Molecular Phylogeny of Chromodoris (Mollusca, Nudibranchia) and The Identification of A Planar Spawning Clade

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Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 36 (2005) 722–727

Short communication

Molecular phylogeny of Chromodoris (Mollusca, Nudibranchia)

and the identiWcation of a planar spawning clade
Nerida G. Wilson a,¤, Michael S.Y. Lee b
Environmental Biology, The University of Adelaide, SA 5005, Australia
The South Australian Museum, North Terrace, Adelaide, SA 5000, Australia

Received 16 February 2004; revised 9 July 2004

Available online 8 June 2005

1. Introduction lesson, 2000) of the optimal trees. Miller (1980) empha-

sised the diYculty in separating the typically bipolar
Chromodoris, Alder and Hancock, 1855, is the most genus Cadlina Bergh, 1879 from Chromodoris, and sug-
speciose genus in the nudibranch family Chromodorid- gested synonymy.
idae, and has a cosmopolitan distribution with the We used mitochondrial DNA sequence data (partial
greatest diversity occurring at low latitudes. It is esti- 16S rDNA) to create a phylogeny for a group where
mated to contain approximately 200 species with up to convergent evolution of colour patterns could hinder
22% of known species still not oYcially described (Gos- phylogenetic reconstruction based on the most widely
liner and Draheim, 1996); presumably many remain to used diagnostic characters.
be discovered. Some species have shown unique chemi-
cal defenses (Gavagnin and Fontana, 2000) and future
screening would beneWt from an evolutionary perspec- 2. Materials and methods
tive. A phylogeny will also facilitate analysing colour
evolution, as within Chromodoris there appear 2.1. Taxon sampling
instances of both convergent (due to mimicry: Rud-
man, 1991) and homologous colour traits (Gosliner and Seventeen species of Chromodoris and two outgroups
Behrens, 1998). Currently, there are no phylogenetic were collected and sequenced directly for partial 16S
hypotheses for this large and important genus. Many rDNA. Sequences of Wve other species of Chromodoris
colour groups were described in Chromodoris to facili- and three Cadlina species were taken from GenBank (see
tate identiWcation using external colour patterns (e.g., Table 1). These exemplars from Chromodoris were cho-
Rudman, 1983, 1985, 1987), with no expectation that sen so that many putative species-groups and divergent
these groupings reXected phylogenetic relationships. forms were represented. Specimens were identiWed by
However, recent work has suggested one of these comparison to published literature and dissected when
groups shares features in internal anatomy and repro- necessary. The sequenced specimens have been deposited
duction, and may represent a real clade (Gosliner and in the Australian and South Australian Museum collec-
Behrens, 1998; Wilson, 2002). tions (Table 1).
The monophyly of Chromodoris has also not yet been Small portions of ethanol-preserved foot tissue were
rigorously tested and cannot be assumed: in phyloge- washed in STE buVer and transferred to 10% Chelex
netic studies that contained 2–3 Chromodoris species, the solution. After adding proteinase-K (10 mg/ml), the solu-
genus appeared monophyletic in only some (Thollesson, tion was incubated at 50–55 °C for a few hours, with
1999; Wollscheid-Lengeling et al., 2001) or none (Thol- occasional mixing, then raised to 90 °C, and the cooled
extraction buVered with 10% TE. The 16S rDNA frag-
Corresponding author. Fax: +61 7 3365 4755. ments were ampliWed using the primers 16Sar-L and
E-mail address: (N.G. Wilson). 16Sbr-H (Palumbi et al., 1991). PCR ampliWcations were

1055-7903/$ - see front matter  2005 Published by Elsevier Inc.

N.G. Wilson, M.S.Y. Lee / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 36 (2005) 722–727 723

