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Home&Real Estate

Home Front
Open HOME Guide 58
Also online at

BIRDS AND BEES ... Master Garden-
er Rebecca Schoenenberger will offer
a free workshop on “Growing Flowers
That Attract Birds, Bees, Humming-
birds, Beneficial Insects and Other

Organisms” on Tuesday, July 31,
from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Los Altos
Library, 13 S. San Antonio Road, Los
Altos. Information: Master Gardeners
at 408-282-3105, between 9:30 a.m.
and 12:30 p.m., Monday through Fri-

day or

GARDEN BONANZA ... Filoli will offer

three days of demonstrations, walks
and talks, plus crafts for children dur-
ing its “Great Big Garden Bonanza”

from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Friday
and Saturday, Aug. 3 and 4, and
from 11 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Sunday,
Aug. 5, at 86 Cañada Road, Wood-
side. Highlights include a walk through
the heirloom orchard; as well as walks
and talks focusing on everything from
picking pears to preparing food or
flower arranging using seasonal fruit
and blooms. There’s also a display
of cutting garden flowers and an art
exhibit, “Handcrafted and Through
the Lens.” All activities are included in
Filoli’s admission fee, which is $15 for
adult nonmembers, $12 for seniors,
$5 for children (ages 5 to 17). Informa-
tion: 650-364-8300 or
(for complete schedule of events)

WHAT’S COOKING? . . . Hands-on

cooking classes at Sur La Table, #57
Town & Country Village, Palo Alto,
include: “Summer Berry Puddings
Pies and Cakes” (Saul Flores, July
28, 11 a.m., $69; “Best of Thailand”
(Terrina Wong, July 28, 5 p.m., $69);
“Tame the Flame: Everyday Grilling”
(Kim Henderson, July 29, 3 p.m., Mosquitos can thrive in pools,
$69); “Date Night: Surf and Turf”
(Will VanBrackle, Aug. 3, 6:30 p.m., ponds or even fountains
$85); “Essential Knife Skills” (Saul
Flores, Aug. 4, 11 a.m., $59); “Sum-
by Helen Carefoot
mer Tapas Party” (Will VanBrackle,

Aug. 4, 5 p.m., $69); “Fresh French zzzzzz. T hwack. a peak in June and July.
Fruit Desserts” (Saul Flores, Aug. 5, There’s nothing quite While most folks don’t take
11 a.m., $69); and “Sizzling Mexico” like the buzz of a mos- mosquitoes too seriously, last
(Will VanBrackle, Aug. 5, 5 p.m., $69). quito to ruin a summer week’s discovery of a squirrel
Information: 650-289-0438 or email barbecue — or a warm with West Nile virus in Menlo night’s rest. Park brings the potential prob-
Though 2012 has seen a de- lem quite close to home.
INTRO TO ALESSI ... New and classic crease in mosquito activity Residents should take abate-
Alessi designs for kitchen, tabletop in Palo Alto, late rains have ment measures to prevent mos-
and home will be on display at Fibre created more possible nest- quitoes from nesting in their
Arts Design Studio, 935 Industrial ing places in puddles. This yards, especially in sources of
Ave., Palo Alto, from noon to 4 p.m. excess of standing water has still water, said Russell Par-
on Saturday, July 28. Alessi staff provided ample mosquito nest- man, acting district manager of
will be on hand to answer questions, ing grounds: This year so far, the Santa Clara County Vector
and at 2 p.m., Jens Menke of Alessi the Santa Clara County Vector Control District. Close proxim-
will offer stories behind the designs Control District, the county sec- ity to mosquito nesting grounds
and the history of the Italian ceramic tor responsible for pest control, mean a greater chance of being
company, as well as high tea. The has assisted abatement in 150 bitten and possibly contracting
current exhibition at the design studio, residences. Much of it occurs in a disease, such as West Nile
“Hearth and Home,” which explores foreclosed homes or in homes virus. Timeliness is paramount
concepts of constructed spaces, con- that have been rented out while in abatement because eggs be-
tinues through Aug. 19. Information: their owners are on vacation. come adults in about 14 days. or 650- Mosquito season may be- As mosquitoes continue to lay
485-2121 n gin as early as January, but eggs in the water source, the
Send notices of news and events related
droughts this year after heavy water becomes a more attrac-
to real estate, interior design, home rains pushed the beginning of tive venue for other mosquitoes
improvement and gardening to Home Front, the season back to March. Typi- to nest in, causing more mosqui-
Palo Alto Weekly, P.O. Box 1610, Palo Alto, cally, the season lasts from
CA 94302, or email
Deadline is one week before publication.
early April to late August, with (continued on page 35) • Palo Alto Weekly • July 27, 2012 • Page 33

