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Clinical Research

Microarray Evaluation of Age-related Changes in Human

Dental Pulp
Michelangelo Tranasi, DDS,* Maria Teresa Sberna, MD, DDS,† Vincenzo Zizzari, DDS,*
Giuseppe D’Apolito, DDS,* Filiberto Mastrangelo, MD, DDS, PhD,* Luisa Salini, DDS,‡
Liborio Stuppia, MD, DDS,§ and Stefano Tetè, MD, DDS*

Introduction: The dental pulp undergoes age-related Key Words
changes that could be ascribed to physiological, defensive, Age-related changes, dental pulp, extracellular matrix, gene expression, microarray
or pathological irritant-induced changes. These changes
are regulated by pulp cell activity and by a variety of extra-
cellular matrix (ECM) macromolecules, playing important
roles in growth regulation, tissue differentiation and orga-
nization, formation of calcified tissue, and defense mecha-
T he dental pulp is a loose connective tissue characterized by its specific anatomic
location and organization being surrounded by dentin, which is a hard and inelastic
tissue. Dental pulp is composed of cells (fibroblasts, odontoblasts, and undifferentiated
nisms and reactions to inflammatory stimuli. The aim of mesenchymal cells) in contact with a complex chain of macromolecules secreted extra-
this research was to better understand the genetic changes cellularly that form the extracellular matrix (ECM) (1). The extracellular components
that underlie the histological modification of the dental are largely responsible for the physiological properties of the tissue.
pulp in aging. Methods: The gene expression profile of The ECM plays an important role in growth regulation and tissue differentiation
the human dental pulp in young and older subjects was and organization: important processes like defense mechanisms, inflammatory reac-
compared by RNA microarray analysis that allowed to tions, and the formation of calcified tissue occur extracellularly. The main macromol-
simultaneously analyze the expression levels of thousands ecules in dental pulp ECM are collagenous proteins (type I, III, and V collagen) (2),
of genes. Data were statistically analyzed by Significance bone sialoprotein, osteopontin, dentin matrix protein-1, osteocalcin, and osteonectin
Analysis of Microarrays (SAM) Ingenuity Pathway Analysis (3, 4). Odontoblasts also secrete tooth-specific proteins, such as dentin sialoprotein
(IPA) software. Semiquantitative and real-time reverse- (DSP), dentin phosphoprotein, and dentin glycoprotein (DGP), which are encoded
transcriptase polymerase chain reaction analyses were per- by a single gene called dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP) (5, 6). DSPP is an ECM
formed to confirm the results. Results: Microarray analysis protein of primary importance in tooth formation, and it plays an essential role in phys-
revealed several differentially expressed genes that were iological tooth development (7–9).
categorized in growth factors, transcription regulators, The dental pulp, like other body tissues, undergoes age-related changes that are
apoptosis regulators, and genes of the ECM. The compar- difficult to differentiate from physiological, defensive, and pathological irritant-induced
ison analysis showed a high expression level of the biolog- changes (10). One of the most obvious features of aging is a reduction in size of the pulp
ical functions of cell and tissue differentiation, chamber caused by the continual secretion of dentinal matrix (physiological secondary
development, and proliferation and of the immune, dentinogenesis) by odontoblasts (11). This process tends to narrow the originally wide-
lymphatic, and hematologic system in young dental pulp, open root apex; with aging, the apical deposition of secondary dentin and cementum
whereas the pathway of apoptosis was highly expressed increases, and circulation and innervation are compromised. As the pulp aging process
in older dental pulp. Conclusions: Expression profile anal- continues, there is a great decrease in the number of cells (odontoblasts, fibroblasts,
yses of human dental pulp represent a sensible and useful and mesenchymal cells) and a corresponding apparent increase in the number of
tool for the study of mechanisms involved in differentia- collagenous fibers; the number of blood capillaries, lymphatics, and nerves decrease,
tion, growth and aging of human dental pulp in physiolog- and their connective tissue sheaths become part of the remaining fibrous pulp. Other
ical and pathological conditions. (J Endod 2009;35: age-related changes include the increase of reticular fibers, lipid infiltration, and calci-
1211–1217) fication (12).
The vitality of dentin-pulp complex during tissue homeostasis, after injury and in
aging, is dependent on pulp cell activity and on the signaling processes that regulate the
behavior of these cells. Not only do the cells of the pulp maintain tissue homeostasis
From the *Department of Oral Science University ‘‘G. d’An- after tooth development, but they also underpin the defense reactions taking place in
nunzio,’’ Chieti, Italy; †Department of Oral Science, University response to injury, such as caries, and the reparative events leading to tissue regener-
‘‘Ateneo Vita-Salute San Raffaele,’’ Milan, Italy; ‡Base Sanitary ation. Growth factors are the key group of molecules responsible for signaling a variety
District (D.S.B), Francavilla al Mare (Ch), Italy; and §Center of of cellular processes during pulp development (13). The roles of growth factors in cell
Excellence of Aging (CESI), Department of Clinical Sciences
and Bio-imaging, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University signaling during tooth development and regeneration have only recently been identified.
‘‘G. d’Annunzio,’’ Chieti, Italy. They play a central role in signaling various aspects of tissue development and regen-
Address requests for reprints to Prof. Stefano Tete, eration and may regulate genes controlling cell proliferation, cell differentiation, or the
University of Chieti, Via dei Vestini 66013 Chieti, Italy, E-mail secretory products of the cells (14).
0099-2399/$0 - see front matter
Growth factors are responsible for signaling many of the key events in tooth
Copyright ª 2009 American Association of Endodontists. morphogenesis and differentiation; the recapitulation of these processes after dental
doi:10.1016/j.joen.2009.05.026 injury allows tissue regeneration. Apoptosis is another key phenomenon in tooth life;