Table 1
Species used in this study, asterisk indicates sequence acquired from GenBank
Species Locality Accession number Voucher number
Actinocyclus verrucosus Mooloolaba, Queensland, Australia AY458799 SAM D19274
Cadlina laevis Marstrand, Bohuslän, Sweden AJ225182* —
Cadlina luarna Costa Rica AF430348* —
Cadlina luteomarginata North Atlantic, USA AF249231* —
Cadlinella ornatissima Heron Island, Queensland, Australia AY458802 AM C203859
Chromodoris alternata Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia AY458800 SAM D19281
Chromodoris ambiguus Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia AY458801 SAM D19260
Chromodoris aspersa Mooloolaba, Queensland, Australia AY458813 SAM D19282
Chromodoris collingwoodi North Stradbroke Island, Australia AY731181 SAM D19283
Chromodoris daphne Moreton Bay, Queensland, Australia AY458803 SAM D19284
Chromodoris epicurea Triabunna, Tasmania, Australia AY458804 SAM D19285
Chromodoris geometrica Mooloolaba, Queensland, Australia AY458805 SAM D19286
Chromodoris krohni NE Atlantic, Spain AF249239* —
Chromodoris kuiteri1 Mooloolaba, Queensland, Australia AY458806 SAM D19287
Chromodoris kuiteri2 Great Barrier Reef, Australia AF249240* —
Chromodoris kuniei Heron Island, Queensland, Australia AY458807 SAM D19261
Chromodoris leopardus Mooloolaba, Queensland, Australia AY458808 SAM D19288
Chromodoris lochi Mooloolaba, Queensland, Australia AY458810 SAM D19289
Chromodoris luteorosea Cadiz, Andalusia, Spain AJ225183* —
Chromodoris magniWca Whitsundays, Queensland, Australia AY458811 SAM D19290
Chromodoris purpurea Cadiz, Andalusia, Spain AJ225184* —
Chromodoris quadricolor Red Sea, Egypt AF249241* —
Chromodoris roboi Heron Island, Queensland, Australia AY458814 SAM D19291
Chromodoris splendida Mooloolaba, Queensland, Australia AY458815 SAM D19292
Chromodoris striatella Mooloolaba, Queensland, Australia AY458809 SAM D19293
Chromodoris strigata Heron Island, Queensland, Australia AY458816 SAM D19294
Chromodoris tasmaniensis Triabunna, Tasmania, Australia AY458817 SAM D19295

carried out using whole genomic preparations. The ther- 124 parsimony-informative). The total alignment was
mal cycling conditions were an initial denaturation step 485 sites long, and has been deposited in TreeBASE
at 94 °C for 3 min, followed by 39 cycles of 30 s at 94 °C, ( Sequences have been deposited in
30 s at 55 °C, 1 min at 72 °C, extension for 5 min at 72 °C, the NCBI GenBank database (see Table 1).
and soaked at 25 °C for 2 min. The PCR product was gel All trees were rooted using Actinocyclus verrucosus
puriWed and sequenced directly in both directions using and Cadlinella ornatissima, which are related to, but out-
ABI automated sequencing. side, a putative Chromodoris-Cadlina clade (Gosliner
and Johnson, 1994; Rudman, 1984). Parsimony analyses
2.2. Alignment and analyses employed heuristic searches with 500 random sequence
additions, with gaps treated as missing data. Clade sup-
The sequences were reconciled using Sequencher port was calculated using bootstrapping and decay indi-
(Gene Codes, Ann Arbor, MI) and aligned in ClustalX ces. Parsimony-uninformative characters were excluded
(Thompson et al., 1997). Initially, a sensitivity analysis from MP bootstraps (10,000 replicates) following discus-
(Giribet et al., 2001) was performed, where several align- sion in Felsenstein (2004). Branch support (Bremer,
ment parameter combinations were used (gap opening 1988) was calculated using Tree Rot v2b (Sorenson,
penalty 2–15, gap extension cost 1–6.66; and transition 1999).
weight 0.5–1), and each resultant alignment analysed The most appropriate model of DNA substitution for
(using parsimony for computing speed). The alignments these data was chosen using Modeltest v3.06 (Posada and
and trees were all very similar, suggesting that the inXu- Crandall, 1998). Both hierarchical likelihood-ratio tests
ence of alignment variation was small. One of these (HLTs) and the Akaike Information Criterion converged
alignments (using default parameters in Clustal, i.e., on the TVM+I+G model (Wrst named in Posada, 2004).
15:6.66:0.5) was chosen for more detailed analysis and Bayesian MCMC analyses using MrBayes v3 (Ronquist
small manual adjustments were made by eye. and Huelsenbeck, 2001) used the most similar available
The alignment was imported into MacClade (Maddi- model (erring on the side of simplicity): HKY+I+G
son and Maddison, 2000) and then PAUP* (SwoVord, (Hasegawa et al., 1985). Four chains (one heated) were
2002) for phylogenetic analyses. Hypervariable regions run simultaneously, burn-in was 50,000 generations (well
(69 sites) that were considered unalignable were after likelihood reached stationarity), and the remaining
excluded from analysis, leaving 416 sites (178 variable, 1,000,000 trees sampled every 100 trees.
724 N.G. Wilson, M.S.Y. Lee / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 36 (2005) 722–727