Page 34 • July 27, 2012 • Palo Alto Weekly •
Home & Real Estate

Mosquitos Read More Online
(continued from page 33)
For more Home and Real Estate news, visit www.
toes to populate the same pond or fountain.
Parman advises residents to take care of any
containers of standing water.
“People should empty or drain standing
or anything.”
She was also pleased with the ease of acquir- A GOOD REALTOR...
water of any size around the home,” he said, ing and installing the fish. “I just researched
“especially swimming pools and spas.” Par- online, called the vector control agency and
man says the most common mosquito nesting they set me up with them. It was really easy.”
The fish are available to all Santa Clara
Listens carefully
grounds in Palo Alto are old catch basins and
dilapidated swimming pools. County residents with free delivery from
Barron Park resident Nancy Hamilton expe- April through October. However, it is illegal Communicates honestly
rienced abatement first hand when she discov- to plant mosquito fish without a county-issued
ered mosquito larvae living in her fountain.
“I have a portable fountain on my deck that
permit. Also, the fish cannot be released into
the wild because they are prolific and are Is responsive and resourceful
my dog sometimes drinks out of,” she said, capable of displacing natural species. If and
when mosquito fish are no longer needed or
“I watched it carefully and saw the larvae
just below the surface, which looked like thin reach abundance, residents can return them Provides data to inform your
black hairs.” to the county.
According to the Santa Clara County Vec-
After doing some research, she decided to
replace the water in her fountain. Initially, tor Control District website, the two types of
Hamilton did not think it was possible for
mosquito larvae to live in her fountain.
mosquitoes most commonly found in Palo
Alto, the Culex and the Culiseta, lay “rafts,” Works diligently until your goals are
“I didn’t think I would have a problem or groups of 200 to 300 eggs that float on the achieved
because Palo Alto water has chloromine surface of stagnant water sources. A raft of
(a chemical used to clean water), but I was eggs looks like a speck of soot floating atop
wrong. The chloromine doesn’t evaporate, so the water and each raft is about a quarter-inch
long and an eighth-inch wide.
it doesn’t take care of the problem.”
Parman said Gambusia affinis, or mos- The Culex tends to lay eggs in man-made
quito fish, “are an extremely effective means water sources such as sewage or ponds; the Ng]^klmZg]lmaZmbmlZeeZ[hnmyou
of abatement in urban residential settings be- Culiseta prefers warm, sheltered, foul or pol-
cause they are environmentally friendly and luted water such as that found in neglected
able to re-populate by themselves.” swimming pools or catch basins. Both mos-
Originally introduced into California as quito varieties have been known to cluster
early as 1922, mosquito fish have been one of around creeks. n
the most effective non-insecticidal and non-
chemical methods of controlling mosquitoes
Editorial Intern Helen Carefoot can be
emailed at COLLEEN
for more than 80 years, he said. The fish live
near the surface of the water source and eat
the mosquito eggs resting on the surface. How to prevent mosquitoes
A resilient species, mosquito fish are ca- from nesting in your yard Realtor ®
pable of surviving harsh conditions like water
with low oxygen content or elevated salinity • Cover containers (so mosquitoes 650.380.0085
and only need to be planted once per season. cannot enter to lay eggs)
In a given year, the fish may produce any- • Remove excess vegetation
where from 50 to 100 live-born young in three
or four broods. Each fish is capable of eating
• Change outdoor pet bowls and bird
baths regularly
more than 100 mosquito larvae daily. The fish • Destroy or dispose of tin cans, old DRE# 01349099
can be placed in ponds and fountains, as well tires, buckets, plastic sheeting or other
as some swimming pools. containers that collect and hold water
The fish require little upkeep and can live • Fill or drain puddles, ditches and
for two to three years. The fish do not need to swampy areas
be fed unless the pond they inhabit is new and • Remove, drain or fill tree holes and
without vegetation; in this case, the fish can stumps with mortar
eat tropical fish flakes. Algae are beneficial • Eliminate seepage from cisterns,
for mosquito fish, but they cannot survive in cesspools and septic tanks
ponds or fountains containing duckweed or • Take care not to over-irrigate lawns.
certain types of leaves like eucalyptus, pine, To obtain mosquito fish and assistance,
oak or pittosporum. residents can call the district at 408-914-
One Barron Park resident used mosquito 4770/800-675-1155 or enter a request for
fish to abate her empty swimming pool after services at (search for
it had collected excess rainwater and was very “mosquito abatement”).
happy with the results. “I challenge anyone to — Helen Carefoot
find a mosquito in that pool,” she said. “They
do their job and you don’t have to feed them

