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J Comp Physiol (1981) 142:403-410 of Comparative

Physiology. A
9 Springer-Verlag 1981

Circadian Pacemaker in the Bursatella Eye:

Properties of the Rhythm and Its Effect on Locomotor Behavior
Gene D. Block and Michael H. Roberts
Department of Biology, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, Virginia 22901, USA

Accepted December 11, 1980

Summary. The eye of the frilled sea hare, Bursatella circadian rhythms (for reviews see Strumwasser 1974;
leachi plei, expresses a circadian rhythm in the fre- Lickey etal. 1976; Eskin 1979, Strumwasser et al.
quency of spontaneously occurring optic nerve im- 1979). The attractiveness of the Aplysia system derives
pulses. The rhythm will free-run for at least 3 cycles primarily from the presence of a precise circadian
in vitro (Fig. 2) and can be entrained by light cycles pacemaker located within each retinae (Jacklet
provided in vivo (Fig. 4A). While both Bursatella and 1969a), the existence of large, identifiable neurons
Aplysia eyes contain circadian pacemakers the two affording a cellular level analysis of behaviors and
rhythms differ in several respects: (1) the peak im- the expression of an endogenously timed locomotor
pulse frequency for Bursatella eyes is only 96/h (_ rhythm (Strumwasser 1967; Kupfermann 1968).
36 SD) compared with 247/h (_+61 SD) for ApIysia. These attributes have provided an opportunity to ob-
(2) The ocular waveform of the Bursatella rhythm tain an understanding of the neurocellular basis of
exhibits a steep rise and fall from peak frequencies circadian pacemakers as well as an appreciation of
and lacks the delayed falling phase which creates a the mechanisms by which pacemakers regulate
' shoulder' on the ocular waveform in Aplysia (Fig. 2). rhythmic behaviors.
(3) The in vitro free-running period of the Bursatella We have recently investigated another opistho-
ocular rhythm is 21.2 h (• SD) compared with branch, Bursatella leachiplei, the frilled sea hare. We
24.3 h (_+0.9 SD) for the Aplysia rhythm (Fig. 2). (4) were motivated to undertake this study for three rea-
The steady state phase angle for entrainment differs sons. First, we wished to determine whether ocular
with Bursatella eyes showing a median activity peak circadian pacemakers were present in other opistho-
at +3 Z.T. compared with a median Aplysia peak branchs. Aside from a single report of a circadian
at - 1 Z.T. (Fig. 4). rhythm in the eye of Navanax (Eskin and Harcombe
We also investigated the locomotor rhythm. Bur- 1977), only the Aplysia eye has been identified as
satella were found to be predominantly diurnal when a circadian pacemaker. Secondly, we desired to know
exposed to L:D, 12:12 (Fig. 5A) and to exhibit anti- whether endogenously timed rhythmic behaviors
cipatory locomotor activity when maintained on could be identified in other opisthobranchs and
L:D, 9:15 (Fig. 6). The eyes appear to play a minor whether these rhythms offered advantages over the
role, if any, in timing the locomotor rhythm. Eyeless Aplysia locomotor rhythm for physiological study.
Bursatella remained diurnal on L:D, 9:15 and most Finally, we wished to test in Bursatella the model
animals continued to exhibit anticipatory behavior proposed for Aplysia that the ocular pacemakers par-
(Fig. 6). These results suggest that the Bursatella eye ticipate in the timing of rhythmic behaviors (Strum-
plays a less prominent role than the Aplysia eye in wasser 1973; Lickey et al. 1977; Lickey and Wozniak
controlling locomotor behavior. 1979).
In the current paper we discuss experiments which
describe the presence of an ocular circadian pace-
Introduction maker in the eye of Bursatella and compare some
The marine mollusc Aplysia has become an important of its formal and physiological properties to the eye
model system for studying the physiological basis of rhythm in Aplysia. In addition we identify a circadian
Abbreviations." D : D constant darkness; L:D, 12:12 24 h light cy- rhythm in locomotor activity and attempt to evaluate
cles 12 h light, 12 h dark; E S T Eastern Standard Time; Z.T. Zeit- the role of the ocular pacemakers in timing locomotor
geber Time behavior.

404 G.D. Block and M.H. Roberts: Bursatella Circadian Rhythm

Materials and Methods

Ocular Rhythm Experiments
A i n

Two species of opisthobranchs were employed for experimentation.