3. Results and discussion Xat egg mass laid by its members (Wilson, 2002). While
the clade itself is strongly supported, 16SrDNA provides
Uncorrected pairwise distance (alignment–ambigu- little resolution for its internal relationships. MP analyses
ous sites excluded) ranged from 0.013 between the two suggest C. aspersa as the most basal taxon while Bayesian
specimens of Chromodoris kuiteri to 0.228 (between analyses indicate Chromodoris lochi. The third major clade
Chromodoris alternata and Chromodoris roboi). The MP (branch support 4, bootstrap 68, and Bayesian 100) con-
analyses resulted in a single optimal tree (Fig. 1), with tains the remaining Chromodoris species from southeast-
three major clades discussed below. The Bayesian analy- ern Australia, the Atlantic/Mediterranean, and the Indo-
sis also returned a very similar tree (Fig. 2), but con- PaciWc, and is termed the ‘erect spawner’ clade after their
tained minor topological diVerences that aVected nodes upright egg masses. Many of these subclades are also
poorly supported in both analyses. diagnosed by unusual morphological and behavioural fea-
These results indicate that Chromodoris is paraphyletic. tures, as discussed below, although the polarity of these
The most basal ingroup clade is reasonably supported traits needs to be rigorously assessed.
(branch support 5, bootstrap 74, and Bayesian 76) and
contains Chromodoris ambiguus and C. alternata as well as 3.1. Cadlina and the monophyly of Chromodoris
included cadlinid species, i.e., Cadlina luarna, Cadlina
laevis, and Cadlina luteomarginata. The second clade The monophyly of Chromodoris (sensu Rudman) is not
(branch support 8, bootstrap 96, and Bayesian 100) con- supported by this study. Constraining Chromodoris to be
tains the type species Chromodoris magniWca and all the monophyletic results in an MP tree only six steps longer,
included members of the Chromodoris quadricolor colour but one that is signiWcantly worse according to both Tem-
group, as well as Chromodoris aspersa. This clade is here- pleton’s nonparametric test and the Kishino–Hasegawa
after termed the ‘planar spawner’ clade, in reference to the (K–H) test (p D0.014 for both) (see Felsenstein, 2004). The

Fig. 1. Parsimony phylogram based on 16S rDNA for Chromodoris species. Closed box indicates acquisition of planar egg mass. The numbers to the
right represent Bremer support; numbers to the left of each branch represent bootstrap percentages. Bootstrap values are only shown for clades pres-
ent in the majority-rule consensus tree. Branch lengths reconstructed under ACCTRAN optimisation in PAUP*. CI: 0.52, RI: 0.61, and L D 517.
N.G. Wilson, M.S.Y. Lee / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 36 (2005) 722–727 725

grouping of the southern temperate taxa C. ambiguus and of this clade. The grouping of these temperate Chromodoris
C. alternata with Cadlina is inconsistent with the current species with Cadlina is consistent with Rudman’s (1987)
generic classiWcation. Despite the fact that the included observation that the exogenous sperm sac in C. ambiguus
Cadlina species are from the northern hemisphere, and the and C. alternata is the same as that seen in some Cadlina
two Chromodoris species are from the Southern Ocean, the species. However, Miller’s (1980) proposal that Cadlina be
clade is reasonably supported. C. ambiguus, C. alternata, synonymised with Chromodoris is not the only taxonomic
and most Cadlina species are restricted to very cold waters, solution, since an alternative is to transfer C. ambiguus and
and this physiological trait appears generally characteristic C. alternata to another genus.

Fig. 2. Bayesian MCMC majority-rule consensus tree for Chromodoris species based on 16S rDNA and gap information, and the substitution model
(HKY+I+G) most similar to the model selected using HLTs. Numbers represent the posterior probabilities.
726 N.G. Wilson, M.S.Y. Lee / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 36 (2005) 722–727

