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(At a Restaurant)
Set 1
食物 shíwù food
蔬菜 shūcài vegetables
肉 ròu meat
面包 miànbāo bread
点菜 diǎn cài to order food
家常菜 jiācháng cài ordinary dishes (not fancy)
鸡蛋汤 jīdàn tāng egg soup
菜单 càidān menu

Set 2
筷子 kuàizi chopsticks
汤匙 tāngchí spoon
碗 wǎn bowl
盘子 pánzi plate
买单 mǎidān pay
酱油 jiàngyóu soy sauce
辣 là hot / spicy
餐馆 cānguǎn restaurant

Set 3
炒饭 chǎofàn fried rice
咖喱饭 gālí fàn curry rice
饺子 jiǎozi dumplings
蛋糕 dàn'gāo cake
饼干 bǐnggān cracker / cookie
锅贴 guōtiē fried dumpling
烤肉 kǎo ròu barbecue, to grill, to roast
中国菜 Zhōngguó cài Chinese food

Set 4
比萨饼 bǐsàbǐng pizza
汉堡 hànbǎo hamburger
薯条 shǔtiáo french fries
甜甜圈 tiántiánquān donut
饮料 yǐnliào drink
可乐 kělè cola
牛排 niúpái steak
西餐 xīcān Western food

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