HOME SALES 122 Mission Drive B. & S. Du-

betsky to T. Hui for $240,000
1190 Grant Road Sun Trust to L.
Yin for $1,285,000 on 6/29/12; pre-
Home sales are provided by
on 6/21/12; previous sale 1/01, vious sale 4/05, $1,165,000
California REsource, a real estate
$381,000 231 Yerba Buena Ave. J. & W.
information company that obtains
2250 Ralmar Ave. Wells Fargo Raabe to T. & C. Shaked for
the information from the County
Recorder’s Office. Information
is recorded from deeds after the
Bank to H. Zheng for $273,000
on 6/22/12; previous sale 12/96,
$2,070,000 on 7/3/12
Los Altos Hills
Palo Alto Atherton
close of escrow and published 28025 Arastradero Road Mead-
1027 Ruth Court Aurora Loan Ser-
within four to eight weeks. ows Trust to Ranganathan Trust for
vices to A. Callejas for $246,000
$3,100,000 on 6/29/12; previous
East Palo Alto on 6/20/12; previous sale 12/04,
sale 4/88, $965,000
1765 E. Bayshore Road #210 $520,000
12445 Hilltop Drive Hedayati-
Yuen Trust to L. Giam for $331,000
on 6/22/12; previous sale 7/08,
Los Altos Flake Trust to P. & N. Tamer for
38 3rd St. #102 Blankenburg $5,070,000 on 6/29/12
Trust to T. Rose for $1,195,000 4270 Manuela Way Noble Trust to
1012 Bradley Way Gonzalez
on 6/29/12; previous sale 3/99, E. Stein for $2,325,000 on 6/29/12
Trust to G. & S. Geppert-Lal for
$621,000 26462 Purissima Road Los
$300,000 on 6/20/12
3378 Beaumont Square J. & M. Altos Homes to V. & V. Sikka for
1224 Camellia Drive H. Chen to J.
Lee to R. Jain for $1,560,000 on $6,150,000 on 6/29/12
Qin for $262,000 on 6/22/12
7/3/12 14085 Seven Acres Lane S. &
2466 Gloria Way S. Maximo to
728 Brentwood Court Fournier T. Colby to T. & L. Ramgopal for
Habitat For Humanity for $209,000
Trust to E. & Y. Shimoni for $2,100,000 on 7/6/12; previous sale
on 6/22/12; previous sale 1/07,
$1,520,000 on 7/2/12 5/09, $1,900,000
310 Costello Drive Park Trust 13303 Wildcrest Drive B. & E.
1238 Laurel Ave. Equity Growth
to Golzen Trust for $2,202,000
Asset Management to D. Mejia for
$350,000 on 6/21/12; previous sale
9/99, $250,000
on 6/27/12; previous sale 8/03,
$1,510,000 (continued on next page)
Portola Valley Menlo Park • Palo Alto Weekly • July 27, 2012 • Page 35
Home & Real Estate