JOE — Volume 35, Number 9, September 2009 SAM Evaluation of Age-related Changes in Human Dental Pulp 1211
Clinical Research
it is a genetically regulated form of cell death that is implicated in bio- Microarrays). Expression level of genes was obtained from the log2
logical processes ranging from embryonic development to aging and of the ratio between older pulp (numerator) and young pulp (denom-
plays an essential role in tooth development and aging (15, 16). inator) fluorescent signal intensity. The ratios were calculated by two
The aim of this research was to evaluate gene expression profile of independent analyses of each couple of samples (Old-1/Young-1 and
young and older human dental pulp in physiological conditions in order Old-2/Young-2); then, the average of ratios obtained was used for
to better understand the molecular mechanism playing a role in tooth fold change analysis. In each experiment, a 1.5-fold change in the signal
development and aging. In this research, changes in the gene expres- of each spot was considered as the evidence of a different expression of
sion profile were determined by comparing pulp samples using the mi- the specific transcript.
croarray technique. This allows us to simultaneously analyze the Ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) software (Ingenuity Systems,
expression levels of thousands of genes in a single experiment and to Redwood City, CA) was used to understand and investigate gene inter-
compare the most important function of dental pulp in aging. actions, molecular pathways, and main gene functions involved during
dental pulp aging. Gene accession numbers were imported into the IPA
Materials and Methods software, and significant genes were selected using cutoffs of p < 0.05
and fold change >1.5. Using the software, a comparison analysis was
Pulp Samples
performed to compare biochemical, biologic, and molecular functions
Dental pulp samples were obtained from human third molar teeth, in the two stages. The identified genes were also mapped to genetic
extracted for orthodontic or prosthetic reasons, from patients under- networks available in the Ingenuity database and then ranked by score.
going treatment in the clinics of the Department of Oral Science at IPA was performed to gather even more information on gene changes
the University ‘‘G. d’Annunzio’’ of Chieti after informed patient consent. and to link them to biological functions in the model system of aging.
The pulp of 10 third molars of young subjects (during apex maturation:
age 18-20) and 10 third molar pulps of older subjects (age 57-60) were
obtained. Only teeth with no clinical or radiographic evidence of caries, Semiquantitative Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase
periodontal disease, or restoration were considered for this study. Chain Reaction
Immediately after extraction, teeth were sliced for the removal of Semiquantitative reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction
the pulps. The external surfaces were cleaned with chlorhexidine 0.2%, (RT-PCR) analysis was performed using the pooled RNA samples previ-
and all external soft tissue remnants were mechanically removed. A 2-to ously described for microarray analysis. Differential expression analysis
3-mm deep groove was cut around the teeth using a diamond cutter, was performed for the genes transforming growth factor alpha (TGFA),
avoiding exposure of the pulp. Then, the teeth were fractured through transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFB1), fibroblast growth factor 1
the cutting line, and pulps were removed from the coronary pulp cham- (FGF1), caspase 1, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase (CASP1), dentin
bers. The specimens were divided into two pools of five third molars sialophosphoprotein (DSPP), alkaline phosphatase (ALPL), osteonectin