3.2. Planar spawners Behrens, 1998; Johnson and Gosliner, 1998). The current
phylogeny provides some suggestions as to how these
The planar spawning clade is strongly supported and processes might be responsible for particular aspects of
species are predominately found in the tropical Indo- colouration. The production of pure black pigment
West PaciWc. The best trees that lacked this clade were exhibits strong phylogenetic conservativism: it occurs in
eight steps longer and these four trees were signiWcantly all planar spawners with the exception of C. aspersa, and
worse than the MP tree according to both Templeton’s is absent from almost all erect spawners (present only in
nonparametric test and the K–H test (p < 0.05). The clade C. geometrica). Other aspects of colour patterns appear
contains all included members of the C. quadricolor col- to correlate with presence of black pigment, with the pla-
our group, described by Rudman (1977, 1982). It also nar species all showing longitudinal black stripes or
includes C. aspersa that has been linked with the C. quad- swathes of black. C. aspersa, the only member of the pla-
ricolor group previously based on the shared planar egg nar clade that lacked black pigment, also lacked any lon-
masses (Wilson, 2002). A report of C. magniWca laying an gitudinal striped pattern. C. geometrica, the lone species
upright egg mass (Klussman-Kolb and Wägele, 2001) is from the erect spawning clade with black pigment, had a
erroneous, and further observation has shown that diVerent (reticulated) pattern.
C. magniWca lays a planar egg mass like others in this Background body colour also shows strong phyloge-
clade (Wilson, pers. obs). Planar spawning is arguably a netic conservatism within the erect spawners. The Medi-
derived reproductive character diagnosing this clade, terranean clade all share pink bodies, while the
since Actinocyclus, Cadlina, and the other Chromodoris in southeastern Australian endemics have white bodies,
this analysis (where known) lay erect egg masses, although regardless of pattern. A white background colour is also
Cadlinella lays planar egg masses (Boucher, 1983). present in the Cadlina clade and may represent the plesi-
omorphic state.
3.3. Erect spawners Mullerian mimicry (the evolution of similar warning
colouration in toxic species) has been invoked to explain
This clade consists of the majority of species of nudibranch colour patterns common to geographical
Chromodoris, excluding the planar spawners and the close regions (Rudman, 1991). All of Rudman’s examples used
relatives of Cadlina. There were no previous existing changes in spot size or distribution, mostly in Chromod-
hypotheses of phylogenetic relationships within this clade. oris in southeastern Australia. The phylogeny here
In both analyses, the erect spawners are divided into four reveals some evidence of mimicry (orange spots common
geographically coherent subclades: southeastern Austra- to both C. ambiguus and C. tasmaniensis) but also that
lian endemics (Chromodoris splendida, Chromodoris most homologous colour traits are restricted to particu-
daphne, Chromodoris tasmaniensis, and Chromodoris lar geographical regions. Thus, similarities in both col-
epicurea), Atlantic/Mediterranean taxa (Chromodoris lute- our pattern and geographic distribution within
orosea, Chromodoris krohni, and Chromodoris purpurea), Chromodoris might be explained by phylogeny, rather
and two clades containing Indo-PaciWc forms (Chromod- than by convergence. Indeed, when faced with similarly
oris collingwoodi and Chromodoris kuniei) (Chromodoris patterned taxa in the same locality, in the absence of a
leopardus, C. roboi, and Chromodoris geometrica). The lat- rigorous phylogeny the most reasonable null hypothesis
ter two subclades, excluding C. collingwoodi, exhibit the would be that they are all descended from a common
unusual behavioural trait of rhythmically lifting their ancestor which exhibited that colour pattern and lived in
mantles. Relationships between these four clades are that locality, rather than invoking dispersal of unrelated
labile: the Australian clade is basal in the MP analyses, (and diVerently coloured) lineages into the locality and
while the Atlantic/Mediterranean clade is basal in the subsequent convergent evolution of colouration.
Bayesian analysis. Indo-PaciWc species occur in both the Detailed data on geographic co-variation in colour pat-
planar and upright spawning clades of Chromodoris. This terns of putative models and mimics in a phylogenetic
contrasts directly with the phylogenetic structure of framework are required to provide solid proof of
another chromodorid genus, Hypselodoris, where the two mimicry (Greene, 1997).
major clades correspond to the Indo-PaciWc and the
Atlantic/Eastern PaciWc regions (Gosliner and Johnson,
1999). Acknowledgments

3.4. Colouration, convergence, and common descent We thank Dan and Dave Jackson, Wayne Ellis, and
Shane Litherland for Weld assistance, and Andrew
The diversity and similarity of colour patterns in Hugall and Dan Jackson for technical advice. Permis-
chromodorid nudibranchs have been attributed in part sion for collecting was given by the Great Barrier Reef
to warning colouration (Edmunds, 1991), mimicry (Rud- Marine Park Authority, Qld Parks and Wildlife Services,
man, 1991), or phylogenetic constraints (Gosliner and the Department of Natural Resources and Environment
N.G. Wilson, M.S.Y. Lee / Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 36 (2005) 722–727 727

(Vic.) and the Department of Primary Industries, Water, Palumbi, S., Martin, A., Romano, S., McMillan, W.O., Stice, L., Gra-
and Environment, Hobart. Two anonymous referees are bowski, G., 1991. The Simple Fool’s Guide to PCR, Version 2.0.
Department of Zoology and Kewalo Marine Laboratory, Univer-
thanked for their suggestions on improving the manu- sity of Hawaii.
script. This research has been supported by the Austra- Posada, D., 2004. Modeltest v3.4 documentation. http://dar-
lian Research Council (Postgraduate Research Award to
N.W., Research Fellowships and grants to M.L.), and a Posada, D., Crandall, K.A., 1998. Modeltest: testing the model of DNA
University of Queensland Research Grant (to N.W.). substitution. Bioinformatics 14, 817–818.
Ronquist, F., Huelsenbeck, J.P., 2001. MrBayes 3: Bayesian Phyloge-
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