(continued from previous page) SALES AT A GLANCE

MANSELL Cohen to E. Kita for $2,450,000

on 7/6/12 East Palo Alto Mountain View
1440 Modoc Ave. Habitat For
Humanity to M. Li for $315,000
Total sales reported: 8
Lowest sales price: $209,000
Total sales reported: 20
Lowest sales price: $285,000
RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE on 6/18/12; previous sale 1/11,
Highest sales price: $350,000 Highest sales price: $1,800,000
$257,500 Los Altos Palo Alto
OPEN SUNDAY 1:30-4:30 PM 269 O’connor St. O’Connor
Investment to A. Jain for
Total sales reported: 6 Total sales reported: 13
$1,250,000 on 6/21/12 Lowest sales price: $1,195,000 Lowest sales price: $197,000
LOS ALTOS 4 Pepperwood Court B.
& J. Porter to V. Pilette for
Highest sales price: $2,202,000 Highest sales price: $3,275,000

$3,452,000 on 6/20/12; previ- Los Altos Hills Redwood City

425 OLD OAK COURT $2,095,000 ous sale 2/07, $3,450,000 Total sales reported: 6 Total sales reported: 9
2426 Sharon Oaks Drive Lowest sales price: $2,100,000 Lowest sales price: $210,000
Spacious Home, Close to Downtown. Gardner Trust to J. Browne for Highest sales price: $6,150,000 Highest sales price: $1,600,000
Large Kitchen with Eating Area. Formal Dining Room. $1,200,000 on 6/21/12
Living Room with Fireplace and Vaulted Ceiling. 1330 University Drive G. Menlo Park Woodside
Morrison to Tollinger Trust for Total sales reported: 6 Total sales reported: 2
Powder Room, Ground Floor Master Bedroom Suite. $1,058,500 on 6/19/12; previ-
ous sale 2/10, $695,000 Lowest sales price: $310,000 Lowest sales price: $695,000
Two Additional Bedroom Suites Plus Office Highest sales price: $3,452,000 Highest sales price: $3,275,000
1212 Windermere Ave. G. & X.
and Family Room Upstairs. Nickings to M. & M. Baskaus- Source: California REsource
Private, Tiered Backyard. Association Pool and Tennis Court. kas for $310,000 on 6/21/12;
previous sale 5/97, $179,000