Approximately 60 Bursatella leachi plei and 20 Aplysia californica
were obtained from marine suppliers in Florida (Gulf Specimen
Co.) and California (Pacific Biomarine Co., Marine Specimens
Unlimited). While in the laboratory all specimens were housed
in a 1,200 1 recirculating seawater system charged with Instant
Ocean artificial seawater (16 ~ ~ After separation from
the animal, the eyes were washed with filtered seawater and placed
into 100 mm petri dishes containing 60-70 ml of buffered seawater
(Instant Ocean, 30 mmol/1 HEPES buffer, I00 units/ml penicillin
and 100 mcg/ml streptomycin). The optic nerve was inserted into
a suction electrode and the dish was placed into a light-tight enclo- [3
sure maintained at 16 ~ ~ The elapsed time from removal
of an animal from the seawater system to placing the isolated
eyes into darkness was approximately 15 rain.
Optic nerve impulses were amplified and recorded on a Grass
polygraph. Isolated eyes were maintained in darkness for 48-96 h
during which time a continuous record was obtained. For analysis,
optic nerve impulses were counted by hourly intervals and plotted
in relation to clock time. The time of peak impulse frequency
was chosen as the phase reference point for comparison of different
ocular rhythms. f l/I Ii/ 1
fi II II tli
Locomotor Experiments
t/J't .... tl/ /Ill Jtt
[ "" Jilt - Ill 7]1 ii .... mill vii- i.
In order to measure locomotor activity in Bursatella activity moni-
tors were fabricated out of 1 liter perforated plastic beakers. An Fig. 1A-C. Optic nerve activity in Bursatella and Aplysia eyes.
infrared beam was directed down one side of the container and A Top trace indicates optic nerve response in Bursatella to a 2,500
aligned with a phototransistor mounted on the bottom surface. lux light pulse. Lower trace is the response of an Aplysia eye
The phototransistors were connected to a discriminator circuit to a similar pulse. B Oscilloscope trace of spontaneous impulses
which provided a standard width pulse each time an animal crawled in D : D from Bursatella (top trace) and Aplysia eyes (lower trace).
through the infrared beam (Block and Page 1977). Ten activity C Variability in spontaneous impulse amplitude in two Bursatella
monitors were suspended inside an aerated 400 1 compartment of eyes recorded in D : D
the seawater system. For data analysis pulses generated each time
an animal interrupted the infrared beam were summed into 10 min
intervals. A maximum numerical value o f ' 3 ' was given to 10 rain ( J a c k l e t 1969b) a n d it seems likely t h a t Bursatella
intervals containing 3 or more counts, in an effort to minimize i m p u l s e s are also c o m p o u n d as s u g g e s t e d by their
the effects of spuriously high counts caused by Bursatella occasion-
g r a d e d size in r e s p o n s e to i l l u m i n a t i o n o f the eye
ally waving their heads while positioned near the phototransistor.
Two techniques employed in data analysis were the production (Fig. 1 A), t h e i r l o n g d u r a t i o n (Fig. 1 B) a n d the large
of mean hourly form estimates for animals exposed to light cycles n u m b e r o f d i f f e r e n t a m p l i t u d e s d i s p l a y e d w h e n im-
and periodogram analysis for locomotor records generated in D : D pulses o c c u r s p o n t a n e o u s l y in d a r k n e s s (Fig. 1 C).
(Enright I965; Binkley 1973).
Free Running Circadian Rhythm
If Bursatella eyes w e r e m a i n t a i n e d in d a r k n e s s for
m o r e t h a n 24 h a c i r c a d i a n r h y t h m c o u l d be m e a s u r e d
in the f r e q u e n c y o f s p o n t a n e o u s l y o c c u r r i n g o p t i c
Gross Morphology and Optic Nerve Activity
n e r v e i m p u l s e s . W h e n t w o eyes w e r e r e c o r d e d f r o m
T h e eyes o f Bursatella are l o c a t e d n e a r the base o f the s a m e a n i m a l we f o u n d the m e a n p h a s e differ-
the r h i n o p h o r e s . T h e y a t t a c h to the c e r e b r a l g a n g l i o n e n c e d u r i n g t h e first cycle in D : D to be o n l y 8 rain
via a s l e n d e r o p t i c n e r v e a b o u t 1 c m long. W h e n ex- (_+21 S D , n - 1 2 ) , w h i c h is c o m p a r a b l e to the 2 rain
a m i n e d u n d e r a d i s s e c t i n g m i c r o s c o p e the eyes a p p e a r (_+ 50) s e p a r a t i o n o b s e r v e d b e t w e e n Aplysia eyes o n
n e a r l y s p h e r i c a l e x c e p t for a slight c o n v e x i t y f o r m e d the first cycle ( R o t h m a n a n d S t r u m w a s s e r 1976).
by a c l e a r ' c o r n e a ' . T h e d i a m e t e r o f the eye is a p p r o x - W h i l e b o t h Bursatella a n d Aplysia eyes e x p r e s s e d
i m a t e l y 400 txm a n d the o p t i c n e r v e a b o u t 100 gin. c i r c a d i a n p e r i o d i c i t i e s t h e t w o r h y t h m s d i f f e r e d in
E l e c t r i c a l a c t i v i t y in the o p t i c n e r v e o f the i s o l a t e d several r e s p e c t s (Fig. 2). First, the p e a k i m p u l s e fre-
Bursatella eye c o n s i s t e d o f 2 0 - 1 5 0 g V p o t e n t i a l s q u e n c y f o r Brusatella eyes o n the first d a y in v i t r o
w h i c h c o u l d be e v o k e d in r e s p o n s e to i l l u m i n a t i o n was 9 6 / h ( _ + 3 6 S D , n = 3 0 ) c o m p a r e d w i t h 247/h
o r o c c u r r e d s p o n t a n e o u s l y in d a r k n e s s . O p t i c n e r v e (_+ 61 S D , n---14) f o r Aplysia eyes e v a l u a t e d s i m u l t a -
i m p u l s e s in Aplysia are c o m p o u n d a c t i o n p o t e n t i a l s n e o u s l y . S e c o n d l y , t h e r e was a c o n s i s t e n t d i f f e r e n c e
G.D. Block and M.H. Roberts: Bursatella Circadian Rhythm 405

