Alba - Individual Assignment2

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Figure 1 Comparison of the average expenditure between individuals who did not watch the games onsite and

who did

From the Figure 1 above, we can see the clear gap between 2 bars, that means there may be a significant difference of average expenditure between people who did not watch the games onsite and people

who did.

I am using t-test to compare that expenditure difference.

Null hypothesis (H0): individuals not watched the games onsite spent the equal amount of money to individuals watched the games onsite

Alternative hypothesis (H1): individuals not watched the games onsite spent the different amount of money to individuals watched the games onsite

Table 1 Comparison of the expenditure between individuals who did not watch the games onsite and who did

Levene's Test for

t-test for Equality of Means
Equality of Variances

Average expenditure per person

Variable F p value t p value Did not watch the game Watch the game

onsite onsite

Expenditure per person 13.840 0.000 -3.174 0.002 1733.76 2284.88

From the Levene’s Test, we can see that p value (0.000) is smaller than significant level (5%), suggesting the rejection of Null Hypothesis, stating that individuals not watched the games onsite spent the

equal amount of money to individuals watched the games onsite.

On average, individuals who watched the games onsite (M = 2284.88, SE = 146.95) spent more than those who did not watch the games onsite (M = 1733.76, SE = 92.53). This difference, -551.116,

95%CI [-891.982, -210.251], was significant at the 5% significant level t(813.839) = -3.174, p = 0.002.

The result of the t-test in Table 1 suggests that there is a difference in the mean expenditure between individuals who watched the game onsite and who did not, and those who watched the game onsite

spent significantly more money than those who did not.

There are number of possible explainations for why individuals who watched the game onsite spent significant higher amount of money than those who did not. For example, people watched the games

onsite would need to pay for the entrance tickets, transportations to the stadium, and the price for foods and beverages inside the stadium would be much higher.

Independent Samples Test

Levene's Test for Equality of

t-test for Equality of Means

95% Confidence Interval of the

Std. Error
F Sig. t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference Difference
Lower Upper

Equal variances assumed 13.840 .000 -3.341 1167 .001 -551.116 164.947 -874.742 -227.491
Average expenditure per person
Equal variances not assumed -3.174 813.839 .002 -551.116 173.655 -891.982 -210.251

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