from young subjects (named respectively Young-1 and Young-2 (SPARC), and connective tissue growth factor (CTGF). First-strand comple-
groups) and two pools of five third molars from older subject (named mentary DNA (cDNA) was synthesized from 1.5 mg of total RNA using the
respectively Old-1 and Old-2 groups). RT-PCR system RETROscript (Applied Biosystem, Milan, Italy) with random
hexamers. The resultant cDNA (2 mL) was amplified in a 100-mL reaction
RNA Isolation volume containing PCR reaction buffer, 1.5 mmol/L MgCl2, 0.2 mmol/L
each deoxy-deoxyribonucleotide triphosphate (dNTP), 1 mmol/L oligonu-
Pulps were placed into RNA later (Ambion, Austin, TX) immedi-
cleotide primers (MWG Biotech, Ebersberg, Germany), and 2.5 U Ampli-
ately after removal. Total RNA was isolated by using the SV Total RNA
Taq Gold DNA polymerase (Applied Biosystems). The housekeeping gene
Isolation System (Promega, Madison, WI). RNA concentration and
glyceraldehydes-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH) was used as the
purity were determined by measuring absorbencies at 260 and 280
control. The identity of the products was confirmed by cycle sequencing
nm, and a 260:280 ratio of 1.7 was considered acceptable for analysis.
the amplified cDNA. Amplification products were resolved by 1.5% agarose
RNA was amplified using the ‘‘Amino Allyl MessageAmp II amplified RNA
gel electrophoresis and visualized by ethidium bromide staining. Primers
(aRNA) Amplification kit’’ (Ambion), which is able to produce aRNA
for semiquantitative RT-PCR are listed in Table 1.
containing 5-(3-aminoallyl)-UTP modified nucleotides and specifically
bind fluorescent dyes Cyanin3 (Cy3) and Cyanin5 (Cy5).
Quantitative Real-Time PCR
Microarray Expression Profiling Quantitative real-time PCR analysis was performed using RNAs ob-
tained from pulps from young and older dental pulps. The expression
The obtained aRNA (10-20 mg) was labeled with Cy3 or Cy5
levels of the genes TGFA, TGFB1, FGF1, caspase 1, CASP1, DSPP, ALPL,
(Amersham; Pharmacia Biotech, Buckinghamshire, UK) and hybridized
SPARC, and CTGF were analyzed. The validation analysis was performed
on the arrays. In order to correct differences in dye efficiencies and
by using the HT 7900 sequence detection system (Applied Biosystems,
minimize such a source of bias, we performed dye-swap experiments
Foster City, CA). TaqMan probes (TaqMan Gene Expression Assays,
using the assumption that both channels should be equally bright.
Applied Biosystems) were used for signal analysis. Housekeeping GADPH
Four different experiments were performed using a high-density array
was used as the internal control for relative gene expression quantization.
containing about 42,658 sequences (21,329 transcripts present in
replicates) in the form of oligonucleotidic sequences of about 70 bases
each, specific for different sequences of the human transcriptome Results
(Micro Cribi, Padova, Italy). Microarray Analysis
Fluorescent signals were captured by a ScanArray 5000 Packard The gene expression data were analyzed through different analysis
laser scanning (Packard BioChip Technologies, Billerica, MA) and techniques, including ScanArray Express software, the SAM system, and
analyzed using the ‘‘ScanArray Express’’ software. For normalization, IPA. All the methods were consistent and showed that over 1,300 genes
a single scaling factor was applied to each specimen so that the average were significantly expressed. It was possible to identify the top biological
Cy3:Cy5 ratio was 1.0 for meaningful comparison. Obtained data were functions and to compare their expression in the human dental pulp at
statistically analyzed using the SAM system (Significance Analysis of two different development stages.