122/280 A APLYSIA
% q
l ...............
................ \\\\\\\
............... ........
....... /1 .....
\\\\\\ s

~, !~ ~


[2 24 12 24 12
/l iS// (_..fILI.Ll.,..l_/ffl_lfl/lJ,/tlz
Fig. 2. Free-running ocular rhythms in Bursatella and Aplysia.
Filled circles : Bursatella eye. Open circles: Aplysia eye. The outer B
value on the ordinate is Bursatella impulse frequency; inner value
is for Aplysia. Both animals were removed from the same light
180 120
cycles (L: D, 12:12)

in the shape of the Bursatella and Aplysia ocular i

waveforms. Aplysia eyes uniformly exhibited a steep is"

rise to peak impulse frequencies followed by a rapid i i,

descent which produced a characteristic hump on the .i ' /
falling phase (Eskin 1971 ; Rothman and Strumwasser w
1976). Bursatella eyes, on the other hand, showed _J

a much faster drop off from peak impulse levels. 13_

A third, and striking difference between Bursatella

and Aplysia eyes was the period of the free-running
rhythm. In the records shown in Fig. 2 there was
a 2 h difference in the free-running period of the two L
eyes (Bursatella=22 h, Aplysia=24 h). Overall we 12 24 12 24
measured the free-running period of Bursatella eyes
to be 21.2 h ( + 0 . 6 SD, n = 15) between the first two Fig. 3A, B. Efferent optic nerve activity. A En passant recordings
from the optic nerves of Aplysia and Bursatella. Large units are
peaks in vitro compared with 24.3 h ( + 0.9 SD, n = 10) afferent impulses. B Circadian ocular rhythms in Aplysia (lower
for Aplysia eyes evaluated concurrently. The free-run- left) and Bursatella (lower right). Dotted line." detached eye. Solid
ning periods between the second and third peaks in line: eye recorded attached to the cerebral ganglion
vitro showed similar differences with Bursatella eyes
exhibiting a period of 21.7 h ( + 1.94 SD, n = 5 ) com-
pared with 24.2 h (_+ 0.45 SD, n = 5) for Aplysia eyes.
Bursatella eye tends to be irregular. In order to obtain
a quantitative measure of the effects of efferent activ-
Efferent Modulation of the Eye
ity, a Bursatella optic nerve recording was selected
The optic nerve of Bursatella contains efferent fibers which contained clearly identifiable efferent spikes.
which, when active, modify afferent impulse activity. The afferent interspike intervals for the first 2 h of
Efferent activity was detected by leaving one eye at- the record were measured and tabulated into one of
tached to the cerebral ganglion and recording electri- two categories, depending upon whether any efferent
cal activity en passant with a suction electrode. Exam- activity was visible during the particular interval. Di-
ples of efferent activity recorded in this fashion from vided in this fashion the mean interspike period for
Bursatella and Aplysia optic nerves are shown in intervals not containing efferent activity was 38.6 s
Fig. 3A. In both animals efferent activity consisted compared with 61.6 s for intervals in which efferent
of 5-20 ~tV potentials which disappeared when the activity occurred. This difference was statistically sig-
cerebral ganglion was detached. In Aplysia efferent nificant (P < 0.005, t-test) and confirmed our impres-
activity appears to delay the occurrence of afferent sion that efferent activity was associated with longer
impulses and thus disrupts the higly regular burst afferent interspike intervals.
patterning normally observed in the optic nerve (Es- While efferent fibers influenced afferent impulse
kin 1971; Luborsky-Moore and Jacklet 1976). Effer- timing, they did not have a major effect on the Bursa-
ent activity likewise appeared to alter afferent impulse tella ocular waveform. Figure 3B shows ocular
production in Bursatetla. The effects were not as pro- rhythms from Aplysia and Bursatella recorded with
nounced, however, since impulse patterning in the one eye attached (solid line) and one detached (dotted
406 G.D. Block and M.H. Roberts: Bursatella Circadian R h y t h m

