Tugas Rancob 2 - Arif Darmawan - 20210122025

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Disusun Oleh:
Nama : Arif Darmawan
NIM : 20210122025


Institut Pertanian (INTAN) Yogyakarta

a. Pengacakan Lapangan

Column1 Column2 Column3

P1Q1U1 P1Q1U2 P1Q1U1
P1Q1U2 P1Q1U3 P1Q1U2
P1Q1U3 P1Q1U4 P1Q1U3
P2U1U1 P2Q1U1 P2U1U2
P2U1U2 P2Q1U2 P2U1U2
P2U1U3 P2Q1U3 P2U1U3
P3U1U1 P3Q2U1 P3U1U1
P3U1U2 P3Q2U2 P3U1U2
P3U1U3 P3Q2U3 P3U1U3

P1Q2U2 P3Q2U1 P2Q2U3
P2Q1U2 P1Q3U1 P3Q1U3
P2Q3U2 P2Q3U1 P1Q2U3
P3Q2U2 P2Q1U1 P3Q2U3
P1Q1U2 P1Q1U1 P1Q1U3
P3Q3U2 P3Q1U1 P2Q3U3
P1Q3U2 P2Q2U1 P1Q3U3
P3Q1U2 P1Q2U1 P3Q3U3
P2Q2U2 P3Q3U1 P1Q1U3
b. Analisis varian dan uji lanjut data

Between-Subjects Factors

pengolahan lahan 1 9

2 9

3 9
varietas 1 9

2 9

3 9

Tests of Between-Subjects Effects

Dependent Variable: hasil tanaman

Type III Sum of

Source Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Corrected Model 254.889a 2 127.444 9.447 .001
Intercept 8965.333 1 8965.333 664.555 .000
sistem 254.889 2 127.444 9.447 .001
Error 323.778 24 13.491
Total 9544.000 27
Corrected Total 578.667 26

a. R Squared = .440 (Adjusted R Squared = .394)

1. Grand Mean
Dependent Variable: hasil tanaman

95% Confidence Interval

Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound

18.222 .707 16.763 19.681

2. pengolahan lahan

Dependent Variable: hasil tanaman

95% Confidence Interval

pengolahan lahan Mean Std. Error Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 16.333 1.224 13.806 18.860

2 22.556 1.224 20.029 25.082
3 15.778 1.224 13.251 18.305

Pairwise Comparisons
Dependent Variable: hasil tanaman

95% Confidence Interval for

Mean Difference Differenceb

(I) pengolahan lahan (J) pengolahan lahan (I-J) Std. Error Sig.b Lower Bound Upper Bound

1 2 -6.222* 1.731 .001 -9.796 -2.649

3 .556 1.731 .751 -3.018 4.129

2 1 6.222* 1.731 .001 2.649 9.796
3 6.778* 1.731 .001 3.204 10.351
3 1 -.556 1.731 .751 -4.129 3.018

2 -6.778* 1.731 .001 -10.351 -3.204

Based on estimated marginal means

*. The mean difference is significant at the .05 level.
b. Adjustment for multiple comparisons: Least Significant Difference (equivalent to no adjustments).

Univariate Tests
Dependent Variable: hasil tanaman

Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.

Contrast 254.889 2 127.444 9.447 .001

Error 323.778 24 13.491

The F tests the effect of pengolahan lahan. This test is based on the linearly
independent pairwise comparisons among the estimated marginal means.
hasil tanaman


pengolahan lahan N 1 2

3 9 15.7778
1 9 16.3333
2 9 22.5556
Sig. .751 1.000

Means for groups in homogeneous subsets are displayed.

Based on observed means.
The error term is Mean Square(Error) = 13.491.
a. Uses Harmonic Mean Sample Size = 9.000.
b. Alpha = .05.

c. Kesimpulan
Berdasarkan hasil uji duncan diatas terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan anatara rata-rata
kelompok pada variable dependen nilai. Hasil rata-rata kelompok 1-2 lebih tinggi dari pada
kelompok 3.

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