1212 Tranasi et al. JOE — Volume 35, Number 9, September 2009

Clinical Research
TABLE 1. GenBank Accession Codes and Primers Used for Genes Analyzed with Semiquantitative RT-PCR
Selected Genes Gene Bank Primers
Transforming growth factor, NM_003236 Forward: AGG TCT CTA ATG ACC TTA Reverse: TGG TCT GAA
Transforming growth factor, NM_000660 Forward: CAT CCA TGA CAT GAA CCG ACC CTT Reverse: ACA GAA
Fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF1) NM_000800 Forward: ATG GCC GAA GGG GAG ATC ACA ACC Reverse: TTA GTC
Caspase1, apoptosis-related cysteine NM_033292 Forward: TGG TCT TGT GAC TTG GAG GA Reverse: TGG CTT CTT ATT
peptidase (CASP1) GGC ACG AT
Dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP) NM_014208 Forward: AAT GGG ACT AAG GAA GCT G Reverse: GAG GAT AAA GGA
Alkaline phosphatase (ALPL) NM_000478 Forward: ATC TTT GGT CTG GCC CCC ATG Reverse: ATG CAG GCT
Osteonectin (SPARC) NM_003118 Forward: ACA TGG GTG GAC ACG G Reverse: CCA ACA GCC TAA
Connective tissue growth NM_001901 Forward: GAA GAC ACT TAC GGC CCA GA Reverse: AAA CTT GAT
GAPDH (Housekeeping) NM_002046 Forward: TGA TGA CAT CAA GAA GGT GGT GAA G Reverse: TCC TTG

SAM analysis shortlisted 560 genes upregulated in older pulp and Collagen type 1 (COL1A1, COL1A2) resulted upregulated in young
758 genes in young dental pulp (showing a 4:1 ratio) involved in pulp dental pulp, whereas the expression of collagen type 3 (COL3A1) and
development and homeostasis. We focused on the most significant gene collagen type IX (COL9A2, COL9A3) was higher in older dental pulp.
family involved in dental pulp development, which can be categorized Regarding noncollagenous ECM protein, the data show a very high
into the following: growth factors, transcription regulators, apoptosis expression of DSPP and AMBN in young dental pulp.
regulators, and genes of the ECM. Then, the top biological functions generated by IPA for the signif-
In our study, SAM analysis showed the upregulation in young icant genes were compared in the samples from young dental pulp and
healthy dental pulp (negative fold change) of several genes linked to from old dental pulp (Fig. 1); the p value represents the statistical signif-
growth factors like the bone morphogenetic protein 15, the growth icance of the specific biological function: -log (p value) increases with
differentiation factor family, and the vascular endothelial growth factor statistical significance (-log (p value) = 1.30 when p value = 0.05).
A. The FGF family, the CTGF, and vascular endothelial growth factor B, Canonical pathway comparison analyses identified top biological func-
instead, resulted upregulated in older dental pulp (positive fold tions that were most significant to our data set and showed their expres-
change) (Table 2). As for genes belonging to transcriptional reculators sion in young and older pulp. The presence of biological process is
(Table 3), we found that in young dental pulp there was a high expres- reported in relation to tissue vitality and aging. In particular, the expres-
sion of Jun Oncogene (JUN) and Jun B Proto-Oncogene (JUNB), sion levels of genes linked to ‘‘cellular growth and proliferation’’; ‘‘gene
whose products are members of the transcription factors activating expression’’; ‘‘tissue development’’; ‘‘immune, lymphatic, and hemato-
protein-1. logical system development’’; and ‘‘cell death’’ have been evaluated.
Table 4 shows the expression of genes involved in the activation Worthy of note are the significant lower expression of all these functions
and regulation of apoptotic processes in human dental pulp; it is and the higher expression of genes involved in cell death regulation in
possible to observe that in older dental pulp several proapoptotic older dental pulp compared with young dental pulp.
genes, such as apoptosis-inducing factor mitochondrion-associated
1 (AIFM1) and programmed cell death family (PDCD5 and PDCD7) Semiquantitative and Real-Time RT-PCR Analyses
resulted upregulated, whereas the X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis To validate the microarray data, semiquantitative and real-time RT-
(BIRC4), an important apoptosis inhibitor, appears downregulated. PCR analyses were performed on selected genes. Data confirmed that
Finally, the expression of the encoding of important genes for the eight genes analyzed by semiquantitative RT-PCR (Fig. 2) were
collagenous and noncollagenous ECM protein was reported (Table 5). differentially expressed as predicted by microarray data. Furthermore,