line) from the cerebral ganglion. In Aplysia, attach- ,:r

ment of the eye to the cerebral ganglion leads to
a flattening of the ocular waveform (Eskin 1971) and
this effect is visible in the lower left record of the
figure. Bursatella ocular rhythms, on the other hand,
did not change shape when attached to the cerebral
ganglion, although there was a slight reduction in i i

the overall impulse frequency (Fig. 3B). The reduc- i i

tion in spontaneous impulse levels occurred in all ,


7 Bursatella eyes evaluated while attached to the cere- :;

9 09
9000 9169
bral ganglion. This suggests that modulatory effects
of efferent activity had not been blocked by optic 24 6 12 ]8 24
nerve damage. TIME (EST)

Entrainment of the Ocular Pacemakers

by Light Cycles 9 0
9r 0
99 0
The ocular pacemakers of Aplysia can be entrained 09
by light cycles applied in vivo (Jacklet 1969a; Eskin O9 0
1971). In order to test for in vivo entrainment of 000000
BursateIla eyes, 5 animals were placed on light cycles 0000000
with dawn at 06 : 00 EST, and an additional 4 animals 00 9149
placed on light cycles (L:D, 12:12) with the dawn ,

delayed by 6 h. After exposure to 5 complete cycles +12 +6 0 -@ -12

the eyes of 1 animal from each light cycle were re-
moved at 14:00 (day 6) and the phase of the ocular ZT
rhythms assayed. The eyes of the remaining 7 Bursa- Fig. 4. A In vivo entrainment of the Bursatella eye. The two
ocular rhythms plotted on the upper axis are from two animals,
tella were then evaluated at successive 48 h intervals one exposed to L:D, 12:12 d a w n = 0 6 : 0 0 (solid lines) the other
until ocular rhythms from all animals had been re- to L : D, 12 : 12 dawn = 12 : 00 (dotted lines). Both eyes were recorded
corded. simultaneously in D : D . The impulse peaks are projected down
The results indicated that the phase of the Bursa- to the appropriate place on an axis indicating peak times for all
of the eyes recorded in this experiment. Filled circles: eyes from
tella ocular pacemakers can be entrained by light cy-
06:00 dawn. Open circles: eyes from 12:00 dawn. One eye (12:00
cles provided in vivo. A summary of ocular peak dawn) failed to show spontaneous activity. B Phase angles for
times is shown in Fig. 4A. In the upper portion of entrainment of Bursatella and Aplysia eyes. Peak times are for
the figure are 2 examples of ocular rhythms recorded the first cycle in D : D and are plotted as hours before ( + ) or
from animals exposed to light cycles 6 h apart. The after ( - ) projected dawn. Peak times from both eyes of each
animal are shown. Filled circles: peak times of detached Bursatella
impulse peaks for each rhythm are projected down eyes. Half-filled circles: peak times of Bursatella eyes recorded
to the appropriate time on the lower axis. As can attached to the cerebral ganglion. Open circles." peak times of
be seen in the resultant distribution of ocular peaks detached Aplysia eyes. Three detached Bursatella eyes were not
there was a clear separation as a function of the phase successfully recorded
of the prior light cycles. There was a 6 h difference
in the median peak times in response to a 6 h differ- cycles. The eyes of each animal were then removed
ence in the light cycles. and the phase of each rhythm assayed. Dissection
While Bursatella eyes can be entrained in vivo, times were selected throughout the light-time in an
the inferred steady-state phase angles differed from effort to evaluate any differential effects dissection
values reported for Aplysia. As seen in Fig. 4A, peak might have on the ocular phase. In 18 of the Bursatella
activity in the Bursatella eyes occurred about 3 h be- both eyes were isolated from the cerebral ganglion
fore projected dawn while peak activity in Aplysia during in Vitro recording. In the remaining 7 Bursatel-
eyes occurs close to or just after projected dawn (Es- la one eye was left attached during recording to an
kin 1971; Block et al. 1974). Since this suggested a otherwise isolated cerebral ganglion. This was under-
major difference in the entrained phase angles for taken in an effort to determine whether severing the
eyes in the two species we decided to study the en- Bursatella optic nerve spuriously shifted the ocular
trainment of Bursatella and Aplysia eyes maintained rhythm.
a n d evaluated under identical experimental condi- The results from this experiment confirmed that
tions. Twenty five BursateIla and thirteen Aplysia there is a consistent difference in the entrained phase
were exposed to L : D 12:12 for at least 7 complete angles of Bursatella and Aplysia eyes. F i g u r e 4 B
G.D. Block and M.H. Roberts: Bursatella Circadian R h y t h m 407

