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A. Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate modal verb either in the affirmative or in the negative.

among: can / could / must / should / will

Dear friend,

I'm having relationship problems and don't know what to do. Last night, we tried to sit down and talk, but we
couldn't look at each others faces. I think our main problem is communication. What will we do?

I considered visiting a relationship counselor. I scheduled a month of sessions which ________ begin next week.
I'm hoping this _________ work. I'm open to any ideas. My parents told me that we _________ spend more time
together and dedicate some time during the week on activities we __________ do together.

I still love him very much; he _______ love me too because he still hasn't left me. I know we ______ do this if we
persevere. I ______ do anything to keep this relationship going.

Sincerely, your best friend.

B. Imagine you are friends with the person from the letter above. Reply to the letter and write down some advice
to her. What do you think she should do about their relationship. Make sure you use Modals and Lexical
Modality. (5-8 lines)











C. Nowadays, many people have different opinions about marriage. Some see it as an antiquated tradition, and
others see it as an important partnership and declaration of love. What is your opinion about it?









D. Write a three-step manual on how to build a great relationship. Make sure to justify each step.










couldn't should
can/ could

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