TABLE 2. List of Growth Factors in Young and Older Dental Pulp

Growth factors

Name Description Gene bank Fold change Type

BMP15 Bone morphogenetic protein 15 NM_005448 –1.655 Growth factor
CTGF Connective tissue growth factor NM_001901 1.759 Growth factor
FGF1 Fibroblast growth factor 1 (acidic) NM_000800 1.632 Growth factor
FGF5 Fibroblast growth factor 5 NM_004464 2.578 Growth factor
GDF10 Growth differentiation factor 10 NM_004962 –1.581 Growth factor
PDGFA Platelet-derived growth factor alpha NM_002607 –2.051 Growth factor
TGFA Transforming growth factor, alpha NM_003236 –1.573 Growth factor
TGFB1 Transforming growth factor, beta 1 NM_000660 1.668 Growth factor
VEGFA Vascular endothelial growth factor A AF022375 –1.590 Growth factor
VEGFB Vascular endothelial growth factor B NM_003377 2.677 Growth factor
Positive values of fold change indicate genes upregulated in older dental pulp, and a negative value indicates genes expressed in young dental pulp.

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Clinical Research
TABLE 3. Expression of Transcription Regulators in Young and Older Dental Pulp
Transcription regulators

Name Description Gene Bank Fold change Type

JUN jun oncogene NM_002228 –1.547 Transcription regulator
JUNB jun B proto-oncogene NM_002229 –2.262 Transcription regulator
FOS v-fos FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral NM_005252 –4.216 Transcription regulator
oncogene homolog
PAX6 paired box 6 NM_001604 –1.505 Transcription regulator
NOTCH1 Notch homolog 1, translocation- NM_017617 –1.701 Transcription regulator
associated (Drosophila)
NOTCH2 Notch homolog 2 (Drosophila) NM_024408 –2.39 Transcription regulator
NOTCH3 Notch homolog 3 (Drosophila) NM_000435 –1.95 Transcription regulator
Oncogenes and genes of the Notch signaling pathway result expressed in young dental pulp.