shows peak times for Bursatella eyes either detached A

(filled circles) or attached (half filled circles) to the
cerebral ganglion. Also shown are the peak times 1"" ......" !
for detached Aplysia eyes (open circles). As can be
seen in the figure, Bursatella and Aplysia eyes formed
two non-overlapping distributions with Bursatella
eyes exhibiting a median peak at + 3 Z.T. and Aplysia
0 12 24 0 IZ 24
eyes peaking later at - 1 Z.T.
No major phase difference was detected between
attached and detached BursateIla eyes. Attached eyes
also showed a median peak at + 3 Z.T. Likewise
the time of dissection exerted only a small influence
on the timing of peak activity in Bursatella. There
I).( 7/PYA
was a mean difference of 1 h in peak times of eyes
dissected in the early day compared with the late day. !2 24 12 24

Locomotor Rhythm
Since Bursatella showed evidence of an ocular circa-
dian rhythm we were interested in determining
whether a circadian rhythm of behavioral activity was
also evident. In order to evaluate locomotor behavior 0 12 24
6 Bursatella were placed into activity monitors and
exposed to L:D, 12:12 light cycles. Under these con- 12 24
ditions all 6 Bursatella exhibited a diurnal locomotor 06
rhythm. Two examples of locomotor activity on L : D,
12:12 are shown in Fig. 5A. While overall activity
was diurnal, its pattern could be quite variable with
occasional bouts of nocturnal activity evident in most
12I / I

In order to determine whether locomotor behavior

was timed by an endogenous pacemaker 6 Bursatella
were exposed to L:D, 12:12 light cycles and then 24 48 24 48
placed into D : D . Unfortunately we were unable to
obtain unambiguous evidence for a circadian free-run Fig. 5. A Bursatella locomotor activity on L:D, 12: 12. Computer
generated representation of locomotor activity. Each vertical deflec-
in the 6 animals tested. Two examples are shown
tion indicates the infrared beam has been broken. Bar above each
in Fig. 5B. One animal showed scattered bouts of record shows dark-time of the light:dark cycles. Time is Eastern
activity and the other showed activity that split into Standard Time. The form estimate below the activity record indi-
two components. cates mean activity (infrared crossings/h). The mean was computed
Since our initial attempts at observing endogenous for the entire activity record. Diagonal hatching indicates activity
which occurred during the dark time of the light cycles. B Bursatella
control of the locomotor rhythm in D : D were unpro- locomotor activity in D : D . Activity record conventions as in
fitable, we employed an alternate strategy. Ten Bursa- Fig. 5A. Below each record is a periodogram which indicates the
tella were placed on short-day light cycles (L: D 6 : 18 relative variance (S 2) at each test period. Relative variance is the
or L:D, 9:15). Aplysia maintained on similar short variance of each column of the test matrix divided by the variance
of the unordered matrix
days (LD 8: 16) reveal the presence of endogenous
timing by initiating locomotor acivity before dawn
on most days (Lickey et al. 1976). We found that
Role of the Eye in Controlling Locomotor Behavior
Bursatella likewise exhibited anticipatory activity
when exposed to L : D 9 : 1 5 although not on the The Bursatella eye contains both photoreceptors
shorter 6 h day (L:D, 6:18). In general Bursatella (Fig. 1) and a circadian pacemaker (Fig. 2) and could
anticipatory behavior was not as prominent as pre- contribute to locomotor control in one or both capa-
dawn activity observed for Aplysia (Lickey et al. cities. In order to evaluate the contribution of the
1976). Nevertheless the initiation of locomotor activ- eye to behavioral control Bursatella locomotor activ-
ity prior to dawn suggested that the Bursatella loco- ity was compared before and after eye removal. Eight
motor rhythm was influenced by a circadian pace- Bursatella were placed on short days (L: D 9 : 15) and
maker. the presence of a d e a r locomotor rhythm was con-
408 G.D. Block and M.H. Roberts: Bursatella Circadian Rhythm

studied, anticipatory behavior was attenuated after

eye removal (record 4).