BY APPOINTMENT ONLY Mountain View on 6/27/12; previous sale 1/07, 7 Sutter Creek Lane Barve Trust previous sale 2/91, $643,000
2349 Carol Ave. Smith Trust to $710,500 to T. & K. Beals for $525,000 259 Santa Rita Ave. R. & T. Lee
Diamond Trust for $1,385,000 125 Huntington Court B. Gree- on 6/29/12; previous sale 5/01, to Green Trust for $2,595,000 on
LOS ALTOS HILLS on 7/2/12; previous sale 11/07, ley to A. Solomon for $650,000 $440,000 6/29/12
$1,298,000 on 6/29/12; previous sale 3/03, 476 Sylvan Ave. T. Angelotti to D.
AMBIANCE OF ANOTHER ERA $4,995,000 412 Chagall St. Shea Homes $525,000 Saito for $1,641,500 on 6/29/12; Redwood City
to P. Vemulapalli for $772,500 1437 Meadow Lane Rado Trust previous sale 7/08, $1,380,000 17 Cove Lane Norris Trust to P.
A Long Tree-Lined Drive Leads to this Glorious Knoll-Top Setting. on 7/3/12 to J. & E. Han for $1,610,000 32 Tyrella Court A. Kamath to & M. Calvinperez for $455,000
405 Chesley Ave. Rosenfeld on 7/6/12; previous sale 5/02, M. Mammarella for $752,000 on 6/19/12; previous sale 4/88,
The Property is Situated Close to the Village, Trust to Engleman Trust for $965,000 on 6/29/12; previous sale 1/98, $186,000
is Extremely Private and Quiet, $1,800,000 on 7/3/12 2047 Montecito Ave. #3 A. & A. $359,500 1936 Goodwin Ave. Farwell Trust
1390 W. Dana St. D. Kaern Olah to Mountain View Retirement 736 Vaquero Drive R. & J. Schaef- to Altick Trust for $775,000 on
And Offers Abundant Trees and Level, Usable Land. to A. Drzewiecki for $889,000 for $285,000 on 7/5/12 6/20/12
fer to A. Powell for $830,000 on
The Gracious Home has 3Bd, 3.5Ba, Library, Dining Room, on 6/29/12; previous sale 1/09, 1935 Mt. Vernon Court #1 Van- 7/3/12 932 Governors Bay Drive G.
$710,000 besouw Trust to Green Belt Invest- Gitschel to N. Balthaser for
Large Kitchen Plus Great Room, Detached 3-Car Garage. 26 Dorchester Drive S. Lin
2110 Windrose Place S. Brook to
$1,600,000 on 6/22/12; previous
ment for $340,000 on 7/5/12; previ- S. Tramiel for $670,000 on 6/29/12;
Separate 2Bd, 2Ba Guest House to J. Rangaiah for $670,000 ous sale 1/98, $187,500 previous sale 10/03, $552,000 sale 1/07, $1,540,000
on 7/5/12; previous sale 6/03, 1930 Mt. Vernon Court #7 S. 1824 Hull Ave. E. & B. Voelk to J.
$500,000 Tracy to C. Chuang for $435,000 Palo Alto Roessner for $970,000 on 6/22/12;
(650) 948-0811 1755 Ednamary Way #5 on 7/6/12; previous sale 5/05, 2480 Agnes Way C. Schira to C. & previous sale 10/07, $1,101,000
Chan Trust to D. Gandour for $455,000 L. Patnoe for $1,300,000 on 7/3/12 620 Hurlingame Ave. C. & R.
300 THIRD ST. SUITE 9, LOS ALTOS, CA 94022 $701,000 on 6/29/12; previous 407 Alder Lane G. Schisler to Mendez to K. Lomeli for $210,000
1438 Nilda Ave. M. & C. Walker
sale 3/08, $710,000 to A. Vijendran for $1,200,000 on Chan Trust for $1,521,000 on on 6/15/12; previous sale 2/97,
135 Escuela Ave. Bialson Trust 6/29/12 6/28/12; previous sale 9/08, $135,000
to Hon Trust for $630,000 on 49 Showers Drive #W201 R. $1,668,500 102 Moonbeam Lane E. & P.
7/3/12; previous sale 3/00, Cigarrero to B. Matenciuc-An- 2090 Columbia St. Brown Trust to Menor to Y. Wang for $1,049,000
$391,000 tonesc for $485,000 on 6/29/12; C. Nebel for $1,380,000 on 6/28/12 on 6/19/12; previous sale 11/04,
193 Greyhawk Court K. previous sale 5/07, $555,000 4161 El Camino Way #E A. Stcyr $1,075,000
Bellers to A. Tull for $685,000 to D. Mitchell for $197,000 on 530 Oak Ridge Drive M. & K.
6/29/12 Parodi to S. Hoang for $660,000
3544 Emerson St. A. Arani to J. on 6/22/12; previous sale 12/04,
Liang for $1,348,000 on 7/6/12 $676,000

Trusted 435 Fernando Ave. L. & J. Quill

to U. Erlingsson for $1,545,000
on 6/28/12; previous sale 11/01,
385 Sequoia Ave. Finato Trust to
T. Lutz for $620,000 on 6/15/12;
previous sale 9/03, $450,000
$490,000 807 Shepard Way Kester Trust to

Real estate 365 Forest Ave. #3a J. & J.