a statistical analysis was performed to correlate fold change with differ- partner with them allowing precise development of the tooth at the
ential expression detected by PCR (Table 6). appropriate developmental stage. The availability of the complete
genomic of humans as well as their representative transcriptomes
Discussion has provided a platform for large-scale interrogation of genes in
Age-related changes of the dental pulp have been extensively specific organs (20). In this research, IPA identified the most signifi-
studied. As a tooth ages, vascular, lymphatic, and nerve supplies cant biological functions in human dental pulp at two different develop-
decline and fibroblasts decrease in size and number. In fact, a reduc- ment stages and showed the different expression levels of the genetic
tion of 15.6% in crown odontoblasts, a reduction of 40.6% in root pathways involved in aging.
odontoblasts, and a decreased secretory activity have been observed, A significant reduction of the vitality in older dental pulp results
suggesting that the reparative capacity of the pulp is compromised from the ‘‘gene expression,’’ ‘‘cellular and tissue development,’’
with aging (17). Furthermore, age-related changes include increases ‘‘cellular growth and proliferation’’ charts. These data are confirmed
in cross-linkages and the number of collagen fibers, lipid infiltration, by the higher expression of growth factors like bone morphogenetic
and calcifications (18). Despite many studies having investigated the protein, TGFA, growth factor differentiation family, platelet-derived
mechanisms underlying these age-related changes, we still have growth factor a, vascular endothelial growth factor a, and FGF family
much to learn of the biological control mechanisms responsible for in young dental pulp. The roles of growth factors in cell signaling during
cellular activity and survival throughout life. tooth development and regeneration have only recently been identified
In this study, we performed a RNA microarray comparison anal- (21, 22): high expression of growth factors in young dental pulp may
ysis, focusing on changes that occur in the gene expression profile of indicate that they regulate the genes controlling cell proliferation and
the human dental pulp during its development and aging. We investi- cell differentiation and that they are responsible for signaling many of
gated dental pulp tissue at two different developmental stages: young the key events in tooth morphogenesis and differentiation (23).
dental pulp during apex maturation and old dental pulp. On the other hand, our research shows the up-regulation of
Microarray is a recent and useful tool that provides an indication growth factors such as CTGF, FGFs, and TGFB1 in old dental pulp. These
of the changing gene expression between two samples that, supported proteins, secreted extracellularly, perform many cellular functions,
by the appropriate software statistical analysis, provide significant data including the control of cell growth, cell proliferation, cell differentia-
(19). Over the past 2 decades, genetic dissection of the tooth develop- tion and apoptosis. TGFB and FGFs family appear to be important mole-
ment process has identified signaling molecules and factors that cules mediating this signaling of odontoblast differentiation (24).

TABLE 4. List of Genes Involved in the Activation and Regulation of Apoptotic Processes
Apoptosis regulators

Name Description Gene bank Fold change Type

AIFM1 apoptosis-inducing factor, mitochondrion- NM_004208 1.706 Enzyme
associated, 1
MOAP1 modulator of apoptosis 1 AK024029 2.472 Other
PDCD5 programmed cell death 5 NM_004708 2.045 Other
PDCD7 programmed cell death 7 BC016992 2.926 Other
PDCD6IP programmed cell death 6 interacting protein AB037796 1.795 Other
CAPN11 calpain 11 NM_007058 2.396 Peptidase
CASP1 caspase 1, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase NM_033292 3.104 Peptidase
CASP3 caspase 3, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase NM_004346 3.176 Peptidase
CASP6 caspase 6, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase NM_001226 2.761 Peptidase
CASP7 caspase 7, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase NM_033339 2.1 Peptidase
AATF apoptosis antagonizing transcription factor NM_012138 1.841 Transcription
LYST lysosomal trafficking regulator NM_000081 3.885 Transporter
SYVN1 synovial apoptosis inhibitor 1 AB058713 –1.574 Transporter
BIRC4 X-linked inhibitor of apoptosis NM_001167 –1.494 Other
Positive values indicate genes upregulated in older dental pulp, and negative values indicate genes downregulated in older dental pulp.

