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To Food
Gelatin Gummies

We as a family absolutely LOVE gelatin gummies - they
are the perfect snack for your toddler, and yourself!
SO easy to make, but also - SO nutritious! Gelatin is
incredible at assisting with the build and repair of the

gut lining. It also boosts immunity, assists digestion,
improves skin health and is amazing if your little one
suffers from allergies and/or eczema, as it is rich in
glycine, which helps to repair the intestinal barrier.

It’s very important to get a good quality gelatin -

grass-fed bovine gelatin is what will provide the nutri-
tional benefits - I use Nutra Organics or Great Lakes
gelatin personally.

Age appropriate: 7 months +

Utensils: small saucepan, silicone moulds of choice

or a tupperware container

350mls liquid of choice (see notes for ideas)
4 TBSP organic, grass fed organic gelatin
1-2 TBSP honey (omit for babies under 12 months)
1. Add liquid of choice to a saucepan - we used a
cold pressed apple based juice and added some
fresh passionfruit pulp!
2. Sprinkle 4 TBSP gelatin on top and allow it to
‘bloom’—where the gelatin absorbs the liquid
and it looks wrinkled; leave for a few minutes if in
3. Once bloomed place the saucepan on a low heat
and stir until all gelatin dissolves (will take a couple
of minutes).
4. Add sweetener if using (for babies over 12
months) and stir until dissolved.
5. Turn off heat and allow it to cool down slightly. If
you are adding in the cod liver oil, add it in now and
stir through.
6. Pour into silicone moulds, or into a rectangular
glass container lined with baking paper - or you can
use the passionfruit skins as we have here for a fun
idea. Place in the fridge until set; this will take at
least 2 hours. Setting times will vary depending on
what liquid you use.
7. If serving a baby as well as your toddler, cut the
gummies into finger-shaped safe size pieces.


• Liquid ideas:
• Cold pressed juice (preferably vegetable based
for babies).
• Blitzed fruit pureed in coconut water, such as
berries or passionfruit.
• Brewed chamomile tea (leaves removed).
• Coconut milk or coconut water.
• Will keep in the fridge in a sealed container for
5 days, does not freeze well as they will melt on
• Great for a lunchbox snack for a park play - but
not great for a school lunchbox if not eaten by
morning tea as they will melt!
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