Kang to D. Cohen for $1,140,000
on 6/27/12; previous sale 7/05,
M. & K. Kurland for $950,000 on

$960,000 Woodside

Professional 3195 Kipling St. Baker Trust to D. 232 Blakewood Way T. Bauer
& H. Kim for $1,939,500 on 7/6/12; to D. Davenport for $695,000
previous sale 8/03, $1,500,000 on 6/21/12; previous sale 10/86,
300 Lowell Ave. Miller Trust to S. $155,000
& C. Tierney for $3,275,000 on 7 Oak Haven Way Ihrie Trust to
6/29/12 G. & L. Hsu for $3,275,000 on

Kathleen Wilson 4217 Manuela Ave. Barbeau

Trust to J. Althoff for $3,000,000
6/20/12; previous sale 12/00,
on 6/29/12; previous sale 4/92,

650.543.1094 $715,000
1780 Newell Road F. Huang to BUILDING PERMITS
M. Zanganeh for $2,850,000 Palo Alto on 7/6/12; previous sale 6/08,
568 Rhodes Drive J. & C. Wu to
101 Alma St. Palo Alto Condo
Owners Assoc., install omni anten-
na, GPS unit, equipment cabinet
H. Kim for $1,900,000 on 7/2/12;

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Page 36 • July 27, 2012 • Palo Alto Weekly •

Home & Real Estate

and coaxial run on roof, $15,000

Real Estate Matters

551 Hilbar Lane C. Achtman, bath-
notes on the property? Past due gotten smart lately, and some-
room remodel, 41 sq. ft., $6,000 property taxes? Does a family live times the opening bid is less than
765 San Antonio Road, #21 R. there? This is the time to know a the loan. Banks have realized that
Salome, remodel kitchen, master friendly Realtor and a title com- the property may be so over-en-
bathroom and hall bathroom, $n/a Are there foreclosures around here, pany representative. Going back cumbered that the amount owed
4345 Silva Ave. R. de Huizon,
new cabinets, some Sheetrock
and how do I buy one? to your Internet foreclosure site, to them will never be realized in
replacement, six LED recess lights, by Wendy McPherson the next notice you will see is a a regular sale. The higher priced
$24,400 Notice of Trustee’s Sale. You will the property, the more loathe the