1214 Tranasi et al. JOE — Volume 35, Number 9, September 2009

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TABLE 5. List of Genes Involved in the ECM Formation and Mineralization
Genes encoding for collagenous and non-ollagenous ECM proteins

Name Description Gene bank Fold change Type

COL10A1 Collagen, type X, alpha 1(Schmid NM_000493 2.645 Other
metaphyseal chondrodysplasia)
COL1A1 Collagen, type I, alpha 1 NM_000088 –1.885 Other
COL1A2 Collagen, type I, alpha 2 NM_000089 –1.719 Other
COL2A1 Collagen, type II, alpha 1 NM_001844 –1.529 Other
COL3A1 Collagen, type III, alpha 1 AK021531 1.744 Other
COL5A2 Collagen, type V, alpha 2 NM_000393 –1.573 Other
COL5A3 Collagen, type V, alpha 3 NM_015719 1.868 Other
COL8A1 Collagen, type VIII, alpha 1 NM_020351 1.981 Other
COL9A2 Collagen, type IX, alpha 2 NM_001852 2.722 Other
COL9A3 Collagen, type IX, alpha 3 NM_001853 2.606 Other
AMBN Ameloblastin (enamel matrix protein) NM_016519 –5.900 Other
DMP1 Dentin matrix acidic phosphoprotein NM_004407 2.286 Other
ALPL Alkaline phosphatase NM_000478 2.123 Phosphatase
IBSP Bone sialoprotein, bone sialoprotein II NM_004967 3.198 Other
DSPP Dentin sialophosphoprotein NM_014208 –8.992 Other
OGN Osteoglycin NM_033014 1.541 Other
SPARC Osteonectin NM_003118 –1.268 Other
MGP Matrix Gla protein NM_000900 2.262 Other

Positive values indicate genes upregulated in older dental pulp, and negative values indicate genes expressed in young dental pulp.

Secretion of these growth factors by the inner dental epithelium, their CTGF is an ECM-associated signaling molecule having mitogenic
sequestration within the dental basement membrane and their presen- and chemotactic activities that stimulate synthesis of extracellular matrix
tation to the undifferentiated dental papilla cells, provide the control of components, promoting both the growth and the differentiation of most
odontoblasts differentiation in the tooth germ (25). However, in the mesenchymal cells (27). In literature, it has been documented that
mature tooth, similar processes occur to allow recruitment of dental CTGF significantly enhances the expression of collagens, especially of
pulp stem cells and their differentiation toward odontoblast cells for collagen type III. In our opinion, and according to existing findings,
dentin bridge formation (23, 26). TFGB1, FGF1, and CTGF upregulation in older pulp may play a role in

Figure 1. The top biological functions generated by the IPA comparison analysis; the p value represents the statistical significance of the specific biological
function: -log (p value) increases with statistical significance.

JOE — Volume 35, Number 9, September 2009 SAM Evaluation of Age-related Changes in Human Dental Pulp 1215
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Figure 2. Eight genes selected for semiquantitative RT-PCR analysis. Expression levels are normalized to GAPDH housekeeping gene levels.