i,, ,',.:', Discussion

12 24 0 12 24
Ocular Rhythm
Bursatella eyes like the eyes of Aplysia and Navanax
express a circadian rhythm in the frequency of affer-
ent impulses (Fig. 2; Jacklet 1969a; Eskin and Hap
combe 1977). The 3 rhythms share several common
features. Each eye exhibits the rhythm by impulses
I2 24 i2 24 which appear to be compound action potentials.
TIME h TIME h These potentials occur spontaneously in darkness, are
almost completely absent during the early to middle
subjective night and then increase rapidly in frequency
during the late subjective night. All 3 rhythms display
a remarkable amount of precision in their waveform
and free-running period. Two eyes taken from the
same animal and recorded in isolation in vitro con-
12 24 0 12 724 tinue to exhibit nearly identical patterns of activity
for several cycles (Eskin and Harcombe 1977; Eskin
1979; Fig. 2). Finally, all 3 ocular rhythms can be
entrained by light cycles provided in vivo (Jacklet
1969a; Eskin 1971; Eskin and Harcombe 1977;
Fig. 4).
Aside from these general similarities, several fea-
12 24 12 24 tures distinguish the Bursatella rhythm. The mean
TIME h TIME h impulse frequency is lower in Bursatella (96/h) than
Fig, 6. Bursatella locomotor activity on L:D, 9:15 before and in Aplysia (247/h), although slightly higher than
after eye removal. Conventions as in Fig. 5A. Filled circle on re-
values reported by Eskin and Harcombe (1977) for
cord: time of eye removal, Vertical bars to right : days for which
form estimates were calculated. Solid line on form estimates : mean the Navanax rhythm (60/h). The waveforms of the
preoperative locomotor activity. Dotted line: mean postoperative 3 ocular rhythms also differ. Bursatella shows a steep
activity rise to peak impulse frequencies followed by a rapid
decline in activity. Aplysia exhibits a sharp peak but
firmed. The eyes were then removed from each animal then a sustained falling phase providing a shoulder.
and locomotor activity measured postoperatively. Navanax, on the other hand, displays a broad peak
Comparison of pre- and postoperative locomotor with near maximum levels of activity persisting for
records indicated that the Bursatella eye was not criti- 5 6 h. Aside from the fact that the 3 waveforms are
cal as either a photoreceptor organ or circadian pace- quite reproducible the physiological (or behavioral)
maker. Activity records from 4 animals which are significance of the shape of the rhythm is presently
representative of the group are shown in Fig. 6. All unclear. Eskin and Harcombe (1977) point out that
of the Bursatella evaluated remained diurnal follow- the isolated Navanax eye displays an ocular waveform
ing eye removal. We failed to observe an increase similar to an Aplysia eye attached to the cerebral
in nocturnal activity or major changes in locomotor ganglion. They suggest that some of the efferent cir-
patterning, alterations which often occur following cuitry present in the Aplysia cerebral ganglion may
blinding in Aplysia (Block and Lickey 1973; Strum- be present in the Navanax retina. Alternately, differ-
wasser 1973; Lickey et al. 1977). We also did not ences in the waveform may reflect fundamental differ-
detect an increase in locomotor activity just after ences in the organization of the actual pacemakers.
light-onset, another common effect of eye removal A third and dramatic difference between Bursatel-
in Aplysia (Lickey and Wozniak 1979). Importantly, la and the other two opisthobranchs was in the free-
we continued to observe anticipatory locomotor activ- running period of the ocular oscillator in D:D. In
ity in eyeless Bursatella. As can be seen in records the current experiments the in vitro period of the
1-3 of Fig. 6, pre-dawn initiation of activity while BursateIla rhythm was 21.3 h compared with 24.3 h
variable in its day to day occurrence, persisted follow- for Aplysia eyes evaluated concurrently. Similar to
ing blinding. However, in one of the 8 Bursatella Aplysia, the Navanax eye displays a free-running peri-
G.D. Block and M.H. Roberts: BursatellaCircadian Rhythm 409

