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Front Cover-The front part of a book.

Title- The name of a book.

An illustration- is a Picture.

Author- A writer of a book or text.

Illustrator- A person who draws pictures for the


Text Pages-The pages in the book.

ISBN Number- International Standard Book Number

Spine- The outside edge of the book.

Back Cover- The back part of a book.

Blurb-description of the book to engage the reader.

call number- is called a shelf mark: it tells us where

the book is located in the library.

Publisher- is the person that prints the text and

makes books.

A barcode- is a graphical coded representation of

your book's ISBN.
Title Page-page that lists the book’s title and the
author’s name, subtitle, and the publisher’s name.

Table of Contents- is a page with chapters or

sections and page number.

Text pages -Body of a Book— the content of the


Glossary- contains definitions of words from the

book in alphabetical order.

Author Bio-Biographical information about the


Copyright page -has information of ownership and

usage rights.

Dedication- the author has dedicated the book to a

person or group of individuals.

Acknowledgments-the author thanks people who

have shown support to them.

Preface- author´s prior explanation of the book. Also

called Foreword or introduction.

Table of Contents- is a page with chapters or

sections and page number.
Footnotes- comments or cites found at the bottom
of the page.

Index- has a list of key terms or items discussed in

the book with the page number.

Bibliography- list of researched or recommended


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