done with cheapest
material available with non-considerable cost value.

3.4.4. Social aspect

As developing country Ethiopia need more have locally prepared, processed, modified, as easy
and comfortable ideas to our community. Our project ideas based on this and since it is non-
complicated any non-skilled person can made it himself and also because of its affordability any
one of society can have it we have assumed this well for accessibly and introducible.

3.4.5. Environmental aspect

This project have no any impact on environment , it means doesn’t Couse sound pollution , air
pollution , water pollution in contrast when we see exiting electric compressor painter it limited
to do this it Couse sound pollution air pollution due to vibration. But both experience limited air
pollution during painting since it is done using air pressure some paint flow over the air up to
some specified working zone.

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire


4.1. Material selection

Material and method
 Compressor tail part
 Tires inner rubber –used for saving of compressed air
 Motorcycle tire air compressor-compress air
 Bottle-as medium agent between Tires inner rubber and compressor tail.

4.1.1 Design process

The design of this project work is based on pneumatic compression painting and pesticide ,insect
side sprayer procedure is External power gives continuous air supply to tire inner rubber
tires inner rubber stores and push extra air to bottle air from bottle forced to move
through tube at last compressed air in tube hit and throw paints, spray away.

Figure 3. Pneumatic compressing painter

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
4.2. How it this system operates or run
In this system after we connected all this material with each other by using tire open valve
throughout using plastic bottle. We use inner rubber tube as a balancing air medium between air
pump and compressor tube. It balances incoming air which came from air pump through
connecting tube and inject to compressor tube at the level which need to the compressor for
performing the tasks.
As we pump the air tube in order to in suck the air, the connecting tube (plastic bottle) takes it
from air tube and feeds to air limiting or balancing medium which is inner tube rubber, this
medium injects the balanced and limited amount of in sucked air to compressor tube, and this
compressor tube gives out the balanced air which needs to do work our painter, and can
processes the painting works.

4.2.1. Technical and operation procedure

In order to perform and apply this system first we have to select all necessary material which
helps us to do the system easily. From essential material we have selected out some of them
which have easily available and uses simple operation system
Air pump, plastic bottle, inner rubber tube, and air compressor are material that we use for this

4.3. Part description

1, Inner rubber tube used to balancing the air medium between air pump and compressor tube
2. Tail of the sprayer used to accept the balanced air from compressor tube and then its spray or
paint the product
3, manual pumping (motor cycle pump) machine it help to used exerting compressed air in to
the rubber tie.
4. Refrigerator compressor it machine it help to used exerting compressed air in to the rubber
tie using electric system.
5. Bolt nut it protect the loss of air came from the rubber tie and also accept the air in to come
the manual pump.
6. Plastic bottle (connecting tube) it takes from air tube and feeds to air limiting or balancing
medium which is inner tube rubber.

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire


The overall assembly of the project is very simple process, it all parts are removable assembly
that is, and the main assemble system procedures when we assembly they are:-
1. Tail of compressor and bottle attached tires open valve are assembled by steel metal cable.
2. Bottle and rubber tube are assembled by means of bolt connection.
3. Air pump or refrigerator compressor and bottle connected tire open valve are assembled in
ordinary valve and air pump way.
This assembly and disassembly is performed during before and after operations.
Generally to when we do this pneumatic compressing system for painting purpose at different
small can industries and enterprises we follow the proper procedures : we connect air pump
which is selected with plastic bottle which is called connecting tube at its one side of bottom part
by using tire open valve and we connect our plastic bottles second bottom side with compressor
tube by using tire open valve and it top side with inner rubber tube, throughout the connection of
this ,materials with each other at different mating point we use seals at the top of each valve in
order to prevent the flow of air out of the system.
this project repair consists of some processes in case of restoring and replacing wear, damage
and defective parts.
The best stages of repair the project is consists of the following steps;-
 disconnecting movable parts
 Cleaning the dismantled parts and units
 Settled on the safe area
 Join the loosened parts
 Fastening damaged and broken parts
 Adjusting clearance of mating parts

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
 Restoring surface finish, shape and dimension
 Replacing parts that cannot be repaired
1. Clearing the parts,
2. Adjusting unit and assemblies
3. Testing repaired parts under idle and working pressure condition.
Maintenance required for these manual hydraulic compressor painters is practically nil.
Check to make sure that the damaged parts of rubber tube properly assembled is the only
required maintenance.

4.6. Bill of quantity

Material cost consumed in order to produce each parts are composed of different areas, each
component with this material cost is listed as below.
Table 2: Bill of Material for project work
Unit Total
No Item Specification unit Quantity
price Price
Tail of compressor painting
1 Pcs 1 1900 1900
2 Refrigerator compressor pcs 1 3000 3000
3 Motor cycle tires inner rubber Pcs 1 300 300
4 Motorcycle air pump Pcs 1 650 650
5 Plastic bottle Pcs 1 30 30
6 Bolt nut Pcs 6 30 180
7 Circular bolt tightening Packet 1 150 150
total 6210

The above mentioned materials are selected and purchased based on their availability,
cost, manufacturability and desired mechanical property from local market.

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire

Table 3: Labor Cost for manufacturing parts of multipurpose bending machine

No of
Price per Total Total
No Duties people Remark
hour/pcs time price
birr Cent
Measuring the required
1 1 30 hr 00 15min 7.5birr
Cut open valve out of rubber
2 1 30hr 00 15 min 7.5 birr
and insert it in bottle
7 Assembling all parts 1 20 hr 00 30hr 10
9 Painting Pcs
10 Packaging
Total cost
Total cost of the machine
Overhead cost ………………………32birr
Labor cost ………………………… 21 birr
Material cost ……………………….6210birr
Other cost ------------------------------300 birr
The total cost …………………… 6583birr

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire
Recommendation and Conclusion
As the project of this pneumatic compressing machine contain he application of painting purpose which
work under the driving force air as a driving agent .it can be used in a garden or agriculture activity for
the purpose of paving chemical like weed killer insecticide and pesticide .
Since this machine used compressed air for operating process the painting equipment which has driven by
balanced air came from compressor to be can give as multi-application as an out put. Like for painting
purpose when the balanced air is injected in it and for peeving purpose in agricultural activities .
The project work was undertake to design and fabricate pneumatic compressing machine contain he
application of painting purpose used for old and small enterprise ,farmer because of save time, more
attractive for multipurpose ,easy to use and power outage.

Making electric and Pneumatic compressing painter, pesticide and insecticides sprayer from
motorcycle tire

3.http://amzito/3f4mdwa channel 1
5.fluid mechanics 7th edition by frank wite
6,hayidrualic and civil engineering technology volume (IV)
8,civil engineering book
9, text book of fluid mechanics and hydraulic machine by RK bansal 9th edition


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