od of 25.6 h, although a wide range of values were pulses. In Navanax efferent activity consists of both
obtained (22-28 h). The Bursatella 21.3 h ocular peri- large and small units which are similar in amplitude
od represents an extremely short value - at least com- to afferent impulses but no effects of these units on
pared to most behavioral rhythms (Aschoff 1979). afferent impulse production has been reported (Eskin
The significance of this difference is unknown but and Harcombe 1977). In Bursatella, efferent activity
may also indicate differences in the cellular organiza- (5-20 [xV) serves to reduce ongoing afferent impulse
tion of the two pacemakers. There is some question activity although the effects are not as pronounced
about how closely this in vitro period reflects the as efferent actions on the Aplysia eye. Furthermore,
actual in vivo free-running period. For example, in there is no evidence for major changes in the ocular
Aplysia the period of the ocular pacemaker can range waveform as a result of Bursatella efferent activity.
from 22-27 h depending upon whether the eyes are The exact role of efferent fibers is not fully under-
maintained in filtered seawater or culture medium stood, although there are some hints in the Aplysia
(Jacklet 1971). Yet, the in vivo free-running period system. Efferent fibers are known to carry photic in-
measured either indirectly (Block 1975; Hudson and formation to the eye from receptors in the anterior
Lickey 1980) or directly by in vivo recording tech- tentacles (Block 1975), rhinophores (Jacklet 1980) and
niques (Block, submitted manuscript) is close to 24 h. from the cerebral ganglion (Eskin 1971). In addition,
While for Aplysia the buffered seawater used in the efferent activity has been implicated in entrainment
present experiments resulted in an in vitro period of the eyes by red light cycles (Block et al. 1974)
close to the in vivo value, we cannot be certain that and in the resetting response of the ocular pacemakers
the same was true for the Bursatella ocular rhythm. to long duration light pulses (Prichard and Lickey
The short in vitro free-running period raises a 1978). On the other hand efferent action has apparent-
possible complicating factor in evaluating a fourth ly been ruled out as responsible for differences be-
difference among Bursatella, Aplysia and Navanax eye tween in vitro and in vivo entrainment rates (Block
rhythms - the steady state phase angle for entrain- and Page 1978). We are not yet certain whether effer-
ment. Aplysia and Navanax show activity peaks just ents in the Bursatella optic nerve perform similar
after projected dawn when previously exposed to functions.
L:D, 12:12 light cycles (Eskin 1971; Eskin and Har-
combe 1977). In distinction, Bursatella eyes, exhibit
The Locomotor Rhythm
peak activity 3 h before projected dawn (Fig. 4). Since
the free-running period of the Bursatella eye rhythm In addition to the ocular rhythm, Bursatella exhibit
is shorter than that of Aplysia, entrainment theory a robust locomotor rhythm which is predominantly
would predict a more positive phase angle for the diurnal on L:D, 12:12. While we were unable to ob-
Bursatella eye, assuming that the underlying phase serve the expression of a circadian pacemaker in D : D ,
response curves were similar (Pittendrigh and Daan we were able to detect an endogenous component
1976). However, the accuracy of inferring in vivo on short-day light cycles. Under these conditions Bur-
phase angles from in vitro projected relationships on satella, like Aplysia, initiate locomotor activity before
the first cycle in D : D can be affected by at least dawn (Fig. 6).
two sources of error. First, if dissection serves to Since the eye is an obvious candidate for a pace-
phase shift the rhythm and second, if there is a dis- maker controlling locomotor activity, attempts have
crepancy between ocular free-running periods in vivo been made in Aplysia to define its role in timing
and in vitro. Our results suggest that dissection has locomotor behavior. The current view is that the Ap-
only a minor effect on the timing of peak activity. Iysia eye contributes to locomotor control as a circa-
Dissection times were varied over a 10 h period with dian pacemaker. While eyeless Aplysia remain diurnal
a resultant mean change of only 1 h in peak times. when exposed to light cycles (Block and Lickey 1973),
Furthermore the free-running period in vivo and in free-running locomotor behavior severely deteriorates
vitro are probably quite similar. Experiments with following eye removal (Strumwasser 1973; Lickey
animals kept in D : D for two days showed in vitro et al. 1977). In addition, anticipatory locomotor activ-
phase advances of approximately 8 h suggesting that ity which is often present when Aplysia are exposed
the in vivo free-running period was in fact quite short to short-day light cycles (L:D, 8:16) is attenuated
and close to 21 h. in eyeless animals (Lickey et al. 1976; Lickey and
A final difference among Bursatella, Aplysia and Wozniak 1979).
Navanax eyes was in the effect of efferent activity Since the Bursatella eye also exhibits a circadian
on afferent impulse patterning and on the waveform rhythm we were interested in determining whether
of the circadian rhythm. In Aplysia, efferent activity eye removal in Bursatella leads to similar locomotor
consists of small amplitude units ( < 20 gV) which dis- deficits. As with Aplysia we found that all eyeless
rupt the otherwise regular patterning of afferent im- Bursatella remained diurnal and therefore possessed
410 G.D. Block and M.H. Roberts: Bursatella Circadian Rhythm