the reactivation of odontoblast activity during reparative dentinogenesis that is found in extensible connective tissues such as skin, lung, and the
processes (28, 29). vascular system, frequently in association with type I. The low expres-
The expression in young dental pulp of several transcription sion reported for COL3A1 in young dental pulp may suggest that type
factors like JUN and JUNB and the presence of the NOTCH pathway III collagen synthesis is not highly represented during the odontoblast
suggest a role for these genes in the control of odontoblast differentia- differentiation process and so not strictly related to the odontogenic
tion. In fact, JUN and JUNB products are members of the transcription process (33). Then, the upregulation of collagen type IX in older dental
factors activating protein-1, which probably controls most of the ECM pulp could have a role in the polymerization and aggregation of previ-
components (30), whereas NOTCH is reported to be involved in cell ously existing smaller units of collagen (34). In fact, type X collagen has
fate specification and proliferation during odontogenesis (31). been previously observed to be strongly distributed in the developing
Moreover, IPA comparison analysis shows other interesting func- human enamel organ and ameloblasts (35), and it is considered one
tions, differently expressed during pulp aging, that are related to the of the major candidate molecules of the enamel matrix involved in its
immune, lymphatic, and hematologic system development. The low mineralization. Anyhow, our data suggest that its expression still
expression in older dental pulp of these functions could be related to remains elevated during tooth aging and its secretion may also take
physiological dental pulp changes. During aging, the deposition of place during physiological reparative events.
secondary dentin increases, and the blood, lymphatic, and nerve supply It is well known that odontoblasts first synthesize and secrete
become compromised; blood vessels undergo arteriosclerotic changes, collagen type I into the extracellular matrix as a foundation for subse-
the lymphatic system shows age-related degenerative changes, and the quent mineralization. Acidic noncollagenous proteins, including DSP
pulpal nerve shows progressive mineralization (12). Mitsiadis asserts and dentin phosphoprotein, are then secreted to initiate the mineraliza-
that the dental pulp volume decreases gradually upon aging because tion processes. The expression in young dental pulp of genes involved in
of the continuous production of dentin matrix by odontoblasts and dentin matrix mineralization, like DSPP and AMBN, encoding some of
that this age-related pulp chamber reduction is associated with the elim- the principal proteins of the dentin ECM of the tooth, is significantly
ination of a certain number of odontoblasts by apoptosis (32). In agree- higher than in adult dental pulp. These proteins are synthesized and
ment with this statement, our research shows a rise of apoptosis secreted by odontoblasts and dental pulp cells to form components
regulators in older dental pulp and the upregulation of proapoptotic of dentin ECM. AMBN encodes for ameloblastin, a protein of enamel
genes like AIFM1, MOAP1, PDCD5, and PDCD7, confirming a possible also found in odontoblasts (7–9), whereas the product of DSPP gene
correlation between apoptosis and the reduction of dental pulp volume. is a phosphorylated parent protein that is cleaved post-translationally
In this research, the expression of the most significant genes of the into three dentin components: dentin sialoprotein, dentin glycoprotein,
ECM was also analyzed. Type I and III collagen constitute the major and dentin phosphoprotein (3). Conditions related to mutations of
molecular proteins of the dental tissues. COL1A1, COL1A2, COL2A1, these genes result in pathological defects of matrix mineralization
and COL5A2 resulted highly expressed in young dental pulp. Previous like dentinogenesis imperfecta type II and type III and dentin dysplasia
studies report a high expression of collagen type I in young dental type II (3). In our opinion, this study confirms that the vitality of the pulp
pulp, suggesting that this protein may be involved in odontoblastic dentinal complex decrease with aging as shown by the low expression of
differentiation or that it is a component of predentin (10). However, genes encoding for transcription regulators and the high expression of
COL3A1, COL5A3, COL8A1, COL9A2, COL9A3, and COL10A1 resulted genes involved in apoptotic processes. However, the expression in older
upregulated in older dental pulp. Collagen type III is a fibrillar collagen dental pulp of growth factors like CTGF, FGF1, FGF5, and TGFB1 and of

TABLE 6. Results of Q-RT-PCR in Selected Genes

Fold change ± SD Fold change
Selected genes Gene bank by Q-RT-PCR by microarray
Transforming growth factor alpha (TGFA) NM_003236 –4.2  2.5 –1.573
Transforming growth factor beta 1 (TGFB1) NM_000660 3.1  1.3 1.668
Fibroblast growth factor 1 (FGF1) NM_000800 2.9  1.3 1.632
Caspase 1, apoptosis-related cysteine peptidase (CASP1) NM_033292 3.1  0.3 3.104
Dentin sialophosphoprotein (DSPP) NM_014208 –7.2  1.5 –8.992
Alkaline phosphatase (ALPL) NM_000478 1.8  0.6 2.123
Osteonectin (SPARC) NM_003118 –2.5  1.1 –1.268
Connective tissue growth factor (CTGF) NM_001901 –4.4  2.6 1.759

1216 Tranasi et al. JOE — Volume 35, Number 9, September 2009

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