674 Florales Drive B. & J. Semer-
ia, new second-story bedroom and
ight now in the Town of the prop- see this about 90 days after the bank is to take it back. Banks
bathroom addition, first-story kitch- Atherton, there are two erty. These filing of the NOD. This gives the generally figure that repossess-
en and laundry addition, remodel properties that were repos- notices are date that the property will be auc- ing a house, with all the ensuing
garage, 860 sq. ft., $219,000 sessed by the banks that loaned a matter of tioned on the courthouse steps. effort and cost of placing it on the
742 Ashby Drive M. Schumacher,
bathroom remodel, $9,000
the former owners the money to public re- There are no actual steps at market, will run them 15 to 30
505 N. California Ave. R. Sandel buy (or refinance). These proper- cord. 400 County Road, Redwood City, percent over the cost of the loan.
& R. Shpall, new beam in family ties have been through the fore- The sites where San Mateo County proper- The above primer is a rough
room, remodel two bathrooms, closure process, are currently for on the web ties are auctioned, but it is done draft of the complete process.
989 Embarcadero Road Ho, 493-
sale by the bank and on the open that give outside the building. This is actu- Many, many hiccups can hap-
sq.-ft. addition of family room and market. They are listed by real accurate ally a fascinating process — it is pen along the way. What are
bedroom, $78,991 estate agents. i n for ma- worth showing up at 1 p.m. (same the biggest pitfalls? If you nev-
3539 Louis Road Eichler Swim & One is listed at $11,750,000 and tion a re time everyday) to watch the bid- er get inside the house, what is
Racquet Club, replace pool me-
chanical equipment, $58,000
was on the market two years ago the ones ding. A man with a clipboard the real condition? I have seen
3350 W. Bayshore Road Alexan- for $25 million. The other home that you should subscribe to; calls out the address of the first houses where rooms are noth-
dria Real Estate Inquiries, Inc., ten- is priced at $4,400,000, is in a subscriptions can run from a few property to be auctioned and the ing but Sheetrock — no plumb-
ant improvement, new equipment great location, but is in marginal hundred to a few thousand dol- minimum bid. Your Internet site ing, appliances or fixtures. Is
in lab space, replace storefront
window, $50,000
condition; the listing mentions lars a year. They provide numbers should have given you the date and there some loan or tax lien that
1305 Greenwood Ave. B. Gee, ad- that it has no appliances. There to call to check the status of the time of the auction and the mini- was not cleared from title? Who
dition of porch roof cover, $142,000 are a few of these properties loan(s) and the amounts. A Notice mum amount that the bank will is still living there? Do you want
292 Carolina Lane J. Bracken, available in Menlo Park and Palo of Default (NOD) is the first fil- accept to let you buy the property. to be the one to evict a family?
kitchen remodel, replace kitchen
cabinet and countertop, 150 sq.
Alto too. ing, where someone has defaulted If the amount owed to the bank Are there permit issues? Zoning
ft., $17,500 on his monthly payments or on is $786,456, you had better have problems? Termites?
2328 Greer Road P. Bailey, master
bathroom remodel, $8,000
How do I buy one? her balloon payment. Banks are that amount in your pocket — The list of potential issues is
The first challenge is finding obligated to publish these notices yes, in your pocket — in the form substantial. The rewards can also
4104 Solana Drive T. Li & J. Pi,
new two-story single-family resi- out about these properties. There for a 90-day period. of cashier’s checks made out to be substantial, but this process
dence with attached one-car ga- are Internet sites that you can This is the time to do some dili- cash. If you don’t have the exact is definitely for those with large
rage, 3,324 sq. ft., $497,000 access to find houses that have gent reconnaissance on compara- amount, you will get a refund in wallets and iron stomachs. n
103 Emerson St. P. Alexander, re-
Notices of Default filed on them. ble properties and try to ascertain the mail a few days later for your Wendy McPherson manages
place bathtub with shower, $7,300
600 Bryson Ave. D. Parker, replace Banks file these notices because the condition of the property. You overpayment. They do not accept about 145 agents for Coldwell
three sliding-glass doors, patch the owners are not making their can drive by the house, though underpayments. Banker in two Menlo Park of-
walls and install cabinets in master mortgage payments or have not you cannot get in, as generally The opening bid stated by Mr. fices, plus Woodside and Porto-
bedroom, remodel master bath-
paid a balloon payment due on someone is living there. Clipboard is usually the amount la Valley. She can be reached at
room, $22,000
Are there other deeds of trust/ of the loan. However, banks have