sufficient extraocular photoreceptors for l o c o m o t o r Block GD, Page TL (1979) Effects of efferent activity on entrain-
control. However, aside from a single Bursatella (re- ment of the Aplysia eye. Comp Biochem Physiol 62A: 635 638
Block GD, Hudson DJ, Lickey ME (1974) Extraocular photorecep-
cord 4, Fig. 6) we were u n a b l e to observe any m a r k e d
tors can entrain the circadian oscillator in the eye of Aplysia.
changes in l o c o m o t o r p a t t e r n i n g which w o u l d suggest J Comp Physiol 89:237-249
the loss of a circadian pacemaker. We are presently Enrigbt JT (1965) The search for rhythmicity in biological time-
u n a b l e to explain the loss of a n t i c i p a t o r y activity in series. J Theor Biol 8:426 469
the single BursatelIa record. However, since the re- Eskin A (1971) Properties of the Aplysia visual system: In vitro
entrainment of the circadian rhythm and centrifugal regulation
m a i n i n g 7 a n i m a l s failed to show any m a r k e d effects of the eye. Z Vergl Physiol 74:353-371
on l o c o m o t o r patterning, w e believe the change in Eskin A (1979) Circadian system of the Aplysia eye: properties
the behavior of this particular Bursatella m a y have of the pacemaker and mechanism of its entrainment. Fed Proc
been i n d e p e n d e n t of the surgical procedures. These 38:2573-2579
Eskin A, Harcombe E (1977) Eye of Navanax: optic activity, circa-
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dian rhythm and morphology. Comp Biochem Physiol
effects of eye r e m o v a l o n Aplysia (Lickey et al. 1976) 57A: 443-449
a n d results we have o b t a i n e d with Aplysia m a i n t a i n e d Hudson DJ (1978) Coupling between circadian pacemakers in the
in our l a b o r a t o r y u n d e r the same c o n d i t i o n s as the eyes of Aplysia ealiforniea. Ph D thesis, University of Oregon
Bursatella (Roberts, u n p u b l i s h e d experiments). These Hudson DJ, Lickey ME (1980) Internal desynchronization between
two identified circadian oscillators in Aplysia. Brain Res
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in Bursatella play a less p r o m i n e n t role t h a n their Jacklet JW (1969a) A circadian rhythm of optic nerve impulses
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o p i s t h o b r a n c h s m a y have evolved alternate strategies Jacklet JW (1971) A circadian rhythm in optic nerve impulses
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of Aplysia. J Comp Physiol 136:257-262
havior, we m a y find other, as yet u n i d e n t i f i e d rhyth- Kupfermann I (1968) A circadian locomotor rhythm in Aplysia
mic behaviors for which Bursatella ocular c o n t r o l is californica. Physiol Behav 3:179 182
more p r o m i n e n t . Lickey ME, Wozniak JA (1979) Circadian organization in Aplysia
It appears that the ocular p a c e m a k i n g p r o p e r t y explored with red light, eye removal and behavioral recording.
J Comp Physiol 131:169-177
is widespread a m o n g o p i s t h o b r a n c h s . Aside f r o m re-
Lickey ME, Block GD, Hudson DJ, Smith JT (1976) Circadian
ports of ocular pacemakers in Aplysia, Navanax a n d oscillators and photoreceptors in the marine gastropod, Aplysia.
now Bursatella, we also have evidence for ocular Photochem Photobiol 23:253 273
r h y t h m s in Bulla a n d Dolabrifera ( u n p u b l i s h e d experi- Lickey ME, Wozniak JA, Block GD, Hudson DJ, Augter GK
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rhythm of behavioral activity in Aplysia. J Comp Physiol
o b t a i n i n g c o m p a r a t i v e insights into the e m p l o y m e n t 118:121 143
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phy. We also thank T. Breeden for our computer programs. This Prichard RG, Lickey ME (1978) Efferent influence of the cerebral
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Aplysia eye. Soc Neurosci Abstr 4:204
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