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On the Plankton of Brackish Water

G. W. Field

Science, New Series, Vol. 5, No. 115. (Mar. 12, 1897), pp. 424-425.

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Fri Dec 14 14:57:22 2007
424 SCIENCE. [N. S. VOL.V. NO. 115.

The bearing of these facts upon the current in itself, but that when the figures are com-
theories of degeneration, panmixia, etc., pared with those representing extreme vari-
were indicated. ation in shape the significance of both re-
The American eggs ranged i n length from sults is enhanced. Not only is the pre-
18 mm. to 26 mm., while the shortest and ponderance of variation among American
longest European eggs measured respec- eggs very obvious, but in both cases, in
tively 18.5 mm. and 25 mm. The typical shape and in color, i t is almost precisely
American eggs, moreover, had a n average the same.
length of approximately 21 mm., while the I t was concluded that the data, whether
European eggs averaged a t least 1 mm. gathered from comparisons of length, ratio
longer. of breadth to length, shape or color, all
The ratio of breadth to length, i. e., the point in the direction of a general structural
ratio of the lesser to the greater diameter, modification.
showed much greater sphericity 011 the part
of the American eggs, though also in respect On the Pla?zkto7~ o j Brackish 'Clruter. G. W.
t o this feature the American eggs presented FIELD.
a much greater amplitude of variation. Investigations of the Plankton are now
The extremes of variation in shape and being carried on a t the Marine Laboratory
color were determined by a process of ' dis- of the Rhode Island Experiment Station a t
interested selection.' After having placed the Great Salt Pond, near Point Judith, in
a secret mark upon each American egg, the South Kingston, R. I. It is intended to
eggs of both counttries (863 American and continue the observations, both summer
863 British) were thoroughly mixed together and winter, for a term of years.
in a single tray. A disinterested person was The pond is about five miles long and
then requested to select from the mixture comparatively narrow. I t s area is esti-
100 eggs that appeared to him to present mated a t 1,500 acres. A t the northern end,
extremes of shape variation. If eggs from where the river enters, the water a t the sur-
the two countries were equally variable, of face is quite fresh (specific gravity 1.000) ;
course approximately the same number a t the bottom i t is slightly saline (specific
from each would be selected, and if the gravity 1.0055). The south end communi-
American specimens were more variable, cates with the sea. The specific gravity of
more American eggs would be selected. The the water a t the outlet is 1.025. A t points
result was in harmony with the evidence between the north and south ends of the
derived from the comparison of length and pond are found all intermediate degrees of
the ratios of breadth to length. Of the salinity.
selected eggs, eighty-one were American and Examination of the number of organisms
only nineteen were English, over four times per litre shows that the number is greatest
a s many of the former as of the latter. in those areas &here the specific gravity is
The same method was adopted for the between 1.008 and 1.020 (i. e., the middle
determination of color variation and with portion of the pond), and that in passing
the result that eighty-two of the examples in either direction, southerly towards the
of extreme color variation were found to ocean, or northerly towards the river, the
be American and only eighteen British. number diminishes.
It was pointed out that this large propor- The most important constituents of the
tion of extreme color variation on the part Plankton, named in order of the number of
of American eggs was not only interesting individuals, are : diatoms and algal debris ;
MARCH12, 1597.1 SCIENCE. 425
ciliated infusoria ; afthropods ; (copepods, the method of Renson, Reighard, Sedgwick-
amphipods ; ostracods ; decapod l a r v ~and Rafter, Peck and others, but these have
larval tracheata) ; rotifers ; annelid larv* ; been superseded by use of the Planktonokrit,
ctenophores ; meduse. I n its general char- invented and described by Dr. C. S. Dolley.*
acter it more closely resembles Haliplank- The centrifugal method is a distinct ad-
ton than Limnoplankton, the marked ex- vance, and materially reduces the error
ceptions being the presence of rotifers and when dealing with all organisms thus far
the absence of cladocera. met with, except the Cyanophycea. But
I t has been frequently observed and re- with steam power it is confidently expected
corded that copepods come to the surface in that enough centrifugal force can be de-
vast numbers a t night. W e have frequently veloped to throw out even these.
observed that on certain days they are a t The machine is particularly valuable as
the surface in equal abundance. Their a rapid, sure method for collecting the
presence a t the surface appears to be inde- microscopic plankton, and its use will dis-
pendent of light and darkness, or of close many forms hitherto rare or unknown.
meteorological conditions, but correlated As used by us, the two reservoirs, each of
with the presence a t the surface of certain one litre capacity, are filled with water
species of diatoms, or of quantities of algal drawn from a known depth by means of a
d6bris; observations confirming the belief valved tin tube. For control purposes both
that these diatoms and amorphous organic reservoirs are used. After revolving 2 to 5
materials are the principal food of copepods minutes the volume of organic matter is
and of young decapod larve. read on the graduated tube ; the tubes are
Rotifers occur in great abundance dur- then unscrewed, and the contents washed
ing July, August and September, but we out by a pipette and filtered distilled water
have found them a t the surface only during into a tube of narrow lumen 'graduated to
the day, and near the bottom during the &, of a cc. After settling for the neces-
night. sary time, either with or witbout treatment
Cordylophora and a nudibranch mollusc with Formalin, the volume is read and
are found in water whose specific gravity compared with the volume noted upon the
never rises above 1.005. graduated tube of the reservoir. This is
Investigations are now in progress to dis- necessary from the fact that certain forms
cover the cause of the phenomena noted by are packed more closely than are others by
us, that ctenophores and medusa (Ductylo- the centrifugal force. The volume of water
metra), which are brought into the pond by is then made 5 cc.; the organisms are dis-
the tide, are checked in their growth, and tributed evenly by gentle shaking or by a
after several months of residence in the pipette, and the number of individuals of
pond show but a very slight increase in each species is enumerated according to the
size. The same causes have possibly re- Sedgwick-Rafter method.
sulted in the various species of Nereis
Balanus, and molluscs described as inhabit- Nocturnal Protective Coloration of Mammals,
ing only brackish water, and which differ Birds, Fishes and Insects. A. E. VERRILL.
from similar marine species mainly in their Much has been written in respect to the
smaller size. imitative and and protective colors of mam-
Our earlier methods of plankton collection mals, birds, insects, etc., and the bearing
were by means of fine nets, and by sand of these facts on natural selectio~i,to which
filtration of known volumes of water after *Proc. Aoad. of Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, May, 1896.

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