700 La Mesa Drive, Portola Valley 521 Lowell Avenue, Palo Alto
S ituated in the award-winning Las Lomitas School District, this spacious remodeled
residence features impeccable interior design. The 4 bedroom home includes a fabulous
Master Suite with adjacent nursery/ office area and a custom walk-in closet. A beautifully
T his elegant residence located on one of Old Palo Alto’s most desirable streets features 4
bedrooms plus a detached guest quarters and artist studio, situated on a lot of 9,000 sq
ft. An entry foyer welcomes the visitor to this fine home with hardwood floors throughout the
landscaped private yard on a terraced lot with lush lawn area and expansive rear deck with main house. The floor plan is highlighted by 4 bedrooms & 3 bathrooms upstairs and an open
views complete this elegant home. kitchen family room on the ground floor. Custom designer details throughout. A gorgeous
landscaped private garden completes this lovely traditional home.
t›#BUISPPNT Open Sunday t#FESPPNT Pó DFOPPL Open Sunday


L eannah Hunt
L aurel Hunt Robinson (650) 475.2030 (650) 475.2035
DRE# 01009791 DRE# 01747147


Page 38 • July 27, 2012 • Palo Alto Weekly • • Palo Alto Weekly • July 27, 2012 • Page 39
Page 40 • July 27, 2012 • Palo Alto Weekly •
Open Saturday & Sunday 1:30 - 4:30

4BD + Office / 3.5BA

Los Altos 2,744 +/- SQ FT
724 Berry Avenue Offered at $1,998,000

Quality Is A Universal Language


Broker & Attorney Broker, President’s Club
650.823.8057 650.450.0160 • Palo Alto Weekly • July 27, 2012 • Page 41

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2330 EMERSON STREET Offered at $1,695,000

Jolaine & Jack Woodson


49 Politzer Drive, Menlo Park


y & estled on a large and private lot in West Menlo Park,
r da
S a tu this spacious home offers many opportunities for
Op enjoyment. There is plenty of room for expansion while
maintaining a spacious and tranquil garden sanctuary.
The 2 bedroom/2 bath home features an updated kitchen
(completed in 2010), a gracious living room overlooking
lovely gardens, an oversized family room/dining room
combination opening to the back gardens , and teak
hardwood floors in the main living areas.

Excellent Menlo Park School District

Offered at $1,998,500

Virtual tour available at

DRE# 00690964

Page 42 • July 27, 2012 • Palo Alto Weekly •

JULY 28 TH & 29 TH
SUN 1:00-4:00 SAT & SUN 2:00-4:00 SUN 1:30-4:30



SAT & SUN 1:00-4:00 SUN 2:00-4:00 SAT & SUN 1:30-4:30



SUN 1:30-4:30 SUN 1:30-4:30 SUN 1:30-4:30


3$/2$/72  ‡/26$/726  

6$5$72*$  ‡/26*$726  
:,//2:*/(1  ‡6$17$&58=  

This information was supplied by reliable sources. Sales Associate believes this information to be correct but has not verified this information and assumes no
legal responsibility for its accuracy. Buyers should investigate these issues to their own satisfaction. Sereno Group DRE # 01519580. • Palo Alto Weekly • July 27, 2012 • Page 43

MBA/LLB Stanford MS
Juliana Lee is the #1 agent in Palo Alto for sales
completed in the last 10 years
(650) 857 - 1000
Fluent in Mandarin

3728 Feather Lane

Palo Alto

3 BR/2.5BA | 1,629 sq. ft Living Space | Built in 2009 | Top Schools: Gunn High, JLS Middle, Palo Verde Elementary

Bright Sun-filled
Contemporary Condo
O ne of Summerhill Homes’ distinctive newer developments in
Palo Alto, this perfectly situated tri-level condo has the appeal
of a single family home. The interior spaces are light filled with
ample windows and high ceilings. The spacious patio off of the
living room creates an inviting outdoor living space in addition
to the beautifully landscaped common grounds throughout the
condo community: walkways, BBQ, and children’s play area. All
this in one of the best locations on the Peninsula with its proxim-
ity to Stanford, the best public schools, shopping, recreation, and
businesses. This home is not to be missed!

Offered at $1,050,000
Page 44 • July 27, 2012 • Palo Alto Weekly •

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